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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Bad way to do shavásana + 3 more


Bad way to do shavásana


First let’s examine and understand how Ananda Marga philosophy instructs us how to perform shavasana (corpse posture).

Right way of doing shavasana

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Shavásana (corpse posture): Lie quietly on the back like a corpse and imagine that you are dead. Keep the arms away from the chest, on the floor, in a perfectly relaxed condition. Duration – Those for whom shavásana has been specially prescribed will practise up to ten minutes.” (1)

In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba is guiding us that when doing shavasana then both body and mind should be fully relaxed. One should just lie there like a dead person. That is the ideal and perfect way to practice shavasana (corpse posture).

As sadhakas, since we are to do half-meditation, ie. Ista mantra japa all the twenty four hours, then naturally that mantra japa will continue during shavasana as well.

Bogus way of doing shavasana (corpse posture)

The following is how new age yoga teachers present their bogus shavasana poses to their students, at that very time when that student is in shavasana. Their way of teaching shavásana (corpse posture) disturbs the students’ mind. The so-called yoga teacher starts speaking the below out loud for their students to followat  that time when student is in shavasana:

Making sure that your breathing is calm and relaxed. Now go through your whole body, starting at your feet, consciously making sure that each part is completely relaxed – with no muscular tension at all. Go from the feet up the legs, consciously checking each part, into the groin area, into the abdomen (also feeling that your internal organs are relaxed), into the chest and shoulders, from the fingers and hands up the arms, then into the neck and up into the face, relaxing the facial muscles, including the eyes, and finally to the top of the head, feeling that your brain is also relaxed. Check once more that you are breathing calmly, and stay like that – fully relaxed – for a few more minutes.

This concludes the fake yoga way of doing shavasana where the mind is disturbed by following all sorts of petty instructions.

Train travel analogy: No one could sleep

The situation of the above mentioned yoga teacher is similar to one son who was given the duty by his father to care for his relatives and esteemed guests as they traveled overnight on the train to his sister’s wedding. The father told his son to travel on the overnight train with all the wedding attendees to ensure those guests were comfortable. The son was not very sharp so during the entire overnight train ride, every 10-15 minutes he would ask each guest, “Are you comfortable? Are you sleeping alright?” By the son’s constant queries etc, not a single one of the guests could sleep through the night. The son ruined the trip for everyone. Same is the case with those fake yoga teachers who constantly nudge and prod their students with their petty suggestions during shavasana and disturb them.


Unfortunately, now some in our AMPS are copying this new age, fake yoga approach - and teaching this to others in the name of Ananda Marga. As Ananda Margiis we should adhere to Guru’s guidelines and not drag this bogus way of doing shavasana (corpse posture) into AMPS.

in Him,
(Robert Davis)

Mind cannot do two things simultaneously

As Sadguru Baba teaches us, the mind cannot think or do two things at the same time. So when one is relaxed in shavasana they cannot side by side think in a technical manner. Thinking in a complex manner or following some type of instructions will ruin their state of relaxation. That destroys the benefits of shavasana. Just one may do their mantra japa.

But fake yogis do their guided shavasana (corpse pose). This is the fad of fake yoga these days. However, this approach is contrary to Guru’s guidelines and ruins the benefits of shavasana. Because if one is thinking in a technical manner about certain body parts etc they will not get mental ease. In that case, the purpose of shavasana will be lost.

1. Caryacarya - 3, Ásanas, List of ásanas, Point #33

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Please remain here

“Runu jhunu runu jhunu núpur báje, din gune kál gune phálgune…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0317)


O’ Parama Purusa, I can hear the runu jhunu runu jhunu sound of the nupur. I have been counting the days and tracking the moments. Baba, in the middle of this spring season, You came amidst the flowers. Your exquisite arrival is so blissful.

O’ Parama Purusa, with all my heart I want to make You my own - in my remembrances, in my manan, in each and every prahara - all the 24hrs. Now that You have come, please remain here, in Your most attractive mohan form, along with me forever - making my heart overflowing with bliss.  

Parama Purusa, with Your rhythmic tempo and exuberant bliss, with which mystical, magical spell have You spiritually intoxicated the world. You are the dignity and pride of everyone. You are the quintessence of all. Today, by receiving Your sway, all dance. By Your energy and by Your grace all are prancing and rejoicing….

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0317:

[1] Runu jhunu: The sound of omnkara.

