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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Sufferings + 2 more



Am I doing something or facing a reaction? In general there are two types of events in life. Either a person is (a) facing the reaction of their past action or (b) creating an entirely new action. The question then becomes what is the magic formula to distinguish between the two. Specifically, how do we know if we are undergoing a reaction to a past action or generating a new samskara by our current original action. 

The key word in this formula is singular: deliberately. If we are not doing anything deliberately and something happens to us, then we are undergoing a reaction from one of our past actions. Here are a few examples.

Examples of karmaphala (undergoing reaction)

Suppose John is walking down the street in a very normal manner on a clear day and suddenly a branch falls on his head. In that case, that is clearly an example of John facing his own samskara, or experiencing a reaction from his past action. The reason is that he had no plan for that branch to fall on his head and he made no deliberate attempt to make that happen. This is something that happened to him. 

The same is the case if Shyam is innocently walking down the street going to his job when all of a sudden a stray bullet hits him. Here also, Shyam did nothing to invite that bullet. Shyam was merely walking down the street - just like he always does - and out of nowhere a bullet hits him. This is a clear-cut example of Shyam facing the reaction of his past action. 

The same is true if someone contracts any disease or catches the coronavirus. No one deliberately does anything to bring such harm upon themselves. Rather, people want to be healthy and happy. Regardless of their lifestyle, if someone faces any disease, then that is absolutely a reaction from a deed they did in the past. 

Another type of incident is when one is minding their own business and then all of a sudden some type of imbalanced person approaches them and hurls all kinds of insults on them. In that case, the recipient of those insults is undergoing the reaction of a past action because this is something that happened to them.

Examples of creating original action

Now let’s explore the antithesis. Let’s take a look at some examples where a person is deliberately doing something, i.e. playing an active role, where they are creating a new action and thus generating a samskara. 

An example is when someone plans just even a few minutes to do good things then in that case also that person is clearly engaging in a new action. In that situation, his mental engagement is an original action. So he is mentaly doing something that is going to generate a good reaction. 

Was it deliberate or not?

So again, the operative principle in the equation is if someone was deliberately planning a particular event or not. If they were completely passive and something happened to them then they are definitely experiencing karmaphala, i.e. the fruits of their past actions. 

Whereas, if someone knowingly and actively performs a given act -- whether that be tiny, big, good or bad -- then they are making an original action, and one day they will have to undergo the reaction to that action, whether that be tiny, big, good or bad.

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

Here is one very unique point regarding Ananda Marga samskara theory. 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When people rob others, or indulge in hypocrisy, or cheat people, or indulge in tall talk day after day, they are committing original actions. When a dishonest government employee accepts a bribe it is an original action, and when his son gets sick and has to be rushed to the doctor it is the reactive action (the reaction to the original action). When his son dies he laments, “I haven’t knowingly done anything wrong. Oh, Lord, why have you given me such severe punishment.” But God did not give him any punishment – the deep sorrow he felt at the death of his child was the result of his past original actions.” (1)

Nagina & revenge

#1: On a related front, in Nagaina Da’s book there is a long section about his interactions with his boss and his subsequent demotions. Nagina Da raised this matter with Baba. And Baba warned Nagina not to even think of taking revenge against his boss. But one may appeal to the appropropriate worldly authorities for a case review etc. 

#2: As per Ananda Marga samskara theory, by thinking ill of others one will have to face the consequences.

#3: Prakrti acts according to one’s human samskaras; prakrti does not lash out at anyone unnecessarily. So there is a greater cause at play for why Nagina Da was demoted. 

#4: We have every right - indeed it is our moral duty - to appropriately question and appeal on the worldly level to any injustices against us.

Wrongly blame God

#5: When some suffer undergo outcomes they do not like, then their first reaction is to blame God. But that is completely inappropriate and wrong. Parama Purusa does everything for our welfare so there is no scope to blame Him for anything. The ultimate answer as to why we undergo any type of suffering is simply due to undergoing the reactions from our own past actions, i.e. samskara theory. That is the answer on the cosmic level to all suffering. 

Conclusion: sadhana is the solution

#6: The way out is to do maximum sadhana and destroy all existing samskaras that lead to such suffering and tension.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The constant thought of your pure inner Self will certainly one day establish you in your original source, and this is the ultimate aim of Sádhaná. The Soul is by nature characteristically pure. The mind gets tied to Saḿskáras (potential reactions) due to its actions, and that is why the unit becomes the slave of life and death. When all the Saḿskáras are destroyed through spiritual Sádhaná and mental purification, one goes beyond life and death to the eternal region of immortality, where there is no difference between the soul and His Supreme Soul.” (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 8, Sádhaná
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 1

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have blessed me

Ámár sakal duhkher májhe, ele tumi duhkha harań ..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1421)


My Supreme Entity, You are Duhkhaharan'. You came when I was feeling depressed, surrounded by sorrows and suffering; my life was unbearable. You came with eyes gazing, silent footsteps, a loving smile, and a charming face. You have blessed me, rescued me from the depths of the deep gorge, and wiped away my tears.

Parama Purusa, in distress I called You and looked towards You. Raising both my hands in full surrender, I cried out and pleaded, "My Lord, please save me; You are my only shelter. I take refuge in You. If You will not save me who will. I am completely depending upon You with full surrender." Then and there, You rescued me. 

Baba, the Supreme One, upon opening my eyes I see Your refulgence has filled the sky. With Your august presence, the whole universe has become enveloped in Your shining brilliance, and my mind and heart are now drenched in Your love. My Parama Purusa, remembering Your glory, singing Your songs with all my heart, and holding Your lotus feet, I surrender unto You…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1421:

[1] Dukhaharan': Parama Purusa is the remover of sorrows and suffering. That is why, among His infinite epithets and qualities, one of His names is Dukhaharan' (Dukha= pain or suffering; haran'= to take away). In the Mahabharat era when the Queen Draopadi faced humiliation at the hands of her captors, she surrendered fully and was saved. The point is that being the Dukhaharan', Parama Purusa removes a sadhaka's afflictions. Afflictions are of three types: physical, psychic, and spiritual. So when any bhakta is suffering from any trouble or torment in any realm of life then Parama Purusa Baba showers His grace and relieves them of their pain and suffering.