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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Bengalization: English para discarded from AFPS-5


Bengalization: English para discarded from AFPS-5


Bábá has given so many discourses wherein He is speaking three different languages, i.e. Hindi, English, and Bengali. While delivering those discourses, it is common for Bábá to say something in one language, and give something entirely new in the next language. So He does not necessarily express the same exact idea in each language. That’s to say, He does not merely translate from Hindi to Bengali, or English to Hindi etc, but often gives completely new and novel points in each language.

In that case, until you perfectly transcribe what Bábá said in all those three languages during a given discourse, that discourse will not be complete. Tragically, due to Bengalization, our Tiljala Publishers (TP) have largely discarded what Bábá said in the other two languages, i.e. English and Hindi. Generally, whatever Bábá spoke in the Bangla section of a given discourse is included in the published discourse. But actually that is only one third of the discourse.

Example of maltreatment of English sections

Here below is an example of a discourse published in A Few Problems Solved - 5, "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma". (1) Bábá has given this discourse using all three languages: Bangla, Hindi, and English. Some sections Bábá spoke in Bangla, some in Hindi, and some in English. And what Baba spoke in those sections are not all the same. Each of those sections conveys unique ideas. To properly publish what Bábá has given in the discourse, it is essential to include all the material from all three languages. Short of that, the discourse will be incomplete.

Now please see for yourself, Bábá has spoken the following green para in English-- but you will not find it in the published discourse, shown below in yellow.

Bábá spoke, "When a man, when a spiritual aspirant is freed from these three types of pains, it is called ‘artham’. But, this type of liberation may or may not be of permanent nature. If it is of temporary nature, it is simply a nivrtti; that is, simply a liberation. Then, we say it is artham. And, when it is a liberation of permanent nature, emancipation of permanent nature, when it is not an ordinary emancipation, but a salvation of the zenith point of achievement, then it is called parama-artham, paramártha." (2)

Here below in yellow is the entire discourse as published by our Tiljala Publishers. In the below discourse, you will not find anywhere the above green sentences which Bábá spoke during the English segment of this very discourse. Please review the below yellow for yourself and see if you can find there the above green sentences (or even sentences expressing their meaning):

So the above yellow is the TP-published discourse, "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma". In this entire printed discourse, the above green sentences spoken by Bábá during the discourse are not to be found. And the reason is that although the discourse was given by Bábá in three languages-- Bangla, Hindi, and English, but our Tiljala Publishers have only printed the Bangla sections. They discarded the English and Hindi sections.


This is our dharmic duty to protect our Guru's discourses. Please come forward to resolve this issue. What Guru spoke, is not reaching to you. Special interest groups are interposing themselves between you and your Guru. How long are you going to tolerate this ruination of your Guru’s teachings?

Peter Simmons

Police recover putrefied baby in the suitcase

It is like a thief who stole a box off a train. In the process of escaping with the box he was caught by the police. Upon their questioning he insisted it was his own box. The police proceeded to open the box and found the dead body of a murdered child. So now the thief has trapped himself in a murder. The police had asked him if the box was his, and he swore it was. Now he is trapped.

একটা চোর ৰাক্স চুরি করল চলা ত্রেন থেকে | পলাযনের সময পুলিসে ধোরা পড়ল | তাদের প্রশ্নের উত্তরে ৰোলল এই ৰাক্স তো আমার | পুলিশ ৰাক্সটা খুলে দেখল একটি খুন করা ছোট শিশুর লাশ ভিতোরে আছে | পুলিস ওকে জিজ্ঞাস করেছিল এই ৰাক্সটা কি তোমারে ? আরে ও ৰোলেছিল হ্যাঁ | এখন ও ফাঁদে পড়ল |

This is the situation of H group. With eyes closed, they are printing all the books of B group. When will they wake up, no one knows. But one thing is true. These people are taking upon themselves full responsibility for the mistakes of the B group Publishers by putting their own name on the same publications. In a way they are involving themselves in the same sin. Otherwise, why haven’t they or why don’t they transcribe the discourse from the original discourse and print it anew on their own?

