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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Modern-day religious cheat + 2 more


Modern-day religious cheat


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of all kinds of religious “saints” like Mother Teresa. Please read this below letter as an historical account of how religious dogma makes one blind and ruins their career.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal

Note: This below letter was first posted in September of 2007 on an earlier version of this network.



The hypocrisy of this so-called saint has circulated all around the globe. With that, the "great pillar" that held up the stature of Mother Teresa for years and years - her seemingly "unshakeable faith in God" - has essentially crumbled into the sea.

One of Mother Teresa's ongoing ploys was to manipulate and convert the poor and hungry people into becoming confirmed Catholics. Rather than set-up infirmaries for bringing the sick into proper health, she set-up 'Homes for the Dying' where she aimed to convert those suffering people into Catholics before they died. By this way she could boost her numbers and get more financial support from the international community around the globe. Using such tactics, she became one of the greatest fundraisers - i.e. money-makers-- in the history of the church. So hers was a deceitful action from the very start, inside and out.

Conversion in the name of service

The below image mocks Mother Teresa’s so-called service to the poor as she was forcibly converting the destitute masses to Christianity instead of giving them food.

The above image mocks Mother Teresa’s so-called service to the poor as she was forcibly converting the destitute masses to Christianity instead of giving them food.

In their usual manner, the Catholic Church is moving fast to turn the tide in their own favour. They are trying to project that the latest revelations augment Mother Teresa's image as an icon of humanity. Plus they are telling that, “Look even Mother Teresa did not fully believe in Catholicism, so if you are struggling with your faith that is not uncommon, just keep on trying.” In this way, the leaders of Catholicism are hoodwinking skeptics and covering up the dogmatic and dubious aspects of the church.

"No faith, no love, no zeal"

In the 1950's and 1960's - before her fame spread worldwide - Mother Teresa wrote innumerable letters to her superiors, confidants, friends, and counsel, wherein Mother Teresa openly shared her extreme doubts in the existence of God, the authenticity of Jesus, and tenets of the canons of the church. And even in her later years, Mother Teresa secretly expressed more of the same.

In her various letters, Mother Teresa wrote lines such as:

[A] "If there be no God, there can be no soul. If there be no soul then, Jesus, You also are not true."

[B] "I am told God lives in me -- and yet the reality of darkness and coldness and emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul."

[C] "In my soul, I can't tell you how dark it is, how painful, how terrible -- I feel like refusing God."

[D] "Repulsed, empty, no faith, no love, no zeal."

And verily her letters, which are now in the custody of the Vatican but have been circulated electronically and published around the globe, are filled with innumerable more lines about her lack of belief in God, and the rejection of her faith etc. And even after becoming world-renowned and up to the very end, her belief in her religion was still quite absent.

[E] "As her fame increased, her faith refused to return. Her smile, she said, was a mask... According to her letters, Mother Teresa died with her doubts. She had even stopped praying, she once said."

Thus never was there a renaissance in her life: She could never discover God, rather her whole being was just buried and crushed by the false dogmas of the church.

One of Mother Teresa's ongoing ploys was to manipulate and convert the poor and hungry people into becoming confirmed catholics. Rather than set-up infirmaries for bringing the sick into proper health, she set-up 'Homes for the Dying' where she aimed to convert those suffering people into Catholics before they died. By this way she could boost her numbers and get more financial support from the international community around the globe. Using such tactics, she became one of the greatest fundraisers - i.e. money-makers-- in the history of the church. So hers was a deceitful plan from the very start, inside and out.

Her hypocrisy is the crime

Actually, as we all know, this world is filled with agnostics ; we can find such agnostics in any part of the globe. So that is not a crime per se. Rather the appalling and deceitful aspect here is that Mother Teresa publicly presented herself as being perfect and true to her religion, as if she was devout, God-centered, and unflinching in her religious mission.

"In a rare interview in 1986, Mother Teresa told CBS News she had a calling, based on unquestioned religion. 'They are all children of God, loved and created by the same heart of God,' she said."

So on the public stage, Mother Teresa glorified herself as being one divine being who had unwavering love for God and an ever-flowing desire to serve His children, and she preached the dogma of Catholicism to all. Yet on the inside, Mother Teresa neither had any true feeling for the Divine, nor did she believe in the tenets of the Catholic church, nor did she have the awareness or courage to point out the existing church dogma. So see her way of dealing. 

