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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Lewd dance + 3 more


Lewd dance

  • If this type of dance happens in a dance club or night club that is fine - we have no objection. But remember DMS is a dharmic program and people have come to think about God and immerse themselves in the spiritual flow for a few days. And this type of dance is antithetical to that sentient flow.
  • It is just like how in many yoga seminars these days, the internet is disconnected and participants remain offline. That is the expectation. But if at that yoga retreat everyone was using their phones and heavily involved in selfies and social media etc, then those retreat enrollees will think they were deceived and misled.
  • People go to DMS to take shelter in the sanctuary of a spiritual environment. But if the RAWA dance is done in such a way that activates the lower instincts then the entire purpose of that gathering is defeated.
  • Some females may not understand this problem but if you ask any young man then they will tell you.


Some think that Baba has given His approval for all boys and all girls can participate in dance and RAWA programs.

Here is the reply:

#1: Yes, small girls can dance everywhere in all venues, and mature girls can dance for a same sex audience. So yes, all girls (& boys) can participate, but their participation must be in concert with the ideals of tantra.

Theme lost in degrading overtones
 When a drama or RAWA program is performed then there is a theme that is conveyed to the audience. But if degrading artists turn the presentation into a lewd event, the theme is lost due to those degrading overtones. The unfortunate outcome is that the audience gets drawn towards the depraved aspect of the performance, and they forget about the greater sentient theme. That is the disease that is mounting in the society, day by day. And Ananda Marga has been given by Baba to save the society from such degradation. Baba wholly condemns the depraved display of degenerated “artists” in the below quote.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Here it must be noted that artists must seek to exhibit to people the simple form of truth, sweetened with the sweetness of their hearts. But it is a matter of great regret that a class of modern artists, in the realms of poetry, novels, cinema, drama, etc., employ all their artistic talents for the sole purpose of kindling people’s crude sensuality, instead of portraying human propensities with the idealistic outlook of a true artist – what to speak of portraying their subtle human feelings. Without supporting conservatism, I would say that this class of artists is truly a blot on society." (1)

Avadhutas in audience at DMS

WT conduct rule states, “...avadhuta must not engage his ears in hearing obscene language or song, touch any rajasika articles, see any depraving entity or picture, or go through any story, novel or picture having even a slight bit of sexual importance…” (2)

Degrading scene at 2020 DMS Rawa

#3: Tragically, look at what transpired on stage at the 1st Jan 2020 DMS. For those who are bogged down in pseudo-culture, then they will think the below is rather normal. But for those with a sentient mind whose eyes are fixed on the ideals of Ananda Marga as given by Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, those dharmikas will find the below display to be quite degrading and contrary to the standards of tantra.

#4: In any Prabhat Samgiita cultural program, certain spiritual themes are supposed to be conveyed to the audience. But this is completely undermined by even the slightest hint of sensuality. Specifically, in any PS cultural program, if female dancers are above the age of puberty, then males in the audience will be drawn to the shapes and curves of those dancers. In that case, the sentient theme will not be conveyed, and the aesthetic value will be lost. In sum, that the whole cultural program will go astray - useless and harmful. Sadly, that is what occurred at the recent DMS.

~ Pseudo-culture expose in the name of RAWA at 2020 DMS ~ 

#5: In a Prabhat Samgiita cultural program, certain themes are conveyed to the audience - but when girls are grown up then males in the audience want to see the size of their mammary glands and they lose the theme or idea of the art in which case the whole thing is flawed.

in Him,

Avadhutas in audience at DMS

WT conduct rule states, “...avadhuta must not engage his ears in hearing obscene language or song, touch any rajasika articles, see any depraving entity or picture, or go through any story, novel or picture having even a slight bit of sexual importance…” (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “For physico-psychic movement, I encourage boys and girls to start work in the RAWA [Renaissance Artists’ and Writers’ Association] movement. You know, to work in RAWA, high-grade intellect is not necessary. But for pure psychic movement, pure psychic development, higher intellect is necessary. And in that realm also humans are to be encouraged, because it is even subtler than physico-psychic movement – it is pure psychic movement. And for that I encourage the intellectuals of Ananda Marga to form RU [Renaissance Universal] Clubs. Let there be psychic development, let there be clashes and cohesions in the realm of intellect. This will help a person to move from crude to subtle.” (4)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 1, The Practice of Art & Literature
2. Thirty Two Rules for Avadhuta, Point #32
3. Thirty Two Rules for Avadhuta, Point #32
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Human Expressions and Human Movements

