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Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Cure by dhyana + 5 more


Cure by dhyana


Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita after initiation, does dhyána perfectly and follows certain food restrictions, the disease will be completely cured. Dhyána attracts many positive microvita. Negative microvita can only be controlled by positive microvita. The positive microvita eat the negative microvita and this is the reason why the disease is cured.” (1)

Baba’s blessing mudra

Mudras are gestures. And these mudras or gestures convey a particular idea. When the Sadguru gives His special mudras, He helps and blesses His disciples so they may progress physically, psychically and spiritually. And there are particular occasions when He gives His highest mudras - i.e. His great blessings.

When one is physically close to the Guru then He may touch some disciple at various cakras ie. the trikuti point or on the crown of the head, i.e. sahasrara cakra. And when there are crowds seeking the presence of Guru, such as at DMC, then Baba gives His mudra blessings to one and all from His dais. So physical touch is not necessary. By merely ideating upon that mudra brings tremendous spiritual force to the aspirant.

The use of mudras is key in the sadhana of every sadhaka. Baba has given two mudras available for doing anudhyána. That is His great blessing. And both mudras  have their special quality. Margiis can use the prescribed one. The two mudras referred to here are: varabhaya mudra and janusparsha mudra.

Those doing sahaja yoga – the standard six lessons of Ananda Marga sadhana – use varábhaya mudra when doing anudhyana. 'Vara' means 'blessing', and 'abhaya' means 'fearlessness' - the blessing of fearlessness. While those sadhakas suited for sadharana yoga*, according to Baba’s recommended guidelines, do their anudhyána using jánusparsha mudra. Both these mudras (varábhaya and jánusparsha) are infused with Baba’s special grace and blessing.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Mudrá is “the externalization of internal feeling” and means “to express the desires of the mind”.” (2)

* Practitioners of sadharana yoga are those who (a) eat onion, garlic, junk food, & meat; or, (b) are morbidly obese; or, (c) use intoxicants; or, (d) are autistic; or, (e) are physically handicapped; or, (e) are developmentally disabled; or, (f) are mentally imbalanced; or (g) are too busy to practice for more than a few minutes etc. All these types of people are taught sadharana yoga because they cannot practice sahaja yoga due to their limitations.

“Parama Purusa is with me”

Here is another important aspect of the varábhaya & jánusparsha mudra. Ananda Margii understands that Parama Purusa is always with them. But to realise this practically, these two mudras, varábhaya & jánusparsha, are very, very helpful in the practice of anudhyána. Without this type of anudhyána practice, the concept that “Parama Purusa is with me” will remain in the philosophy only. This theory will not come in the domain of realisation. So we can understand that these two mudras are highly significant for sadhaka.

Through these two mudras, in their anudhyána practice one can have Him in their close proximity, gain spiritual realization, and make their life successful. Those who practice anudhyána and sadhana understand this well. Then they can realise Him with all the senses and inferences; and, in that case their heart becomes satiated by having Him and finally realize the Supreme Entity. In that state, one’s spiritual desire will be permanently satiated and sadhakas can reach to the goal Parama Purusa, by His grace. The spiritual and personal meaning of both these mudras is highly significant.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji through januspharsha and varábhaya mudras, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of welfare. Omn Shanti!” (3)

When DMC or DMS: blessing

We all know that during DMC Baba would bless everyone by giving His varábhaya mudra. This was the case with every DMC, whether it was a large semi-annual DMC or a small DMC. On all such occasions, Baba would graciously give His varábhaya mudra. That was the culmination of the DMC.

And if for some reason varábhaya mudra was not given, then it would not be considered DMC, but rather DMS. Indeed there were many occasions when a DMC was announced but then for whatever reason varábhaya mudra was not given. So the occasion would thereafter be referenced as DMS – even though beforehand it was announced as DMC.

This brings the point that DMS can occur with or without Guru’s physical presence. If He was there for an announced DMC but did not give varábhaya mudra then that occasion would be DMS. And if He was not present for a dharma gathering, He would send His representative and in that case it was also a DMS. That was the system in that pre-1990 era.

That distinction aside, in addition to the DMC, there were other occasions on which Baba would grace everyone with His varábhaya mudra such as during the celebration of Ananda Purnima, Diipavali, Color Festival, Vijaya Dashami (Victory Day). According to His wish, He would give His varábhaya mudra on those occasions as well. Nobody knew beforehand if He would do it or not. It was all depending solely on His wish. It was His causeless grace on His bhaktas.

Plus, it was known, that sometimes He would give His varábhaya mudra in the acarya or avadhuta meetings and on some rare occasions during PC also. That is the basic overview of Baba giving His varábhaya mudra.