In all, she promoted herself to the ends of the earth as being a humble servant of the Lord and she recruited millions to converted to christianity - the very religion which she herself did not believe in. Naturally the naive and innocent masses were awed by her fame and duped by her character, and by that combination so many got caught up in her Catholic dogma.

This is the duplicitous scene which Mother Teresa created on this earth. By her very existence then Mother Teresa is a tried and true hypocrite.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Hypocrites are: (a) Those who give indulgence to falsehood; (b) Those who are ungrateful to their benefactors; (c) Those who do not keep their word; (d) Those who betray; (e) Those who slander behind one’s back." (1')

Indeed, Mother Teresa falls into multiple categories of hypocrisy, according to Ananda Marga philosophy.

Personal letters are the proof

And her letters which exist by the hundreds are the proof. And none can claim that these letters display her divine qualities of human frailty, as if she was just being very honest etc. That is the alibi which the church is falsely advocating. But that is not what her letters depict. Rather Mother Teresa was frustrated and stumped by her dogmatic religious beliefs and she did not have the courage or honesty to admit it. Instead she wanted to hide behind her saintly masquerade. And after she became famous she knew those letters would be her undoing. That is why she called for them to be destroyed - in order to hide her duplicity.

"One of her dying wishes was that they [the letters] be destroyed. Perhaps now we know has emerged that Mother Teresa was so doubtful of her own religion that she feared being a hypocrite, reports CBS News correspondent Mark Phillips."

Thus Mother Teresa's entire approach was a two-faced, duplicitous sham and she herself was aware about this ugly trait - having not an iota of faith on the inside yet showing herself as a great saint on the outside. Indeed she was a confirmed hypocrite, so polished was she in her trade. Ananda Marga philosophy condemns such type of persons and brands them as human chameleons.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "They say one thing openly, but they do just the opposite in practical life. It is very hard to identify such gilded human chameleons." (2)

One on-going stunt she did to make money

One of Mother Teresa's ongoing ploys was to manipulate and convert the poor and hungry people into becoming confirmed catholics. Rather than set-up infirmaries for bringing the sick into proper health, she set-up 'Homes for the Dying' where she aimed to convert those suffering people into Catholics before they died. By this way she could boost her numbers and get more financial support from the international community around the globe. Using such tactics, she became one of the greatest fundraisers - i.e. money-makers-- in the history of the church. So hers was a deceitful plan from the very start, inside and out.

Mother Teresa exposed & many regret falling into dogma

So throughout her life, Mother Teresa hid her duplicitous dealings - from the common people - and she strutted around on this earth collecting Nobel Prizes and being touted as a 'saint', a 'divine lady', and 'a servant of God'. She received more accolades with her hypocrisy than one would care to count. And all along Mother Teresa thought that she could keep her image clean & untarnished and that she would not get exposed.

That is why at the end of her life, she thought all that is needed now is to destroy those letters and all will be well. And she died with that request on the tip of her tongue, and she figured by this way her glory will be saved. But little did she know that the truth would all come out and the common people whom she deceived would later lament how they got duped and sunk in Catholic dogma only after coming to know that the great saint Mother Teresa was really a fake, a hypocrite, and a sham.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Those demons in human form do not think that after their demise a real evaluation of their ideals and actions will take place. Only then do people realize, 'My God, what a great mistake I made! I worshipped a monkey taking it to be a god! What a great misfortune I have brought upon myself! But now the situation is beyond repair'." (3)

Thus the very truth which Ananda Marga philosophy states above happened with Mother Teresa. She miscalculated the situation and did not realise that there would be a thorough and careful evaluation of her character and actions. But it happened and her hypocrisy has been exposed for all to see. And that is why today around the globe, many are whining and regretting why they gave reverence to her and her religion, after having come to know what a hypocritical lady she was.


