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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

AN news: without this unity is only dream


AN news: without this unity is only dream


At the recent DMS, some organised a rally calling for unity amongst the various factions. And verily, unity is a key aim for our human society, as well as within AMPS. At the same time, those leaders cannot just take any willy-nilly approach for making unity. Sadguru Baba has given explicit guidelines that have to be followed. 

Stories of cause of disunity: exploiters are culprits
~ Below Hindi section courtesy of WhatsApp ~

मार्ग की एकता भंग करनेवाले कौन—तीन कहानियाँ

इस पत्र के अन्तिम अनुच्छेद में, बाबा की अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षा एकता के बारे में है; उस अंग्रेज़ी अनुच्छेद में बाबा ने कहा है कि अगर शोषण हुआ तो एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । अर्थात्‌ संस्था में एक समूह अगर दूसरे समूह पर शोषण कर रहा है, तो एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । शोषक और शोषित के बीच में कभी एकता नहीं होती है । इस बिन्दु को समझने के लिए निम्न उदाहरण देखें । 

उदाहरण एक, बच्चा और मच्छर की कहानी—
घर में एक बच्चा सोया हुआ है । घर में मच्छर भी हैं । मच्छर भी है, बच्चे भी हैं, शान्ति है । लेकिन मच्छर जब बच्चे को काटने लग गया, बच्चे का खून चूसने लग गया, तब बच्चा ज़ोर ज़ोर से रोना शुरू कर दिया । फलस्वरूप घर की एकता भंग हो गई । इस एकता नष्ट होने के लिए, बच्चा ज़िम्मेदार नहीं है । एकता भंग होने के पीछे मच्छर ज़िम्मेदार है । अगर मच्छर बच्चे को नहीं काटता, तो एकता बनी रहती । जो घर की एकता बनाए रखना चाहते हैं, उन्हें मच्छर को समझाना होगा कि बच्चे का खून नहीं चूसे, पेड़-पौधे का रस चूसे । एकता का प्रवचन मच्छर को सुनाना चाहिए, न कि बच्चे को । इस एकता की बात अगले उदाहरण से और स्पष्ट हो जाएगी । 

उदाहरण # दो, दोस्त का खाना चोरी, और पिटाई की कहानी—
A और B दो बालक, आपस में मित्र हैं । दोनों एक ही क्लास में middle school में पढ़ते हैं । आपस में पड़ोसी हैं । साथ ही स्कूल जाते हैं । एक दिन B ने A का खाना चुपके से निकालकर फेंक दिया । फलस्वरूप A को दोपहर की छुट्टी में भूखे रहना पड़ा । दूसरा दिन भी वैसा ही हुआ, चुपके से B ने A का खाना फेंक दिया । इस प्रकार चार दिन लगातार हुआ, तब A ने सोचा कि इस तरह से तो भूखों मर जाएँगे; चोर को पकड़ना ही है । A ने अन्य मित्रों को अलर्ट किया, कि चोर को पकड़ा जाए । अगले दिन जब B ने A का खाना चुराया और फेंकने जा रहा था, तब पकड़ा गया । इस पर सब ने मिलकर B की पिटाई की । फलस्वरूप क्लासरूम की एकता और शान्ति नष्ट हो गई । स्पष्ट है कि एकता नष्ट करने के लिए पूरी ज़िम्मेवारी B की है । अगर A लड़के का खाना B नहीं फेंकता, तो एकता बनी रहती । इसलिए इस लेख के अन्तिम अनुच्छेद में बाबा की अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षा में कहा गया है कि जहाँ शोषण है, वहाँ एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । जो एकता चाहते हैं, उन्हें शोषण बन्द करना होगा । एकता का प्रवचन शोषित को नहीं सुनाना चाहिए । एकता का प्रवचन शोषक को सुनाना चाहिए । क्योंकि शोषक ही एकता को नष्ट करता है । यह बात आगे उदाहरण से और भी स्पष्ट हो जाएगी । 

