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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Poisonous & anti-AM story


Poisonous & anti-AM story


In the below story in green highlight is a tale based on the psychic disease of hallucination. Sadly, this is a very negative and harmful story. As everyone knows, Sadguru Baba has categorically declared the existence of ghosts to be a bogus idea. But the story below highlighted in green promotes the existence of ghosts.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Ghosts do not exist.” (Ananda Sutram, 3 - 6)

Not a so-called ghost but a hallucination
(a) This harmful story of hallucinations injects the idea that ghosts exist and that they can kill you.
(b) The main person in the story, i.e. the student, is suffering from the psychic disease of hallucination. For years and years, he has propagated the false notion that ghosts exist, and that he has encountered and come in direct contact with a fictitious ghost 

(c) Baba’s teaching is that those who think they see ghosts are actually conjuring up the existence of an apparition of a so-called ghost in their own diseased mind.

(d) The conclusion is that the student in the story suffers from a weak mind / psychic disease of hallucination, and that this was all his wild imagination. 

Even good sadhakas / margiis fall prey

Here is another way to look at the situation: For the last 30 years various sadhakas have been propagating this harmful story of hallucination, and hence reinforcing the false notion that ghosts exist. Even good sadhakas who were not believing in ghosts got drawn into this so-called ghost story. By this way, this harmful hallucination story has been spreading around as proof that ghosts exist.

Despite the fact that Sadguru Baba has declared that ghosts do not exist, and scientists have supported this claim, in so-called third world nations and in populations where illiteracy is rampant, the mass of people believe fully in the existence of ghosts. These innocent people are easily misled by this story. And in so-called first-world nations, psychologists and doctors have termed the mental disorder of seeing so-called ghosts as hallucinations. However, because of this harmful story of hallucination, margiis from those areas have subscribed to the belief in ghosts. The whole scene is quite shocking and abhorrent. 

Disciples going against Sadguru

On the one side, Sadguru Baba has come to free humanity from all kinds of psychic diseases including hallucinations and the existence of so-called ghosts, and on the other side some of His own disciples are giving credence to the bogus idea of so-called ghosts and cementing this false notion in the minds of others.

Harmful hallucination story

Keeping the above in mind, kindly read the story in the below green highlight so that you can properly warn others about this harmful story of hallucinations, and eradicate this dogma of the existence of ghosts.


In the state of Maha'rastra in West India, there is a place called Akola. There was a devotee and his family there who all learned A'nanda Ma'rga meditation. They meditated regularly but their faith in the Guru was not strong. The son was studying at the university while living at home. One night, the son's friend went to his house at 10pm and invited him to go for a bicycle ride with him. So the student rode the bicycle and his friend sat on the back of it. Outside the city, they passed through what the student thought was a very big field. But that field was actually a cemetery, and it was a very frightening one.

Suddenly, in the middle of the cemetery, the student turned to look at his friend on the back seat, and saw that he was not there anymore. He became very frightened and started trembling, and the hair on his body stood on end. A negative force pulled him down and he fell off the bicycle. Then the avidya' force started pulling him towards a well and tried to push him down into it.

In utter desperation, the student suddenly remembered the pratika around his neck, but when he felt for it, he found it was not there. Still struggling against the avidya' force, with his finger, he managed to draw the pratika on the ground, and he saw that it was very powerful and vibrated effulgent light, so he started to frantically draw pratikas on the ground, one after another. Not sooner had he finished one, he started drawing another. In that way, he fought with the avidya' force the whole night, until he finally crossed that big, terrifying cemetery.

The student lay by the side of the road outside the cemetery, totally exhausted and semi-conscious. It was four o'clock in the morning. As a rickshaw driver was passing, he looked at the student and recognised him, so he pulled him onto his rickshaw and brought him back home.

Note: By the end of the above story it is clear that this was just a regular road that was commonly traveled by all sorts of people like rickshaw drivers. People were coming and going on that road all day and night long and were not affected at all. Only because that student had been indoctrinated into the horror of cemeteries and the existence of ghosts since his very childhood was he prone to that psychic disease of hallucinations. And that is why he was so adversely affected. Whereas for those not indoctrinated into those hallucinations, that road by the cemetery was just a very normal place on this earth, and it did not cause them to drop into an unconscious state or get overwhelmed by various hallucinations.

In Him, 
Manoj Deva

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have appeared

"Ke go tumi ele man ma'ta'te manorathe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0412)


Who are You who has come on this auspicious morning riding a mental chariot and spiritually intoxicated my mind. By Your august arrival, You have stirred my consciousness. You are so gracious; please tell me Who You are. Resplendent One, You have appeared in my mind on my Guru cakra and immersed my entire existence in cosmic bliss.

My Supreme One, You have come treading the path of spiritual refulgence, taken away everyone's unit worldly vibration and mundane attraction, and removed the stain from their mind. You have satiated their heart and mind by pouring Your infinite cosmic waves of bliss. All are in brahmananda.

Who are You who has come treading the path of melody, tune, song, and dance. You have removed everyone's unit rhythm and infused all with Your celestial heavenly tune by pouring Your supreme cadence. You have come to sing the songs of bhakti to everyone and satiate their heart.

Who are You who has inundated the entire universe with blissful songs. You are ever-gracious...