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Monday, January 20, 2020

Nightmares? + 4 more




Often people think that nightmares come from outside themselves. So they say, "I need to get rid of these nightmares." But in Ananda Marga we know that nightmares are a product of our own mind; they stem from inside the mind. Just as one does not get rid of heart disease, but rather cures oneself of it since the problem lies within, similarly, we do not get rid of nightmares; we cure ourselves of them. Nightmares result from a defect within our own mind. And this is something which one can cure.

Getting proper rest at night is an important part of the life cycle. Unfortunately, many people suffer from nightmares, bad dreams, and other psychic difficulties while "sleeping". Actually what they are experiencing is not sleep per se, rather they are in a dream state. And this dream state disturbs both their physical and mental well-being.

As Ananda Margiis, we are working with all segments of the population as we implement Baba's divine teachings. In this endeavour, we come across innumerable people who suffer from nightmares and bad dreams. This is especially the case in this materialistic era when many are plagued by psychic problems. So we should understand well the science behind their difficulties as well as the practical solution.

How poor parenting can cause lifelong nightmares

Here is a real-life scenario that is deeply related with this entire issue. Whether it be in the remote village or an ultra-modern urban center, poor parenting techniques goad mothers and fathers to use fear tactics to discipline their child. They say things like, "If you do not eat your vegetables, then an ugly so-called monster will bite you when you are not looking", or they say, "If you do not behave, then so-called goblins will invade your bed when you are sleeping.”

And here are more parenting techniques that cause their children to have nightmares:

  • Allowing children to watch horror films.
  • Letting kids play scary video games.
  • Bringing their children to a haunted house.
  • Going to a theme park like Disneyland that has so-called ghosts and monsters.
  • Telling scary stories to young kids.
  • Telling them that if they go outside in the dark they will be eaten by imaginary aliens or attacked by mythical madmen.
  • Worrying their kids by telling them about being kidnapped.
  • Exposing children to horrifying books and images.
Here we have to remember that a child’s world is extremely limited - confined to their own life experience. They do not have a vast resource of experiences nor techniques for researching a topic. They live by what they have experienced. So if an adult injects a scary, horrifying notion in the mind of a child then it has a huge effect because that kid has no way to independently verify what they have been told. For instance, if you tell a child not to go near a cat because it will eat them alive, then that child will be very scared. But if you tell that same thing to an elderly woman then she will not be frightened because that senior citizen has a wealth of knowledge and experiences to draw on. Whereas a child is relying exclusively on the words of their caregiver, guardian, or parent etc.

Most often parents are well-intentioned, but their approach proves disastrous. Their parenting techniques have a deep-seated effect. This can often result in nightmares and fear complexes for the duration of one's life. So every Ananda Margii should be aware about this as we address this issue of nightmares.

What is subconscious mind

What is the subconscious mind? It is that part of the mind which memorises the day to day events. This aspect of mind is our power of recollection. With this subconscious mind you can remember your friends, what you ate yesterday, what you did 10 days back or 10 minutes back. Everything is stored in the subconscious mind. This subconscious mind does not need help from the indriyas, i.e. sensory and motor organs, to re-create stored images in the mind. For instance, even if your grandmother lives 100 miles away, with your subconscious mind you will be able to visualise your grandmother in your mind. The motor and sensory organs are not needed.

Without the help of the the subconscious mind we cannot do anything substantial because one will not have the required memory or knowledge. One will not even remember one second into the past. One will forget.

What is conscious mind

The conscious mind only works with the help of motor and sensory organs. For example, when walking down the busy, crowded street then the conscious mind relies upon the eyes to determine where to step. And when tasting food, a person will use their tongue to determine how hot and spicy it is. And if someone’s bicycle tire went flat then they will rely on their various organs to find the hole and fix the tire. And when those motor and sensory organs are not functioning the conscious mind cannot do anything. The conscious mind receives information from the five senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound. Without those senses, the conscious mind is unable to understand anything. And when a person sleeps then the conscious mind is dormant and the five sensory organs - eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and touch - are also dormant. And if those senses are awakened then the conscious mind also become alert and one’s sleep is broken. For example, when one is sleeping and the alarm clock goes off, then the ear organ is awakened and that organ sends a message and awakens the conscious mind. All in all, the conscious mind does not have any stored information, it gets all its knowledge in the moment from the five sensory organs.

