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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Way out from suffering + 2 more

Way out from suffering


There are many on the path who wonder how and when their samskaras will be burned, thereby enabling them to attain liberation. In particular, karmiis and jinanis get caught up in this psychological puzzle. But sadly, their theories and strategies only serve to pull them back into the cycle of action and reaction.

Baba’s guarantee to all sadhakas

For sadhakas and bhaktas, for all sincere Ananda Margiis, however, the situation is entirely different. Sadguru Baba has guaranteed their liberation in the Supreme Command, which is printed in the beginning of every AM book. So for them, whatever is their balance of samskaras at the time of death, Baba relieves them of all such burdens. This is His special grace and guarantee upon all sadhakas / bhaktas.

Ananda Marga philosophy, “The moment the individual saḿskáras are removed, the mind loses its existence and only the soul remains. It too, becomes one with the universal soul, like a drop of water merging into the vast ocean.” (1)

How to burn your samskaras

Here are the ways that one may undergo the requital of their samskaras.

#1: Parama Purusa acts in His role as Bhaktavatsalam, the loving Caretaker of bhaktas. In this role, He favours His bhaktas and automatically eliminates their samskaras.

#2: Parama Purusa, in His role as Harii, steals the samskaras of the jiivas. By this way, sadhakas need not worry about the mathematics of their samskaras, as Hari steals their samskaras.

#3: The Supreme Command states that sincere sadhakas are guaranteed liberation at the time of death. That means that Parama Purusa will remove all their samskaras.

#4: By one's regular daily sadhana one burns their samskaras. In contrast, kiirtana clears them of their psychic sins.

#5: By the regular experience of karmaphala, reaping the fruits of one's past actions, people burn samskaras. For sadhakas, this occurs at a much faster rate.

#6: When one feels repentance and remorse for their misdeeds, then they are relieved of those samskara. The classic case of this is the great sadhaka / poet Valmiki who was formerly a robber and a murderer. But he felt so much remorse for his many crimes and murders that he was relieved of those samskaras.

#7: Remember, in His grand role of Bhaktvatsalam, Parama Purusa unconditionally blesses His bhaktas and relieves them of their heavy load of samskaras.

Key point

Keep in mind that when one has trust and faith in Parama Purusa, then one feels a great sense of comfort and ease. Then one does not worry about samskara theory as they know Parama Purusa Baba will do the needful. Without that trust and faith in Ista, one's theoretical understanding utterly fails to remove their meaningless worries about their samskaras.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Guru’s grace needed

Ananda Marga ideology states, “One must undergo the unsatisfied sámskáras, the unquenched saḿskáras. In order to attain salvation, one must burn up one’s past saḿskáras. A seed when soaked in water germinates, but if it is burnt up it can never germinate. Every human being must be a dagdhabiija [burnt seed], that is, one whose saḿskáras are totally burnt up. For this, one absolutely needs the grace of the Guru, the grace of Parama Puruśa. The scriptures say, “Just an iota of the Cosmic grace is enough to ensure salvation for unit beings.” (2)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 5, Equalization of Saḿskáras
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Dharma Samiikśa

== Section : Important Teaching ==

They refuse to understand

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The exploited people are not even aware that they are being exploited. This is why it is easy to exploit them in the social sphere, then create inferiority complexes in their minds to keep them under prolonged administrative domination and perpetuate the exploitation. This is easily done by the cunning exploiters. And the tragedy is that the exploited mass do not try to understand – they cannot understand, and they even refuse to understand – that they are victims of exploitation. So this is more dangerous.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Various Forms of Exploitation