[2] Nupur: This universe exists in the mind of Parama Purusa and is marked by three processes: Creation, sustenance, and destruction. Those process are represented by three sounds: A - U - MA. That is the sound of omnkara. Thus Parama Purusa is dancing in the rhythm of creation, sustenance, and destruction. These are the sounds emanating from the ankle bell of Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Listen to these three sounds of aum: a, u, ma. They represent the creation, the retention [or preservation], and the destruction. The first sound, a, represents creation; the second sound, u, represents retention; the third sound, ma, represents destruction. So all those innumerable sounds, all those fifty sounds, are represented by these supreme sounds, a, u and ma; and collectively a-u-ma becomes aum.” (1)

For unit beings the sound they hear depends upon the degree of their realisation. If, by His grace, their mind is in an exalted state then they will hear the full omnkara sound. If one's mind is less elevated they will hear a different type of sound like the roar of the ocean, the sweet melody of the flute, the chirping of the crickets etc. At different stages of realisation the sadhaka can hear these sounds as detailed in the discourse, “The Six Stages of Realization.”

So it is all dependent upon the quality of mind. That determines which sound a person will hear. It is similar to someone looking at a very colourful flower. If their eyes are perfect they will see all the colours of that flower. And if their vision is compromised in any way or if they are colour-blind they will only see one or two of the colours. It depends upon the quality of their vision. In the same way, hearing the omnkara sound is wholly dependent upon the quality of mind of the aspirant.

[3] Manan: This is the contemplation or ideation of the Supreme Entity by repeating the Lord's name or remembering His tales in the mind. This special process Baba has described in-depthly in His various teachings of devotional and spiritual life.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya'sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential." (2)

[4] Prahar: Each day is broken up into eight segments or eight periods. And these periods are known as 'prahar'. In that way, each prahar is three hours length in duration. Here Baba explains more about prahar and various other segments of time.

Baba says, "The verbal root 'mas' means 'to measure'. By adding 'ghain' to 'mas' we get ma'sa whose etymological meaning is 'a measurement of time' or 'a period of time'. Thus ma'sa in this sense means 'era', 'lunar year', 'lunar month', 'lunar day', 'solar year', 'solar month', 'fortnight', 'week', 'solar day' or ahora'tra (from sunrise to sunrise), prahara (three hours), hour, minute, second, fraction-of-second and so forth -- all of these." (3)

[5] Mohan: Parama Purusa has infinite attributions and in His role as Mohan and He attracts bhaktas towards Him. 
  Ananda Marga philosophy states, “When I lose myself, when ́I’ becomes dear to that Entity, when ́I’ becomes the source of joy to that Entity, a stage is finally reached when my unit existence is completely lost in that Entity. The losing of oneself, the state of being lost or as a matter of fact, the beginning of the process of losing oneself to the very source of joy, is known as mohanavijiṋána, or the science of supra-aesthetics. And the Entity to whom we lose ourselves is Mohana, or the embodiment of enchantment. Parama Puruśa is Mohana as He enchants one and all. Had not Parama Puruśa enchanted the world, no one would have wanted to live here.”
   “Can you imagine the gravity of the countless problems in the world? Exasperated at the acute problems, human beings would have bidden goodbye to the world and fled. But one fails to do this because one has come under the overwhelming influence of Mohana, i.e., Parama Puruśa and thus has become unable to flee from this world. Even if one does not like this world, one somehow remains here due to love for Parama Puruśa. And when one falls in love with Parama Puruśa, and when one is dear to Parama Puruśa, where will one go? For this very reason it has been said that human beings invented Dharma as a result of their love for Mohana, or due to falling into His charming clutches.In this way, Dharma or spirituality first appeared in human life.” (4)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam-14, Acoustic Roots
2. Tattva Kaomudii - 3, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook
3. Shabda Cayanika-2, Disc: 13
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 10, Aesthetic Science and Samgiita

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How religion destroys human rationality

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "On the basis of religion human beings group together and indulge in internecine feuds. Such religions are responsible for spilling the blood of innocent men and women. I don't want to single out any religion as most do not follow the path of logic. Instead they prefer to inject a certain type of cheap sentiment into the human mind to cripple the intellect and impair rational judgement.”
Majhabme akkalká dakhl nehi hae.

[In religion there is no room for logical argument.]
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In actual fact it makes the clear thinking of the human mind turbid. Religion has always commanded its followers to abide by its tenets. Those who dared show any logic were injected with a kind of fear complex. Moreover, the followers of the religions declared that their teachings were the revelations of God and had to be dutifully followed. Out of fear people submitted to this mandate. This is the basic defect of religion. On the basis of this hundreds of so-called scriptures were written in ambiguous language. Anything that destroys free thinking should not be called a scripture at all. Only that which develops the spontaneous development of human beings deserves to be called a scripture." (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3