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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to fight coronavirus


How to fight coronavirus


The coronavirus / covid-19 is taking hold of the news cycle and seemingly wholly changing life as we know it in so many countries around the globe. The question is how as sadhakas should we manage this situation? How should we view this dramatic event?

Herein we discuss five key points related with this pandemic: (#1) nothing in this world is permanent, (#2) how a sadhaka should spend their day, (#3) what a sadhaka should avoid, (#4) how we can best serve others, (#5) how to generate more positive microvita.

Point #1: This day will not last forever

In countless teachings, Sadguru Baba guides us that life is transitory, i.e. constantly in a state of flux. Today there is, and tomorrow there isn’t. And this idea is beautifully portrayed in the below story.

Baba says, “Once, Emperor Akbar asked Birbal, his courtier, to say something which would make a happy man sorrowful, and a sorrowful man happy. Birbal replied, “This day shall not remain.” Whatever comes in this world, goes away.” (1)

In His above teaching, Baba is guiding us that no single situation in this ephemeral world is permanent. What is happening today will not be transpiring next week or next month. So we should never accept any day’s events as “the new normal.” Everything in our social life is always undergoing change. The horrors of one day morph into the glories of the next, and vice-versa. And this cycle of good and bad, good and bad, good and bad goes on and on. So we should not think that the dark clouds that rolled in today, i.e. the coronavirus, will engulf us forever; rather, those stormy clouds are bound to be blown away, and blue skies are on our horizon.

As dharmikas, we should not get too low on our bad days, nor too high on our good days. We should not fall prey to the vicissitudes of life. All we should think is that, “Whatever may be the climate today, it will be something different tomorrow, so, no matter the conditions, I should keep an even keel and do something to please my ever-present Guru, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.”

Point #2: How to utilize our time

Ours is the path of bliss, and to achieve that bliss, Sadguru Baba has given a dynamic array of practices and guidelines to implement in our daily routine. So if one is living in a land that is currently under lockdown due to the coronavirus, then take this as an ideal opportunity to inculcate Baba’s teachings into each and every minute of the day. Practices like kiirtana, sadhana (all lessons, 4x per day), svadhyaya, Prabhat Samgiita, asanas, kaoshikii, tandava etc should wholly consume the day. Embrace the lockdown as the opportune moment to fill the day with dharmic practices. In our practice of svadhyaya, every aspirant should take the vow to read and review all of the Ananda Marga books. And if you do not have any AM books at all, we can send some to you.

Sitting around and worrying about the way life used to be holds no value. That is not sadhaka life; rather, that is the outlook of a materialist. As spiritual aspirants, we embrace change and use that as an occasion to make life sweeter.

Point #3: What to avoid

Baba guides us that the eyes are in the front, as we are forward looking beings. So one should not get caught lamenting about how the good days of old are long gone etc. This type of thinking or outlook has no place in the life of a sadhaka. Moreover, an aspirant should not get besieged by the day’s headlines either. Spending the whole day involved in reading the news, and hearing dismal, gloomy reports about events beyond one’s control is a waste of time - as well as harmful to one’s psyche. One should know enough about the day’s events to remain safe and then swiftly attend to one’s dharmic duties and practices. We should not just be a consumer of the news; that is a passive and useless way to pass the time. Top of all, there is no need to be fearful about the future, rather one should just do their duty and depend upon Parama Purusa.

Point #4: Help needy narayana in these ways

With all the shutdowns, lockdowns, and stay-at-home orders in an attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus, there are stark economic ramifications. Business will go bankrupt; unemployment will rise dramatically; the price of food and essential items may spike; and, people may even lose their homes etc. So we should be ready to help and serve according to our capacity.

(A) We should prepare for and engage in food distribution, both of cooked meals and staple ingredients, to help ease the burden of those suffering economic hardship. Through AMURT, we should try to fulfill their existential needs (food, shelter etc) to whatever extent we can. Gearing up for narayan seva (food distribution) is absolutely necessary. And for those who live in a region where there are not other margiis, they can join up with other local social service organisations and serve accordingly. Verily, we are to serve, serve, serve - always seeing the one in need as the manifestation of Brahma.