In a step by step process, we should investigate how the mind works: Why do nightmares have a much more dramatic effect on the mind than one's imagination during waking hours. Let's say during waking hours you are thinking about a so-called ghost, or reading or watching a scary tale, or playing a gory video game, or going to a haunted house, or worrying about being kidnapped in the dark, or remembering the time you visited a scary exhibition at a themed park, etc, at that time with the immediate support of one's motor and sensory organs, that person will realise that their fear is unfounded. Because they will look, listen, touch and even smell all around, and rationally come to the conclusion that it was an imagined image. It is not real. So in a flash that problem fades from the mind and one will feel normal, as if nothing ever happened. The effect is not so dramatic nor all-encompassing. At night, when the conscious mind is sleeping then those horrifying images and thoughts are treated as real.

Finding the cure

In the latter part of "sleep", the subconscious mind projects an image onto the citta (one of the layers of mind) and one starts dreaming, then that dream becomes our living reality. Because the conscious mind is not functioning. The mind is not interacting with the mundane world via the brain and 10 motor and sensory organs. In that case, whatever one thinks, i.e. dreams, one experiences as reality.

One might dream that they are in a business meeting; or one might dream of playing a sport; or one might dream of falling from the sky, or one might dream of so many things. And those dreams that a really scary such as when one is confronted by so-called ghosts or robbers, then that is a nightmare. And one accepts that frightening experience as being real.

Now that we have investigated what dreams are and how they occur, it is important that we understand how Baba says we can cure this problem. After all, dreams, like nightmares, can really plague a person. They can deprive one of sleep and leave one feeling frightened. Here following then are some of Baba prescribed remedies for curing oneself of nightmares.

Physical remedies

In the physical sphere there are a few things that can be done:

1. Don't eat food late at night or sleep on a full belly: When undigested food remains in the stomach at night, then gas forms and that air rises and creates pressure. In result, the mind is affected and scary dreams, or nightmares, often result. Best then is to finish one's evening meal 2 - 3 hrs before sleep. Going for a short walk after the evening meal is also advisable. Then the food will be properly digested when one goes to bed. That is one way to help combat nightmares on the physical plane.

2. Be sure to sleep on the left side: The best way to sleep is on the left side as that ensures proper digestion. As Baba says the right nostril must be open for proper digestion and that is what happens when one lies on the left side. In contrast, the worst position for sleeping is on the right side as that effectively blocks the right nostril. Sleeping on the back and stomach are also to be avoided. One way to keep from sleeping on the back is to tie something uncomfortable object there - such as an apple-sized rock covered with a cloth - that prevents one from rolling onto their back. In a short while one will get habituated and one will naturally keep off the back and sleep on the left side. In addition, during sleep do not keep your hand on your chest as you might think that is one so-called ghost sitting on your chest.

All of the above are Baba's guidelines from His discourses and reportings.

Psychic remedies

In the psychic plane, there are a few things one can do that will cure one from having nightmares. First, in the hours just prior to going to bed, do not watch or see negative movies or films and thereby pollute your subconscious mind. In that case those horrifying scenes will bring nightmares. The best thing is to engage in quiet, peaceful and sentient pursuits - like kiirtana, sadhana, and Prabhat Samgiita - in the hours leading up to bed.

Secondly, one should avoid any arguments or heated discussions just prior to going to bed. Those thoughts and feelings will then create disturbances in the mind during sleep. The main thing to be aware of is that the conscious mind should not knowingly be involved in degrading or disturbing activities (movies, scary stories etc) directly before bed. And best is to avoid those things entirely. Then the subconscious mind will not be plagued by such thoughts or images during the night.

Spiritual remedies

In the spiritual field also there are practices to be done that will cure oneself from nightmares. Singing kiirtan directly before going to bed will purify the mind and create a sentient vibration. In that case one will not be disturbed by foul or frightening thoughts during the night.

