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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Erroneous thing in AMPH book: distortion + 3 more


Erroneous thing in AMPH book: distortion


As Ananda Margiis, we must follow His guidelines, propagate His teachings, and tell the truth about how people got samadhi during the early demonstrations. But Tiljala Publications Dept has never fixed the serious distortions with regards to the false way these demonstrations were described. They failed to tell the truth, and that is sinful.

The misleading way in which the publication, Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell—5, describes those samadhi demonstrations leads readers astray. Verily, those samadhi demonstration descriptions were written by a third party in such a false and erroneous manner. So those inserted descriptions about His demonstrations on samadhi need to be fixed and corrected. The truth needs to be told that those participants got samadhi exclusively due to Sadguru Baba’s causeless grace.

How fact was not revealed

It is written in Ananda Marga philosophy, “On May 10, 1969, at Ranchi jagriti, a sádhaka attained rágátmika samádhi. He sat in dhyánásana and with his mind concentrated on each cakra, and began to do dhyána on the supreme object of ideation. He realized that each of his cakras is being controlled by his Iśt́a. Not only that he felt also that his Iśt́a is perceptibly present in his blood, nerves, indriyas, etc. He began to take deep breaths. After remaining in that state, he started to roll on the ground.” (1)

The above false narrative has been inserted into the book, Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell part 5. And this inserted bogus description of a samadhi demonstration makes it look like the sadhaka achieved samadhi due to his own efforts. But the truth is that Sadguru Baba blessed that person with samadhi. The sadhaka did nothing; the sadhaka was meditating on Baba. Here in the above quote ista means Baba. By His wish, Baba granted samadhi upon the sadhaka.

So this inserted false paragraph gives readers the wrong impression that the sadhaka was really great and that is why he got samadhi. Yet, the truth is opposite. It is unfortunate that such erroneous descriptions have been inserted into our spiritual shastra. Those fallacious insertions should be corrected.

As all know Sadguru Baba is all-powerful; in the demonstration year of 1969-1970, He graciously granted samadhi, cured disease, demonstrated to thousands of people, and blessed life to the lifeless. But that history has been misreported by Publications.

Please read again:

It is written in Ananda Marga philosophy, “On May 10, 1969, at Ranchi jagriti, a sádhaka attained rágátmika samádhi. He sat in dhyánásana and with his mind concentrated on each cakra, and began to do dhyána on the supreme object of ideation. He realized that each of his cakras is being controlled by his Iśt́a. Not only that he felt also that his Iśt́a is perceptibly present in his blood, nerves, indriyas, etc. He began to take deep breaths. After remaining in that state, he started to roll on the ground.” (2)

So here the sadhaka was meditating on Baba—in the above quote ista means Baba. With his wish, Baba has granted the sadhaka with samadi.

False things in AM book

Here again is how one observer described the samadhi demonstration. They wrongly gloried the participant—not Sadguru Baba.

The below scan is from Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell—5, "Ra'ga'nuga' and Ra'ga'tmika' Sama'dhi", p.324. And it was wrongly written by an observer and then it was inserted into the text. Sadly this publication gives the false notion that Baba is narrating this event. But someone else has recounted this incident in a misleading manner.

The truth is that the sadhaka was meditating on Baba and Baba graciously bestowed samadhi upon the sadhaka. Here in the below quote ista means Baba. Now please read the scan and take note how the sadhaka is wrongly given full credit for attaining samadhi. But, the truth is that Sadguru Baba blessed that person with samadhi. The sadhaka did nothing.

Posting #857 Samadhi Demonstration.PNG

It is written in Ananda Marga philosophy, "On May 10, 1969 at Ranchi jagrti, a sadhaka attained ra'gatmika' samadhi. He sat in dhya'na'sana and with his mind concentrated on each cakra, and began to do dhya'na on the supreme object of ideation. He realized that each of his cakras is being controlled by his Ista. Not only that he also felt that his Ista is perceptibly present in his blood, nerves, indriyas etc. He began to take deep breaths. After remaining in that state he started to roll on the ground." (3)

So again, in the above scene, the sadhaka was meditating on Baba (Ista), and Baba has graced that sadhaka with samadhi. That is the totality of the story. But that is wrongly portrayed in the above text.

Indeed, the inserted bogus description leads in another direction; and yet the above is not an isolated incident. There are numerous examples of this type of false and misleading depiction throughout the book. For instance, in the 'Bha'va Samadhi' chapter (page 327) and 'Dharmamegha Sama'dhi' chapter (p.329), the narration of demonstrations is done in a similarly false way. So these all need to be corrected. Everyone should clearly understand that those sadhakas got samadhi due to Baba’s causeless grace and not due to their own efforts.

in Him,
Visnu Deva

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, "Ra'ga'nuga' and Ra'ga'tmika' Sama'dhi", p.324
2. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, "Ra'ga'nuga' and Ra'ga'tmika' Sama'dhi", p.324
3. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, "Ra'ga'nuga' and Ra'ga'tmika' Sama'dhi", p.324

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Era of neo-humanism at our door

"Ghuma'ye theko na' a'r ja'g tvra' a'rt ma'navata' d'a'k diye ja'y..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4872)


O' brothers and sisters, let us no longer remain in slumber. We should get up without delay. The crying humanity is calling us; the people are in desperate need of our help, support, and service. We have to respond to the call of a new era. Do not remain deaf on this colourful dawn. We have to give the proper response by waving the flag of neo-humanism and thus usher in the new day - whereby humanity is united. Taking Baba's divine name, we have to remove their cry and suffering by forming one human society. Let us not delay - the situation is urgent...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Vrttis: which one to pursue

Here are the first 49 propensities of the human mind...

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “dharma (psycho-spiritual longing), artha (psychic longing), káma (physical longing), mokśa (spiritual longing), avajiṋá (belittlement of others), múrcchá (psychic stupor, lack of common sense), prashraya (indulgence), avishvása (lack of confidence), sarvanásha (thought of sure annihilation), kruratá (cruelty), lajjá (shyness, shame), pishunatá (sadistic tendency), iirśá (envy), suśupti (staticity, sleepiness), viśáda (melancholia), kaśáya (peevishness), trśńá (yearning for acquisition), moha (infatuation), ghrna (hatred, revulsion), bhaya (fear), asha (hope), cinta (worry), cesta (effort), mamata (mineness), dambha (vanity), viveka (conscience), vikalata (mental numbness due to fear), ahamkara (ego), lalata (avarice), kapatata (hypocrisy), vitarka (argumentativeness to the point of wild exaggeration), anutapa (repentance), śad́aja (sound of peacock), rśabha (sound of bull), gándhára (sound of goat), madhyama (sound of deer), paiṋcama (sound of cuckoo), dhaevata (sound of donkey), niśáda (sound of elephant), oṋm (acoustic root of creation), hum (sound of arousing kulakuńd́alinii), phat́ (putting theory into practice), vaośat́ (expression of mundane knowledge), vaśat́ (welfare in subtler sphere), svaha (performing noble actions), namah (surrender to the Supreme), vis'a (repulsive expression), amrta (sweetness in expression), apara (mundane knowledge)...” (1)

And the 50th propensity and the only vrtti a sadhaka should seek is: para (spiritual knowledge).

1. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands