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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Baba story + 2 more


Baba story


Sadguru Baba introduced His various plans and programs in a phase-wise approach. By this method, He practically demonstrated the wide array of projects that should be properly implemented. To this end, He posted and reposted Wts from one project to the next to best teach them about the various types of works that needed to be done. About this is discussed below as well as how Baba mapped out an entire blueprint for serving humanity.

When workers were transferred to new posts and jobs, they developed greater experience and learned new languages, psychologies, and problem solving skills etc. All along Baba was creating new and newer programs in further succession. If those Dadas had been kept in those old programs then who would have been available to learn the new programs.

Printing press & daily newspaper phase

Baba ordered that every diocese would have to have a press in order to publish our own newspapers because the media controlled by exploiters would not propagate our news. So Baba created many daily newspapers and margiis and wts were given the task to execute this plan, otherwise DMC would be canceled. In some places, Baba did not take His breakfast until He got that unit’s local, daily paper. Under pressure, margiis collected substantial amounts of money to purchase a press and give report to Baba. Baba was only satisfied when both wts and margiis realized the importance of having our own daily newspaper.

In some cases the press was running for some time, and in other cases it did not run at all but most in AMPS learned the lesson that, “We must have our own newspaper.” Even then, this situation some simple margiis could not understand why Baba was giving arduous  and difficult work. In some places a project was running well and then someone got transferred or someone left their wt ship and that project were run into the ground, i.e. zero. This was the way projects went up and down – this happened in many places.

Today, tomorrow, & for thousands of years

But sincere margiis & wts could understand that Baba was teaching for today, tomorrow, and even for thousands and thousands of years into eternity. So many things Baba had to give. And in this particular instance, the teaching was that, “Every bhukti must have its own newspaper.” That is what Baba wanted us all to know.

Only bhaktas were allowed to come close to Parama Purusa. So there were not hundreds of millions of people. The number of margiis and workers was rather small and His range of projects was immense – presenting all the many plans and programs for His Ananda Marga ideology. Those few Wts needed to learn many projects.

The need of the day then was to transfer Wts quickly from one project to the next. That was the only way to train them and present the notion that many works needed to be done. Because AMPS resources – both in terms of money and people - were few, then all those Wts involved in the prior project of printing presses etc would be switched over to the next new project. In that case it was the duty of margiis to maintain those presses, and if they could not do so then that paper would collapse.

All wholetime workers would race full steam ahead with Baba’s next plan. The new program could not be stopped. In this way the wheel would spin, and Baba would introduce one program after another: Printing press, children’s homes, schools, AMURT, pracara, master units, jagritis, Rawa, RU, GP, WWD Gurukul, Seva Dal, Hari Pari Mandal, and UPYF etc.

How some misunderstood Baba’s ways

This was Baba’s practical plan for teaching all what was needed for humanity. By engaging in projects, making mistakes, and fixing those problems, all in AMPS learned a lot. Some unknowledgeable non-sadhakas would think that project was a failure and that our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha was incapable of doing any concrete work, whereas other non-margii organizations built huge schools and beautiful hospitals etc. But we know those other organisations etc did not have a greater panoramic plan like Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.


Sincere margiis and wts could understand that Baba is teaching for the present as well as thousands of years into eternity. He was meticulously presenting a practical way forward to serve humanity. Baba had so many plans and programs to give for the welfare of all.

in Him,

Confused Wts compared with Buddhist monk Marpa

Some uninformed persons thought that Baba was giving tough work targets when we had limited capacity. In their mind, they thought that Baba is on par with the dogmatic Tibetan guru Marpa and that the Wts and margiis were like the disciple Milarepa. Those with a rational outlook easily understood this was not correct. Because Marpa only abused and burdened Milarepa with the senseless task of building, decimating, and rebuilding the same stone hut etc, and never taught him spiritual practice. Whereas Baba graciously bestowed all the gems and jewels of sublime spirituality and at the same time was meticulously presenting a practical way forward to serve humanity. Those who could not understand this fundamental truth walked away and left Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. And those who stayed were immensely benefited – it is His grace.

Indeed, those doing deeper sadhana knew that this was all part of Baba’s divine plan to teach what had to be done by putting forth a blueprint.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section: Important Teaching ==

Formation of religious state devastating

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “If a particular religion is proclaimed the state religion, those who follow other religions will not identify with the country. Consequently, the unity of the country will be undermined. If people go against this basic principle, they may be politically successful for a short time, but eventually they will inflict great harm on the country and prove to be a failure.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section 3: Links ==

Cause of war & benefit + 3 more


Cause of war & benefit


One of the main causes of war in this modern era is outlined below by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, the Propounder of Prout.

