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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Why Avts scare margiis + 3 more


Why Avts scare margiis


One important fact is that Baba gave the first initiation in the cemetery. And after learning sadhana that new initiate practiced sadhana in the cemetery. So it is clear that cemetery sadhana is not exclusively for senior practitioners - it is for beginners also.

So this demonstrates and foreshadows how in each and every Ananda Margii's life the cemetery has an immense practical value. Those suffering from the dogma that the cemetery is only for avadhutas or kapalikas should gain the proper understanding. Our Ananda Marga meditation is tantra sadhana and that has relevance and importance for each and every Ananda Margii. That is the special significance why the first disciple Kalicharanji was initiated in the cemetery.

Fairy tales by some Wts

It is sad some Wts create fictitious stories about the dangers and horrors of going to the cemetery for sadhana in order to enhance their own prestige and create the false facade that they only are blessed to go. Side by side, they want to intimidate and scare margiis by saying they are not qualified. They talk of black magic and how avidya tantrikas, ghosts, goblins, and evil spirits live in the cemetery and that you may come under attack. They say all these things to increase their own status and impose an inferiority complex upon the margiis. This is their attempt to inject fear upon good sadhakas and keep them away from the cemetery.

It is the same kind of concocted logic that priests used in the past about brahmacarya to suppress and exploit the people. They invented the false notion that brahmacarya means celibacy so family people can never be great etc. This was the bad manner of such priests to rule over the common people in the past.

Some Wts have adopted this same platform with regards to cemetery sadhana. Margiis should be wary of such types of monks.

All should know that cemetery sadhana is a very important and dharmic practice which every initiated Ananda Margii may do. So family margiis should only put their trust in those Wts who encourage them in cemetery sadhana. If any Wt tries to scare or dissuade them from doing cemetery sadhana, then understand their colour. All should be encouraged in cemetery sadhana..

Now please read the below transcript where Baba guides us that doing sadhana in the cemetery is beneficial for all - everyone initiated in the tantric cult of Ananda Marga sadhana - i.e. every Ananda Margii.

Baba's audio: "cemetery is very encouraging for spiritual aspirants"

This recording is from when Baba came to the Philippines. Following is the transcription of a conversation which took place on 24 April 1969 at 9:00pm when Baba was on His field walk along with some local margiis and acaryas. To listen to the audio file see the link appended below.
Baba: "What' s the distance of that American cemetery from this place where we are at present now? How many miles?"

Sadhaka: "The way I look at it Baba, is a little bit..."

Baba: "How many miles or kilometers?"

Sadhaka: "Almost the same. With the only exception that the road there is dusty now because under repair. But I think tomorrow brother P will take You to that cemetery."

Baba: "I like the entire world."

Sadhaka: "No particular place? But all."

Baba: "But all."

Baba: "The cemetery is very encouraging for spiritual aspirants, for sadhakas."

Sadhaka: "That is..."

Baba: "Yes."

Sadhaka: "That is what we found. Whenever we go there we are inspired only to meditate, and do nothing more."

Baba: "And many of the sadhakas were initiated there."

Sadhaka: "Yes, Baba..."

Baba: "He went there [to the cemetery]? He was there [at the cemetery]?"

Sadhaka: Yes, Baba.
Here ends the scene.

All Ananda Margiis are tantrikas
All encouraged to do sadhana in cemetery

The main theme is that all Ananda Margiis - whether family people, students, or sannyasis etc - are tantrikas. All can go to the cemetery for initiation, and every Ananda Margii can practice sadhana in the cemetery - day or night. After all, Kalicharanji was not a kapalika when he was initiated by Baba and first began doing sadhana in the cemetery. By that example, and by His above fieldwalk, Baba is clearly guiding us that every Ananda Margii is a tantrika and all should be eager and vigilant about doing sadhana in the cemetery on a regular basis.

Baba says, "The cemetery is very encouraging for spiritual aspirants, for sadhakas."

So every new or old sadhaka should take time to do meditation in the cemetery. Those who are concerned about going to the cemetery at night should practice regularly in the cemetery in the daytime. Any cemetery that is isolated is an excellent place for sadhana, even in the daytime. And gradually after some practice in the daytime, the fear about going there at nighttime will be eliminated such that one will do sadhana there on even the darkest of nights.

So there should not be any complex or thoughts that only certain avadhutas can do sadhana in the cemetery. Rather every single initiated Ananda Margii is a tantrika and the disciple of the Tantra Guru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Thus all have the requisite standing and right to do cemetery sadana, by His grace. When one does sadhana then the quality and quantity of sadhana increases and one realises that what has been described about sadhana in Ananda Marga discourses is not beyond reach. Gradually one realises that bliss in their life.