Secondly, doing mantra japa with one's ista mantra will certainly elevate the mind above all such lowly thoughts that might create nightmares. The mantras in Ananda Marga are siddha mantras, charged by Sadguru, so repeating one's ista mantra will certainly cure the mind of all troubles like nightmares etc.

Thirdly, regular sadhana practice of all six lessons will further bring the mind into a positive track. During sadhana, the entire mind is cleansed and bathed. In that case, the subconscious mind is bound to be spiritually vibrated during the night.

The absolute final solution is to do sadhana in a dark cemetery during the night - alone. This type of sadhana will cure one of all such fears. That is the final solution and can be learned from an acarya.


Nightmares plague a large section of the population. During the night, their subconscious mind becomes active and produces a series of scary images, like so-called ghosts etc. These power images appear to be real and are deeply disturbing. Yet, Baba has given numerous remedies. So we have all the tools and teachings to lead a balanced life - free from all complexes and fears, including nightmares, and help others do the same.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Maintaining a balanced mind is one of the greatest virtues. There are no complexes in a balanced mind. One neither feels inferior nor superior to others; one never fears anybody nor ever gets perturbed. One maintains a mental balance." (1)

Sastaunga Pranam To Baba,

~ In-depth study ~

What is true sleep

In contrast, during sleep, the unconscious mind, kárańa mana or causal mind, is awake - and the conscious mind sleeps. In addition, the subconscious layers (i.e. the mind which memorises the day to day events and has the power of recollection) of mind cease functioning. That is true sleep. In that case, both body and mind are getting perfect rest. Then one is in a dreamless state. This happens primarily during the first 2 or 3 hours of lying down. Unfortunately, in this hyper-busy, digital era, most spend very little time actually sleeping.

Suppose you sleep six hours and the first three you are in deep sleep. That time dreams do not come. After that when sleep is not very deep, the subconscious mind becomes active. So many ideas and stories are stored in the subconscious mind, and they start streaming across your mental plate. At that time you feel that those stories are real. And you say, after awakening, that you have seen it in a dream.

Dream seems real when conscious mind shuts down

For most people, during the majority of their "sleep", the subconscious mind is busy. Only the conscious mind ceases to function. In that case, various images stream across one's mental plate. And those images seem real because the conscious mind is not functioning. This is known as dreaming. And in that state, the motor and sensory organs cannot serve as a reality check.

In other words during the daytime when you are thinking about so-called ghosts, you are just imagining the scene. However during the night when in the dream state, that very imagined image seems completely real and one views that image or so-called ghost as reality. In result, people become terrified by so-called ghosts.

So that which you know to be your imagination during daytime becomes very real and terrifying at night in a dream state. Why does this happen? Because during the day while in an awake state, the conscious mind is working and one can verify with their motor and sensory organs what is real and what is not. Whereas during the nighttime the conscious mind is not working. And when the conscious mind is not working there is no verification process with the eyes and ears etc, so the imagined objects become our reality. That is the power of those nightmares.

As a quick review, when we imagine the so-called ghost and so-called goblins during the daytime in wakeful state, we do not get terrified by them. The reason is very simple. The conscious mind is also at work, interacting with the physical world via the 10 motor and sensory organs. As noted above, this conscious mind can check anything going on all around to determine if it is real or imagined.

A “monster”, a serial killer, a so-called ghost, a so-called goblin

During sleep one might think of so many things: Visiting a certain place, talking to a particular friend, eating a favorite food - so many images might flash in the mental plate that one accepts as being real.

And when those images are of something scary then we call that dream a nightmare. It might be a monster, a serial killer, a so-called ghost, a so-called goblin, a robber, or a ravenous tiger. When we are faced with such horrifying images during our "sleep" due to the activity of the subconscious mind, then we are tortured by those dreams. Even though they are imagined, they are extremely frightening for us because the conscious mind is not active. Because this is not active that is why imagined objects look real i.e. a so-called ghost, a so-called goblin, a robber, or a ravenous tiger.

