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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Hidden poison + 3 more


Hidden poison

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose a particular group has a high standard of arts (theatre, cinema, etc.), but the number of rich people in that group is comparatively few. The culture of another group, on the other hand, is very undeveloped, but among them there is a greater number of wealthy people. Now, the latter group wants to maintain its exploitation over the group that has a more developed cultural heritage, because one way that psycho-economic exploitation can paralyse people in the psychic sphere is cultural exploitation – to impose vulgar cinemas and dramas upon those good people."
   "This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture. Every honest, virtuous, rational person must fight against this pseudo-culture, and inspire others to do the same. If this is not done, the future of humanity will be sealed." (1)

These days the common feeling is that so many services offered on the internet are free. You can read numerous newspaper articles and get all kinds of data and information at no charge. Plus you can create free email accounts, free social media accounts, and log-on to so many sites free of cost. This leads everyone to think that the internet is essentially free. But, unfortunately, we are paying for it dearly.

Here Ananda Marga philosophy outlines this progression whereby exploiters inject degrading pseudo-culture, destroy the will and morale of the people, and then easily vanquish and exploit that vulnerable community.

Degrading values strewn into society by exploiters

In an ideal society, the moralists create the do's and don'ts of acceptable conduct, and in this way societal norms are established. In result, humanity is benefited - because of the proper, moral leadership and guidance. Tragically, nothing could be further from the truth today. Now, those companies pumping big dollars into advertising are setting social norms. And this is most disastrous. With the on-line community at an all-time high, companies have access to the public around the clock, nearly all the 24 hrs. And to boost profits, they project degrading behaviours in their ad campaigns.

At first the public just watches, and then very soon thereafter the common people start emulating those new, degrading behaviours. And finally, those behaviours become so prevalent and pervasive that they become the new social norm. In this way, corporations and advertisers are indoctrinating society into a completely degenerated way of living.

Flashy talk, half-naked dress, pseudo-culture fashion, fast food, pop music, erotic dance, and indeed every facet of life is being dictated and guided by such advertisers. Their only aim is to get the public's attention, introduce a particular behaviour and trend, and turn that new degrading fashion into soaring profits for their firm. Sadly, they are winning the battle. The human personality is step-by-step being lost in a sea of senseless depravity. This is the very dear cost we are paying for the so-called free internet.

Our youths most susceptible

The ones victimised the most are teenagers and youths. What they see and hear on their mobile devices and big screens becomes their living reality. They have no other basis or measuring rod. They literally become the disciples of the advertisers. And it is going on at an alarming pace and touching literally every facet of life: Walk, talk, eat, drink, look, think, etc. Verily people's entire conception of self is based on the non-stop messages being boomed by big-time advertisers. The scene is very appalling and a direct result of the barrage and exposure to non-stop ads.

Especially in youths, the suppleness of the human mind and finer sensitivities are being overwrought by debased advertising campaigns that directly dictate their self-image and related conduct. Our youth are literally submerged in this way. And not just our young ones, the vast majority of adults are also victimised. Advertisers know how to inject degrading messages to sell their wares and in turn the society gets lassoed (roped and tied up) by those messages. Most shocking of all, is that the general society accepts this as normal - as if this is the most natural way for humanity to proceed.

The price we are paying for today's free internet is human life itself. Instead of life being a sublime journey into spirituality and selfless engagements, people are wholly indoctrinated into vulgar activities utterly engrossed in their own selfishness and lust for material pursuits. Indeed the price for today's free internet is sky-high. Yet no one seems to blink an eye: Rather, the on-line advertising train is gaining more momentum as they aim for greater and greater shock value to get the public's attention and indoctrinate them into the next pop fashion style etc.

Internet degrades society very quickly

Can you imagine the public outcry 50 years ago if obscene photos were posted and pinned up all around the neighborhood. There would have been a huge uproar. Those obscene pictures would have been torn down immediately, and everyone would be angrily seeking out those behind such a scandal. Likewise, if the glory and greatness of certain companies was forcibly booming again and again, then people would have rejected that approach. They would not have tolerated it in those pre-internet days.

But today in this internet era, we are bombarded with all kinds of visual and audio advertisements where a gamut of obnoxious, degrading, and gross things are imposed upon us. We are basically forced to watch and listen. Because the onslaught is so insidious it is almost impossible to escape. In this manner, the people become indoctrinated and brainwashed. And the result is disastrous as the new generation is adopting this gaudy degrading approach as if that is the norm. They think it is of great prestige to display such things in their own day to day life.

In days gone by, it took nasty kings hundreds of years to indoctrinate an entire society into their dogmatic and harmful ways. And now with the internet it happens overnight. Something goes viral and everyone around the planet get subjected to it. Alternatively, it need not even go viral: If a company pumps enough advertising dollars into it, then that message will get plastered across every computer screen. Indeed, if you have money you can propagate all kinds of images, slogans, videos, and sound clips for your glory and people must listen. There is no escape.