उदाहरण # तीन, प्रवचन फेंकनेवाले दोषी—

 बाबा के हिन्दी प्रवचनों को फेंक दिया जाता था पुराने आ०व० १-२ में । इस सम्बन्ध में प्रतिदिन उदाहरण प्रस्तुत किया जाता है, चित्र बनाकर । जो लोग हिन्दी का प्रवचन फेंके वे लोग शोषक हैं, दोषी हैं । अगर हिन्दी का प्रवचन नहीं फेंका जाता, तो एकता बनी रहती । एकता लाना है, तो शोषण बन्द करना होगा । दुर्भाग्य है कि कुछ लोग अल्प ज्ञान या अज्ञान के कारण निम्न हिन्दी बाबा वाक्य शोषितों को सुनाकर अपनी बुद्धिहीनता का परिचय देते हैं । 

बाबा ने कहा है—“आनन्द मार्गियों की एकता किसी भी तरह नष्ट न होने दोगे । अपने जीवन को विपन्न करके भी एकता की रक्षा करोगे” ।  

दुर्भाग्य है कि कुछ लोग अल्प ज्ञान या अज्ञान के कारण उपरोक्त हिन्दी बाबा वाक्य शोषितों को सुनाकर अपनी बुद्धिहीनता का परिचय देते हैं । 

उपरोक्त एकतावाले बाबा के शब्दों को उन्हीं को सुनाना चाहिए जो आनन्द वचनामृतम्‌ 1-2 से हिन्दी बाबा प्रवचन फेंक दिए हैं । शोषकों के कारण एकता भंग हुई है । यही शिक्षा निम्न अंग्रेज़ी अनुच्छेद में भी बाबा दे रहे हैं । 

संस्था की फूट का कारण शोषक हैं और न कि शोषित । एकता का प्रवचन शोषक को सुनाना चाहिए, जिससे शोषक लोग शोषण बन्द कर दें, तो एकता हो जाएगी । इसलिए इस लेख के अन्तिम अनुच्छेद में बाबा की अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षा में कहा गया है कि जहाँ शोषण है, वहाँ एकता नष्ट हो जाएगी । 

~ Above Hindi section courtesy of WhatsApp ~

Stories of cause of disunity: exploiters are culprits

Here is the English translation of the above three stories that disturb unity.

Baba has said that if exploitation happens, unity will be destroyed. That is, if one group is exploiting another group in the organization, unity will be destroyed. There can’t be unity between the exploiters and the exploited. To understand this point, see the following three examples.

Mosquito bites baby: unity ruined

Example #1: The story of a child and a mosquito: A child is sleeping in the house and there are also mosquitoes in the house. Initially there was peace, but when the mosquito started biting the baby and sucking the baby's blood, the child started crying out loud. As a result, the unity of the house was disturbed and the child is not the cause. The mosquito is the culprit for breaking unity. If the mosquito didn’t bite the child, unity will be maintained. Those who want to maintain the unity of the house have to convince the mosquito not to suck the baby’s blood and instead live off of plant juice. The lesson of unity should be told to the mosquito and not to the child. For greater clarity, please see the next example.

B stole from A: unity ruined

Example #2: The story of one friend stealing food and got beating: A and B are two friends. Both live in the same neighborhood and study in the same class in the same middle school. One day B secretly threw A's food out. Consequently, A had to go hungry all afternoon. It happened the second day also. This happened for four consecutive days; A thought that in this way he will die of hunger and that he has to catch the thief. A alerts other friends to catch the thief. The next day when B stole A's food and was about to throw it, he was caught. Everyone beat B together. As a result, the unity and peace of the classroom was destroyed. It is clear that B is responsible for destroying unity. If B did not throw the A’s food, unity would have been maintained. Baba’s guideline is that where there is exploitation, unity will be destroyed. Those who want unity will have to oppose the exploiters and stop the exploitation. The discourse of unity should not be preached to the exploited. The discourse of unity should be preached to the exploiters. Because it is the exploiters who destroy unity. This will be further clarified by the next example.

