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Friday, May 15, 2020

Misery & myths + 3 more


Misery & myths


Here we examine two prevailing economic myths, as if by this way society will progress.

Myth #1: Money Solves All Problems

“Money Solves All Problems” was a slogan promoted by a certain section of Wts in AMPS etc. However misguided, this remains a prevailing myth in the general society. Around the world there are any number of issues and problems: Poverty, global warming, diminishing resources, war, housing crisis, food shortages, AIDS, infant mortality, child abuse, sectarian conflicts, obesity, energy shortages, religious tensions etc.

Time and again, to "solve" the problems, the same solution is applied: money. The said leaders think that if xyz billion dollars gets appropriated for greenhouse gases reduction then the issue of global warming will be solved. They think that if abc million dollars gets sent to Africa, then the AIDS crisis will be alleviated. In nearly each and every circumstance, money is looked upon as the solution.

When the United Nations, or the US Congress, or the European Union designates a sum of money to solve a problem, the common citizens feel that the issue has been addressed. But money alone is not the answer, nor the way to solve all these issues. That is why the very same issues like health care or poverty remain unsolved from decade to decade, despite billions spent trying to solve these problems.

How to solve the problem

To solve any problem, right ideas along with good role models are the key elements needed. And yes, some money is needed. After all, money is artha. But money is secondary to having the proper ideas and dedicated people to put forth the solution.

(a) Mr Michael Bloomberg spent huge money to restrict access to guns and eradicate the hand-gun danger in the US but he could not come close to solving the problem.
(b) In 2016, Mrs Hillary Clinton far and away outspent her rival in the presidential election but still could not snag victory.
(c) And no matter how much money one has, they cannot purchase their own good health - or keep themselves here on this planet forever.

For example, in the US child obesity is a major problem. The government is pumping more and more money into solving this problem. But because they do not know the proper method-- i.e. their diet recommendations are poor and they are unable to implement a good school fitness program or inspire kids to exercise-- then regardless of how much money the US government allocates they will never be able to solve the problem with their present course of action.

Same is the case with so many issues. The root cause of poverty is the exploitative ways of capitalism, but the ruling governments are not thinking that this is the cause. Hence, it is just one foolhardy approach to denote hundreds of millions of dollars for the fight against poverty when the pillars of capitalism stand tall.

When only money is applied to solving a problem and when right ideas and proper personnel are missing from the equation, then money will only be the tool for spreading dogma-- nothing more. Money alone cannot do everything. While few will admit as much, by their actions and seeing how the world leaders address problems, it is quite clear that much of the world thinks that money is indeed the solution.

Myth #2: just take care of oneself

Another common economic myth is that if one takes care of oneself then one will be able to progress. This is the essence of capitalism. Build your own financial base, treat yourself right, and one will achieve many great things on this earth.The US has effectively exported this message of material selfishness all over the globe. This is their main propaganda.

And the common people get enamoured. They see the glitz and glamour of the west and in particular of the US, and they think that looking out for oneself is the way: Going to nightclubs, having a fancy car, wearing nice clothes, owning a beach house, pampering oneself whenever possible etc. But what to speak of all this leading to one's progress, this type of selfish outlook is the main cause of their degeneration. By thinking of merely satisfying one's own self with material gain etc then the mind becomes smaller and smaller. It leads to one's crudification.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The very nature of the mind is to become as it thinks. If it thinks of money, the mental stuff will one day, in a gradual process of crudification, be converted into money. After one’s physical death, the mind will be converted into money, and may find shelter in the iron safe of a moneylender. Will that be desirable? No, certainly not!" (1)

Anand Marga philosophy says, "This principle of selfish pleasure rests on dogma. All the social, economic and geographical forces that normally motivate human beings are guided by dogma...Human beings yield to this dogma with the sole intention of attaining selfish pleasures; even educated people knowingly submit to dogma. They know that they are surrendering their intellect to dogma, and that the outcome will be undesirable; they know and understand everything – why, even then, do they knowingly submit to it? They are all deliberate sinners and intentionally accept dogmas as truth. They observe that these dogmas are based on a'tma-sukha tattva (selfish pleasure); but they think, “I don’t care whether it does good or harm to others, because at least I have got some pleasure out of it!” Being motivated by this idea, they enslave themselves to dogmas." (2)

Here the point is that if one thinks only about caring for oneself, then that will bring about one's demise. The person will become tied up with so many negative samskaras.