Life is short: Do cemetery sadhana on Shravanii Purnima

So once again the day of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' is nearing: Each and every margii should try to visit the cemetery at least once in a year, or on a more regular basis such as on amavasya. And doing sadhana there on Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima' itself is highly recommended and beneficial. Human life is very short; we should utilise it for higher pursuits. That will be the real remembrance of Shra'van'ii Pu'rn'ima'.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "By dint of sadhana, one is to arouse and exalt that sleeping divinity...But for this, one requires divine help and I know further that one is getting divine help, and I know still further, that it is for infinite time and infinite space, one is getting this divine help, and you are all sadhakas, you will certainly attain the Supreme Stance and enjoy that divine blessedness. You are sure to enjoy it my sons and daughters." (1)


Best is for margiis to first go in the daytime for cemetery sadhana - and gradually the habit will develop and sadhana will grow qualitatively. Every sadhaka will realise for themselves that the cemetery is an ideal place for sadhana. By this way they will understand the truth.

Ananda Prakash

On the one hand some Wts tell margiis that they will be harmed if they go to the cemetery at night. But when those same workers are in a new area and do not know where the cemetery is, then they request margiis to kindly take them to the local cemetery. First they tell margiis to stay away, but when they need help or support those same Wts request those margiis to come. This way of dealing is completely peculiar.

Listen to the sound file about cemetery sadhana: 
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Stages of Samádhi

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Spreading Your divine love

"Ga'ner parash da'o pra'
n'er pare shya'mal cha'ye..."  (Prabhat Samgiita #1405)


Please touch my soul with Your songs, spreading Your divine love through the medium of Your music. It is like the soothing shade of the greenery in summertime; Your journey knows no bounds. You go on singing Your charming compositions non-stop.

The day before anything was created, You were also present. That very time Your sadhana was also existing. In that era, You were the sadhaka, the Goal, and the sadhana, as well as the tunes of eternity. You were everything all wrapped together - all in one.

Baba, the day when things will no longer exist, that very time also You will be present and remain ever-brilliant. Then also Your sadhana will exist. Your exquisite refulgence will also remain along with You, in that unknown abode. Your infinite melodies will also be with You.  

Baba, with the subtle vibrations of Your mystical songs, You touch my heart, arose bhakti, and make my life successful…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Bhakta: our AM terminology
In various discourses Baba differentiates between bhaktas and devotees. In brief, bhaktas are only those who have love for God, who love Parama Purus'a. There is no other use or meaning of the term 'bhakta'. Whereas people can be devoted to all sorts of things etc. A wife may be devoted to her husband. A person may be devoted to playing the piano. Various pets may be very devoted to their master. So being devoted has various insinuations and meanings, whereas the use of the term bhakta is very specific and pointed.        
Ananda Marga ideology states, "'Well, we've grown quite old. Having reached such a ripe old age, if we eat without doing some kind of ritualistic worship, people will speak ill of us and criticize us. So we'd better follow the ritualistic formalities by chanting a few mantras'. This category of bhakta is called `sattvika bhakta.' They don't ask for any material thing no doubt, but they ask for liberation as they have reached the last stage of life. Parama Purusa may or may not grant liberation to these bhaktas. One thing which is sure is that they won't attain Him because they want liberation, but not Parama Purusa [moksa] Himself." (1)
Note: A great bhakta wants only Parama Purusa, not anything else.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Unique vantage point on samskaras

Ananda Marga ideology states, “When a dishonest government employee accepts a bribe it is an original action, and when his son gets sick and has to be rushed to the doctor it is the reactive action (the reaction to the original action). When his son dies he laments, “I haven’t knowingly done anything wrong…[when in fact]... the deep sorrow he felt at the death of his child was the result of his past original actions.” (1)

As Baba explains in the above teaching, when a person dies then it is the surviving, grieving family members who suffer the most. The person who died suffers for a short while, whereas their loved ones suffer that loss every day for the rest of their lives. For instance, a young executive who died in the Twin Towers tragedy suffered for a few minutes or more before his death, whereas his spouse and his parents have suffered from that tragedy daily for years and will do so for decades. It is those surviving family members who are undergoing the burning of a huge, negative samskara, not the person who died. The person who died suffered comparatively little; theirs was a small samskara. Generally, people think that the one who died is the one who suffered the most. But, as explained above, that is not the case.

Similarly, when an adult patient is unaware or unconscious, then the one suffering is the caregiver. It is the caregiver who is undergoing their negative samskaras. The adult patient is not undergoing any samskaras because they are completely oblivious of their surroundings and thus not suffering at all. The irony then is that when mean-minded persons try to serve someone who is unconscious or unaware, then that so-called caregiver thinks in the back of their mind that the unconscious person did something terrible and now they are undergoing the reaction. But that is not the case. Rather it is the caregiver who is undergoing their own negative samskara as they are pained by serving the patient. But before the patient became unconscious they were suffering.