Prout philosophy states, “If the percentage of people engaged in non-agricultural industries is kept within twenty to thirty percent of the population, this is the state of balanced economy – a really balanced socio-economic structure. If the percentage goes beyond thirty percent, the area becomes industrially developed. Then, the more this percentage increases above thirty percent, the more over-industrialized the area becomes…These over-industrialized countries also find it necessary to keep industrially undeveloped countries within their control in order to use them as a market for their finished goods. If they do not get a market to sell the consumer goods produced in their countries, they will suffer from economic depression and growing unemployment.” (1)

"Sabre-rattling in the world today"

Prout philosophy states, “In this regard there is no difference between the communist and non-communist countries. They are equally aggressive in their approach. They desperately look for the kámadhenu. (Dhenu means “cow” and káma means “desire”. Kámadhenu is a mythological cow which gives as much milk as its master demands.) They want to keep it tied to the door, feeding it the minimum amount of fodder. They want the maximum output with the minimum investment. This is why there is so much war psychosis and sabre-rattling in the world today.” (2)

In the above teaching, Prout philosophy guides us that over-industrialised countries like the US aggressively aim to keep so-called “developing” countries and so-called third-world nations [i.e. Kámadhenu / milching cow] under their control - and grab their raw materials and resources. By this way, the US has a market for their finished goods. To achieve this, there has to be a near perpetual state of war.

One important point regarding the US military is the term, "Defense". The US has a "Department of Defense", a "Secretary of Defense", a "Defense Budget", and so many things related with defense. But the entire military strategy of the US is based on "offense", not "defense", i.e. to control other areas, regions, and countries, and sell weapons and other industrial products. The operating budget of the US military is more than every other nation combined, and it is only the US that has military bases in nearly every country of the world. The main purpose of this military presence and ensuing wars is to grab the resources of those “undeveloped nations” and enable US corporations / capitalists to profit by selling finished goods to that impoverished nation.

Plus the US forces are constantly being sent on the offensive in distant lands. Hence, it is evident that this is not about "defense." Mostly however, common Americans are brainwashed by their own leaders; those citizens think that the US is trying to do good around the globe, and that it is meaningful to die for such causes.  

Real agenda of war: make countries satellite of US for economic gain

All along those political and corporate leaders hide behind the charade of "For the Cause of Freedom" when in fact their real interest was in oil, the selling of arms, strategic military positioning, or other gains like grabbing natural resources & selling other industrial products.

As is commonly known, one vital element of the US economy is the selling of arms. So if the US can go to war - and convince others to join in - then they reason that will boost the economy. Wars are often started simply for the sake of the selling of arms, weapons, and other industrial products. Yet all along, they present that war as the fight for freedom or democracy.

All these issues and political strategies are at play and the common people get lured into believing that the US is merely trying to protect American citizens and the international community, and that such battles are worthy of dying for.

Prout philosophy states, “If the percentage goes beyond thirty percent, the area becomes industrially developed. Then, the more this percentage increases above thirty percent, the more over-industrialized the area becomes…These over-industrialized countries also find it necessary to keep industrially undeveloped countries within their control in order to use them as a market for their finished goods. If they do not get a market to sell the consumer goods produced in their countries, they will suffer from economic depression and growing unemployment...This is why there is so much war psychosis and sabre-rattling in the world today.” (3)


Prout philosophy states, “If the percentage of people engaged in non-agricultural industries is kept within twenty to thirty percent of the population, this is the state of balanced economy – a really balanced socio-economic structure.” (4)

When the above parameters are met, there will not be any need of war.

In Him,
Lauren Brown

Note: Increasingly we are witnessing this trend with certain other nations like China, France, the UK, Russia, Iran, and Saudia Arabia. 

False slogan: war for “establishing democracy” & creating peace

One of the big misnomers in the American political war machine is that the US propagandists put forth phrases like "Dying for the Country", "Dying for Democracy", and "Dying for the Cause of Freedom" etc. When the US leaders clearly have their own economico-political agenda in mind.

Yet by these high-sounding slogans, young men and women enlist in the armed forces (i.e. military) and common Americans join the chorus that "this invasion" is for the welfare of the country. That is the standard public relations schema the US has employed with much success over the years. Whenever, those at the helm feel the economic or political gain from a particular offensive is worth the risk of life, then they "sell" that strategy to the public using one or more of the aforementioned slogans - i.e. "Dying For the Country", "Dying for Democracy", and "Dying for the Cause of Freedom" etc.