(B) We should also console those who are worried and distressed. With our empathy and counseling skills we can reassure them and assuage their fears. As Ananda Margiis, we can also guide them in basic yogic spiritual practices (deep breathings, kiirtana, yoga nidra, Baba nama mantra sadhana etc) to help them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Point #5: How to kill coronavirus

Our greatest weapon in fighting any virus (i.e. negative microvita) is spiritual sadhana, and in particular, dhyana. Doing dhyana means generating maximum positive microvita. And that positive microvite obliterates negative microvita. So as sadhakas, we should engage in a maximum amount of dhyana, by His grace. That is perhaps our best coping mechanism for this coronavirus pandemic.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “To fight out the effect of negative microvitum…one is to encourage right thinking, good thinking and meditation. A person doing spiritual sádhaná or meditation cannot be attacked by negative microvitum. A person in the stage of meditation cannot be attacked by negative microvitum.” (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a person contracts a disease caused by negative microvita after initiation, does dhyána perfectly and follows certain food restrictions, the disease will be completely cured. Dhyána attracts many positive microvita. Negative microvita can only be controlled by positive microvita. The positive microvita eat the negative microvita and this is the reason why the disease is cured.” (3)


Here we should remember:

(a) This coronavirus will not be with us for long.
(b) Nothing in this relative world can stand the passage of time. In the due course, it will be gone, and life will become far better, and people will wholly forget about these days of this pandemic.

(c) As sadhakas, we should not harbour the notion that this covid-19 will be with us forever.
(d) With the big hit to the economy, we should serve those in need and engage in food distribution etc.

(e) We should fully engage in His dharmic practices and always remember that only Parama Purusa is omnipresent and eternal.
(f) We should do as much dhyana as possible and generate a maximum amount of positive microvita to kill negative microvita.

(g) Only He remains with us forever.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Regarding these microvita of crude order which may come within the scope of a microscope, people give them the name “virus”. They say, “This disease is of virus origin.” But virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvitum, and not virus.” (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Neither atoms nor molecules are the minutest particles of elements because they are composed of many other particles of the expressed world. People are under the impression that something called a “virus” is the minutest living being. But virus is a vague term; there is in fact nothing like a virus – thus the question of it being a living being does not arise. Microvitum is the minutest entity. The collection of microvita forms a carbon atom. As a microvitum is the minutest entity, it cannot have a structure like that of an atom or a solar system.” (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Previously, in another context, I said that various kinds of negative microvita which have, up to now, been called a “virus”, damage human beings. Different diseases take the help of different kinds of tanmátras. From country to country, from planet to planet, and from the far distant frontiers of the universe, these negative microvita carry the seeds of destructive diseases. These varieties of negative microvita also spread mean-mindedness and negative psychic complexes.” (6)

No misuse or time to lament

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Each and every object of creation comes from the world of invisibility and goes back to the world of invisibility. Between the two worlds of invisibility lies the world of visibility. Nothing can be the permanent property of anyone. Everything of this changing world is bound to disappear, hence one should not lament over anything.” (7)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Remember, you are never alone and should never have any fear or apprehension. You should not sit down and lament, “Oh, what will happen to me now?” Such thinking is totally absurd. Parama Puruśa will certainly see the problem and take the necessary steps in all circumstances. Just as a small child never has to think about itself – its parents think about its well-being – similarly, you should not concern yourself about your own needs. Let Parama Puruśa worry about that while you carry on your duty fearlessly and cheerfully. You will see that Parama Puruśa will certainly do everything necessary to protect the interests of His affectionate and beloved children.” (8)

Baba always saves

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “You are never alone. And because He is with you, you are the strongest person in the universe. He is with you. You are never alone. It is the greatest advantage.” (9)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Your mental strength will be increased a thousandfold because you are always with the Supreme Entity. The Supreme Entity is always with you to help you, and this is the first and the greatest merit of this fact, of this Supreme Veracity... He is with you, you are never alone, you are never weak. You are never helpless. So, the duty of a perfect person, the duty of a spiritual aspirant is always to remember this Supreme Truth, that he or she is never alone. You are always with your Supreme Father, who will always help you, and will always accelerate the speed of your progress.” (10)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5, Bandhu, Suhrd, Mitram and Sakhá
2. A Few Problems Solved - 8, Microvitum and Its Effect on Human Body and Human Mind
3. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Questions and Answers on Microvita – Excerpt C
4. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Microvitum, the Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor
5. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Questions and Answers on Microvita – Excerpt B
6. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt A
7. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Tanmátrika Samádhi
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, You Are Not Helpless
9. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Everything Comes from Something
10. Ananda Vacanamrta - 14, The Supreme Truth

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