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Monday, August 31, 2020

Ignorance of some Wts + 4 more


Ignorance of some Wts


It is time to apply the litmus test to see if we and those around us are doing namaskar properly or not.

If you, me, or anyone walks into a room and waits for others to do namaskar, it means they do not know the meaning of this salutation. Because if in their heart and mind anyone understands that namaskar is a salutation to the Supreme, they will be vigilant and ready to quickly do namaskar to anyone they see. Forgetting this point, one will think, "I am a man of respect; let others salute me first." In that case, one will not do namaskar first. That means they have misunderstood the entire essence of namaskar. In such situations, they are merely demonstrating their own disillusionment or ignorance.

You may have seen such situations. If you walk down the hallways these days in Ranchi or Tiljala, so many “big” Dadas never do namaskar to their junior workers. Rather, such Dadas expect that all should respectfully do namaskar to them and in response they may casually wave or nod their head.

When any high posted Dada does like this, then they have degraded themselves by forgetting the divine truth that namaskar is being done to the Supreme, not to them. But instead such Dadas are puffing up their own ego and vanity thinking that the namaskar salutation is a reflection of one's own greatness or social standing. That is the degree of their misunderstanding.

Then if one tours any overseas sector, often we find that those who have become family acaryas fall into this same awful predicament. With their new found title, those family acaryas think all should honour them by doing namaskar first. Again, this is nothing but proof of their own ignorance. Ultimately, whether acarya or not, any arrogant person is prone to degrading themselves in this way by thinking that namaskar is being done to them.

So we should all think, review the situation, and make sure that we are not falling into this trap, nor allowing others to do so. We should know that when doing namaskar we are offering our salutations to the Supreme.

Wrongly think that namaskar is being done to them

At the same time, problems rarely exist in isolation. Most often two people are involved in any wrongdoing. This is the case with the misunderstanding about namaskar - as well. Up till now, we have been primarily discussing the ignorance of the person who is receiving the namaskar salutation. They wrongly think that namaskar is being done to them.

The other side of the scenario is the person who is actually doing namaskar. The proper spirit should be that we are paying our salutations to the Supreme One.

But it sometimes happens - either to us or others - that we are thinking that an important person has entered the room so we should quickly go and do namaskar. Or we may think that, “The person before me is so great that I must be extra careful to show him my respect by doing namaskar very slowly.” Or anytime the thought infests our mind that the salutation within namaskar is being done to the person in front of us, and not Parama Purusa, then the person doing namaskar has also fallen into dogma. That is a sign of one's own ignorance.

Whenever a so-called great person walks into any room waiting for others to do namaskar to them and whenever a person sees a so-called great person and thinks, “I must honour them by doing namaskar”, then in that moment, both parties involved are 100% ignorant. Both are misusing and misunderstanding the namaskar salutation and degrading themselves.

One other scenario is if an aged, or senior, or so-called respected person sees a 5-year-old boy, then they may think, "Why should I do namaskar to this small child." This is also a diseased outlook. We should always remember that Parama Purusa is timeless and ageless and whatever form is standing before us, He resides within all. No one should fall into ignorance by failing to do namaskar in such circumstances.


Parama Purusa has blessed us with one very special type of salutation to recognise His presence in all circumstances and interactions. This is a spiritual boon. So we should always watch ourselves to ensure we are following the word and spirit of His namaskar guidelines. Failing that - should we become at all ignorant in this regard - then that will only lead to our degradation.

Remembering Him is the path of vidya and elevation and forgetting Him is the path of avidya and degradation. When doing or receiving namaskar, we must always bear in mind salutations are being done to Him, and not any unit being.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Why namaskar mudra

Ananda Marga ideology states, "What is our style of extending goodwill? We do, Namaska'r. That is, “I pay respect to the Supreme Entity residing within you.” You should remember this. “I concentrate all the good feelings of my mind here in the trikut'i [between the eyebrows].”

“In your mind there are so many propensities. Propensities are called vrtti in Sanskrit. So there are so many vrttis, so many propensities..."

"So many thoughts are in your mind. But you should concentrate all your thoughts at a particular point, here – that is, with all the strength and goodwill of your mind you are doing this – you are touching these two palms here [trikut'i]. That is, you are concentrating all your goodwill here, because you are paying respect to Parama Purus'a residing within this body...[pointing to different people]. First do this."

"And not only mental concentration, you are human beings, you have got so many sentiments also. Human sentiment, you know? When you feel much joy you burst into tears, when much sorrow you burst into tears. These are sentiments. And human beings are guided by sentiment, more by sentiment than by logic, you must not forget it – more by sentiment than by logic. So your sentiment is also there, so with all the concentration of your mind and with all the sweetness of your sentiment, from the very core of your heart, you are paying respect to Parama Purus'a residing within human structure. So you do this [palms together at mid-point of chest], and say, Namaska'r."

"I think you have understood it? A very sweet idea. So it is my opinion, my desire, that human society [be] one, indivisible; it is an expressed form, a sweet expression, of Parama Purus'a, to whom you should always pay respect by doing namaska'r." (1)

When namaskar & when namaste

One other dogma floating around the fake and new-age yoga community in the west and in India also is the use of namaste. This is a bit of a separate topic, but in general one should understand that namaskar is to be used with human beings and namaste is only to be used when honouring Parama Purusa directly, not seeing Parama Purusa in the form of some unit being. Our Marga should not fall prey to this dogma. There is an important distinction which can be discussed in greater length. Suffice to say here that we should pay heed to Baba's below guideline.

Ananda Marga ideoloyg says, "The generally-accepted rule is that one should do namaska'ra to a human being or a god or goddess, but one should do namaste or namastubhyam only to Parama Purus'a, not to any other entity." (2)

Role of mudra in namaskar salutation

Baba has also detailed another important quality of the namaskar salutation by clearly telling the importance of the mudra. Sometimes people fail to bring their thumbs to the trikuti point or their palms to their heart. But Baba has given a pointed explanation about this. In brief, bringing the palms to the triktui point helps focus the mind and honour Parama Purusa and when bringing the palms to the heart we offer all our feelings unto Him.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Parama Puruśa within Everyone
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Please come in Your attractive way

"Tumi nandan-manthan candan sa'r a'j eso prabhu ghare a'ma'r..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4394)


Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, You are the most endearing and charming Entity and as sweet as the essence of nectar. Please come to my home today. I have decorated my entire house for Your reception - for the occasion of Your august arrival. I have opened all the doors and windows of the abode of my heart, along with the thousand petals of the white lotus. I have decorated with mango branchlets, with leaves over the pitcher. All done with the hope that You will come in a gracious mood.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I do not know the protocol for welcoming You, nor how to receive You in a grand way. You are anadi, beginningless, so Your lineage is not known to me. I never heard of Your gotra. And there are no particular scriptures, rituals, or dos and don'ts for chanting Your name, and calling You. So with my ista mantra I am calling You with tears in my eyes.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I came to know that You are vast. Your idol cannot be made and You do not have an abode in any tiirtha. I never heard of any pilgrim that You like. So It is useless to search for You in the various holy lands. For all these reasons, I have created the atma'-tiirtha: Your seat in my soul. In that very divine temple, my mind is dancing, overwhelmed in the bliss of having You. Baba, please come in an attractive and exquisite way. Kindly come in my heart, I have been waiting for You since ages...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Dire weakness of democracy

Prout philosophy states, “There are occasions when majority decisions do not create unity in society because people are more or less divided on an issue. In such circumstances, the leaders should be very cautious when making their decisions, and take special care to safeguard the interests of everybody. In particular, they should select a course of action which does not harm the sentiments of any group. For example, suppose there are seven brothers in a joint family, and these brothers are divided on an issue. Four brothers may be on one side and three brothers on another. If the head of the family takes a decision based on the wishes of the majority, the family will be divided into two groups. Therefore, a decision should be taken which safeguards the interests of all the brothers.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Humans have made their own death bed

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Due to the foolishness of human beings many creatures and objects will not survive the period fixed for them by nature. Prior to their stipulated period of longevity they will be swallowed up by eternity. Human beings due to their utmost folly have annihilated numerous objects and thus prepared their own funeral pyre. Such folly on the part of human beings is unbearable. Human beings must be cautious from now on. They must restructure their thoughts, plans and activities in accordance with the dictates of ecology. There is no alternative.” (1)

1. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 2, How Cruel Human Beings Are! – Excerpt B

== Section == 

দোষগুলো দ্রুত সরে যায় | বিশেষ করে আলস্য আর দীর্ঘসূত্রতা“এই ছ’টা দোষ সম্বন্ধে অনেকই অনেক ভেবেছেন | তা, এর জন্যে যে তান্ত্রিক সাধনা-পদ্ধতি শিব আবিষ্কার করেছিলেন, এর জন্য তাণ্ডব নৃত্যের প্রবর্তন শিব করেছিলেন, কারণ তাণ্ডব নৃত্যতে কি হয় ? এই দোষগুলো দ্রুত সরে যায় | বিশেষ করে আলস্য আর দীর্ঘসূত্রতা, খুৰ তাড়া-তাড়ি সরে যায় | তাই মানব জীবনে তাণ্ডবের প্রয়োজনীয়তা অত্যন্ত অধিক |” (1)

1. MGD, 3 January 1982 Ananda Nagar

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