The main idea is that the political leaders exploit the simple sentiments of the people wherein the citizens think that something of tremendous importance is on the line such as "freedom" - i.e. something that is meaningful to die for. Yet in the case of young soldiers, often they arrived on-site and were shocked to see what was going on. For many, their hopes of "establishing democracy", "restoring peace", and "protecting the country" were shattered by the rampant chaos and mass destruction. The main purpose of this military control and ongoing wars is to capture the resources of those so-called third world nations. And then turn those natural resources - wood, oil, rubber etc - into finished goods and sell those back to that indigenous population at an exorbitant cost.

Extra idea: Improvements for democracy

Prout philosophy states:

“Now let us discuss some reforms to democracy. Democracy cannot succeed in countries where people are illiterate, immoral, or backward. Countries like England, the USA and France are suitable for democracy, but even these countries need to introduce some reforms.”

First, legislators in the states and at the centre should be elected on the recommendations of the people at large. At the time of electing representatives the people should pay heed to their education, moral standard and sacrifice for the society etc. If the representatives are elected keeping in view these factors, they will not be guided by party interests but by collective interests. In their minds the interests of the entire human race and society will dominate, and not any class interests. They will be able to enact laws keeping in mind the problems of all and sundry, thereby accelerating the speed of social reconstruction. Their impartial service will bring happiness to all.

The voting rights should be vested in educated persons who have political consciousness and awareness of people’s problems. Age should not be a bar to voting right. If illiterate people are given voting rights there is the possibility of antisocial and incompetent representatives being elected.

To provide a fearless and independent ambience to the administration, the secretariat should be kept free from pressures from the cabinet. The cabinet should confine itself to legislation, the passage and passing of the budget, the implementation of its plans and policies, defense etc. The power of ministers should remain confined to the parliament and they should not poke their nose into the workings of the secretariat. The chief secretary should not be under the president or the prime minister but should act independently as the executive head. All the secretaries should work under the chief secretary. Free from cabinet pressures, every department will serve the people well.

In the present system the judiciary functions under a cabinet minister, and pressure from the minister may impair its independent functioning. To remove this defect and to ensure impartial justice, the judiciary should have the right to function independently. In no case should the chief justice be treated as inferior to the president or the prime minister. Only moralists and honest persons should be installed on the hallowed seat of justice. If people fail to keep this issue under their close scrutiny, injustice will take the place of justice.

[[Finally, for the proper utilization of the nation’s revenue and to ensure that every paisa is spent on building up the nation, it is extremely important that the audit branch as well be independent. The auditor general should be independent of the president. Only the independence of the auditor general can ensure that this branch will be able to fearlessly check the accounts of every other branch. Thus it should be a separate administrative branch of government, and independent of the party holding a majority.

All the four branches mentioned above should be given the scope to function independently. Thus there will be four compartments. No compartment will function under another.]]

But in such a situation there is still the possibility of injustice and exploitation. So to supervise or monitor the function of all these compartments, the benevolent dictatorship of the board of Sadvipras is required so that spirituality will reign supreme. (5)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Principles of Balanced Economy – Excerpt A
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Principles of Balanced Economy – Excerpt A
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Principles of Balanced Economy – Excerpt A
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Principles of Balanced Economy – Excerpt A
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Free of all worries

"Tomár ásáte he priya cakite, sarilo tamasá amánishár..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3807)


My Dearmost, with Your surprising, auspicious arrival, the cimmerian darkness of the new moon night has instantaneously vanished in a flash. All persons - regardless of where they were - were blessed with supreme realisation, and their burden of vanity was removed. Their mind became filled with bliss.

Cosmic Entity, seeing You in the deep core of my heart, my mind has become fully satiated. My meditation reached its culmination. The internal and external lake of nectar is overflowing by Your exquisite touch. It is fully saturated in Your vibration. My whole being is ensconced in Your ideation and rasa. It is Your grace. All my feelings of differentiation and shortcomings, good and bad, have been offered at Your lotus feet. My everything is surrendered unto You.

Baba, now there is no fear or shyness. My mind has been cleansed and purified by Your presence. It is Your grace. All my timidity has been forsaken and there is no more hatred in my mind towards anyone. By Your indescribable mercy, I am free of all worries and doubts. My Parama Purusa Baba, I do not care about any obstacles, hindrances, or difficulties. Your blessing is showering on me nonstop. I am marching ahead ceaselessly, by Your sweet will.

Baba, You are always with me…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Just doing good deeds is defective


Ananda Marga ideology states, "Some people say, "Keep on doing good deeds – that is sufficient." No, that is not enough. Suppose some people perform good deeds, but they have no definite goal before them: this will not produce any good result, their effort will be futile. Suppose you want to move forward: you should also know which way to move, otherwise your entire movement will be meaningless. All your time, your hard effort, and your sincerity will go in vain. Hence it is not enough to simply say, "Keep on doing good deeds." Even those good deeds should have a clear goal. Why should I do good deeds? I should have a clear idea in which direction to move while doing those good deeds." (1)

Note: In the general society, or even in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, there are some who think that doing good deeds is enough – as if that is the height of human understanding and expression. They think that there is no need for spiritual practice, sadhana, or dharma. Just one should do as many good deeds as possible. This is one common mentality found amongst confused people etc.

