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Monday, May 4, 2020

Water fight in AMPS + 2 more


Water fight in AMPS


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). Please read this below letter as an historical account of how local pseudo-culture can seep into and take over the scene. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal

Note: This below letter was posted in June of 2003 and describes an unusual scene at one of our AMPS retreats.



I have already made plans to go to Ananda Kanan this Saturday for the week-long NY sector summer retreat. And I appreciate what someone wrote earlier, that for NY margiis this Ananda Kanan summer retreat is like a DMS.

DMS-like gathering at Ananda Kanan (NY)

Because in AM, Baba has given the system of DMS (Dharma Maha Samelan)-- and the purpose is the gathering of dharma. Likewise, during retreats at Ananda Kanan many Ananda Margiis attend and get psycho-spiritual food for higher pursuits and motivation to move towards a higher goal-- Baba. As we know our goal of life is Parama Purusa. And Baba says that in our path of movement, or forward journey, morality is the base, sadhana is the means, and life divine is the goal.

In addition my Didi recently showed me one long beautiful discourse from the Yoga Psychology book called 'The Cult of Spirituality' where Baba says that morality means all tenets of Yama and Niyama, and special emphasis is given to mental purity.

So when we are coming here in Ananda Kanan then the mind naturally gets uplifted by various programs, collective sadhana, collective food-- A lot of benefits happen all around. And one special benefit is mental purity, or shaoca. Which is one of our moral codes. What I am trying to express is that when our base of morality is strengthened then certainly sadhana is better.

Conversely, when morality is not followed and one's mental purity is affected, then sadhana gets disturbed. In which case our marching towards the Goal is also hindered.

So that's the theory. This very purity of mind Baba has described in various parts of Ananda Vacanamrtam and Subhasita Samgraha discourses. For example 'Manasa' samvaro sadhu' -- o’ sadhakas keep your mind purified. Don't see or think or do any such things which degrades your mind because that will ultimately drift away from your Goal.

Please excuse me but...

In Ananda Kanan all the retreat activities I appreciate fully with all my heart. But one thing which I do not like that I will describe below. Beforehand I would like to apologize to all readers those who get affected by my factual writing. because of this ahead of time I offer my sincere Apologies.

One thing particular program at our Ananda Kanan Retreat is done in the name of "fun", but it degrades the mind. And that program is: the water fight. Those attending the retreat know that this water fight has become a sort of yearly tradition at Ananda Kanan. Such an activity is a common summertime occurrence in cruder type non-margii general gatherings in the USA and perhaps other countries. Where at such gatherings they are involved in eating beef and pork, drinking liquor, smoking marijuana, open sex etc. I do not support this water fight program. Before explaining the reason in detail, for those margii brothers and sisters who are not from NY sector, for their awareness I have to write here and tell what way the water fight happens at our Ananda Kanan Retreat in NY Sector. Previously when I was going this was my experience.

After reading this you yourself will be able to analyze how far it is proper or improper according to our Guru Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji's teaching.

Water fight: sexual overtones

The water fight traditionally happens in the afternoon at the end of the 'Ananda Mela', when the various competitions have finished. There is no special mantra to begin this water fight event like the Samgacchadhvam mantra starts dharmacakra. Such things are not there, just in a random way it starts. Because suddenly so many attendees irrespective of males or females including WTs, Dadas, Didis, all Margiis together and WTs, irrespective of their age and sex. All are involved collectively in this wild type of activity and they are running around wildly throwing huge amounts of water on one another. With not just a little bit of water but with huge amounts of water-- in buckets and buckets. Such that many people become drenched fully and their clothes get completely stuck to their bodies. And it becomes revealing and provocative. Because when the clothes are stuck to the body then sisters look just as if they are completely nude and naked. You believe or do not believe the whole scene has sexual overtones.

And as the water fight continues then people start removing some of their clothes or rolling up their shirts and pants etc. And everyone, young sisters and senior Dadas together are running around like this through the main outdoor area of the retreat site. And it is not easy to escape from all this either. Because by the end of the water fight if anyone is not 100% wet, then often there are teams of energetic Dadas dedicated to soaking those who tried to sit quietly on the side. Even if one is trying to do sadhana in the dormitory, even they may be dragged outside and splashed completely with water. Some sentient margiis actually physically lock themselves in a particular room in order to escape from this insentient activity. So the whole vibration of the Ananda Kanan retreat changes drastically because of this whole water fight scene-- from sentient to rajasik or tamasik. It becomes like one playground or pseudo-culture beach in Goa or Southern France. Even that evening's dharmacakra at Ananda Kanan takes on a more extroverted feeling because of this water fight.

When I spoke with different sisters who did not like this whole entire water fight event, then one of them told their opinion that it feels like it is just based on sexual lust. And that why in this fight the opposite sex is involved drenching each other 100%. When in reality such type of activity is unapproved by Baba and AM teachings. Not any activity is done in such a wild way together. Baba only approved dry color festival when females and females were doing in one place and males and males were doing in another. Why here at Ananda Kanan then females and males are doing this water fight together. If this is not pseudo-culture then what is it. This is the idea of one sister who was disgusted when she was unwillingly soaked with water in front of one and all.

Invasion of pseudo-culture

I also asked different acaryas and senior margiis on various occasions why this water fight is happening at our Ananda Kanan retreats. And they did not find any other reason than this-- that our AM society in NY sector has been tainted by western pseudo-culture. That the water fight is just a dogma coming from the general society.

