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Monday, November 8, 2021

Top secret of central purodhas


Top secret of central purodhas


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again, in which case they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). For decades now, characterless beahviour has riddled our Wt ranks. Our duty is to point out the wrongdoers and ensure they are repentant and rectified, or take more severe measures. That is the essence of what this letter is about. Keeping this in mind, please read the below piece which was first posted in 2015 to show how one avadhuta has committed sexual crimes by violating his avadhuta oaths.   

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga Universal Moderators

Note: This letter was first posted on a related network (AMNB) in July 2015. 



This letter is for those who think as follows about the Ananda Marga News Bulletin forum:
1. Ananda Marga News Bulletin (AMNB) is a tabloid and propaganda machinery that spreads falsehoods.
2. AMNB spreading falsehood and wants to destroy the sanctity of AMPS.
3. AMNB does not encourage doing any constructive work and are only busy in criticising others.

And also:
1. If you think the best approach for every sadhaka is to write to the higher authorities - even if they are corrupt, harass you, and expel you from the organisation for lodging a genuine complaint. 
2. If you believe in the dogma that Baba has given His special blessing and power to those with higher posts, as if those are His favourite sons. We should always salute them and never criticise them regardless how much harm they do. 

If you believe any one or all of the above then this letter is for you. 

In contrast, if you do not believe any of the above points then do not scroll below - those materials are not for you. The following report is extremely graphic and sensitive. Unfortunately the whole universe is already aware about this.

The main letter starts here

You have decided to move ahead and read the full report etc. So - 

Namaskar again,

See below, we want to eradicate such types of gross activities. See the following news article from this important Australian newspaper. One avadhuta, purodha and vishes’a yogi named Ananyananda started a business of massaging the female reproductive organ - inside and out - pubic areas of opposite sex - and mammary glands.

Peculiar massage centre by purodha

Not only is he a purodha, but he is a central board member as well. He was sued in an Australian court and the leading newspaper printed this article. And verily around the globe so many of our Wts are involved in similar types of things. 

By reading our articles, you may misunderstand that we are making up something. But again, for your own satisfaction - check out what happened in Australian court etc.

You are a senior and esteemed member of AMPS and you want to see this organisation thrive and you want to see the establishment of Prout, Ananda Marga ideology etc. To achieve this, we must ensure our organisation is healthy. It must be up to the proper standard. If we fail to maintain our standard, then our dirty laundry will be aired in public by news agencies like The New York Times, The Times of India, and other leading newspapers around the globe etc.

See the sin of this purodha and central board member. A link to the newspaper article is in the links section, for your easy reference.

By keeping a keen watch then we can rectify those all immoral puradhas, most of whom are sub-humans, and avert situations. This newspaper which wrote about Dadaji's wrongdoing is like the New York Times, The Times of India, and other leading newspapers around the globe.

We want these newspapers to write about our service projects - not the degraded behaviour of central wts.

In last 25 years so many Wts expelled, threatened, & killed 

In the last 25 years so many Wts were expelled, threatened, and killed and their only mistake was that in workers meeting or board meeting, they were pointing out wrongdoing of top Dadas etc. Thus they were harassed and humiliated. Those in Centre do not want to hear anything nowadays. You can try for yourself. Then you will understand what I am talking about.

Note: If you still believe that writing to the higher authorities is the only solution then please scroll down and click on the link: "Why not to write higher authorities these days"

See our central Dada Ananyananda. Look below, we want to eradicate such types of gross activities. See the following news article from this important Australian newspaper. One avadhuta, purodha and vishes’a yogi named Ananyananda started a business of massaging the female reproductive organ - inside and out - pubic areas of opposite sex - and mammary glands.


Women consented to yoga teacher's massage, court told

Date: August 26, 2011

Virendra Kumar (i.e. central Dada Ananyananda) leaves the County Court yesterday. He is facing charges of rape and indecent assault. Photo: Pat Scala

A MELBOURNE yoga teacher allegedly told a woman recovering from pregnancy pains that invasive massages would improve her health and wellbeing, a jury has heard. Virendra Kumar, 64, operator of the Kevalam Yoga and Meditation Centre in Balwyn, is also accused of inappropriate massages on two other women who sought him out for remedies for health complaints.

