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Friday, March 27, 2020

First Margii cured from coronavirus


First Margii cured from coronavirus

Re: How to fight coronavirus


My name is Brother Rasaviharii from the USA, but I am now living in China. In fact I am living near the city where the coronavirus began, Wuhan China. I was one of the first people to catch this virus, and I was also the first person to be cured from it. The reason is because I also studied medicine in America before coming to China.

Personal background & disease

Back in 1999 I graduated from Portland State University as a medical student. When I was a medical student, I wrote a paper about the negative effects of onion and garlic. Eating onions and garlic will weaken the immune system, and with a weak immune system the body will not be able to deal with virus. I became Margii in 1997 and haven't eaten onion and garlic since then. This was the reason why my body was able to cure itself of the virus so quickly. In fact, I was cured from the virus within 24 hours after catching it.

How onion & garlic are harmful

When we don't eat onion garlic then our immune system will be very strong, and it will be able to deal with this virus very easily. The way our immune system works is that once we are exposed to a virus, our immune system starts creating antibodies which can go and fight this virus. Onion and garlic is like a poison which prevents our immune system from functioning properly. I wrote a medical paper about this subject, and it is backed up by many scientific references. When I was studying medicine I spent several years searching through scientific journals to find articles about the negative effects of onion and garlic.

The coronavirus outbreak in China

Since coming to China, I have also been studying a lot about Chinese Medicine. I have many friends here in China who are doctors, and we were following the Coronavirus situation very carefully. The virus first appeared in Wuhan city...and a National Emergency was declared. At the beginning, the doctors were trying several different methods of treating it….the Government recognized an official method of treatment. It means that enough doctors had cured enough people using this one particular method, that it could be used in all the hospitals for all the patients. This method included a mixture of both Western medicine and traditional Chinese Medicine. The name of the Western Medicine was called Remdesivir, an antiviral drug, which was being used in combination with some other Chinese herbs and spices.

Thousands of volunteer doctors came to Wuhan to help assist with the sick patients, and in that area the emergency was over; more than 74,000 people had already been cured. The volunteer doctors returned back home. The Chinese government was so happy about the fact that the cure involved Traditional Chinese herbs and medicines, that they passed a new regulation, in which all school children should be taught a basic understanding of Chinese Medicine in their normal class curriculum. Now China is sending their doctors to other countries to help cure the sick people there.

Sentient diet defeats covid-19

For a normal person who eats onions and garlic, it will take one or two weeks for this cure to work. For Margiis, since we don't eat onions and garlic, our body can be cured much faster. Ever since the virus began, the Margiis of China stayed inside their homes and never went out to the market. Chinese delivery companies can deliver food to their door. No Margiis here in China ever caught the Coronavirus, even in Wuhan city itself. I was the only one who caught it, because I continued to go out to the market every day. I first caught this virus around the third week of February. But I didn't need any medicine at all to cure myself from it. My immune system was able to create the antibodies and fight off the disease within 24 hours. Once a person becomes immune to the virus, then the same virus can not affect you again.

A few facts about coronavirus

Coronavirus is an animal disease and it can only pass to humans once humans eat those sick animals. Coronavirus can be found in all kinds of birds and land animals. There is a common myth circulating that Coronavirus comes from people in China eating bats. This is totally untrue. Bats are a sacred animal in China. People here would not eat them. You can find pictures of bats on Temple walls here, and have been considered as a sacred animal for thousands of years due to their ability to eat mosquitoes and other bugs. Rather the Coronavirus comes from eating other animals. Coronavirus can be found in cows, pigs, chickens, goats, sheep, and ducks, and all of the other common animals that meat eaters eat. One can only hope that humanity will use this as a wake up call to eat less animals. In fact, the Chinese Government even recognized this. They have outlawed the hunting of wild animals, and are encouraging people to eat less of the animals which come from farms as well.

Coronavirus is not a new disease. Ever since the 1970's cleaning product manufacturers advertised on their products the ability to fight Coronavirus. This is because many people keep pets in their house such as cats and dogs, and cats and dogs can also catch Coronavirus. Several cleaning products have advertised that their products can kill Coronavirus for those people who keep pets in their house. This is also not the first time that a Coronavirus epidemic has struck humanity. Other examples of Coronavirus epidemics were the MERS-CoV, and the SARS-CoV, and the SARS-CoV2. The latest Coronavirus to hit humanity is called COVID-19.

In Him,