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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Riding coattails of deceased family acarya


Riding coattails of deceased family acarya


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “With the noise of a bustling wind, people reminisce, “Oh, my grandfather accomplished this great feat… my aunt performed that marvellous work… our surname is Roychoudhury. For we were once great landlords…” Thus people always ruminate over their past and gloat over their ancestors, because they have no glorious present at all – everything is an empty void. When a community thus loses its inner wealth, then it tenaciously clings to the skeleton of its past and says, “I was this, I was that.” But they are unable to say, “I am this, I am that.” ... One must say, “Do not bother about what your ancestors have done. Why can’t you do...”” (1)

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Táttvika, ácárya, purodhá and such terms represent one’s individual ability and are not hereditary.” (2)

Note: In His above teachings, Sadguru Baba is guiding us that in our AM way of life there is no scope to stand on the coattails of one’s ancestors. Doing nothing in the present moment and gloating about past glories is not our way. Moreover, in AMPS we do not hand the post from one generation to the next on a hereditary basis. So if one’s father was a family acarya, that same title, post, glory, and respect is not automatically bestowed upon the son or daughter. In our Ananda Marga, everything is earned based on one’s conduct, not one’s birth.

The various dogmatic religions and racist approaches pass down their titles and supremacy in a very nasty way from one generation to the next. Verily, they use the   inherently exploitative tactic of one’s birth to suppress and denigrate others. This occurs with so-called whites exploiting so-called blacks, and so-called brahmins exploiting so-called shudras. Casteism and racism are based on this horrific edict ordained by sub-humans.

Birth of new nasty dogma: AMPS India

Sadly, now this same disease is rearing its ugly head in our AMPS. A few are claiming that, “Since my uncle / great-grandfather / father was a family acarya, then I am of a special birth and fit to rule over AMPS.” And others say, “My family has been in AMPS for generations, and both my grandfather and my father were family acaryas etc, so on that basis I should also be granted a great seat in AMPS.” They think AMPS belongs to them due to their ancestry, and everyone else is a guest. Even though they themselves have not done anything in this life, they feel being the grandson of a family acarya is enough for all of AMPS to fall at their feet. This type of senseless, empty banter is crowding the airwaves on some forums.

Those who are true Ananda Margiis understand well that in our AM way of life, no positions of power are granted on a hereditary basis. All are the sweet children of Parama Purusa, and one is only able to lead our AM society by their sadhana, service, sacrifice and dharmic conduct.

In Him,

1. A Few Problems Solved - 5, On Festivals
2. Caryacarya Part 1, Táttvika, Ácárya/á, Purodhá and Their Concerned Boards

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Origin of “bomb”


In India, one dogma is quite prevalent with regards to the worship of Lord Shiva. In trying to satisfy Lord Shiva, dogmatic followers first pour holy water on certain stones as if by this way Lord Shiva will get the water that He needs. They think that Lord Shiva will be pleased. And while doing this penance those dogmatic Hindus chant, 'Hara hara, bomb bomb'. All the common people know this slogan well. They have heard it always in such religious practices. Because ritualistic followers call and address Lord Shiva as 'Hara hara, bomb bomb’ when they are involved in this type of penance.

This ritual is especially common in Bihar. Followers from the surrounding states come and wear special saffron cloth from head to toe, irrespective of whether they are male or female, and regardless of what type of clothes they are wearing. On this occasion, everything they wear must be the same color: saffron. In the days leading up to this ritual, the entire railway and all forms of transportation become full of saffron as millions and millions of people are wearing saffron and only saffron.

Do sastaunga pranam, get up, advance forward, and again do sastaunga

They travel from their pilgrimage in Sultanganj to the banks of the river Gaunga (Ganges) in Deoghar where they take holy water. Some get there by walking; some run 100 km to the temple in which case it takes a few days. And some special followers travel the 100 km by lying down in sastaunga pranam, getting up and advancing forward one body length at a time, and doing satsaunga pranam over and over again. They hope to please Lord Shiva by their strong penance by making the 100 km journey in this arduous manner. It may take them weeks and weeks to reach Lord Shiva's “holy” temple in Deoghar, Bihar. This ritual is done in the beginning of the Indian rainy season and goes on for 1 month. Along the way, all those dogmatic followers repeat the mantra: 'Hara hara, Bomb bomb'. This dogma is quite common and every year several million adherents participate in the ritualistic worship of Lord Shiva. They repeat again and again: 'Hara hara, bomb bomb'.

But the interesting thing is that many do not know what is meant by the term 'bomb'. Centuries ago when this mantra was first started, bombs and sophisticated weapons had not yet been invented. But just in their ritualistic way, they all call out: 'Bomb, bomb'. They do not pronounce, 'Vyom, vyom'. They are not aware about the origins of this ritual.

Riddle solved

Here Baba has made it clear what this mantra is and what is the proper pronunciation. Because the common people do not understand that “bomb” is not correct, and that “vyom” is correct. Below Baba solves this riddle about bomb bomb.

   Ananda Marga ideology says, "He who takes away all your sins, He who takes away all our umbers and cumbers is Hara. He is Hara, because He takes away all your sins, all your propensities. Now, This Hara. One cannot attain salvation without coming in contact with this Hara. He [the aspirant] will have to pass through the realm of Hara because Hara is the sublimest rank of His Cognitive Self and that's why in ancient times it was a system, rather a usage amongst the spiritual aspirants to chant a mantra, which was a very favourite mantra : Hara Hara Vyom Vyom."  
   "Think of that Hara, think of that Hara, He will take away  all your sins; think of that Hara, Meditate on that Hara. Hara Hara Vyom Vyom. Vyom is the subtlest form of matter. Ether is called Vyoma i.e., your mind should go from crude towards subtle. In the realm of physicality it will think of Vyoma and in the realm of spirituality it will, think of Hara' "Hara Hara Vyom Vyom, Hara Hara Vyom Vyom".”  (1)

In Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha -18, The Stance of Salvation and How to Attain It

== Section 3: Links ==
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