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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Treating this disease + 4 more


Treating this disease


One of the worst aspects of a mental malady is that those suffering cannot recognise their own problems. For instance, an animal cannot solve all their own physical problems as they are physical beings. Similarly, as humans, we cannot solve all our mental ailments by our own efforts as we are essentially psychic beings.

Key point: make mind spiritual

With our mental capacity we can solve our physical problems. For example, if we see a ripe mango hanging from the top of a tree then with our mind we can decide whether to get a ladder, use a tool, or throw a stone and by that way get the mango. By our psychic capacity we can retrieve the mango and solve our physical problem of hunger. In contrast, animals do not have the capacity to think in this way. With their instinct and certain learned behaviours they deal with a few of their physical problems, but they do not have the requisite development of mind to solve most of their physical problems. Whereas we humans can do so due to our psychic capacity. But, we cannot address all our psychic issues with our psychic capacity. Something more is needed: spirituality. Without gaining spiritual insight, we cannot solve all our mental issues. So those who lack spiritual strength suffer mentally. With spiritual gain, we can then solve our psychic problems; to gain spiritual awareness, sadhana is needed.

In short, the way out is to make the mind spiritually oriented. That is Baba's guideline. Then one will have the strength of mind to handle the psychic challenges of modern life. Unfortunately, people often fail to do this. As Ananda Margiis we should rise above this phenomenon.

Pervasive problem - yet not easy to address

All around, there are so many good people suffering from mental imbalances and problems. Some are on the street, or on the news channel, or even right beside us in our workplace or our own household. This problem is everywhere; it is common and only becoming more prevalent.

Yet at the same time it is not easy to address this matter with friends, family members, and colleagues. One cannot raise the matter directly as it is a sensitive issue. When people feel depressed, or are affected mentally in other ways, they are often in denial and do not want to hear about it. Identifying the problem and seeking treatment is not a straightforward path. So the problem exists, and the severity of the situation rises: both qualitatively and quantitatively. That is the unfortunate state of affairs. The stresses of modern life only compounds the problem.

Seeing the situation, Baba has given the following warning.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Today the number of lunatics – people suffering from psychic disorders – is on the increase.” (1)

This is the very real situation that confronts us.


The sad fact again is that it is not easy to speak openly with people about their problems. Their mental plate is fragile so telling them of their problem is a difficult endeavour. Often they will react or overreact or get even more depressed. That is the unfortunate plight that plagues humanity these days. We must exercise patience and empathy and inspire people towards the path of spirituality.

In closing, we should reflect on Baba's special teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "One of the numerous benefits of sadhana is that it keeps the mind free from psychic disease and encourages the natural growth of the mind...You must remain vigilant so that in your individual life you do not become the victim of a psychic disease." (2)

In Him,

1. Neo-Humanism: Liberation of Intellect: Disc 1
2. A Few Problems Solved-7, The Faculty of Knowledge - 3

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

All my needs have completely quenched

"Tomár saunge mor paricaya, ekádha yuger kathá nay..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2303)


Parama Purusa, my relationship with You is not only since the last few hundred or even a few thousand years. Nor is it only since the last one or two epochs or ages. From beginninglessness, since eternity, I have been singing Your divine glory. All along, You have been with me. With Your great compassion, I have always been under Your shelter.

Baba, ensconced in Your unparalleled love, my heart became satiated and fulfilled. All my needs and longings have become completely quenched and satisfied. Please allow my mind to constantly ideate on You, day and night always, so that I may become one with You.

Parama Purusa, my Gracious One, do not keep me distant. Always keep me close to Your lotus feet - under Your watch. Remain along with me constantly day and night, all the 24 hrs and immerse my mind with Your eternal nectar. Baba, make my life successful by utilising me all the time in various physical, mental, and spiritual works, in whatever way You like.

Baba, our intimate relation has been since the beginning of time. By Your causeless krpa', it will go on forever...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How religion undermines our humanity

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "On the basis of religion human beings group together and indulge in internecine feuds. Such religions are responsible for spilling the blood of innocent men and women. I don't want to single out any religion as most do not follow the path of logic. Instead they prefer to inject a certain type of cheap sentiment into the human mind to cripple the intellect and impair rational judgement.”

Majhabme akkalká dakhl nehi hae.

[In religion there is no room for logical argument.]

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In actual fact it makes the clear thinking of the human mind turbid. Religion has always commanded its followers to abide by its tenets. Those who dared show any logic were injected with a kind of fear complex. Moreover, the followers of the religions declared that their teachings were the revelations of God and had to be dutifully followed. Out of fear people submitted to this mandate. This is the basic defect of religion. On the basis of this hundreds of so-called scriptures were written in ambiguous language. Anything that destroys free thinking should not be called a scripture at all. Only that which develops the spontaneous development of human beings deserves to be called a scripture." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Can it be done by friendly persuasion

Prout philosophy states, “Considering the collective interests of all living beings, it is essential that capitalism be eradicated. But, what should be the proper method to achieve this end?"

"It cannot be denied that violence gives rise to violence. Then again, nothing can ensure that the application of force without violence, with the intention of rectification, will necessarily bring good results. So what should be done under such circumstances?"

Prout philosophy states, "Nothing would be better, if it were possible, than the eradication of capitalism by friendly persuasion and humanistic appeals. In that case the peace of the greater human family would not be much disturbed. But can it be guaranteed that everyone will respond to this approach? Some people may say that a day will come when, as a result of repeatedly listening to such appeals and gradually imbibing them over a long time, as well as through proper mental and spiritual education, good sense will prevail among the exploiters. This argument is very pleasant to hear. Such attempts are not reprehensible. But is it practicable to wait indefinitely for good sense to prevail among the exploiters? By then the exploited mass will have given up the ghost!"

1. Problems of the Day, Point #2