However, according to Ananda Marga ideology, doing good deeds alone is not enough – rather it is an inherently faulty and futile approach. One must have a goal for all one’s actions, and that goal must be spiritual. One should do each and every thing to please Parama Purusa.

They will abandon their service work

So those who simply perform good deeds without having any higher goal invariably bind themselves. Either they are bound up in the reaction of their good actions, or they are bound by their own petty satisfaction for having performed a "good deed". And they will give up their service work the moment they are confronted with a tough situation.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Now, if one wants to do some good deed excluding Paramátmá that may or may not be a good deed. This will be sheer selfishness on your part, and nothing good can come from it. This is why great and realized people not only perform good deeds, but they also do something more than that." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "To realize Parama Puruśa, one will have to come in contact with a Sadguru, a competent spiritual preceptor; for such persons alone can impart suitable lessons regarding spiritual practice. Through the study of books, one can never attain or realize the Supreme Consciousness." (3)

If child is very ugly & mentally deficient

Those who do not have Parama Purusa as their Goal and do social service for their own, personal self-satisfaction will give up the work the moment they are confronted with a tough situation. The moment they no longer derive the personal satisfaction they seek they will halt their “service” work.

For instance, suppose one has to serve a leper, and one day they decide that they do not like feeding that leper. If the person is doing this to please Parama Purusa they they will understand that it is their duty to serve and they will serve the leper whether they get personal satisfaction or not. Whereas if one thinks that “this service work of for making me happy” then they will stop the work if it does not make them happy. Plus, when doing the work, most often they are unable to keep the patient’s welfare in mind.

For instance, "Shyam" is serving a beautiful, destitute child and indeed Shyam is happy to help that child. But if the child is very ugly and mentally deficient then Shyam may not feel joy helping that child, in which case Shyam may give up his service work. Because he is not deriving any self-satisfaction from it. Whereas if the aim is to please Parama Purusa, then there is no issue whether the child is beautiful or ugly.


Doing good deeds alone will not suffice - nor will doing service work for personal satisfaction. One can never get success by these approaches. One will have to ideate on the Supreme to realise the Goal of life and properly serve others.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "To realize Parama Puruśa, one will have to come in contact with a Sadguru, a competent spiritual preceptor; for such persons alone can impart suitable lessons regarding spiritual practice. Through the study of books, one can never attain or realize the Supreme Consciousness." (4)

in Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way
2. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way
3. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way
4. Subhasita Samgraha – 11, What is the Way

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Eating instructions

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The human body is constituted of innumerable living cells. These cells develop and grow with the help of similar living entities. The nature of your living cells will be formed in accordance with the type of food you take. Ultimately all these together will affect your mind to some extent. If the cells of the human body grow on rotten and bad-smelling food, or on the fresh flesh of animals in which mean tendencies predominate, it is but natural that the mind will have a tendency of meanness. The policy of eating, without due consideration, whatever is available cannot be supported in any case, even though there may not be any question of hiḿsá or ahiḿsá. It should not be your policy to do what you wish. You must perform actions after due thought.” (1)

Note: The types of food you eat affects the mind. If one eats animal flesh, cells are formed in their body from that flesh and those cells have mind. Suppose you ate animal flesh then perhaps one million cells took birth in your body from that flesh food. Those cells have protozoic mind, and that protozoic mind will affect the metazoic mind, and that metazoic mind will in turn affect the human mind. In result that human mind will become tamask and it will move towards animality, i.e. towards sleep or sex, or other degrading tendencies etc. In that case, sadhana will be difficult. That is why sadhakas do not eat animal flesh.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Ahimsa

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Way to get rid of all your saḿskáras

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Learned people know that the requitals or consequences of deeds (karmaphala) are inevitably bound to follow one's actions, and so they do not waste time uselessly thinking about them. Fortified with courage and instilled with Brahmabháva they face all calamities of retribution bravely. They always consider themselves pure, for they have purged their minds of the past. Those who have tasted even a little of the flowing nectar of Brahma, know that they can never be impure. This constant thought of self-purity greatly helps to exhaust their saḿskáras or reactive momenta, as a result of which the saḿskáras held in the sthirabhúmi of their práńa are gradually destroyed. With the help of sádhaná or spiritual practice the spell of pleasurable and painful requitals ceases both internally and externally. Sádhakas call it the combustion of the seed of action in the fire of sádhaná." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, The Chariot and the Charioteer

== Section 4: Links ==