Then one Dada explained further, 'Everyone is bringing their own dogmas. It happens everywhere. Just like in India the caste system is still present to some degree, so even AM marriages are affected by this caste system. For example in the Prout Delhi Magazine when they are printing the boys and girls names for matrimonial relations, then certain remarks and requests are made with regards to caste preference.**'

'And furthermore Baba has written how Semitic religions were performing circumcisions, so under pressure the Muslims also adopted this. They did not have any other way. Otherwise they would not have been accepted.' (please see note 1 at the bottom)

'So old dogma is always sneaking into Ananda Marga; Many times this happens. Unknowingly people are carrying those old dogmas from general society. So we should see and be careful. Our mind should be open 360 degrees. And we should not invite any dogma or stagnancy to enter into our Marga'.

I appreciated Dada's explanation and forthright answer. On this point also I invite the thoughts of different margiis.

The main point is that any activities which degrade our thoughts we should not encourage because Baba says, "mana eva manus'ya'n'a'm..."  Mind is the cause of liberation and mind is the cause of bondage. When the mind is degraded then that is bondage.


Here following Baba is giving a warning about negative activities. Baba says, "If the movement towards crude is encouraged the mind-- and at the same time the entire existence of the human being-- will be converted into matter, crude matter. It will be the path negative pratisaincara." (NHNS-1)

My respected Didi told that those who have interest in higher pursuits and sadhana then mind is getting sentient and in that state they do not like crude activities like water fight. And she gave me a hint about the following Baba's teaching.

Baba says, "the general psychology is that once people experience something subtle, they automatically discard the crude. This continuous progress from the crude to the subtle, and from the subtle to the subtlest aspects of life comes within the scope of aesthetic science, and in this process of movement ultimately we reach a state in which our refined tastes, refined feelings, and refined expressions transport us into the realm of Eternal Beauty." (PNS 10- p. 64)

sincerely yours,
margii sister (NY Sector)

* Water fight: A type of activity or horsing around where everyone is throwing water in random way on all attendees irrespective of males or females including WTs, Dadas, Didis, all Margiis, irrespective of their age and sex. All are involved collectively in this wild type of horsing around of throwing buckets and buckets of water on each other till all are drenched nearly 100%. In this play everyone becomes forced to get involved. This is very prevalent in non-margii crude society. For details please read whole letter.

Ananda Kanan: It is our MU and is a central place of NY sector. People go there for retreats, RDS, special meetings, etc. Plus some Dadas and LFT live there full time. Right now Dada Iishvarakrsnananda (IK Dada) is the Rector Master.

"Caste to be avoided..." & Ananda Kanan

** I have since seen one copy of the Delhi Prout Magazine. And sure enough in the marriage section in the back of the magazine the various female and male candidates list their personal background or qualification. And included in that is a line about caste such as: "Caste to be avoided - Teli (oil man)" or "Caste to be avoided - Srandilya (Carpenter)" and "Caste to be avoided..."  I do not know the entire meaning but it is peculiar for me that why they are writing like this, "Caste to be avoided". It was however explained to me that there are various castes: carpenter, barber, cobbler, fireman. And this is one dogma that they are still carrying in India about casteism. And it is a serious problem to get married in India, especially the daughter's marriage. Because of this reason many Indian margis who have daughters face this problem. In a similar way the Ananda Kanan water festival is related because it shows how negative things from the surrounding society affect our Marga, if we are not careful and alert.

Note 1: How dogma creeps in

Here is further description how existing dogmas and old social habits creep into new religions etc..

Baba says, "Long ago the Jews started practising circumcision. When Moses converted some of his contemporaries to Judaism, and later when Mohammed converted some local people to Islam, neither prophet dared to instruct their new followers to discard the old customs they followed, consequently the old customs continued after their conversion."

One final thought: The Ananda Kanan Master Unit has a history of water shortages. Regularly at the summer retreats the in-charges and organizers announce that everyone should follow various precautions in order to conserve water. Bath quickly and turn off the water when using soap. And be careful not to waste water during half bath and when washing dishes. And I have always appreciated their attention to this. Anyway the point is water conservation has always been a major issue of concern during retreats. So from an environmental perspective the water fight is also a concern, even if the water is gotten from the lake. The reasons are obvious. And top of all it is Proutistic point that in Caryacarya Part 2 Baba especially warns us that water, food, and fuel must not be abused or wasted.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

In the Vrindaban of my heart

"Man Vrinda'bane rayecho...
Tama'ler niipe mohan sa'je bendhecho more diye priitid'ora." (Prabhat Samgiita #3936)


Baba, my Lord, You are living eternally in the Vrindaban of my heart. With Your sweet, melodious, effulgence You have intoxicated my whole being with Your divine tune, melody, and rhythm and filled my existence with song and dance-- it is Your grace.

Baba, You are so close it is beyond my measurement. My Dearest, You are my means, my sadhana and my goal - everything. I do Your meditation with madhur bha’va. I stare toward Your holy feet in an unblinking way-- that is my shelter.

Parama Purusa, in my sleep, dream, and awake state, in my mind Your divine flute is always resonating. With Your sweet attraction You have tied me up in the bond of Your infinite love. Your white lotus feet are my sanctuary. Baba, You remain always in the inner core of my heart...