Each and every day the world comes closer to realising the truth about various exploiters and religious traders, and this fuels our collective journey forward towards a great new humanity, where hypocrisy and cheating are left aside and instead honesty and universality are openly embraced.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Through seminars [you] should make people aware of the importance of sama-sama'ja tattva them the path of liberation. This must be done, for...the majority of people are in darkness. That is why you will have to carry the collectivity with you, because the collectivity is yours. The collectivity is not outside you – your future is inseparably connected with the collective fortune. You must take the entire collectivity with you and move towards the sweetest radiance of the new crimson dawn, beyond the veil of the darkest night." (4)


One so-called writer's mire

One misguided intellectual in Ananda Marga who poses as a great author wanted desperately to promote and sell his book in the non-margii community for his own name and fame. For this reason he portrayed Mother Teresa as a demi-god and called her a "sadvipra", even though every rational margii knows that she had no such sadvipra quality. But this the "writer" did hoping to enhance his own greatness and gather acclaim as a revered litterateur within the non-margii ranks, as that would bring him fame and fortune. 

But now that dream has just been washed up on the shores of frustration. And indeed his outrageous claim puts every other opinion cast in his book into question. That is the fate of such so-called writers. If anyone is not aware who this person is just let me know, but really I think all must be aware about this.

And this very phenomenon is described in the 'Art and Literature' discourse where it says that in this present era certain so-called writers are so degenerated and cowardly that in order to sell their book they compromise their very ideals. Needless to say, anyone who called Mother Teresa a "sadvipra" in his book obviously fell into the very mind-set which Ananda Marga philosophy warns us about.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When the society spins for age after age in the mirey eddies of evil and vice, when individual and collective knavery masquerades as intelligence, when hypocrisy, bribery and fraud are the yardsticks of ability for leadership – it is then that the genuine followers of Bha'ratii (the goddess of learning) must struggle through constant humiliation. Only taunts and insults will be their fate. Those who are afraid of these insults are incapable of offering anything really lasting to humanity. How can those persons who have no moral firmness, under whose feet the soil is not hard and strong, impart happiness to anyone with a cool, refreshing shelter? It is perhaps possible to drag on in life by sucking the blood of others like social parasites, but this will not bring fulfilment to either the litterateurs or to their readers." (5)

One of Mother Teresa's ongoing ploys was to manipulate and convert the poor and hungry people into becoming confirmed catholics. Rather than set-up infirmaries for bringing the sick into proper health, she set-up 'Homes for the Dying' where she aimed to convert those suffering people into Catholics before they died. By this way she could boost her numbers and get more financial support from the international community around the globe. Using such tactics, she became one of the greatest fundraisers - i.e. money-makers-- in the history of the church. So hers was a deceitful plan from the very start, inside and out.

1. Caryacarya - 2, Society
2. Liberation of Intellect, Disc 9
3. Liberation of Intellect, Disc 10
4. Liberation of Intellect, Disc 10
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 10, The Practice of Art and Literature


The following article is courtesy of Solon Magazine, author George Gillett. According to Neohumanism, it is very important to expose hypocrisy in any segment or facet of society. So we are presenting this article for you.

(Leslie Grunden)

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The West’s big lie about Mother Teresa: 
Her “glorification of suffering instead of relieving it” 
has had little impact on her glowing reputation

Reused needles, poorly trained staff and expired medications. The picture Hemley Gonzalez describes to me is not one often associated with adjectives such as “saintly” in the medical profession. Yet as he discusses his experience volunteering at facilities run by Missionaries of Charity, the organization Mother Teresa founded, it becomes increasingly apparent that few of his anecdotes correlate with the reputation she enjoys. “I was shocked to discover the horrifically negligent manner in which the charity operates,” he recalls.

His story is not atypical. Writing in the New Internationalist magazine about her experience working at Missionaries of Charity’s headquarters in Kolkata, another volunteer urged that the organization be “finally held accountable for its actions of abuse and neglect.” Similar concerns were raised in a 1994 UK documentary that featured the story of a 15-year-old patient who had been admitted with a “relatively simple kidney complaint.” His condition had deteriorated soon after the facility had refused to transfer him to a local hospital to undergo surgery.

Recklessness or malicious intent

Criticism of Mother Teresa’s mission has also come from the medical profession. Dr. Robin Fox, former editor of the medical journal the Lancet, described the Missionaries of Charity facilities as “haphazard” as early as 1994, recounting how he witnessed a young man with malaria be treated with only ineffective antibiotics and paracetamol. “Along with the neglect of diagnosis, the lack of good analgesia marks Mother Theresa’s approach,” he wrote in an article for the journal.