Backbone of society broken by exploiters

Because of this filthy, cheap, and vulgar approach, the backbone of society has been broken. People do not know how to behave, nor can they distinguish between right from wrong. This is all based on the indoctrination done by the free internet. In this present era, everyone needs to go on-line for one reason or another, and some people verily live on-line. And these gross ads are forced upon us. Initially people naively thought that, "It does not matter, I'm not affected." But see how blind and ignorant they are. Everyone has been adversely affected. If a person is 85 years old and rarely uses the internet then they might not be affected, but for youths and children this has literally become their reality.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture. Every honest, virtuous, rational person must fight against this pseudo-culture, and inspire others to do the same. If this is not done, the future of humanity will be sealed." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A particular group which is motivated by socio-sentiment to exploit others, tries to destroy the local cultural expressions of other groups. It forcibly imposes its language, dress and ideas on other groups, and thus paves the way for exploitation by paralysing those people psychologically. This is how people guided by socio-sentiment perpetuate exploitation in cultural life." (2)


Every neo-humanist, every Ananda Margii should be keenly aware about the presence and negative effect of pseudo-culture and wage a ceaseless war against it. That means we have to raise awareness amongst the people and empower those communities which have been pushed down and degraded by the ruling elites.

In Him,
Patrick O’Neil

Pseudo-culture leads to exploitation

Here below Baba outlines the progression whereby exploiters inject degrading pseudo-culture, destroy their will and morale, and then easily vanquish and exploit them.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose a particular group has a high standard of arts (theatre, cinema, etc.), but the number of rich people in that group is comparatively few. The culture of another group, on the other hand, is very undeveloped, but among them there is a greater number of wealthy people. Now, the latter group wants to maintain its exploitation over the group that has a more developed cultural heritage, because one way that psycho-economic exploitation can paralyse people in the psychic sphere is cultural exploitation – to impose vulgar cinemas and dramas upon those good people."

"As you know, the mind has a natural tendency to degrade itself; it flows more easily downwards than upwards. So if some people, by virtue of their wealth, impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others, this will break the latters' spines and they will become paralysed. And those paralysed, spineless people will thenceforth never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation. They will never be able to do so, because mentally they will be completely dead – their capacity to raise their heads in protest will have been crushed forever. How can they raise their heads again?" (3)

Fight against this pseudo-culture

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture. Every honest, virtuous, rational person must fight against this pseudo-culture, and inspire others to do the same. If this is not done, the future of humanity will be sealed. It is proper for human beings to struggle for political freedom, for social emancipation; but if their cultural backbone is broken, then all their struggles will end in nothing – like offering ghee into a fire that has died out. If one's spine is shattered, it is impossible to hold one's head erect. Can those whose necks and backs are crushed under the weight of pseudo-culture, be expected to hold their heads high in any sphere of life? Hence it is the bounden duty of every rational person to save innocent people from pseudo-culture." (4)

Be vocal against injustices

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "This is occurring throughout the world. Is it not your noble duty to save these simple and persecuted people from exploitation? Certainly it is. Those of you who did not understand this before, now do understand it clearly; or you will come to understand it later from others. Human beings must be saved. Why should innocent people be forced to live like sacrificial lambs? This must not be tolerated." (5)

"So you who want to be real human beings, must continue your sádhaná [spiritual practice] in your inner life and strive ceaselessly for God-realization, and with equal effort you must see to it that no irrational, undesirable or detrimental theory is propagated in the external world, which can harmfully influence the human mind. You must be ever-vigilant in this regard. That is why I told you to be vocal against all sorts of injustice." (6)

1. Liberation of Intellect-Neo Humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture
2. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Disc: 7
3. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture
4. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-humanism, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture
5. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Disc: 7
6. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-humanism,, Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

"Keu, álokei mishe jáy, keu háráy bá ándháre..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1278)


Parama Purusa, some get human life, do sadhana, and ultimately become one with the Supreme Effulgence. Your creation is very colourful. There are all kinds of people. Some commit various misdeeds and go backwards, falling into the path of negative pratisaincara until finally they get lost in - cimmerian darkness, i.e. turned into matter. Some want only You, while others do not want You. Instead they want some boon or some gift from You. So this world is diverse. Some merge themselves in God, while others lose themselves in darkness i.e. matter. Baba, Your liila is beautiful.

My Dearmost, in Your creation some are rushing towards the Supreme Illumination, under the arbour of the shining stars. And some are absorbed in crying over their old outdated memories, deserted flower gardens, and skeletons of the past. A few great bhaktas accept You as the ultimate quintessence and long only for You. Baba, Your liila is colourful.

Parama Purusa, under the refulgent flow of Your karuna, some are lighting the lamp of logic and reasoning in jinana marga, ignoring their sadhana. Those intellectuals are just involved in ideas and discussions, and some are immersed in the vanity of karma yoga and end up destroying themselves. In contrast, gopas are dancing in sublime joy, happiness, and bliss. Those bhaktas cannot be satiated by anything except You. You are everything for them. Only those who have surrendered at Your lotus feet pass their whole life ensconced in the ecstasy of Your infinite love. Baba, Your creation is colourful...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Special AM teaching on food

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Pramitáhárah: to maintain the physical body, you require physical food, air, water, light. But physical food is not simply for the physical body. It has got its effect on the spiritual body. The cells of your physical body are created from the cells that you receive from your physical food, and your psychic body is also influenced by these cells. So while taking food, you should be very careful. You should always try to take sentient food, and on rare occasions you may take mutative food. You should never take static food. Not only that, but your diet should be balanced. You must not take too much or too little. The food should be substantial. When it is balanced or measured, and, at the same time, substantial, that type of food is called Pramitáhára in Sanskrit. The sixth factor is Pramitáhárah. The sixth requisite factor is balanced and substantial, sentient food." (1)

Note: The  above point of pramitáhára is the sixth factor of the seven secrets of success. This is a revolutionary teaching given only by Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and is not known to others, neither in the east nor in the west. As Ananda Margiis, it is our duty to practice and propagate this special science about food to people the world over. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, Seven Secrets

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Top level posts must not be filled by degraded bandits

Please read Baba’s following teaching which gives a clear indication about the type of leadership needed in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. We should question whether XYZ type of persons can be the leader - whether that be on the village, regional, sectorial, or global level - or are special qualifications needed? If so what are those traits and characteristics required of a leader. All these answers and more are addressed in Guru’s below teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “A rśi [sage] has said: Samamantreńa jáyate iti samájah [“Society is the collective movement of a group of individuals who have decided to move together towards a common goal”]. That is, whether people are pápii or tápii [sinners or victims], thieves, criminals, or characterless individuals, they are so only superficially; internally they are filled with the potential for purity. The principal object of the sadvipras is to explore and bring this potentiality into play. They will accord human value to everyone without exception. Those who have done hateful crimes must be punished, but sadvipras will never hate them, or put an end to them by depriving them of food, because sadvipras are humanists. The pandits puffed up with vainglory could turn their attention to their books instead of attending on the ailing non-Hindu Haridas, but Chaitanya Mahaprabhu found it impossible to remain indifferent to him. He took Haridas in his arms and nursed him carefully, and thus showed respect to human value.”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “However, when the question of social responsibility arises, it must be considered with great care. Irresponsible people cannot be entrusted with social responsibility, because those who shoulder social responsibility will have to lead humanity on the path of development, and correct the ways of sinners. If they themselves are of evil mentality, it will not be possible for them to discharge their social responsibility. It has been said: “The collective body of those who are engaged in the concerted effort to bridge the gap between the first expression of morality and establishment in universal humanism is called society.” So social responsibility should be entrusted to those who are capable of discharging it creditably. If moralism is the starting-point of the journey of society, then those who are at its helm must be moralists. And since society aims to establish universalism, those people must be universalists. And if the gap between moralism and universal humanism is to be bridged, spiritual sádhaná is a must, so those people must practise rigorous sádhaná. Their philosophy of life must be, “Morality is the base, sádhaná is the means, and life divine is the goal.””

“This great responsibility must never be entrusted to those who are themselves criminals. Unless and until such people correct themselves, they will not be given any social value, though in no way will they be denied human value. At present social value is given importance, but those who are selected to discharge social responsibility do not possess the aforesaid qualities. They have occupied their posts on the strength of their money or on the basis of patronage, but this has not resulted in any collective welfare. That is why there is an instruction in our social scripture:”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Do not be misled by anyones tall talk. Judge merit by seeing the performance. Remember, whatever position one is in offers sufficient opportunity to work. One whose character is not in accordance with Yama-Niyama should not get opportunity [[to become]] a representative.… to [[vest]] an incompetent person with power means to push society towards destruction knowingly and deliberately.”

“The sadvipras will install qualified persons in power, and the social order which will be evolved by virtue of their leadership will give due importance to one and all. In this new society based on Neohumanism, everyone will find their life worth living. All will regain their lost positions of honour.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Love the Universal Consciousness

Original Ananda Vanii states: "The only creed of a spiritual aspirant is to love the Universal Consciousness and the creation. One must not be guided by any national, caste, linguistic or religious sentiment and must not tolerate any fissiparous tendency." (Ananda Vanii #16)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.