This happens to so many people and they become terrified. Not only are they scared while dreaming, but the whole next day as well - even for months or even years after. And it can happen for many reasons. A nightmare might be based on something they saw during the day or it might result from an experience as a child. In any case, the mind has been negatively affected and it projects that image during the time of sleep.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "You may have encountered yet another type of demoniacal possession, which does not weaken the conscious mind very much in the wakeful state; but during sleep such strength of mind does not exist, and as a result during sleep, while lying on his back, the person sees a nightmare of an imaginary so-called ghost sitting on his chest. Dreaming is an act of the sub-conscious mind. In the dream state the imaginary so-called ghost of the sub-conscious mind takes form beautifully and repeats verbatim to him the language of his imagination. In the dreamful state he feels stupefied with fear, due to this excessive stupefaction he starts groaning, and people take it to be demoniacal possession. Thus what is generally called a “nightmare”, is usually the vision of a person whom the dreamer had oppressed in the past and whom the weak-minded oppressor now “sees” after that person’s death." (2)

Such nightmares are so scary that anyone can get affected. For instance, even an Olympic champion boxer may lie down at night and face all kinds of fears and demons while "sleeping" as those dreams become a reality, irrespective of one's age or worldly status. That nightmare might occur simply because of what one was told as a child, or because of a horror movie, or for some other reason. And these nightmares might plague and disturb a person for their entire life.

One last thought on this topic is that one should firmly understand that there is no such thing as ghosts and goblins. They do not exist. Therefore any nightmare about ghosts, goblins or any such monster or supernatural being is baseless and irrational. If a person can understand this in the depth of their mind, then that will go a long way in curing oneself of nightmares.

Ghosts do not exist

In the preface to His book, "Strange Experiences", Baba clearly tells that He does not believe in ghosts and refutes their existence entirely.

Sadguru Baba says, "Let me state at the very outset that I am not a believer in ghosts and spirits, demons and devils, or heaven and hell, because I have found no logic behind their existence. I know that whether ghosts and spirits or demons and devils, everything which bears the imprint of the supernatural is only the play of the mind. The appearance and disappearance of such things takes place in the various kos’as [layers] of the mind due to variations or possible variations in physical or mental circumstances." (3)

In His above teaching, Baba further explains that the entire "ghost" phenomenon occurs within one's own psyche. As Baba says, it is just a "play of [one's own] mind".

Then in the Q & A discourse, "Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Section B", Baba directly asks and answers this question about ghosts.

Ananda Marga philosophy states,  "Q. 56 Do ghosts really exist?"

"Ans.: – Those strange figures which we call ghosts are mainly figments of the imagination. When the mind is in a weak or vulnerable state, what was previously created in the imagination now appears to be real." (4)

So in the above query, Baba tells that not only are ghosts imagined by one's own mind but that such so-called apparitions tend to occur with unit minds that are "weak" and "vulnerable".

And finally, Baba issues this most conclusive statement.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Ghosts do not exist." (5)

Thus, under no circumstances should anyone be led to believe or think that Baba or His philosophy supports the existence of ghosts.

Baba's example:
how our thoughts become reality during sleep

In one discourse, Baba describes how one of his cousins would imagine football matches in his sleep and accept those games as being real.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "During sleep when his subconscious mind was functioning and not the conscious mind, the memory of the football match came alive on his mental plate. As the conscious mind was inactive, the subconscious mind could activate the nerve cells directly, so as soon as his vocal chord shouted “goal” his legs, in adjustment with rhythm of the nerve cells and fibre, kicked the ball into the goal. " (6)

Here the whole point is that when the conscious mind (wakeful state) is not functioning, then the imagined image projected by the subconscious mind becomes so real such that even the physical body gets involved in that scene. That is why dreams can have such a dramatic effect.

"This type of dream we may call a supramental vision"

