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Saturday, February 5, 2022

Sign of psychic ailment + 2 more


Sign of psychic ailment


Now and again, when so-called top dadas do something wrong, such as some major scandal or skip their basic practices like fasting or tandava, then instead of trying to rectify themselves, they say things like, “Nobody follows AM teachings anyway”, or “Baba’s guidelines are for the future humanity, not for today”, or “Nobody can point out my wrongdoing because so many are not up to the mark” etc.

The implications of such an ill-considered proclamation are multifold: 
(a) Such a claim breeds a defeatist complex that no one can follow AM teachings, and that if you are one of the ones following AM ideology you will be all alone. 
(b) It makes for an acarya cadre that is impotent to inspire others to adhere to AM teachings.
(c) It creates a sense of cynicism whereby if anyone is truly interested in following AM teaching then they are mocked or characterized as fake. 
(d) It breeds an environment where some sadhakas may lose all hope and faith in the true mission of Ananda Marga, which is to propagate AM ideals. The worst outcome of this is that innocent and well-intentioned sadhakas actually leave AMPS. 

Exposes lowly mindset

Such statements have a potentially far-reaching harmful effect, but mostly what it does is betray their own lowly frame of mind. Because the reality is that there are many, many sincere AM bhaktas around the globe who are keenly following Baba’s divine guidelines. So many sadhakas rise in the morning and do Guru sakash, sing and dance kiirtana, do their sadhana, take sentient food, fast on the appropriate days, read svadhaya, speak out against local dogmas, perform social service, gather for dharmacakra, and engage in so many dharmic and spiritual pursuits. It is utterly wrong to think that no one has interest in or follows AM ideology. Rather, there are many Ananda Margiis with great interest in AM teachings, and, not only that, there are so countless seekers around the globe looking for insight and answers, and if they come in contact with AM teachings they will readily and wholly embrace AM ideals. Because AM teachings are the panacea for today’s ills in all spheres of life. So the time is ripe to do maximum AM pracara. But because some seemingly have no interest, they foolishly think no one else has any interest either.

Man-making mission

Let’s take a look at this matter point by point.

#1: As everyone is aware, first and foremost our Ananda Marga is a man-making mission. That means our chief and primary aim is to create true dharmikas, i.e. those who follow and live by spiritual principles (Sixteen Points). 

#2: To have a successful man-making mission, the teachings and codes of conduct cannot merely remain on the written page, i.e. in books only. Sadguru Baba guides us that we must become the living representatives of those teachings. 

Ananda Vanii states, “From place to place, from age to age, the elixir of immortality has been flowing forever. Through the medium of human structures this message of immortality is transmitted onwards.” (1)

In particular, Baba has created a cadre of Wts as a key component of this very work of spreading AM ideology. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Acárańát pát́hayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one’s conduct is an ácárya.” If you cannot learn anything from the conduct and behaviour of a certain person, why should you accept that person as an ácárya/á?” (2)

So-called top Dadas utterly disinterested

#3: Yet now the upper echelon of our very own organisation created for the specific purpose of establishing AM ideology is populated by people who do not practice or follow the daily disciplines of AM teachings, i.e. sadhana, fasting, asanas, sentient food etc. And it even goes step further than that. They do not believe it is even possible to follow those teachings - nor do they think that anyone anywhere around the globe has a desire to follow dharmic principles.

#4: The outcome of all this is that we have a diseased culture where the so-called top posted acaryas neither wish to follow AM teachings, nor think anyone else is following them either. 

#5: Such a wrongful approach has numerous defects: 
(a) Such a claim breeds a defeatist complex that no one can follow AM teachings, and that if you are one of the ones following AM ideology you will be all alone. 
(b) It makes for an acarya cadre that is impotent to inspire others to adhere to AM teachings.
(c) It creates a sense of cynicism whereby if anyone is truly interested in following AM teaching then they are mocked or characterized as fake. 
(d) It breeds an environment where some sadhakas may lose all hope and faith in the true mission of Ananda Marga, which is to propagate AM ideals. The worst outcome of this is that innocent and well-intentioned sadhakas actually leave AMPS. 

But no one should lose hope; there are many sadhakas around the globe who are doing and dying for AM ideals. And top of all, Sadguru Baba has come for the expressed purpose of imparting a new ideology, and for this reason alone success is certain. 


Sadguru Baba has given the great ideology that will change and shape humanity for thousands upon thousands of years. As Ananda Margis, our duty is to follow His teachings and encourage others to do the same. We should never give in to naysayers who put forth petty proclamations, even if coming from a seemingly respected Wt. Rather, we should proceed on, keeping only Sadguru Baba Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji as our polestar.

Baba says, “A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers’ stone. Just as the philosophers’ stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem.” (3)

Caryacarya states, “Observe uncompromising strictness and faith regarding the sanctity of the Ádarsha (Ideology).” (4)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “O’ human beings! be established in the radiance of divinity and the splendour of valour and chivalry, because yours is the path of revolution. Your path is not the path of extra caution and scheduled movement. You are the traveller of a rugged path. You are travellers of an impregnable path. You have to march ahead proudly with the flag of Marga upright. You have no time to stagger or to look behind.” (5)

In Him, 

Caryacarya states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrtijii through jánusparsha and varábhaya mudrás, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of all-round welfare. Oṋḿ shánti!” (6) 

Arguably, the biggest tragedy in our AMPS these days is that those in the so-called upper echelon of the organisation are not interested in following Ananda Marga teachings. Indeed, some of those so-called big dadas do not even seem to think it is possible. That is the sad reality. 

1. Ananda Vanii #66
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
3. Problems of the Day, Point #36
4. Sixteen Points, Point #11
5. Subhasita Samgraha 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala
6. Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 1, Concluding Words

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Your name is most dear

"Toma'rei priyo na'm, tumii parin'a'm, toma'kei niye jato a'sha'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3576)


My Parama Purusa, Your name is most dear, most sweet. You are the destination as well as the supreme Goal. All my hopes are related with You; I do not have any mundane desires. All the 24 hrs I think about You. Your beauty floats In the beautiful sky. My coming and going, life and death, is only to serve You.

Parama Purusa, Baba, I do not know anything about “cause and effect” theory. This much only I know: You are the Creator and the creation; You are the maintenance; and, You are the culmination. My Nearmost, You are everything. Ever-blissful Rhythmic Entity who has a heavenly flow of spiritual nectar, by Your divine knowledge You destroy all hopelessness. 

Parama Purusa, By Your grace with the melody of the sound of omkara, my mind is dancing and revolving around You, with the tune and melody of consciousness, beyond the horizon. In this super, charming psycho-spiritual realm, with the sublime vibration of three worlds, my soul is immersed in You. That ecstasy is beyond my description; there is no language to describe that endless joy. 

Parama Purusa, Baba, I do sastaunga pranam at Your lotus feet again and again and again…

== Section 3: Links ==