These two mudras -  varábhaya and jánusparsha - are Baba’s great boon upon sadhaka and the whole humanity.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Utilizing the vibrations created for eternal time by Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji through januspharsha and varábhaya mudras, take yourself and the entire universe ahead along the path of welfare. Omn Shanti!” (4)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Microvita radiated through these two mudrás

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Suppose the Sadguru is saying something, and the deaf or dumb man wants to hear it but cannot. If one concentrates the mind on varábhaya mudrá, there will be the direct effect of positive microvita on the auricular or other nerve cells and also on the controlling cells, and it may be that all of a sudden he may get back the power of hearing. One should look towards these two mudrás and not to anything else. Microvita are radiated through these two mudrás. This is the inner secret. This is supernatural, but not illogical. Certainly it is supernatural because it does not come within the scope of natural phenomena." (5)

Mudra in Guru sakásha

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Prátah means “in the morning”.
“Shirasi means “at the topmost point” – that is to say, in the Guru cakra. Shukle means “in a white”; abje means “in the lotus”; shuklébje means “in or on a white lotus”. And you have to meditate on the Guru who is dvinetra [endowed with two eyes, and dvibhuja [endowed with two hands]. In what posture is this Guru endowed with two eyes and two hands? In varábhaya mudrá [the gesture imparting fearlessness and bestowing grace]. He is your well-wisher and your benefactor."

"Whatever words you use mentally to address the Guru at the time of dhyána or Guru dhyána, should also be used at the time of this Guru dhyána. You should always address the Guru for an extended period. This is Gurusakásha." (6)

Disease completely cured by 6th lesson

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita before initiation and does dhyána sincerely after initiation, the disease will not spread but be contained. However, for different types of diseases one has to follow different food restrictions and practice dhyána at specific times."
   "If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita after initiation, does dhyána perfectly and follows certain food restrictions, the disease will be completely cured. Dhyána attracts many positive microvita. Negative microvita can only be controlled by positive microvita. The positive microvita eat the negative microvita and this is the reason why the disease is cured. For example, if a person is suffering from jaundice, a disease caused by negative microvita, and if dhyána is practised perfectly, the disease will be cured very quickly. In the case of cancer, say stomach cancer, certain food restrictions will have to be strictly followed. When pain starts in the stomach one should sit for dhyána, but just prior to this one should take some juice from a sweet tasting, not a sour tasting fruit. After performing dhyána, one should take another drink which is different from the first drink. The patient should also avoid any food which causes gas in the stomach, such as pappad, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, etc." (7)

Sanctity of the pratikriti

1. The pratikriti of the blessing mudras are essential for Guru sakash and 6th lesson. In Guru sakash, sadharana yogiis should use varabhaya mudra. But in anudhyana sadharana yogiis will use janusparsha mudra.

2. Those practicing sahaja yoga sadhana should use varabhaya mudra in their Guru sakash and anudhyana.

3. With bhakti, if any sadhaka wishes to meditate on any mudra they can do. It fully depends upon the heartfelt feeling of the bhakta.

4. One should be careful not to put varábhaya and jánusparsha mudras on display in front of those not strict in Ista – i.e. point #10 of Sixteen Points. In that case it should be covered up or put away.

Used by sádharana yogiis

As you may know, jánusparsha mudra is also used in the lessons of visheśa yoga. But that does not mean that this pratikriti should not be available to a sádharana yogii sadhakas / Ananda Margiis. Rather, all sincere Ananda Margiis are to keep pristine images of either one or both varábhaya mudra and janusparsha mudra. Naturally though, in their anudhyána, they should only use the needed one. If any margii does not have a pratikriti then they should ask Centre to provide it.

A dogma of some visheśa yogiis

Baba has given criteria for imparting sadharana yoga meditation to some type of sadhakas. Essentially, the practitioner will be guided to do anudhyana using the janusparsha mudra.

However, since the jánusparsha mudra is also used in visheśa yoga, some confused persons that think that this mudra is specially dedicated for vishesh yogis – and no one else. For that reason, some do not like to give the jánusparsha mudra pratikriti to general margiis. This is their dogmatic viewpoint.

One should not forget that according to Guru there are certain sádharana yogii sadhakas who need to use the jánusparsha mudra in their anudhyána. So our duty is to clear up this confusion. Sádharana yogi margiis should approach centre and put forth their request. Because it is their right to have access to that pratikriti for their spiritual practice(s). This matter of jánusparsha mudra should not get trapped in any type of dogma.  And if finally you don't have a photo, then ask your Wt / acarya.

Specifically, ‘janu’ means ‘knee’, and ‘sparsh’ means ‘touch’.

1. Microvita in a Nutshell, Questions and Answers on Microvita – Excerpt C
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education – Excerpt D
3. Caryacarya – 1, ‘Concluding Words’
4. Caryacarya – 1, ‘Concluding Words’
5. Microvita in a Nutshell, Questions and Answers on Microvita – Excerpt D
6. Yoga Psychology, Under The Shelter of the Guru
7. Questions and Answers on Microvita – Excerpt C

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

Your presence was so charming

"Nayane esechile svapane..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0062)


O’ Parama Purusa, You came in my dream. Your presence was so charming, vibrating, and attractive. How You blessed me in my sleep; I cannot ever forget Your closeness. Yet, what is this unkind liila of Yours, i.e. Your divine game of shade and light. When I woke up I found You were no longer here with me. You secretly left. Your absence gives me pain.

