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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Why phallus worship + 2 more

Why phallus worship

Lord Shiva came on this earth about 7,000 years ago. Even before that, if we look into the history, the phallus worship (liunga puja) existed. Modern humans can be traced back about 100,000 years. Around 99.99% of that time was very difficult for human existence. Even if we look back just 100 years ago, survival was tough, what to speak of tens of thousands of years ago. Many people used to die prematurely because of calamities, or struggle of existence as there was no science to cure diseases (cholera, plague, etc.), or people were killed by animals. Therefore, to increase the size of their family or clan, people thought of having more children.

History behind Shiva liunga puja / phallus worship

People were reliant on muscle power as there was no sign of modern industrialization. The household that had more children was more powerful. Similarly, the population increase was needed from family, village, state, and country to secure muscle power and strength. Out of necessity, people were increasing the size of their families / clans etc to gain power as well as to dominate others. Power was defined by the number of people. By having more children, the idea was that even if one or two die, some will still remain to contribute to the mass and gain muscle power. 

They were aware that children can be created by the male and female genitalia. They thought that was the origin so they started worshipping those two organs and asking for more children. So they started doing puja, and the purpose of liunga puja was to procreate more and more and increase the number of people in the home, society, etc. At one point or another, this was prevalent in all the religions. If one sees the shiva liunga carefully, then there is a male genital, and another female genital. The male genital is on top of the female genital.

Please see carefully this below image. The vertical piece is the male genitalia and the v-shaped design around the male genitalia is the female genitalia. The male genital is in the female genital. That is what is depicted here. By uniting the two, children are created. That is the knowledge they had those days which they reflected in this image. To procreate more they did worship to this piece.

Figure 1: An image of a typical Shivaliunga

How Phallus worship changed to Lord Shiva’s phallus worship

In the hoary past, its name was phallus worship and later on when Lord Shiva came on this earth, and His presence became more and more popular, people associated liunga puja / phallus worship with Lord Shiva. Similarly, today in the name of Lord Shiva’s worship, dogmatic followers use marijuana, bhang, country wine, tobacco, and hashish. They associate those intoxicants with Lord Shiva.

This is typical of what happens to those who become known in the society. People connect (sentimentally) their current practices with the famous person. Likewise, people associated the liunga puja with Lord Shiva, and started continuing the practicing liunga puja referring it to as Shiva liunga puja. This is the history behind Shiva liunga puja as prehistoric people adopted the practice to increase their offspring. 

In the distant past, this stone image was known as a general male-female genital. But after Lord Shiva’s great popularity, the definition changed. And dogmatic people were justifying that this is the genital of Lord Shiva and the genitalia of His wife Parvati. That is the way it was depicted.

See how the definition changed. And it was announced that the above image is the phallus of Lord Shiva and female genitalia is of Parvati. Shiva liunga means phallus of Lord Shiva and puja’ means worship. Shiva liunga puja means worship of  Lord Shiva’s phallus. And the motive is these two are the same: To create an overabundance of children. 

Now please see below. They are worshipping Lord Shiva’s phallus. Followers are pouring countless containers of milk. We will discuss more about the why / what / when of this dogma in the next letter.

Figure 2: Worship of Lord Shiva’s phallus

See below how the hungry child in India does not have anything to eat. So he is collecting something from the garbage to earn a few pennies for his next meal. This point is also indirectly related with Shiva liunga puja. We will discuss this in the next letter.

Figure 3: Child collecting plastics for income and survival

Phallus worship would increase births: ancient people thought

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Ancient people had to increase their numbers, because constant clashes between the different groups caused many deaths. Fights were as numerous as sticks and stones...women were revered for their child producing capacity. Consequently, the social order at that time was matriarchal and matrilineal.”
   “Later people started phallus worship. In that undeveloped stage of society, people gave great importance to the phallus because they thought that phallus worship would increase their numbers. Many ancient civilizations, including the Mayan civilization, practiced phallus worship. Phallus worship continued after the advent of Shiva about seven thousand years ago, and even today people still worship Shiva in the symbolic form of a phallus.” (1)

In Him, 

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Religious Dogma – Excerpt B

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Terrible harm by today’s pop stars

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Strict vigilance should be kept over the purity of their individual conduct. They should not become the cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer. If actors and actresses fail to acquire a basic level of personal purity or are reluctant to acquire it, it will be the duty of society and the state to compel them to lead good lives by creating circumstantial pressure. No matter how talented they may be, immoral actors and actresses will have to be deprived of their right to exhibit their artistic talents, and sent to reform schools." (1)

Here Baba is guiding us that those leading debauched lives must not be allowed to work in the art and entertainment industry - whether they be actors, actresses, singers or performers etc. This applies to all those artists leading promiscuous lives. Naturally, this also includes the gay and lesbian community that is well-known for engaging in the arts and leading sensually depraved lives. Such persons must be forced to lead a sentient life or be removed from the stage. 

The real danger is that if they fail to reform themselves, then with their degrading habits and high-profile life they will adversely affect and harm others, especially impressionable youths. Sadly, we have seen a few cases like this in AMPS where artistically-inclined, gay / lesbian musicians and songwriters etc wreaked havoc on innocent margiis by using their star power and manipulating them into relationships etc. Many in numerous sectors have been badly abused by such depraved singers. 

That is why Guru's definitive statement is that only those artists who are strict in Sixteen Points may perform. All others must be forced to rectify their conduct. Until then, they are not allowed to appear on the public stage etc.

