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Monday, July 27, 2020

Crutch of Dada Maheshvarananda + 2 more


Crutch of Dada Maheshvarananda


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

Prout is a unique philosophy and tool for humanity, and we should pay heed to the message in the below letter of not pairing up with communists in trying to deliver Prout to the people. That would end up as a debacle.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga Universal Forum

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network in February 2014.



To propagate Prout, Proutists should not sit on the shoulders of communists in order to heighten their own importance. That is a very bad tactic - yet that is what some have done and continue to do. By examining the recent history, we can see how aligning with the communists proved to be an explosive and dangerous proposition.

Take a look at what has occurred in Ukraine. The public became so fed up with the communists that they destroyed thousands of statues of Lenin in western Ukraine. And in Venezuela, due to years of unjust communist rule and poor policies, the entire society has been suffering terribly. As widely reported, there is no food or basic commodities, and chaos abounds. The former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, was rolling in opulence, until the people became so enraged they stormed his palace.Here the key point is that wherever the remnants of communism remain, whether it be Cuba or North Korea, they will soon be destroyed. "The writing is on the wall" given the past history in Ukraine and Venezuela. Due to ruthless communist exploitation, the people lost all tolerance for despotic communist regimes. That is why the people ransacked and destroyed the relics of communism in Ukraine.

Shown below is the toppling of the statue of Lenin (Khmelnytsky, Ukraine) on 21 Feb 2014. See the rope around Lenin’s neck. People are pulling the rope from afar and the statue is about to be pulverised. Already the statue has been uprooted from its stand and it is falling - soon to be smashed to dust. Onlookers are cheering. After years and years of ruthless communist exploitation, the public is happy to engage in the destruction of Lenin's statue.

Once again, in case you did not read here, up above is the toppling of the statue of Lenin (Khmelnytsky, Ukraine) on 21 Feb 2014. See the rope around Lenin’s neck. People are pulling the rope from afar and the statue is about to be pulverised. Already the statue has been uprooted from its stand and it is falling - soon to be smashed to dust. Onlookers are cheering. After years and years of ruthless communist exploitation, the public is happy to engage in the destruction of Lenin's statue.

Here below is a picture of protestors destroying the statue of Lenin in Kiev. See how the man is holding a huge sledgehammer and he is in the process of pounding on Lenin’ statue. Already Lenin’s head has been knocked off, and Lenin’s arm is broken and cracked. And now the man is bashing Lenin’s back. Soon the entire statue will be crushed into dust. The crowd is watching eagerly and cheering wildly. That is the public response after decades of exploitation by communist rulers.

Here above is a picture of protestors destroying the statue of Lenin in Kiev. See how the man is holding a huge sledgehammer and he is in the process of pounding on Lenin’ statue. Already Lenin’s head has been knocked off, and Lenin’s arm is broken and cracked. And now the man is bashing Lenin’s back. Soon the entire statue will be crushed into dust. The crowd is watching eagerly and cheering wildly. That is the public response after decades of exploitation by communist rulers.

Wake-up call & forewarning for those who love Prout

If certain Prout leaders continue using communism as a crutch, you can imagine the scene. You can imagine what will happen to Dada M's Prout movement as he has married himself with these leftist leaders. So this is a wake-up call and forewarning for those who love Prout. Do not use communism / communist leaders as a crutch. Prout is independent and must stand on its own legs. Using communism as a crutch is very bad for Prout - look what happened in Ukraine in 2014 etc.

We should propagate Prout on its own strength. Any talk of taking help from leftist leaders is very dangerous. Such communists are not spiritualists and when they come in power they lead ultra-luxurious lives while the common people suffer. As Proutists, we should keep keen eyes and never allow our Prout movement to use leftists and communists etc as a crutch. That some Proutists have already done so is a very fateful maneuver. Once again now is the time to present and propagate Prout as a wholly independent movement that has new ideas for the people.

At His feet,
Charlie Blackburn

Riding on a pig

If someone rides a wild pig to a particular place then those receiving them will not appreciate it. Not because of who they are, but because of the pig. Going barefoot is OK, but riding a pig is not acceptable because it is dirty. Similarly, Proutists should not ride on communists; because when communists are destroyed then Prout will be in bad shape. The common public will think that Proutists and communists are the same. That is the warning here. We should pay heed to Baba's below guideline.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "Do not have any dealings with a party whose policies are opposed to those of the Marga." (1)

Prout is based in spirituality while communism and capitalism are based in materialism. That is the stark contrast. Due to a lack of a spiritual vision, and bereft of a more subtle mind, when given the opportunity communists leaders just wallow in luxury. They are unable to goad the mind towards higher ideals, and in result the common people suffer.

4200 Lenin monuments were destroyed

Looking back further on the history of Ukraine, there were 5,500 Lenin monuments. More than 4200 Lenin monuments were removed and / or destroyed. Not only that after the ousting of President Yanukovich, the next president put into law the mandatory removal of all communist monuments throughout Ukraine.

Please send this letter to our respected Dada Maheshvarananda -

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Pt #26b

Maheshvarananda, Maheshwarananda, Maheshvaranand, Acarya Maheshwarananda

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Quality of harmonious society

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In a harmonious social order no one will run after fame or wealth like a mad dog. A congenial external environment will assist them in achieving mental balance, and people’s psychic poverty will also gradually decrease.”

Sa tu bhavati daridra yasya áshá vishálá;
Manasi ca parituśt́e ko’rthaván kodaridrah.

[Those who have many desires are poor.
When the mind is contented, who is rich and who is poor?] (1)

Note: In this era those with money are looked upon as being rich but according to Ananda Marga philosophy this is not the case. One might have billions of dollars and still be poor. And how can those with nothing be rich? Because rich and poor are of the mind. Regardless of how much wealth you have, if you think you need more then you are poor. And if the mind is satisfied but on the material plane you have nothing, even then you are rich. 

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, The Evolution of Society

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Example of hypocrisy

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika states “One night a certain inveterate drunkard who had finished off an enormous kutú [bottle] fell in the gutter and was rolling around until he became senseless, exactly when no one knows. This memorable event of that night is not today a part of recorded history. Then dawn broke. The touch of the cold morning breeze and the cold water of the gutter sobered him. He opened his eyes and saw a large gathering of people around him. Someone was saying, “Oh, the fellow is dead!” Someone else was saying, “He drank so heavily that he passed out.” Yet another person was saying, “The fellow may not be drunk at all; it might be some other malady.” The drunkard was listening to everything, but out of shame he kept his eyes closed. Still, how long can one remain like that? One has to shake it off and get up. And so he had to open his eyes. As chance would have it, the moment he opened his eyes and looked at the crowd, he saw his son’s father-in-law standing directly in front of him. Then without any embarrassment at all, he said [to son’s father-in-law]: “Brother, it is not that what you think. It is my epilepsy.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 5, Disc: 30

== Section 3: Links ==
Recent postings
Other topics of interest