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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Lowly standard of family acaryas + 3 more


Lowly standard of family acaryas


I attended several annual DMC's from 1970 onwards. DMC was always such an important and blissful gathering for all Ananda Margiis. In particular, it was a special occasion for family margiis, as this was the time for everyone to come together.

People from my village would arrive in full with 10 - 15 of their family members. Even their relatives from thousands of kilometers away would come from South India, as well as from very distant areas like Jammu / Kashmir etc. So all were living together for one week at the DMC. This was the common experience because all Ananda Margiis were bringing their laokika family members onto the path of Ananda Marga. Thus, DMC was always a huge occasion.

Yet the sons and daughters of most so-called family acaryas remained away. If you research the matter you will find that a good number of youths from non-margii families joined our WT cadre those days. There are fine examples of margiis who encouraged and supported their children's decision to dedicate their lives and become a Wt. This was the general trend. But with family acaryas, the situation was very different.

Conduct of so-called family acaryas

What to speak of not spreading Ananda Marga across the planet, so-called family acaryas do not even spread it to their own children. Here the concern is not just about so-called acaryas nowadays of Delhi sector. In overseas areas, the situation is even more colourful. For instance, some overseas so-called family acaryas are often very neglectful in adhering to yogic practices; and, with regards to raising their children, most of their kids are kept far, far away from Ananda Marga.

Family acaryas should be the lamp bearers of Ananda Marga ideology. If they are proper in their dealing, the whole society will be strong; whereas, if most of them are just so-called family acaryas riddled by weaknesses then those faults will get magnified and rebounded throughout the whole society. The point being that acaryas are to lead by their conduct and that affects the society, positively or negatively. That is why Baba is more stern and serious with so-called family acaryas in comparison to general margiis.


Ananda Marga ideology states, "Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas. Bear in mind that people may be harmed or misled by even a small weakness or defect in the conduct of an ácárya." (1)

In His above guideline, Baba is directing us that those who lead by their own example are acaryas; moreover, Baba warns that even a small defect in the conduct of an acarya can be devastating for society. So becoming a family acarya is not like getting a degree in a university whereby automatically you have a title that lasts a lifetime. The position and title of acarya is wholly based on one's continued exemplary conduct according to the tenets of Ananda Marga ideology.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Dangerous pranayama

Note: These days hatha yoga / fake yoga pranayama is becoming quite popular. Yet by this way the common people are getting harmed. Because the philosophy of mind is: As one thinks so they become. So if their practice of pranayama is devoid of spiritual ideation, the mind will be submerged in mundane thoughts. Because the mind has to think of something; it cannot remain completely idle. Also bear in mind that pranayama multiplies the effect of one’s thinking. So if one is involved in mundane or degrading thoughts during their pranayama practice, that will be very harmful. Then those lower propensities will become more dominant. And that will bring about one’s demise. Unfortunately Buddhist pranayama and fake yoga pranayama is mostly like that - i.e. devoid of spiritual ideation. So beware. As sadhakas of Ananda Marga, we should always keenly apply the proper ideation when doing this lesson and bring more onto the path so they can save themselves from the ill effects of bogus pranayama.

Ananda Marga philosophy states: “Question: What is práńáyáma?”

“Answer: Práńáyáma is defined as: Tasmin sati shvása prashvásayoh gativicchedah práńáyáma. That is, “Práńáyáma is the process of breath control along with the imposition of the ideation of Supreme Consciousness.” It helps the mind in concentration and meditation.

“Question: What is the spirit of práńáyáma?”

“Answer: Pránán yamayati eśah práńáyámah. That is, the word práńáyáma literally means “controlling the práńáh [vital energy]”. The psycho-philosophy behind the practice of práńáyáma is that the spiritual aspirant tries to let the práńendriya [ten vital-energy currents] remain in a state of pause so that the paused unit mind will merge into the ocean of consciousness.”

“Question: How many types of práńáyáma are there?”

“Answer: There are two main types of práńáyáma: hat́ha yaogika práńáyáma and Yudhiśt́hira práńáyáma. When práńáyáma is done without fixing the mind on a particular point of concentration, and without imbibing Cosmic ideation, it is called hat́ha yaogika práńáyáma. But when práńáyáma is performed with the mind fixed at a particular point along with Cosmic ideation, it is called Yudhiśt́hira práńáyáma. [The eldest Pandava, Yudhisthira, was the first person to popularize práńáyáma according to this method.]” (1)

1. Yoga Psychology, Questions and Answers on Meditation, #11-13

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Survey of scripts of the world

Prout philosophy states, "In the present world there are four types of scripts – Indo Aryan, Semitic, Occido-Aryan and Mongolo-Chinese scripts."

"The Mongolo-Chinese scripts are pictorial scripts – all the letters of the scripts are pictures. They contain about 1055 letters. In the Occido-Aryan scripts there are 20 to 35 letters. In the Indo-Aryan scripts there are about 50 letters, and in the Semitic scripts there are 20 to 30 letters."

"The Chinese and Japanese practice of using Romanized Mongolo-Chinese script is unscientific."

"Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, Kashmiri, etc. come under the Semitic scripts and are written from right to left. This is difficult to write and takes a long time to print. Malaya has abandoned Arabic script and adopted Roman script to overcome this difficulty."

"The scripts of Tibet and South-East Asia come under the Indo-Aryan scripts. They are quite good but difficulties arise in joining letters. Through practice it has been experienced that Roman script is the best script. It is the most scientific. Those who oppose it do so out of local sentiments. Proutists won't go against any local script, but they will encourage the most scientific script as the world script. At present Roman script is the most scientific script. Future generations may evolve a new script." (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

बाबा! तुम्हारे आगमन से आज इस धूल की
धरती की प्रत्येक वस्तु मुझे मधुर

प्रभातसंगीत 3183 इ धूलिर धरनीते शुधु भालो लागा आर भालो बासा ...


हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, तुमने कृपा करके मेरा मन सुधार दिया है। सभी आलस्य और नैराश्य, आनन्द और माधुर्य में बदल गया है। तुम्हारे आगमन से अब इस धूल की धरती की प्रत्येक वस्तु मुझे मधुर और आकर्षक लगने लगी है, प्रत्येक वस्तु में केवल आनन्द और केवल प्रेम भरा है । तुम आनन्द स्वरूप हो, आनन्द के दूत हो । मेरा सुख-दुःख हँसना-रोना तुमको लेकर है । सब कुछ आनन्ददायी है । तुमने सभी को आश्रय दिया है।

हे मेरे प्रभु! तुम सभी के मनों में कृपा-प्रभा की वर्षा करते जाते हो । आज फूलों के बगीचे के सभी फूल अमृत से भरी मधुर सुगंध चारों ओर फैला रहेे हैं। हे परमपुरुष! तुम मुझ मे ही हो। मेरे हृदय में आकर्षक मुस्कान लिये तुमने मेरे पूरे अस्तित्व को आशा और आनन्द से भर दिया है। तुम हंसते हुए आगे आगे चलते जा रहे हो।

हे अजाना पथिक! हे बाबा! तुम अपने सोने के रथ पर सवार होकर उड़ते जा रहे हो। मधुरता के साथ तुम अपनी सर्वव्यापी यात्रा पर हो। तुम अपनी कृपा वृष्टि से गूंगे को बोलने की शक्ति देते जा रहे हो। जो मूक और डरपोक हैं तुम उन्हें तुम्हाराआशीर्वाद मिला है।

बाबा! तुम्हारी कृपा से यह धूल भरी धरती, अमृत के समान बहुत ही आनन्ददायी हो  गई है।

== Section 3: Links ==
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