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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Reply to enemy of Baba’s pure books + 2 more


Reply to enemy of Baba’s pure books


The all-knowing Parama Purusa Baba has given His sublime teachings to uplift humanity for ages and ages. Verily, His timeless teachings are the antidote to every problem and enable seekers to reach the ultimate goal (moksa). As His disciples, it is our bounden duty to maintain and protect the authenticity of His teachings, and preserve and propagate them for today’s humanity as well as for the generations to come.

Gift to humanity: AM discourses

(A) As Mahasambhuti, Baba is the Taraka Brahma who walked this earth to deliver a perfect ideology to the masses. Verily, in His omniscience, from His very first discourse in 1955 to His final discourse in 1990, His teachings are perfectly consistent and complementary to one another.

Recorded discourses are complete

(B) Accordingly, each and every discourse Baba has given is complete unto itself. So when He delivered a discourse and it was recorded by cassette then that discourse was done. Baba did not go back and listen to the recording or change anything. Rather, as the all-knowing Taraka Brahma, He blessed humanity with a perfect discourse that was recorded for humanity for time immemorial.

(C) That means that every discourse that was recorded via audio cassette etc is proper. The only thing that need be done is transcribe what Baba spoke. That was the final and accepted and authentic version of that discourse. Period. There are hundreds upon hundreds of discourses that fall in this category. They are perfect and ready to be printed once they are accurately transcribed.

Why dictations needed His review

(D) Baba also delivered discourses that were not recorded via any audio format, instead, people noted them down. The following books and series were given in this manner: Shabda Cayanika (26 parts), Varna Vijiana, Varna Vicitra, Laghu Nirukta, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar grammar, Prabhat Samgiita lyrics, various samaj guidelines, Hindi grammar, Wt reporting instructions, many of the discourses of Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, as well as many of the discourses of Namaha Shivaya Shantaya, among others. In those cases, note-takers noted that on paper. However, because the note-takers could not properly do the job, there was a distinct need for Baba to review those discourses. The reason being that those note-takers made countless errors. They could not properly follow and note down what Baba was saying.


(E) So here we have to understand that there were two distinct sets of discourses that were treated very differently: (#1) His audio-recorded discourses which were never updated as the cassette was a complete record of His discourse; and, (#2) His dictations and non-audio recorded discourses which He would meticulously review with those designated note-takers.

(F) Unfortunately, the enemies of the pure book are deliberately trying to confuse people in order to save their own prestige. They could not properly transcribe Baba’s audio-recorded discourses and have no interest in doing that today either. But to undermine the efforts of those doing that work and printing Pure AM books, those devious people are trying desperately to spread falsehood.

In Him,
Sudaama Deva

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Increase your mental strength

These below tantric teachings guide us how by doing sadhana properly and adhering to the tenants of 16 Points, then by His grace one's mental strength will increase immensely.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "What is the best way to strengthen the mind? The best and proper way is to strictly observe the 16 Points. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more your mental strength will increase. It will increase so much that it will be more powerful than the collective mental strength of 100,000 people. In a psychic clash they will have to concede victory to you...So you must endeavour to develop your psychic strength - this is your bounden duty. The more rigidly you follow the 16 Points, the more psychic strength you will acquire. It will not take you long." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "If you follow Sixteen Points, your longevity will be greater." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology furthermore states, "Be firm on sixteen points. Unite all the righteous forces. All the tall talks of the evil forces will be silenced." (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, An Exemplary Life
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Devotion and the Realm of Intellectuality
3. Ananda Vanii #44

== Section 3: Links ==