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 8, Sadhana

Dealing with false history + 3 more


Dealing with false history


In one of His discourses, Baba says that history should be rewritten. What is the reason behind it, and why does Baba say history should be rewritten?

Why is history important?

When citizens of a country read about the great work of their ancestors, then they feel proud and do not develop an inferiority complex. Students in school read history so that they know some of the great individuals and who did significant work in their time. By reading history, students will know what type of works are called great and what is not so great. Students also get a general idea about the society they live in. Students like to become what they read in history about their ancestors. Without such knowledge they do not have a vision of what to be in life. Great work done by ancestors becomes an inspiration for the students.

Is history presented in the right way?

Kings, who defeated other rulers, wanted to write history about themselves, and tried to  overshadow the previous glories. Self-glory of the king became important and everything else that happened in the past became unimportant. This is the story behind history taught in schools in many countries.

Looking back in Indian history

Fifty years back in Indian schools, students were taught about the discoveries of Vasco da Gama and Columbus. With such type of instruction, students in India thought  western countries were further ahead and India was behind. History books were filled with achievements of people around the world such as Moghuls and Britishers. These were the school curriculums long after Indian independence (1947).  As a result, there was a huge inferiority complex among Indians. Children learned about the greatness of people who were non-Indians, and hence they never learned how to become great in India as the history books did not contain the greatness of any Indians. So they wanted to become like those about whom they studied in history books.

Later on, it was revealed that people like Columbus and Vasco da Gamawere aggressors, and they stole properties of places they resided. In Indian history books, it was taught that they were heroes who did wonderful work and discovered new parts of the world. In the history books there was a chapter called “Nayi duniya ki khoj” (Discovery of a new world). In primary schools, children learned about these things and so naturally they would try to become like others about whom they studied and dreamed about in their early life. This is an example of how history is not written properly.

History books are filled with lies

Baba says that most of the history books are lies. False and fake things were glorified in history. People who were exploiters and assassins made sure that the history was written according to their wishes, and they made sure to buy the brains of the wise people of those days. One outsider king came and killed a king in India, then changed the history books. Then he bribed the pundits with money, salary, pension, land, and other assets so that the pundits work for the new king. Cleverly, the pundits associated the new kings with deities in the local area, mentioning that the new king was sent by thelocal deity. Reading such types of misled facts are not going to drive society forward.

How intellectuals get sold to the rich?

Even today, intellectual people are bought to work for materialists, or work on supporting wrong stories, work on magazines, news, media to show that work done by the rich is good. The authors of such work become slaves of money, and lose their basic sense of knowledge when they support the wrong-deeds of rich. Such work involved exaggerating false things. In today’s vaeshya world, intellectuals are attracted by the materialistic allurements. Such intellectuals are given positions in organizations led by the materialists / capitalists. One example is that an intellectual person is hired by a newspaper owner to publish wrong news, and the intellectual person is paid well. In this example, the intellectual person sold out to do wrong things. The intellectual person writes the newspaper in such a way that the rich materialistic person gets prestige in the society, his image is high in public while he does all sorts of exploitation behind closed doors.

Materialists are made to be viewed as good

Indeed all over the world, materialists are perceived as good rather than bad because they try to build their reputation by donating money for so called noble causes. Journalists write good things about such people to build their image in society. In India, the rich people are called sahu (i.e, noble, great). That is why it is needed that wise people write history, based on truth.

What should be included in history?

History should be written in such a way that it should include facts and events such as how society struggled with exploiters and how brave people fought with such exploiters. How such exploitations were eradicated from the society. Who were these people, and how did they fight against such people to bring fairness and stability to the society. Let us see a few examples.

Example 1: Slavery existed before, but now we do not see slavery.
Example 2: Before there were not any rights for women. But now that is changed. Women were treated equally with men and are employed in all sectors in society.

These two examples suggest that these are not minor changes in the society. The changes did not happen overnight either. People have struggled for generations, went through significant hardship, and many lost their lives to bring such changes in the society. Such attempts by people who brought significant change in the society should be included in the history.

Examples of farce in history 

What we see around the world today is that people who are in leadership of various countries insert content which is of their own interest in history books. This content typically includes self-glory of people who are in charge. Rather than including the appropriate content, they tend to cleanse their bad reputation by including self-glory in history books. Here are a few examples:

Example-1(In India): Lalu Prasad Yadav, former chief minister of Bihar in India. He was a pure exploiter, and a docait. In his many years of leadership he has been put in jail a number of times, but during his time, he included a number of self-glory style stories in the primary school history books. Such types of false content were in the history books for five years to a decade, which children read about. Later on with a lot of effort such content was removed.