In Him,

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

== Section 3: Links ==

Upcoming Festival - Sep 14
Recent postings
Other topics of interest

Prabhat Samgiita Day + 3 more

Prabhat Samgiita Day

Note: A link to the original sound file has been appended below.


Those were wonderfully, spiritual occasions when Baba was explaining and elaborating upon the purports of Prabhat Samgiita. Many understood that this was a most unique and unusual time as Baba was openly speaking about the sweet relation between bhaktas and Parama Purusa.

Before Prabhat Samgiita was introduced, everything was in discourse form. So it was more technical and philosophical in nature and did not address how and what bhaktas should say to Parama Purusa. With Prabhat Samgiita, Baba lovingly guides us how we should express our inner-heart feelings towards Taraka Brahma. That is the special quality of Prabhat Samgiita, and that is what makes those compositions uniquely different from His original discourses.

Below Baba contrasts this difference by highlighting the beauty of Prabhat Samgiita. Here then is the very sweet and spiritual scene that took place at morning general darshan on 02 January 1983. At the time, Baba had just completed reviewing the purports of Prabhat Samgiita #42 – #45.

In the purport for PS #0045, the following meaning was expressed: “O’ my Nearmost Parama Purusa, You are with me in my pain, pleasure, and misery; You never leave me. By Your exquisite grace, I have gotten You close with love and affection. In my sweet dreams, You are always with me.”

Then Baba asked, “Do you like this description of Prabhat Samgiita?”

The margiis replied, “Yes, Baba.”

Baba said, “Intellectuals write philosophical books in very difficult and literary language. Is Prabhat Samgiita not sweeter than those philosophical books?”

“Yes, Baba, this is far sweeter”, was the reply from the margiis present.

Baba said, “The philosophical texts are written by intellectuals, but Prabhat Samgiita is the feeling of the heart, and the expression of the heart, and it has been written with the ink of the heart.”

After this, Baba was smiling and looking at everyone.

Then those bhaktas present started laughing.

Then Baba spoke, “Why are My boys and girls laughing? Are they laughing because they like this idea?”

All the margiis responded, “Yes, Baba.”

Then Baba also started laughing.

Baba continued, “Let this whole year pass in laughter and enjoyment.”

Note: That day Baba was explaining Prabhat Samgiita purports in all three languages: Hindi, Bengali, and English. However, the above exchange between Baba and those sadhakas occurred exclusively in Hindi.

in Him,

Original Hindi

Here is the original Hindi of that key line from Baba’s morning general darshan when He spoke about Prabhat Samgiita:

Sadguru Baba says, “फ़लसफा की किताब तो क़ातिर लोग लिखते हैं, और ये जो बातें हैं, ये [ Prabhat Samgiita ] तो दिल की बातें हैं, दिल की रोशनाई है |” (MGD 2nd of Jan 1983 in A'nanda Nagar // Purport, प्रभात सङ्गीत, PS #0045)

Listen to sound file ==> PS written with the ink of the heart

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

What You desire is what happens

"Tomáke cená náhi jáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2089)


Parama Purusa, You can't be understood by the mind. You are all-pervading, everywhere, and always with me - even then it is not possible to know You with my unit self. By ideating on You, my I-feeling loses its existence in You. Baba, whenever I think that, “I know You well”, then due to ego my viveka gets completely clouded by the Cimmerian darkness. In result, I become more ignorant. When the mind concentrates on You then it ultimately merges in You, and the unit being becomes one with the Cosmic Mind. 

Parama Purusa, sometimes You are vehemently sounding Your sermons by the beating of the marching drum and the blowing of the trumpets; and, on other occasions You are smiling sweetly and showering Your causeless grace with flower pollen. My Supreme One, such is Your beauty. In the end, in the lonely, isolated moment, I see that everything happens by Your sweet wiil. What You desire is what happens - that is the final story.  

Parama Purusa, in Your grand kingdom, all belongs to You. I cannot boast that anything is mine; indeed to think that something is my own is the height of foolishness - it is sin. Because everything is created and maintained by You. This whole expressed universe is Your mental projection. Due to this eternal truth, everyone wants Your blessing and asks for Your grace. Each one longs for Your karuna' - divine compassion.  

Baba, it is not possible to realise You without Your krpa...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Fearless writers use the pen as a sword

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "When for age after age society spins in the murky eddies of evil and vice, when individual and collective knavery masquerades as intelligence, when hypocrisy, bribery and fraud are the yardsticks for measuring the ability to lead – it is then that the genuine followers of Bháratii [the goddess of learning] must struggle on in spite of constant humiliation. Only taunts and insults will be their fate. Those who are afraid of these insults are incapable of offering anything really lasting to humanity. How can people who lack moral strength, under whose feet the soil is not hard and strong, invite anyone in to a cool, refreshing shelter and impart happiness to them? It may be possible to drag oneself through life by sucking the blood of others like social parasites, but this will not bring fulfilment to either sáhityikas or their readers." (1)

In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us that when society is degraded then fighting against the status quo is very difficult. Cowards surrender, while heroes face abuse, slander, bad name, and torture, but they never give up their stand. They persevere. They are are real saviours of society. In our AMPS also, there are many goody-goodies and so-called bhaktas who face humiliation but keep quiet and do not write anything. Baba calls them cowards. True writers are never afraid and always use the pen as a sword to oppose wrongdoers and injustice.

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art and Literature

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest