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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Copying west


Copying west


Sadly, nowadays those so-called less developed nations are emulating all aspects of western pseudo-culture and lifestyle. They think that the materialistic nations in the west, and in particular the US, are the top of the world. But this is an unfortunate circumstance because following the habits of materialistic communities means falling further from the path of dharma.

As Ananda Margiis, we know well that Baba’s way is the best plan– in every facet of life. Using His standard as the measuring rod, those countries whose traditional ways more closely resemble the approach of Ananda Marga are comparatively better. Whereas those nations whose ways are opposite to our Ananda Marga style are a step down. By using this simple formula, we can get a clearer picture. The main goal here is not to prove one country as being better, but rather encourage all persons in the right direction. Here then is a brief look from west to east.

Not bathing regularly

For much of the modern era, France was looked upon as the king of western (pseudo)-culture and all were emulating France’s customs with regards to food, dress, style, and etiquette etc. And while there are many ways to measure, just on the point of bathing we can see how far France was proper or not. Simply put, some French citizens have been known for not taking baths regularly – sometimes bathing only twice a week. This was the general trend. So by our common judgment we can see that this is not proper.

Standing bath

In the US, although bathing is done comparatively more frequently than in France, it is done with blistering hot water – and nearly always from a standing position. These two distinct drawbacks lead to numerous problems: damage to the reproductive organs, mental lethargy, improper hygiene; spiritual dullness.

Traditional societies emulating western dogma

In comparison the so-called third world countries of the east and other lands follow a much more refined and healthy bathing system. Even then there are exceptions such as some individuals who do not bathe regularly nor properly, especially in the winter season. But overall, the common citizens bathe every day. And the traditional way is with cold or less than body temperature water, and with various mantras and salutations. And not just India but numerous other simple countries follow a traditionally more natural bathing process that is better for the body and mind than the modern, materialistic western approach. Unfortunately, it is this modern approach that economically developing communities are adopting.

The common mass is deeply interested in following the western approach to bathing using a stand-up shower and hot water etc. They think that this will make them more respectable or more civisilised. So this is the complex they suffer from. And not just on the point of bath but on innumerable points many communities around the globe are getting dwarfed by materialism and pseudo-culture.

Bring all unto the path of dharma

As Ananda Margiis our duty is to respected and encourage the dignity of one and all and simultaneously bring everyone under the dharmic umbrella of Ananda Marga. So on the point of bath and in all aspects – food, asanas, fasting etc – people should be brought under Baba’s divine shelter and shown the proper way.

in Him,
P. Johansson

By looking west and east and seeing how people bathe we can easily get a sense of which communities are moving in the better direction – i.e. closer to the perfect ideal of Ananda Marga. Because sometimes those feeling inferior have better practices, but due to their inferiority complex they feel they should be like the dominant so-called first-world countries. As Ananda Margiis we should eradicate such differences and open the doors for all to follow Baba’s unique system of dharma.

~ In-depth study ~
When to bathe & not bathe

Here below Baba guides on the appropriate times to bathe:

“Bathing at midnight is prohibited. One must not take a bath in the midnight sandhyá. Everyone must bathe in any one of the other three sandhyás. Taking into consideration one’s health and the climatic conditions, one may also bathe [multiple times in a day] in one or both of the remaining two sandhyás.” (Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 3)

“The four sandhyás:
(1) The period from forty-five minutes before to forty-five minutes after sunrise is called “dawn”, and dawn is the first sandhyá.
(2) The period from 9 A.M. to 12 noon is called the noon sandhyá.
(3) The period from forty-five minutes before to forty-five minutes after sunset is called the evening sandhyá.
(4) The period from forty-five minutes before to forty-five minutes after 12 midnight is called the midnight sandhyá (11:15 P.M. to 12:45 A.M.).” (Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 3)

Bath mantra

Afterwards we are to recite our “Pitr Purus’ebhyo namah” mantra along with the proper mudra(s). This is a very important element as it reminds us that this life is for serving the Supreme. The overall ideation of bath mantra is quite similar to madhuvidya – see all as expressions of Parama Purusa.

Benefits of AM bathing system

So there are many essential factors in our Ananda Marga bathing bathing system. When done properly, according to Baba’s entire system, then bath has multiple benefits:
(1) Freshness;
(2) Shaoca (inner and outer cleanliness);
(3) Strengthens glands;
(4) Energizes upper cakras;
(5) Enhanced blood circulation;
(6) Mental Sharpness;
(7) Overall positivity by attracting positive microvita;
(8) Spiritual zeal;
(9) And so many more benefits.

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