Ananda Marga ideology says, "There is still another type of dream. Even when people are in a deep slumber, there may arise in their sub-conscious minds through their dreams, the prognosis of some good news or bad news, or even a huge calamity. The all-knowing causal or unconscious mind usually cannot express its all-knowingness due to the unsteadiness of the conscious and sub-conscious minds as well as due to its own expressional inability, but sometimes it can awaken in the calm conscious and sub-conscious minds of people in deep slumber visions of past, present or future and those visions overwhelm the sleepers minds. A surging vibrational flow emanating from the fountain head of the unconscious mind and vibrating the sub-conscious mind, is also a sort of dream; and that dream is not insignificant for its cause is the all-knowing causal mind. This type of dream we may call a supramental vision. Sometimes even in the wakeful state the cognitive flow of the unconscious mind penetrates into the subtle mind, as the result of which people even in the wakeful state, with a little concentration, can know events concerning their distant near and dear ones, this is called telepathic vision. Through the concentrated state of this telepathic vision, when conscious mind is more calm and sedate, people can visualize events concerning their distant beloved ones, enacted before their eyes in the external world or feel as if they are seeing them; this is called telepathic clairvoyance. Mistaking such acts as those of spirits many people come to believe in spiritism or spiritology. Truly speaking such incidents have no connection at all with spirits or ghosts. Telepathic vision and telepathic clairvoyance are intrinsically the same as supramental vision. They are born of the inspiration of the unconscious mind, the knower of the universe. To believe in ghosts and spirits is merely to perpetuate the cowardly mentality of the pre-historic people. But compared to supramental vision, the incidence of telepathic vision is very much less frequent, and still less is the occurrence of telepathic clairvoyance due to the activeness of the Kámamaya Kośa or the conscious mind. Nevertheless the supramental vision itself does not occur more than 8 to 10 times in the life of a person. The greater or lesser frequencies of such experiences wholly depends on ones sádhaná (intuitional practices) or saḿskáras (reactive requitals). (One, however, must bear I mind that self-acquired telepathy or self-acquired clairvoyance is something different.) (7)

If you want to read more details on this subject please read Ananda Marga Philosophy, Intuitional Science of Vedas-5 and Faculty of Knowledge-3. If you do not have either one of these discourses than kindly let us know.

"To dream is to think while sleeping"

Ananda Marga philosophy states,  "It has been said, “When a person creates a kingdom in his dream…” What is a dream? To dream is to think while sleeping...."

"During sleep these thoughts, in the absence of contact with the hard realities of the external world, appear to be real. Thus people who are not at all affected in the waking state by propensities of fear, anger, etc., may be deeply affected by them during dreams; because, as I said earlier, in the waking state, people know that they are imagining; but during sleep, they do not realize that the play of their imagination is going on. So during that period their dream-thoughts become hard reality for them."

Ananda Marga philosophy states,  "During the time of waking, because there is much resistance from the external reality, there is not much speed of imagination; but during sleep, in the absence of this resistance, there is great acceleration. Within one second people can imagine a vast epic like the Mahábhárata. Sometimes during dreams the dreamers, propelled by such propensities as anger or greed, restlessly move their limbs about. If those moving limbs come in contact with any hard object, the imaginary dream is broken, the dreamer's sleep is disrupted and the dreamy fantasy woven in nets of imagination comes abruptly to an end." (8)

"Why people do not always dream in their sleep"

Ananda Marga philosophy states,  "Dreaming means thinking or recollecting during sleep. Now the first question that arises is this: Why do people not always think or recollect during sleep? During the wakeful state, people are always thinking or recollecting. Even when people meditate in the wakeful state, they are thinking of, or recollecting, Supreme Consciousness. In the waking state, the mind never remains inactive. Then why does it not always dream during sleep?"

"The answer is, the sleeping state means a state of rest for the mind. But if, before or at the time of sleep, one is tormented with deep sorrow, or becomes overjoyed with extreme happiness, or is afflicted with a serious disease, or is brooding over imaginary pains and pleasures – then during sleep if the gases in the body rise and create vibrations in the nerve cells, one starts thinking and recollecting. That is why people do not always dream during every sleep." (9)

Dreaming of Baba

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "In the lives of many people, a time may come when their days are full of the thorns of miseries, but at night, during dream, they transcend their pains and pleasures. Then, meeting their Iśt́a in dream, they beam with joy and laughter in the ocean of bliss. All the sufferings and sorrows of their lives, great or small, merge into that indescribable ocean of bliss. Those who experience this type of dream are truly fortunate."

"Even in the waking state their lives are drenched in the drowsy sweetness of that dreamy atmosphere, and then in their lives, that dream becomes a reality. As a result, the waking state for them becomes meaningless."

