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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Story about Prout in power + 3 more


Story about Prout in Power


On various occasions, I was blessed to be along with Sadguru Baba while He was delivering guidelines on Prout. We all knew that Baba's plan was that margiis should challenge every election and run for every seat of parliament. This was Baba's outlined approach. In my mind, however, I was wondering what would happen if really margiis ran for and won every seat of parliament. In that case, who would serve as the opposition group in parliament.

When there is a democratic majority

For instance, in the general democratic system, there is one elected party in power. And all elected officials of that majority party automatically and brazenly support their elected executive chief, i.e. the leader of the country. This is the norm. Yet, side by side, there are many other elected officials who are part of one or more minority groups. And it is these minority group(s) that stand as an oppositional force to the party in power. That is the way it runs. But if one party gets 75% or 80% of the seats in Parliament or Congress, then there is hardly any debate. What a leader wants to do, they do by voice vote. What to speak of if one group gets 100% of the seats.

Thus, if the Prout Party runs for and wins every seat of parliament then how will there be an opposition group. Every elected official will be a Proutist, and hence part of the Prout party. Then where is there scope for any opposition. This was the quandary in my mind.

My query to Baba

So I asked Baba, "Suppose, all the members of parliament are from the Proutist party then how will there be any opposition?"

Baba told, "Yes, there will be scope for opposition. Elected members of parliament will pressurise those at the helm and ensure that Prout principles are followed and implemented. The loyalty of the elected leaders will not take the shape of blind support for the top post holder, but rather their loyalty will be in the form of the rational and just implementation of Proutistic ideals - in the service of the entire society. Those elected leaders will be vigilant that Proutists in the top executive offices are discharging their duties properly. On such points, there will be vigorous and open debate. That is how the opposition will be formed when Proutists have 100% of the seats in Parliament."

I thought, "Yes, this is how we will proceed when Proutists win over all elected seats of parliament. They will not work like general politicians wherein elected members of the ruling party blindly support the executive branch."

At His Lotus Feet,
Shashi Ranjan

Shrii Shashi Rainjanji, very senior Proutist  and a key member of parliament with a high post, was a founding member of PBI (Proutist Block of India). Shashi Ranjanjii was also known as Shashi Ranjan Sahu.

AMPS: exploitation under the nose

Unfortunately, nowadays in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, those in the executive body (i.e. purodhas in Central Office) do not appreciate any opposition from their own members, let alone from field workers and general margiis. That is why anti-AM activities are going on in AMPS. The duty of purodhas is to keep a sharp eye on the executive body, and take them to task when they veer from Baba's teachings. However, instead of taking a dharmic stand, such purodhas are stooges. They indulge in ideological sinful things - wholly disregarding Guru's mandates.

Once again, the main problem nowadays in AMPS is that healthy debate and dharmic criticism is not allowed. In that condition, general wts and margiis have no voice. Then sin and crime brews. In the end, they all drown in the mud of their own crime and sin. New margiis may not understand this.

in His service,

~ In-depth study ~

Vaeshyas (wealthy exploiter) are parasites of society

It takes a long time for downtrodden people to understand...

In the top capitalist countries, rich people constantly try to befool the common public into thinking that whatever wealth the rich people have accumulated is just or moral. And that the common people should also try their luck and hope that one day they too become rich. Sadly, the gullible public believes this. The first sign of progress is when the common people realise that the rich are basking in luxury due to the toil and labour of the common people. The citizens need to gain the awareness that the wealthy have created skewed laws, rules, and regulations in their own favour whereby the whole system is corrupt. This is the basic understanding needed in order to end the misery of economic suffering. The common, typical American pays 25% income tax while the rich people pay nothing or at most 15% as they earn from investment income, according to the law. The general populace is hardly aware of what is going on. According to the Baba’s below teaching, the US is far from the end of capitalism.