Kumar is standing trial in the County Court on seven charges of rape and five of indecent assault, alleged to have taken place between August 2006 and August 2008. He has pleaded not guilty and his defence counsel says there were no rapes or assaults because each woman consented.

Opening the Crown case, prosecutor Andrew McKenry said each woman separately complained of health problems, which Kumar told them could be remedied through massage. One woman testified yesterday that she began seeing Kumar in late 2006, believing that yoga would be an effective way to restore her body, having given birth about six months earlier. She said she had mastitis at the time and her groin was still sore from childbirth, so accepted Kumar's word that massage, and in particular, internal vaginal massage, would help her.

Cross-examined by defence counsel Amanda Fox, the woman - to whom all of the rape charges and two of the indecent assault charges relate - said she gave Kumar permission to digitally penetrate her and, as a result of his massage, the lumps in her breast disappeared and her vaginal pain lessened.

She said she was surprised at how intimate the massage became but ''reconciled it with myself because of the gravity of the situation. I was in pain for a long time.'' The woman said when she asked Kumar about halfway through the series of about 20 sessions what the vaginal massage was for, he replied: ''It smooths the walls of the vagina.''

She said she continued to have the massages because she felt the treatment necessary for her to heal.

Ms Fox earlier told the jury there were no rapes or indecent assaults, and the woman had consented to the internal massage.

''No matter how you view her evidence, it is not rape and it is not indecent assault. Even on her version of events, which is disputed, these crimes of rape and indecent assault have not been committed.''The credibility, reliability and believability of all three women was in issue, she said.

Another woman said when she visited Kumar in August 2008 he told her that if she repeated a certain yoga pose each day, ''it would prevent cancer''. She said he also massaged her breasts.

The trial, before Judge Liz Gaynor, continues.


Baba's mandate:
must make them shun bad habits by either sweet or harsh words 
or by dealing even more strictly

In all His teachings, Baba tell us not to tolerate any kind of injustice. In that situation margiis thought address organisational wrongdoing lest the problem spread etc. And the only way to bring this to the fore is to point out issues ahead of time within the organisation before they become public scandals.

Sadguru Baba says, "Hence, all Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly." (1)

And that is what countless margiis and Wts are trying to do and their efforts spawned the creation of the Ananda Marga News Bulletin email forum to inform concerned margiis. And that is Baba’s guideline: If you inform your fellow members they will resolve the issue. 

Please write us with your thoughts. And below please find that article.

When I think that to establish Ananda Marga Baba was locked in jail for years, fasted, and suffered so much before our very eyes, yet now look how these organisational authorities are busy involved in ruining what Baba made - it is so painful.

In His Service,
Lisa Donovan

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, How to Live in Society

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are hiding in my mind

Note: Those bhaktas who feel a spiritual vibration in their heart can understand this song in the depths of their core.

"Tumi je path dekháye diyecho, se pather kabhu náhi sheśa..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1875)


O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, the path sadhana and enlightenment which You have shown me never ends. That is the way of supreme realisation. It is coming from beginninglessness and goes up to endlessness, i.e. infinity. Your abode is ananta. Those who travel on and on, by Your grace, one fine morning reach that effulgent abode.

O’ my Supreme Entity, I have searched for You in the flower garden; and, I have looked for You in the canopy of my mind, in my mental abode. I have sought for You everywhere my Lord, and when I try to catch You through song after song, there remains a trace of that tune in my heart. It is Your grace. In this way my mind rushes towards You always.

O’ Parama Purusa, please tell me how I may get You, realise You. Please teach me sadhana, and show me the path to come to You. For ages after ages, I have been wandering around in hopes of finding You; but, that was all a waste of time. I could never hold You close in my heart. Baba, You are hiding in my mental mirror. Please come into the fold. Let my mind merge into You and become one with You.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, please grant me parabhakti…

== Section 3: Links ==