"Then cannot those dreamy persons do any good to the society? Yes, certainly they can, and in a better way. This state of drowsiness is not dullness or crudeness; rather it is the golden opportunity to fully utilize one's existence by touching the feet of Táraka Brahma, as long as there is life." (10)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 5
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 5
3. Strange Experiences, 'Preface'
4. Tattva Kaomudii - 3
5. Subhasita Samgraha - 4
6. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell, Part 6
7. Subhasita Samgraha, part 2
8. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 16
9. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 16
10. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 16

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita==

I do not have anything to boast about

Note: Those who don't try sincerely to do 6th lesson sadhana, they cannot understand this song.

"Tomári deoá sure tomári bháśá bhare,he prabhu tava tare geye gechi gán..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3192)


Parama Purusa, in Your given tune and lyrics, I go on singing the blissful songs for You. It is Your grace. You have taught me the melody, rhythm, and language. I do not have anything to boast about. Only this much I feel: Each and every thing in my existence is expressed through Your energy; it is just Your gift - nothing else.

When the magical net of avidya maya cast her influence, then I fell into the dungeon and trap of moha. At that time, my mind was enveloped by an intense ego. In that moment, You saved me and made me understand that ego related mundane gains are foolishness. You also told me that You are always there to help me so I need not worry.

Baba, You have filled my life with bhakti. It is like a flower garland of Your love divine. With melody and rhythm, You have showered Your endless blessing and taught me Sixteen Points and all conduct rules. This has brought a new colour and the resonance of the viina’ in my life. You told me that I should look for You within, not without. You whispered to me that Your karuna’ is always upon me, whether I look towards You or not. Baba, by Your grace, I go on singing the song of Supreme love with the tune and melody that has been blessed by You.

You are ever-gracious....

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3192:

[1] Moha: This is one of the six enemies or sadripus. Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The deceptive allurement of moha vrtti that [makes] people rush toward their objects of desire without any discrimination.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Difference between sin & pa’pa

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Another thing to bear in mind is that “sin” in the English language is not the pápa of Sanskrit. As already said, “sin” means to go against that prescribed in the Bible. But pápa is explained in the phrase Paropakárah puńyáya pápáya parapiid́anam – that is, “Any action by one individual which leads to the development of others is puńya [virtuous deeds], and any action which does the opposite is pápa.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 21, Niiti and Dharma

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to lift up the suppressed classes

Prout philosophy states, “In capitalism or democracy the state is theoretically for the welfare of the majority, but in practice it is the rule of the minority of vaeshyas. Other groups of people are forced to  become second grade citizens.”

“The Proutistic social order follows the principle sarva jana hitáya – that is, PROUT is for the welfare of all. Nobody is suppressed or oppressed. PROUT supports the rule of sadvipras. Only sadvipras can  guarantee the all-round welfare of all groups of people because sadvipras represent the interests of all classes in society.”

“Until PROUT is established, however, special efforts should be made to protect the interests of backward classes. For example, tribal people are among the most deprived of the backward classes. In Tripura and many parts of India, and in other countries of the world as well, tribal people are poor and illiterate. Special steps should be taken immediately to enhance their socio-economic development. Such steps should include the removal of all educational inequalities; the widespread establishment of cottage industries; proper agricultural facilities, especially irrigation water; self-reliance in energy production, such as electricity; increased communication facilities, such as telephones; and better transportation infrastructure, such as railways.” (1)

1. Proutist Economics, Elevating Backward Classes

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==
They alone have overcome anger

Original Ananda Vanii states: “Those who can maintain their restraint in spite of intense provocation are the real spiritual aspirants. They alone have overcome anger. Inspire those who are liars and criminals to live honest lives by pointing out their defects. This is the only spiritual approach to punish wrongdoers. Supreme truth is ever resplendent and can never be tarnished by false propaganda.” (Ananda Vanii #8)

Note: Sadguru Baba has assigned a number to all His original and true Ananda Vaniis. In contrast, Fake Ananda Vaniis do not have any number. By this simple formula, one can easily recognise which is a true Ananda Vanii and which is fake. For the upcoming occasion of January 1st 2017, all Ananda Marga units should use one of Baba’s original and true Ananda Vaniis, not a fake one. By this way, one will surely get His blessing.

== Section 3: Links ==

Recent postings