AMPS unity ruined by tossing Baba’s discourses

Example #3: The culprits throwing discourses. Baba's Hindi discourses were thrown out during the publication of AV parts 1 and 2. An example is presented daily by these images (see link appended below in yellow highlight). Those who threw away Baba’s Hindi discourse are exploiters; they are guilty. If Hindi discourses were not discarded, unity would have remained. If we want to bring unity, they have to stop this type of exploitation. It is unfortunate that some people, due to little knowledge or ignorance, preach the following Baba sentences to the exploited.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “The unity of Ananda Margis should not be allowed to be jeopardized for any reason. Unity should be maintained even at the risk of your life.” (1)

It is unfortunate that some people, due to little knowledge or ignorance, preach this to the exploited, when in fact it is the exploiters who destroy unity. The words of Baba with the above unity should be told only to those exploiters.

The reason for the schism of the organization is the exploiters not the exploited. The discourse of unity should be narrated to the exploiters, so that if the exploiters stop their exploitation, unity will occur. Baba’s guideline is that where there is exploitation, unity will be destroyed.

Must launch anti-exploitation movement

Here Baba identifies the key point for establishing unity. Namely, in addition to having people rally together, there must be a strict call for the end of exploitation. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the realm of unity, unity is always psychic – ideological unity means unity in the subtlest level of the mind. However, psychic or ideological unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society.” (2)

According to Baba’s above guideline, unity cannot be achieved with the presence of exploitation. So there must be a consensual recognition of the existence of exploitation and a practical plan to eradicate it. Failing that, the ongoing ways of exploitation will radically disturb and ruin any attempt of creating unity. 

It is just like how humans and mosquitoes cannot co-exist; when forcibly put in a confined space one party is going to get bitten. Similarly, if you bring two camps together and do not demand an anti-exploitation platform, then the call for unity will only generate more and more exploitation. The result will be that one party will suffer. That is just a black pact wherein real unity remains a distant dream.

March at Ananda Nagar

Misguided leaders organised a march to raise the slogan for unity at the current New Year’s DMS. Their sole call is for the various groups to come together on the stage etc. Unfortunately, that will never bring unity. The leaders of this call for one DMS program are either wholly ignorant about exploitation and the reasons for disunity in AMPS, or they have some ulterior motive and their own personal agenda. Simply demanding a unified DMS without eliminating all avenues of exploitation will never achieve the desired result. 

Here below see the march at Ananda Nagar during the recent New Year’s DMS where they are demanding for “One AMPS - One DMS”. Two people at the front of the procession are holding this large orange banner with bold blue letters and white outline. Their banner reads:

One AMPS - One DMS
We demand one DMS

And behind are many simple villagers holding smaller white signs with black lettering that states, “One AMPS, One DMS” and “We Demand One AMPS, One DMS”. See the below image. 

The above image shows how during the recent New Year’s DMS at Ananda Nagar, those in a procession were demanding “One AMPS - One DMS”. Many simple and kind-hearted people participated in this rally. In their innocence they were not aware about Baba’s teaching to demand an end to exploitation. So all blame goes to the leaders and organisers of this procession. 

Types of exploitation in AMPS

At present, exploitation abounds in our AMPS. Margii rights have been torn down, the BP post has been turned into a place for stooges only, and Sadguru Baba’s pristine teachings are being published in a wrong and misguided manner where many original teachings are thrown away entirely. The only way to achieve unity in AMPS is to properly address and resolve all these issues. So long as they exist, unity will be out of reach, regardless of the slogans one raises and the pleas they make. There has to be a fight for justice. 


Baba’s teaching is straightforward. If there is not an anti-exploitation movement, then unity will be a pipe-dream only. Unfortunately, that is the state of affairs for those demanding the one DMS these days at Ananda Nagar. 

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Unity may be affected if we encourage the exploitation of one group by another. So to avoid this there should not be any scope for exploitation in society.” (3)

In Him, 

* Here is the ongoing collection of distortions from AV 1 - 2.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #13
2. Prout in a Nutshell Volume - Part 15, Talks on Prout
3. Prout in a Nutshell Volume - Part 15, Talks on Prout