Prout philosophy says, “Vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters] believe that only a few people can accumulate material wealth, depriving the rest. Thus there will always be only a few vaeshyas, while those who are the objects and tools of their exploitation form the majority. Like exploited beasts of burden which carry bags of sugar, in their crippled state of mind the majority feel that they do not have the right to taste the sweetness. This feeling is the greatest ally of the vaeshyas [wealthy exploiters], so directly or indirectly they always try to nurture this type of feeling in the minds of the majority. Consequently they propagate various types of isms and ethereal theories with the help of the vipras [religious exploiters priests] in their pay whom they have reduced to the level of shúdras. When the majority, unable to tolerate this exploitation any longer or find any other way out, desperately leap into action, the Vaeshya Age comes to an end. But it takes a long time for downtrodden people to understand that the vaeshyas are the parasites of society. Hence thorough preparation is required to end the Vaeshya Age.” (1)

1. Human Society - 2, The Vaeshya Age

It is the accepted international standard and Baba's system not to copy another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism. Why is Baba against plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:
1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).
2) Countless stories of bhaktas need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever. So watch out for story thieves, and kindly help them not to steal by posting on social media in their own way. If you want to forward this story then attach the following yellow section with the story: 
“Courtesy of unknown bhakta via Ananda Marga Universal (”
This will be treated as the standard protocol.

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

So many questions

"Tomár káche ámár prashna, shono ogo bedardii,
Práńii keno kende áse, hese báncalo ná yadi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0726)


My Parama Purusa I have a few questions for You. Please listen: O’ "unkind" one.

What a liila You have made. When infants are born, instantly they cry. Why did You not make it in the opposite way. Do You think that if they were born smiling they could not survive? When You create everything by Your mere thought, then what is the reason for not making it so everyone is always laughing, full of smiles, and feeling happy. Please tell me O' "unkind" One. 

The tender new bud blossom gets bitten by insects and destroyed. Such a “callous” liila You play. You fill the heart of the sweet, soft flower with nectar but that very honey is eaten away by the ugly black bumble bee. Why do You do like this, and not do the exact opposite?

When smiles and laughter bring new charm and rejuvenation into the life of everyone, then why is it not available in the market, so rich persons also can purchase some and become happy? My next query is, “Why is it that the small, little baby, which is as gentle as a flower, cries bitterly all the 24 hrs. Such a painful liila You have created. To what end do You not make them smile always.

My Parama Purusa I have some more questions for You.

You have created this entire creation then why have You made so much disparity. A small few are enjoying their dainties and delicacies by exploiting others while the exploited mass is starving without even a plain meal to eat. Why don’t You make the world a place where no one exploits anyone else.

At the time of the evening sunset, everything is very beautiful, charming, and so attractive, and then within a very short time the evening is lost in deep darkness. Why do You not allow this sweetness to last forever.

Parama Purusa, it is the cosmic truth that You are eternally living with each and everyone through Your ota and prota yoga. In spite of this, why does my mind often go in a negative direction. Why does this happen? Why don't You just do the exact opposite.

My Parama Purusa, please reply to all these questions whispering the answers  in my ears…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0726:

Only when some sort of relation exists can one accuse someone.

This song is the expression of 3rd class bhaktas. Such bhaktas are better than atheists in that they have a relation with Parama Purusa and they are communicating with Him, but their mind is not elevated. So they cannot think above mundane loss and gain. After doing long sadhana and a lot of selfless service they progress and forget about all these mundane questions.

When one’s relation with Parama Purusa is very high and based on a deeper personal relation, they become a first class bhakta. Then they only ask for bhakti from Parama Purusa. Because Prabhat Samgiita is for everyone it carries all kinds of colours and shades. This song is for 3rd class bhaktas.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Parents pay attention

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In some families the parents have lost their peace of mind due to poverty or some other cause and oppress their children with or without reason. Naturally the children lose respect for their parents, which further aggravates family indiscipline. The parents have to put up with more unrest, adding to their lack of peace."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Parents who are middle- or high-level officials in the public works or police departments have to get work done through others or supervise manual labourers or subordinates, so they often forget to talk sweetly. Some become accustomed to using abusive language, and some to issuing commands. Due to this their children do not have an opportunity to learn to speak with restraint. Such children suffer from a superiority complex, even within their circle of friends. In their future lives it will be extremely difficult for them to love people and create a congenial social environment."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Some parents may claim that it is impossible to maintain a balanced life in an age full of problems, where they are extremely busy with numerous activities. I maintain, however, that it is possible for an intelligent parent to avoid the mistakes I have discussed. If parents fail to carry out their basic duties, I am compelled to say that, although they live in society, they are guilty of encouraging an antisocial mentality. By encouraging their children to develop a criminal psychology, they give unnecessary trouble to the police. The main point is this: for want of a little care, children are deprived of the opportunity to become complete human beings, even though they have a human structure." (1)