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In my entire life I never thought of You
yet You always think about me 

"Ámi to tomáre bhávini jiivane, tumi mor kathá bhevecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0643)


Parama Purusa, throughout my entire life I never thought, ideated, or meditated upon You properly, yet with affection You think about me always. Your arrival into my life is just Your causeless grace. In my narrow, shallow, and dry heart, in the deep corner of my mind, You have secretly come and made Your place, making my unhappy life full of bliss. Now You are showering Your compassion; it is Your causeless grace upon me.

Baba, the accumulated clouds of uncertainty and dilemma which were overcasting my mind since ages due to my own ego, vanity, ignorance, and asmitá etc, all that gloom was removed in a flash. With spiritual vibration You pulled me close to You, showering Your causeless grace abundantly. You have done so much.

Parama Purusa Baba, You are the heavenly refulgence of the spiritual world and the life of the lifeless. You are the heart of my heart as well as my most intimate One. Please accept my surrender - my sastaunga pranam. You have showered Your spiritual brilliance and opened my eyes so I may see right from wrong. You have graciously given me patience to remain calm in all situations and lovingly bestowed samvit so that my unit consciousness can merge into Cosmic Consciousness. What have You not done - You have done everything.

Parama Purusa, in my life I never thought of You, nor did I do proper meditation. But even then You have loved me so much. Baba, You are ever-gracious...

Note For Prabhat Samgiita #0643:

[1] Asmita': Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Drkdarshanashaktyorekátmatevásmitá [“When people at the height of their foolishness forget the distinction between the subjective and objective counterparts, or confuse one with the other and say completely nonsensical things, that mental defect is known as asmitá”]. As asmitá is devoid of any discrimination, people with this mental defect lose their power of discrimination. First, they think that since they are so great, there is no need for them to learn anything from others. As a result of this, their further progress comes to a halt. Secondly, the arrogant attitude of this asmitá banishes from their minds the humble psychology of the learner. They lose interest in learning anything useful; so not only in the world of knowledge, but also in the world of practicality, they become misfits in life because of their mountainous accumulated ignorance."
  "It is not that arrogance of this sort simply obstructs their progress. The human mind, like the human body, is dynamic. No one has come to remain here; everyone is moving – for movement is a must. Now, the mind whose further progress is blocked will also have to move this way or that; so when one must move, but the path of progress is blocked, one is compelled to move along the path of degradation. Thus the arrogance born of this asmitá will lead people towards their downfall. This arrogance, which makes them want to display themselves, forgetting all other things, is termed ahaḿkára [vanity]. The predominant vrtti behind it is aham [ego]: “I am everything, there is nothing beyond and outside me.”" (1)

[2] Samvit: Ananda Marga ideology states, "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (2)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 10
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Sinners rip out the tongues of the weak and silence their voices

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Still, a controller is necessary in the physical sphere, highly necessary, because in this physical sphere, those of animal nature seize the morsels of food from others’ mouths like mad dogs. In this material sphere, living beings in human form, driven by dogmas, dash the only children of widows to the ground. In this material sphere, demons greedy for wealth starve the simple, innocent and disunited people to death, bit by bit. In this material sphere, the mighty rip out the tongues of the weak and silence their voices forever; they deprive them of the opportunity to express their inner urges. Thus there is a great necessity of a strict disciplinary code for this physical world. It is not necessary for this code of discipline to be always in the form of a book. Rather, a benevolent person of spirited intellect can work more effectively than a book in this regard." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings

== Section 3: Links ==