Progress by serving all

Rather than taking care of oneself, one must strive to serve all. Then one will be on the path of progress.

Anand Marga philosophy says, "Vista'ra (expansion), rasa (flow), seva (service) and tadsthiti (attainment of the Supreme) are the four aspects of human existence, and there must be progress in all these spheres." (3)

Without these essential elements of dharma like a broad mental outlook (vista'ra) and a service oriented approach (seva) then one is doomed-- locked into the path of degeneration. Yet due to the prevailing economic myth-- taking care of oneself-- much of the humanity is rushing headlong in the wrong direction.


To Ananda Margiis, these above economic myths may seem simple, even obvious. But billions of people around the globe are being strangled by these very myths. And not only that, tragically these myths have crept into our AMPS. So we should carefully survey the scene and extricate ourselves and help others, as soon as possible. By Baba's grace, we will be successful.

Anand Marga philosophy says, "You boys, you girls, you the spiritual aspirants, must always remember that you must never surrender at the altar of dogma. In the past, dogma committed so many nuisances, dogma created so many fissiparous tendencies in this human society. Your slogan should be “Dogma – No more! Dogma – No more!” Establish yourselves above the boundaries of dogma, and be established in the excellence of human glory." (4)

In Him,

1. Discourses on Tantra - 2, Yoga and Tantra
2. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Sama-Samája Tattva (Discourse 6)
3. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Shrávańii Púrńimá
4. A Few Problems Solved - 4, Dogma – No More

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have come

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga meditation can realise this song in the depths of their heart.

"Tumi bhul pathe cale esecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2007)


Baba, it seems You have mistakenly lost the path and accidentally come to my home. I am not a bhakta, nor a scholar of the scriptures. I do not visit any tiirthas or have any wealth or virtue. Your auspicious arrival is simply due to Your grace, and has nothing to do with anything I have done or deserve. Even then You have come to my abode.

My Parama Purusa, You have come here to change the burning desert into verdant green vegetation, savana, revitalise dried-up, half-dead plants, and transform them into blossoming flowers and luscious fruits. Baba, with Your presence, everyone has gotten new life. You have brought joy to the faces of those who were depressed and hopeless. With Your smile, You decorated them with a garland of jewels.

Baba, now I understand that only You are mine; I do not have anyone else. Except You, there is no one that I can call my own. What I have and what belongs to me, everything is Your causeless krpa. You knew all this and deliberately came here to my little hut, i.e. my quaint abode. 

Baba, I am not bhakta, but You have come to me. It is Your mercy….

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Audacity of human ego

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika states “One night a certain inveterate drunkard who had finished off an enormous kutú [bottle] fell in the gutter and was rolling around until he became senseless, exactly when no one knows. This memorable event of that night is not today a part of recorded history. Then dawn broke. The touch of the cold morning breeze and the cold water of the gutter sobered him. He opened his eyes and saw a large gathering of people around him. Someone was saying, “Oh, the fellow is dead!” Someone else was saying, “He drank so heavily that he passed out.” Yet another person was saying, “The fellow may not be drunk at all; it might be some other malady.” The drunkard was listening to everything, but out of shame he kept his eyes closed. Still, how long can one remain like that? One has to shake it off and get up. And so he had to open his eyes. As chance would have it, the moment he opened his eyes and looked at the crowd, he saw his son’s father-in-law standing directly in front of him. Then without any embarrassment at all, he said [to son’s father-in-law]: “Brother, it is not that what you think. It is my epilepsy.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 5, Disc: 30

== Section 4: Links ==
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