Today, Gonzalez runs an online campaign called Stop Missionaries of Charity. He hopes to “educate unsuspecting donors” about how their donations are spent on what he regards to be “a systematic human rights violation.” Aroup Chatterjee shares similar feelings. Born in Kolkata and now a doctor in the UK, he was inspired to write a book about Teresa’s legacy. It describes detailed accounts of her patients being denied visitors, refused painkillers and forced to shave their heads. “If people knew what she was actually like, they would find her repugnant,” he tells me, clearly frustrated by the manner in which the media have reported news that she is to be canonized this year.

These claims are in such contradiction with the Western narrative of Mother Teresa – a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize as well as a number of other accolades – that it’s hard to respond to them with anything other than disbelief. Having received hundreds of millions of dollars in donations, there are seemingly few excuses for such poor medical care aside from either recklessness or malicious intent. Yet either of these accusations would be met with fervent denial from even the staunchest of secularists. How, then, has somebody with such a troubled legacy enjoyed almost universal adoration from the world’s media?

Motivated by a desire to fulfill own religious convictions, not altruistic concern

Much of the reason is undoubtedly related to the fact that Mother Teresa’s order does not perceive these examples to be failings. Speaking in 1997, she remarked that “the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people,” describing how it was “very beautiful for the poor to share [their suffering] with the passion of Christ.” For Mother Teresa, poverty and sickness were gifts that provided the opportunity to develop one’s connection with God. Her mission was not so much to alleviate suffering but to ensure it happened within a framework of religious belief. Indeed, by her own admission she was motivated by a desire to fulfill her own religious convictions rather than altruistic concern for the world’s poor. “There is always the danger that we may become only social workers … our works are only an expression of our love for Christ,” she told a BBC journalist in 1969. This attitude is manifestly disparate from the utilitarian principles by which humanitarian efforts are ordinarily judged.

Yet this reality, of Mother Teresa as a missionary first and an altruist second, is not the image that has taken precedence in the West. She won the Nobel Prize not for her religious convictions but “for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty.” Reports from volunteers, journalistic investigations and academic research that decries her “glorification of suffering instead of relieving it” has had little impact on her glowing reputation. This remains as true within secular communities as religious ones, with pollsters consistently reporting that Americans consider her one of the most admired figures of the 20th century.

German news magazine Stern found:
only 7% of money used for charitable activity

The extent to which Mother Teresa is considered a humanitarian hero is a significant victory for the Catholic Church, which coordinated a high-profile campaign to have her “fast-tracked” to sainthood. However, in many ways it is no surprise that she remains so popular among Westerners. She presented a narrative – that of a European nun going to help the world’s poor – that acted to both resolve the internal guilt of wealthy churchgoers while also presenting their religion as a relevant, modern force for good. Meanwhile, her conceptualization of suffering as a positive experience provided rebuttal to those who criticized the West’s repeated failings to inspire tangible action on global inequality.

Speaking on world tours, her fatalistic attitude toward poverty, combined with an insistence on remaining “apolitical,” defined her disinterest in confronting the structural causes of destitution. She presented to the West a perfect role model: a do-gooder who didn’t threaten to challenge the status-quo. In the words of Kolkata-born journalist Mihir Bose, “She’s part of the western agenda, it makes the West feel better; ‘this is one of us, once again rescuing the third world.’”

The rebranding of Mother Teresa’s religious mission as a humanitarian effort was also convenient financially. Despite comprehensive accounts never having been published, researchers estimate that Missionaries of Charity was receiving up to C$100 (USD$72) million in annual donations by the end of Mother Teresa’s life. A 1991 investigation by the German news magazine Stern found that only 7 per cent of this money was being used for charitable activity.

The money that was spent was spread incredibly thinly – across 610 missions in 123 countries – a sign that the quality of care was severely compromised by Mother Teresa’s desire to disseminate her religious agenda as widely as possible. Reports that nuns were taught to conduct “secret baptisms” on Hindu and Muslim patients only further suggest that her order’s interventions were at times actively detrimental as well as being a distraction from genuine humanitarian efforts.

In pioneering Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa adopted the role of a medical provider. As any doctor or nurse will testify, this role imparts certain responsibilities: to act only within your capabilities, to respect a patient’s best interests and to not impose your personal, religious or political beliefs on patient care. On all of these counts, Mother Teresa failed. Judged by any metric of medical standards, it is difficult to remember her legacy as anything other than an inefficient, sanctimonious and wholly ideological franchise.

