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Monday, August 23, 2021

Brazil margiis & sin + 3 more


Brazil margiis & sin


After Agryabuddhya'nanda’s mahaprayan on Friday (20 Aug), his body was brought to a master unit and kept in the DC hall, and then they started doing akhanda kiirtana around his dead body. Sadly, this is all dogma so it is a veritable violation of dharma for those who participated in this dogma.

Sadguru Baba has given explicit instructions in Caryacarya about the handling and care of the body after their death. And there is absolutely no mention anywhere of dragging the body into the hall for kiirtana. This runs 100% contrary to His dharmic guidelines. So this particular unit in Brazil has committed a sin. 

In the below image, you can see margii dancing kiirtana around the casket / corpse of Dada Agryabuddhya'nanda. On the near side of the casket is a photo of Dada ji. This particular unit in Brazil has committed a sin. 

Sadguru Baba has given explicit instructions in Caryacarya about the handling and care of the body after their death. And there is absolutely no mention anywhere of dragging the body into the hall for kiirtana. This runs 100% contrary to His dharmic guidelines. So this particular unit in Brazil has committed a sin.

In Him, 

Note: If you wish to see the video of them doing kiirtan around the Dada ji’s corpse, kindly write us. 

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Captivated my mind

"Práńer pradiip saunge niye,ke go ele ei dharáytomáy, bhulate náhi párá jáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2205)


Carrying the lamp of love, who are You who has taken advent on this earth. With the reffulgence of infinite prema and affection, and the effulgence of warmth and compassion, You have completely captivated my mind; now I cannot think of anything else. Supreme One, it is impossible to forget You. Because of Your august arrival, with each and every expression, in every rhythm, You are exuding beauty and sweetness in all directions - everywhere. I can’t stop thinking of You.
By Your melodious voice and heartfelt attraction, with love You are drawing everyone near You by Your mamata', feeling all as Your own. You are vibrating in Your glory yet remaining hidden in the deep core of my mind – always. I ever remember You.
My Innermost, at some unknown time in the past You came and poured forth the pot of love, saturated and showered Your incomparable grace, and created a big stir - a revolution - in the world of ideas and thinking. And after that You hid Yourself from this world and were not visible to the crude eye. You came as Mahasambhuti and now You are ever-present with everyone as Taraka Brahma in their heart and mind.
Baba, You are love personified how can I forget You...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2205:

[1] Mamata': Mineness; In Sanskrit “mama” = mine, and the suffix ta’ = -ness; hence “mineness.” To have equal or more love for something / someone than one has for oneself. 

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is the meaning of “mamatá”? Mama + tá = mamatá. Mama means “mine” and thus mamatá is the inner idea of being mine, the feeling that something is my own." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "“Mamatá” means “mine-ness” – “Mama” means “one's own”, and the abstract noun derived from it is “mamatá” – meaning, thereby “mine-ness.”" (2)

For example, suppose you are suffering from a fever then naturally you will be concerned about your own health. You will try to cure yourself by going to the doctor and taking medicine etc. If you have mamata for someone else, then if they are sick with a fever you will have the same degree of care for their condition as your own. When one does sadhana then this sense of mamata grows and one ultimately has the feeling of mamata towards the entire created universe. Without sadhana, one’s sense of mamata will be extremely limited whereby one might only care about their own individual existence. So when the mind is extremely narrow one only has mamata for oneself. Those with a slightly broader mind have mamata towards their parents and family members. And as the circumference of mind expands one has mamata for other relatives and community members etc. However, it is only with sadhana that the periphery of mind can grow further and further wherein one’s sense of mamata includes all beings and expressions of this cosmos. Parama Purusa has mamata’ for each and every entity - this entire creation, all living and non-living expressions.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Pleasing the Lord

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Inside scoop on avidya maya

Ananda Marga ideology states, "The avidyá force declares war on those whose desire or inclination is towards vidyá; this gives rise to a hostile tendency in the recesses of their minds, against which they have to struggle. At home the husband, wife or the other members of the family become dissatisfied with them, and create various obstacles. In the field of their activities the opportunities arise for depravity, meanness, bribes etc., and they have to maintain their self-control. The locusts of desires come swarming in to destroy the very bud of their sádhaná. So they must carefully avoid such temptations for their own safety. But those whose movement is truly towards vidyá, who are determined to follow the path of vidyá by sacrificing their all, will eventually become immune to all obstacles. No amount of scornful taunts or diatribes will be able to check their lightning speed. They will emerge victorious, weathering and defying all storms, and eventually stand firm and erect like the Himalayas; and the storms and squalls will rebound back in disappointment."

"When the Sádhaka or the spiritual aspirant will stand untrammelled and resolute, with the courage of his conviction, and self-confidence, all snags and dangers will gradually wither away – will timidly disappear from his path...Obstacles are the concomitants of sádhaná, struggling is a good sign. By these obstacles sádhakas can understand that their spiritual practice is on the right track. Spiritual philosophy comes into being only when sádhakas struggling with avidyá’s hindrances, vindicates their move towards Brahma after defeating the base propensities of avidyá by their own intellect and judgment." (1) 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure

== Section 4: Links ==