O’ Supreme Entity, on the one hand, across the sky, there are bright stars. And in my heart, by Your grace there is a flow of prema of divine effulgence. But on the other hand, Your absence means sadness and misery. Without You I am so alone - so lonely. It is unbearable. I cannot bear this suffering. O’ love personified One, please look towards me.

Baba, O’ Prabhu, what are all these lights and shadows - and rainbow-coloured attachments in this universe. Your creation is ephemeral. You make all completely engaged in this everchanging creation, whereby everyone gets extremely busy in useless pursuits. This is Your special play so they do not do sadhana. What a grand liila of hide and seek You are playing with me... 

== Section: Important Teaching  ==

Imposing maximum balance on bank accounts

Prout philosophy states, “One pertinent question is whether both a ceiling on landed property and a ceiling on bank balances have to be imposed. It goes without saying that both methods have to be adopted, but the latter should precede the former. This will bring immediate cash to the government to help establish new industries on the one hand, and it will check the growth of capitalism on the other. By enforcing land ceilings no direct benefit can be expected to accrue to the nation because the available arable land will not be increased, nor will production be increased, since it is not the function of the government to cultivate land. Such an approach would wound the public sentiment and the public would think that the state had replaced the Zamindars. In the face of food shortages it is not advisable to change land policies immediately.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

उन्हें क्या सुनाया जाए

“मनुष्य अपने मन की बात किसको सुनाएँगे ? परमपुरुष को ही सुनाएँगे | क्योंकि दुनियावालों को सुनाने से क्या फ़ायदा है ? समस्या का समाधान जिनके हाथों में है, उन्हें न, सुनाना है ?

[मार्गी लोग---"बाबा बाबा बाबा !"]

और इसमें और भी एक सुविधा भी है कि---जो दिल की बात जानते हैं, जो दिल में रहते हैं, दिल के बसैया हैं, उनको दिल की बात क्या सुनाओगे | वे तो सुन ही रहे हैं |

[मार्गी लोग---"बाबा बाबा बाबा !"]

इसलिए आख़िर तक प्राचीन काल के विद्वान लोग, भक्त लोग, ज्ञानी लोग इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुँच गए थे, कि---उन्हें क्या सुनाया जाए | सबसे अच्छा तो है कि उन्हीं का कीर्त्तन किया जाए | क्यों ? न, कीर्त्तन करने से उन्हीं का भाव, उन्हीं की भावना, मन में रह जाएगी | और मन में उन्हीं की भावना रहने से होगा क्या ? मनुष्य की सारी सत्ता क्रमशः उनके निकट, नज़दीक, पहुँच जाएगी | और, उससे बड़ा कल्याण जीवों का, और-क्या हो सकता है |”
[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] (1)

1. दिल के बसैया, NP,GD, 1 January 1988, Ananda Nagar

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

তাতে কোনও লাভ হয়নি

“যা এত দিন হয়ে গেছে, তা অবনতিই হয়েছে | মানুষকে নিচের দিকেই নামিয়ে দিয়েছে | তাতে কোনও লাভ হয়নি | বৃথা কাল-ক্ষয় হয়েছে | সময় নষ্ট করা হয়েছে | মুখে দাবি করা হয়েছে---”এই করেছি, ওই করেছি, এই করেছিলুম, ওই করেছিলুম” | আসলে কাজের কাজ তাতে কিছুই হয়নি | এই যেন সেই, হয় না---যে ঈশ্বরপ্রেম নেই | কিন্তু খুৰ নাক টিপে প্রাণায়াম করছে | বা খুৰ শীর্ষাসন করছে, ঠ্যাঙ্গ উপরে তুলে, মুণ্ডু নিচে করে | তাতে কি কোনও কাজ হয় ?   

আসন মারে ক্যা হুআ, জো গঈ ন মন কী আস |
জ্যোং কোল্হূ  কে ৰৈল কো ঘর হী কোস পচাস ||  


তো, সেই ব্যাপার, উন্নতি-টুন্নতি হয়নি |”

1. অপ্রকাশিত,আনন্দ নগর ১৯৮৪

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Getting answers to questions about illness

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The remedies for illnesses or answers to questions that a person receives at the shrine of different gods and goddesses is not due to the greatness of those gods and goddesses. As a result of sincere longing a state of one-pointedness arises in the mind and if, at that time, that person falls into deep sleep because of physical tiredness then the answers to his or her questions may descend from the unconscious mind into the subconscious mind. There the person receives the answers to his or her questions about illness or other questions according to his or her mental conceptions and beliefs. The person thinks that he or she has perhaps received these answers due to the grace of such-and-such god or goddess. Actually, thanks to the grace of the Supreme Consciousness, his or her unconscious mind is the hidden repository of infinite knowledge. Due to one-pointedness, the person has been able to temporarily submerge part of his mind within the boundaries of that profound knowledge.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Indukamala to Iyatta (Discourse 7))

== Section 3: Links ==