Having claimed credit as the publisher, they are now getting caught red-handed as the creators of distortion-filled discourses.

1. Printed by Tiljala Publishers, "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma", Electronic Edition 2009 and A Few Problems Solved, part 5.
2. As-Is version, "One Who Realizes Brahma Becomes Brahma," MGD 31 December 1980 Ananda Nagar.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

We do not differentiate between high and low

"Tomákei bhálobási ámrá, tomár pathe cali tomár kathá boli..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3821)


Parama Purusa, You are our everything, our Heart of hearts. We love only You. We are moving ceaselessly along Your effulgent path and treading on that very path which You have graciously shown to us. O' All-Pervading One, day and night we sing Your boundless glories and dance according to Your sweet rhythms. We always propagate Your grand ideals. You have created us: We are Your thought projection as well as Your progeny. Baba, You are our Father - Our Ista. We love only You.

Supreme Entity, we love one and all equally; everyone's existence is treasured. We do not differentiate between high and low, small and big, rich and poor, touchable and untouchable, sinner and virtuous, literate and illiterate etc. All are kith and kin - all are family members and part of that indivisible humanity. We are all bound together by Your immortal love. With Your infinite compassion, You always draw us near with Your beacon call, which pulls our heart close to You. We hear Your sound and move towards You. You are the Goal. Our each and every action and deed is aimed toward Your divine stance - toward reaching up to You. You are our Aim and the Polestar of our life.  

My Parama Purusa Baba, You have blessed us with the ideals of neo-humanism. First, You have granted us individual freedom; second, You have infused us with universal spirit; and third, You have spiritualised our minds with the dhyana of the Supreme One. With these three attributions one other quality unfolds: We wage a relentless fight against all the evils and sin. And by Your grace victory is sure. Baba, by these four noble qualities of neo-humanism - individual freedom, universal spirit, dhyana of the Omnipotent entity, and the fight against evil forces - we have created a potent, bitter medicine that cures all sorts of ailments like dogma, infighting, and narrow-mindedness. O' Ever gracious Entity, With this approach we have made this dusty earth into a golden paradise, by Your causeless blessing.

Baba, we all love only You; You are our Goal. O' our most Adored One...

Note about Prabhat Samgiita #3821

[1] "vyaśt́i...amara'r": In the third and final stanza of the above song, Ananda Marga philosophy presents 4 special principles that are part and parcel of our neo-humanistic philosophy: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, (d) the fight against injustices and sin. All four are needed to create a golden paradise on this earth and build a society in the real sense of the term.

Spirituality is an essential aspect of neo-humanism. Without proper dhyana, individual freedom can be twisted to exploit the masses. Such is the case in capitalism since it is devoid of a spiritual approach. People just equate individual freedom with selfish pleasure and degrading activities. Communism does not allow for individual freedom nor does it recognise spirituality: Both are missing. For this reason, collective interest and a loving society could not be attained in communism. So it is more murderous than capitalism. Comparatively speaking, communists are worse than capitalists.

Then in the dogma-centered philosophy such as in the various religions, individual freedom and perfect spirituality are missing. The religions are ritualistic and dogma-based. There is no true feeling of universal love. That is why even followers of the same religion can kill each other - what to speak of harming members of other religions. History has witnessed this again and again. So the religious society is also defective.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that in an ideal society all 4 principles are needed: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices and sin. Failing that, this world cannot become a golden paradise. In the absence of any of these aforementioned principles, groupism and factionalism will erupt.

So our neo-humanistic approach is wholly revolutionary. In this God-centered approach, individual freedom is used for virtuous deeds which bring collective welfare, and all the while there is a pactless fight against all injustices. This is the speciality of our neo-humanism and this is the grand ideal that is being propagated in this above song.

In our present day AMPS, these qualities are missing: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices.

== Section 3: Links ==
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