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Thursday, September 9, 2021

AM’s stand on vaccinations + 2 more


AM’s stand on vaccinations


At present, there is a lot of confusion within AMPS about whether as Ananda Margiis we should be vaccinated or not. Some in Suva sector are bad-mouthing officials upholding the rules to get vaccinated, and many in other sectors are vaccine skeptics etc. However, according to Baba, the point is very straightforward.

Baba’s directive: rely on doctors

#1: Baba Himself took various types of allopathic medicines. Thus, by His own example, it is evident that Baba is not against allopathy, which has cultivated the use of vaccines for public health. 

#2: In various discourses, Baba has given the system that when you are sick or there is a health crisis, then one should follow the medical science and go to the doctor. One should not adopt a cynical approach and blindly disregard medical science. 

#3: Baba has also given the teaching that one should not ask Parama Purusa to cure their disease; instead, one should go to the doctor. 

Many pathys under one roof

#4: Finally, Baba has given the system that all of the various medical pathys (allopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, etc) should exist under one roof. And the initial triage (pick and sort) should be based on which pathy will best suit the patient.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the hospitals of some countries the welfare of the patient is given top priority and the patient is treated accordingly. Immediately after being admitted, he or she is thoroughly examined by an appropriate board of doctors who determine the most suitable system of medical treatment. In other words, if the patient’s disease can be easily cured by allopathy, he or she will be treated by an allopath; if by homoeopathy, by a homoeopath; if by naturopathy, by a naturopath; and so on.” (1)

In the case of the current covid pandemic, patients and preventive measures would be directed towards allopathy (i.e. getting the vaccine etc) as other pathys do not offer viable solutions at this point. 


So the situation is quite clear. According to Baba’s teachings, we should adhere to the current vaccination process and follow the medical guidelines. This is in concert with AM teachings. Those who pay a blind eye and deaf ear to this are only risking their own health as well as the health of their loved ones.

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

Medical principle: like cures like

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The value of the principle shama samaḿ shamayati [similia similibus curantue – “like cures like”)] has been understood by human beings since the age of the Mahábhárata, but it was Mahatma Hahnemann who brought it to the scientific level through his system of homeopathy. People realized the value of this principle during the Mahábhárata age from the poison treatment of the poisoned Bhiima. There were considerable advances in Ayurveda in poison research, especially with snake, scorpion, spider and hornet poisons. Within Ayurveda, members of the royal family of Cochin in the state of Kerala were pioneers in this. At one time there was a good deal of individual research into poison treatments. My maternal grandfather, the late Dr. U. M. Basu (allopath) conducted research into the medicinal use of scorpion poison.” (2)

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
2. Shabda Cayanika - 5, Kulya to Kuvela (Discourse 34)

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Melody came drifting

"Práńa tumi d́hele diyechile, ei dharańiir końe końe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2344)


Parama Purusa, You poured love and affection in each and every nook and corner of this earth and showered Your grace everywhere. Each particle of this universe has received Your mercy. Not a single spot has remained untouched. You have spread Your krpa in all directions. With the breeze of that supreme love and affection and infinite compassion, the resonance of spiritual songs, music, tunes, tempo, and melody came drifting. You cared for all.

Baba, with the sway of Your unearthly, loving, warmth and kindness, this entire universe has become intoxicated with the spiritual nectar of bhakti. That swing filled all hearts with Brahma bhava. In the flow of Your prema, the world became lost in bliss. You filled and inundated everyone's being with endless joy. The feeling of bhakti inspired the language to express its eternal love. Due to the rhythm of Your exquisite refulgence, all hopelessness disappeared, and everyone danced in that divine bliss.  

My Supreme Entity, this entire creation is Your thought projection. All are in Your mind. No one is unfortunate, lowly, or meagre. Every person, all of creation, is afloat in Your psychic arena. Baba, due to Your exquisite blessing, everyone exists. You shower Your causeless karuna’ on all…

== Section 3: Links ==