Example-2 (In U.S): Even today in southern states in the U.S in history books it is taught that Civil War occurred because of economic reasons, but the truth is that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil war.  In Southern states rich people wanted to keep slavery intact, because it was beneficial for them, but northern states opposed such an idea---which resulted in the Civil war. But even today, in southern states facts are not included in the history books. These were two examples in India and U.S, but we will such instances all over the world.

Itiha’sa & Itikatha’

History should be rewritten. Itiha’sa (History) should include teachings from the past based on true stories that contribute to the well-being of the society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Itihásati ityarthá itihása. The word itihása is derived from iti + has + ghaiṋ. Itihása is that part of itikathá which carries some educative value. The entire history or itikathá is not all itihása; itihása, which has no English synonym, is only that particular part of itikathá which has educative value. What is taught these days to students in the name of history of India (Bharatvarsa Itihás) is not really itihás. It is actually itikathá. Take the case of the Mahabharata.” (1)

Itikatha includes true stories but the content is all encompassing of each and every incident of the past. Often a book might contain 1,000 pages, and maybe there are two stories which are inspirational and will have a positive impact on the society. Out of 1,000 pages of itikatha’ 50 pages are noteworthy and should be included as itiha’sa. The true story of 1,000 pages is itikatha’ is of not much value for society but the 50 pages of itiha’sa is very important. Itiha’sa should be written carefully as it will have an impact on the society. It is the responsibility of people to rewrite itiha’sa that is inspiring for children and moves the society forward.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “If one does honest works then one moves towards the eternal truth, and if one performs dishonest works then one moves towards untruth." (2)


If history is not rewritten then the false, self-glory content of past leaders in the history books will result in inferiority complex in the young children of the next generation. Young children even though they live in their country, breathe, eat, do their activities in their country, they will develop an inferiority complex and try to be like people of other countries about whom they have studied in the history books. Such an inferiority complex may result in exploitation in the society by materialists. Young children and adults will use food, clothes, and lifestyle of other countries because of an inferiority complex. Such an inferiority complex is only the result of wrong content in history books. If history had been written about people of their own country whose contribution towards society’s improvement was instrumental, then such an inferiority complex would not develop among children. Every country has past heroes whose contribution is significant, and such content should be included in history. That is the importance of history in moving the society forward.

Compared to the last 1,000 years, now the society has moved forward significantly. Human beings now have more freedom, people have more rights. Who are the individuals who made sacrifices in the past to bring such a change in the society? Every society has such heroes and their contribution should be included in the history books. Typically, acts of such heroes are included in the books instantly because rulers are against such heroes. So it is the duty of the next generation of people to rewrite history and inspire society to march forward.

In Him,

Rudrananda wrote fiction: “Sharanagati”

All know that Rudrananda has written a fictional historical account to glorify himself in a last-ditch attempt to convince others that he is not a cheat or a CBI agent, but a great bhakta. The name of his fraudulent book is “Sharanagati”. So everyone should be alert because Rudrananda is a cunning politician who can paint day as night, and night as day, and befool millions.

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 3, “Verse, Mythology, History and Itihása”
2. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 9, “Man Is Only an Actor in the Great Drama”

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Bad days are behind us

“Púrva ákáshe aruń heseche, sakal kálimá sare geche…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2295)


The crimson dawn smiles in the eastern horizon. All the blackness has vanished - the problems, predicaments, and plight are over. The darkness of night was not very blissful, so due to His karuna He has transformed it by adding brilliant colour.

Now the cruel bite of ignorance and gloom are gone, and the monstrous hunger of trickery and deception are over. All our bad days are behind us. There is no longer any narrow sentiment of the self-indulgence of groupism; now the ocean of spiritual effulgence is dancing.

There is no misunderstanding from one person to the next. All belong to one family and are ready to live in a harmonious manner. There is no murderous desire to senselessly injure or kill animals. The mechanical decimation and destruction of the forests has stopped. Deforestation is a thing of the past. Now all the living beings on this earth may flourish. The new humanity has arisen - the era of neo-humanism has come...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Rule of criticism

Baba says, "I do not think it good to criticize anyone ..., saying, “Well, Mr. So-and-so may be leading a virtuous life now, but don't you know, he was a terrible sinner in the past.” We must forget the past. I said at the outset that sins are like the dust of the street that settles on clothing. We must shake this dust off and move ahead." (1)

In His above teaching Baba is guiding us that If a person has rectified themselves then one should never talk ill of them by recounting their past misdeeds and sinful dealings. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, A Few of Tantra's Special Characteristics