Teresa of Kolkata should by all means be remembered as an extremely successful evangelist. But to claim she is a champion of altruism, medicine or humanitarianism would be to fundamentally misunderstand her mission.

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Mother Teresa was not a friend of the poor

~ Courtesy of Wikipedia ~

“One of Mother Teresa's most outspoken critics was the English journalist and literary critic Christopher Hitchens, who wrote the extended essay The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice (1995) and wrote in a 2003 article, "This returns us to the medieval corruption of the church, which sold indulgences to the rich while preaching hellfire and continence to the poor. [Mother Teresa] was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction."] (Wikipedia)


== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are the caretaker of all

"Sandhya' bela'y ba'luka' bela'y bose bose bha'vi tava katha'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2671)


Parama Purusa, in the evening on the sandy shore, I was sitting contemplating Your grandeur and glory. My Cosmic Father, what an amazing image You have made by manifesting this panoramic universe. By Your grace, all this was coming in my psyche. Baba, You are that infinite, Supreme One. 

Parama Purusa, everything is residing within Your mind; You are the Divine Creator. In this vast cosmos, in Your inner realm You are imagining so many shooting stars that are racing across the sky, as well as so many mountains that are crumbling to the ground. Every single expression is part and parcel of Your grand, mental display. There are innumerable galaxies floating in space all by themselves - singing the tales of Your magnificence. You are the Supreme Progenitor. Everything is happening within Your mental plate - within Your Cosmic Citta. Whatever occurs in this material world is Your thought projection. What You think is reality for us. Baba, You are the Maker as well as that Witnessing Entity. Everything is residing within Your vast psychic arena.

Parama Purusa, You watch for the welfare of one and all. You care for and nurture each and every entity. No matter how big or small, large or tiny, You look upon all with equal love and affection. Everyone and everything is significant for You. You think about those huge, mammoth elephants which demonstrate their power by forcefully stomping through the wild jungles, and You listen to the little stories of those tiny honey bees that gently hover and buzz around the delicate flowers. You look after every being. For You, all have equal importance and great significance. Baba, with Your causeless compassion, You are the caretaker of humans, animals, plants, and the various inanimate objects. You are that Benevolent Witnessing Entity, and everything is unfolding within Your mind.

Baba, in my mind when I see You then I feel so close and loving. I go on thinking about Your magnanimity and vastness, as Controller of this entire, vast universe...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2671:

[1] Cosmic Citta: This entire universe is His thought projection.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "We may say that universe is the manifestation of the Cosmic Citta, born out of psychic vibrations. All the tanma'tras of sound, touch, form, taste and smell that are composed of different kinds of vibrational currents resulting from the gradually crudifying expressions of the Cosmic Consciousness under the influence of the static principle of Prakrti. They are the analytic expressions of those universal rhythms or vibrations. Thus the visible world is created through the gradual crudifications of His thought-projection. The thought-waves, metamorphosing from subtle to the crude manifestations and then, on their way back to their nuclear origin from the crude to the subtle, assuming the mentally developed human form, are indeed guiding the thought-wave cycles towards their ultimate fulfillment. Since the world is His thought-projection, it may be said that this visible world is only His act of thinking and abides only in His imagination. Due to the vibration of Cosmic Citta these variegated forms have blossomed forth through newer and newer thoughts, forms and waves, following one another in succession." (1)

[2] Supreme Witnessing Entity: The Divine Entity that bear witness to everything in this entire cosmos.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "He is witnessing everyone and everything. Whatever is being created is a different stage of creation. He is the subject and all other entities are His objects. He is the Witnessing Entity because He is the Supreme controller." (2)

[3] Equal Love and Affection for All: Parama Purusa looks upon all with equal love and affection.

Sama plus'in'a' sa'ma mashakena
Sama na'gena sama ebhistribhih lakaeh

Ananda Marga ideology states, "He looks upon a tiny white ant with as much love and affection as on a mosquito. Nor does He think of a large mammoth more than other entities, for a mammoth has a mind just as an ant has. So He thinks equally of all: He thinks of a white ant or a mosquito with the same seriousness as of a mammoth or an elephant, and He attaches same importance to each individual creature as to all the three worlds." (3)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Cognitive Faculty and the Supreme Desideratum

3. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Macropsychic Conation and Micropsychic Longings 

== Section 3: Links ==