1. Discourses on Neohumanist Education

== Section: Hindi Quote ==

ममता है कापुरुषता...

Ananda Marga ideology says, “जितने हीनाचारी हैं, दुष्ट हैं, पापी हैं, उन सबों के ख़िलाफ़ निर्मम होकर तुम्हें लड़ाई करनी है, वहाँ ममता है दुर्बलता | ममता है कापुरुषता, ममता से दूर रहोगे उस दशा में |” “तो, अर्जुन में जब कमज़ोरी आ गई थी, इसी प्रकार---कृष्ण वहीं समझा दिए थे कि इस प्रकार की कमज़ोरी, इस तरह की ममता क्या है ?  क्लीवता है, नपुंसकता है | कृष्ण ने कहा—'क्लैव्यं मा स्म गम: पार्थ'” “हे पार्थ, हे अर्जुन, क्लीवता से दूर रहो, क्लीवता से दूर रहो | क्लीवता से मौत अच्छी चीज़ है | क्यों ?  क्लीवता का परिणाम क्या है ?  वे मनुष्य तो नहीं रहेंगे, कुत्ते-बकरे भी नहीं बनेंगे, कुत्ते-बकरे का भी शरीर उनको नहीं मिलेगा | बकरों का शरीर भी नहीं मिलेगा | गधों का भी शरीर नहीं मिलेगा | वे पत्थर बन जाएँगे, ईंट बन जाएँगे, काठ बन जाएँगे | तुम साधक हो, तुम मेरे बेटे हो, तुम मेरी बेटी हो |” [मार्गी लोग—'बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !'] “तुम किससे डरोगे ? क्यों डरोगे ?  तुम अन्याय के ख़िलाफ़, पाप के ख़िलाफ़, निर्मम होकर सङ्ग्राम करो | जय तुम्हारी होगी |” [मार्गी लोग—'बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !']” (1) (सङ्घे शक्ति कलौयुगे, Sauṋghe Shakti Kalao Yuge, V26-18,Gd (~1/1/70))

1. सङ्घे शक्ति कलौयुगे, Sauṋghe Shakti Kalao Yuge, V26-18,Gd (~1/1/70)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Spiritual goal vs mundane goal

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The person with whom you live with all the warmth of your life will ultimately desert you – it is a cruel game. Confronted with this grim reality one should be very cautious about selecting one's goal. One thing is clear – the Supreme Entity alone should be accepted as ones goal." (1)

Note: If you ask someone, "What is the most important thing in your life?", then most will respond that it is their kids, or spouse, or job etc. Or they will say that their goal is to become a billionaire. This is what most commonly think. Their goals are mundane.  People forget that everything in this world is moving - temporary. And when one's goal is mundane then that too is transitory - here today, gone tomorrow.

It is just like if two people fall in love on the platform of the railway station, and then each gets on separate trains. Then so long as those two trains are moving at the same rate those two people can see  each other. But that condition will not last long. Soon the trains begin moving at different speeds and going in different directions. Similarly, if a person thinks that their children or wife are everything, then it means they have forgotten the fact that their time together will be short-lived - for a maximum of 125 years. Either they or their family members will die first. No one can live forever.

Whose eyes have been opened by Guru

But people cannot think in this way - instead they think they will live forever. This is the play of avidya maya at work. They do not realise what is going on. Only those blessed people - whose eyes have been opened by Guru - realise that only the Cosmic Entity can be the Goal. Life is for Parama Purusa, not any mundane object. Those worldly things are for objective adjustment only.

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell, Ekendriya – 4