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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Pure AV 1 & 2: Why presented this way


Pure AV 1 & 2: Why presented this way


This series of Pure AM books aims to present the actual words Baba spoke in the original language that He spoke them on that occasion - in an attempt to create that same vibration.

Three unique features

And here are some of the particulars about the way the book was printed:

(A) Dual page numbers: On the scan appended below there are two red circles marked with the letter “A”. One of the red circles is in the upper left corner of the scan, and the other red circle is in the bottom center of the scan. The number inside the red circle, i.e. 14, is the page number of the book. Generally, a book only has the page numbering in one place on a given page. However, due to age, harsh climatic conditions, or just plain overuse etc, the pages of a book can become tattered, making it difficult to read the pages numbers. Having the page numbering in two places protects against this. Indeed, if you open the book to just about any page you will find this system in use. 

(B) Chapter length: In the bottom right corner of the below image there is a dark blue rectangular box marked by the letter “B”. Inside the box it says, “Page 3 of 4.” In this phrase there are two numbers: 3 & 4. Let’s start with the second number. The number “4” signifies that there is a total of four pages in this particular chapter. And the number “3” indicates to the reader that this is the third page of this chapter. By this equation, the reader always knows how far along they are in a particular chapter, i.e. discourse. Most likely, there have been times in your life when you were reading and book and then you flipped ahead to see how many pages were left in the current chapter. Well, this special numbering system eliminates that problem. And if you open the book to any page you will find this system in use.

(C) Book name: In the top center of the below scan there is a green rectangle marked by the letter “C”. The text inside the green rectangle states, “Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure), Parts 1 & 2”. By this way, the reader always knows the name of the text. And in the event that they destroy the binding and some pages fall out etc, then it will be easy to identify from which book they are from. Indeed, if you open the book to just about any page you will find this system in use. 

Protect authenticity

The above three characteristics (dual page numbers, chapter length, and book name) are very practical features that serve to maintain the integrity of the publication. By this way there is no possibility of distortion through bogus insertions, thereby diluting the teachings etc. For instance, in the case of the Bhagavad Giita, so many dogmatic and exploitative ramblings were inserted into the text. These fraudulent claims, such as caste supremacy, were not part of Lord Krsna’s original teachings and did not belong in the book, but vested interests imposed their will. This time, however, we want to safeguard the authenticity of Mahasambhuti’s dharmic teachings. His divine guidelines should not get lost or tainted by selfish opportunists. The aforementioned features (dual page numbers, chapter length, and book name) protect against any type of fraudulent or bogus insertions etc.

In addition, for greater security, there is a special page in the book that details the exact number of words in the text, as well as other specifications. That also serves to maintain the integrity of the publication, and this point will be elaborated upon in future letters.

In Him,
Mugdha Dev

Why multiple languages

Kindly know our aim is to capture the words that Baba spoke on a given occasion in the language that He spoke them. We want to emulate what those sadhakas heard and felt when they sat at His feet and listened to those discourses.

So if Baba spoke in one, two, or three languages, then the book was printed in that sequence, according to the original language. How can we change even one word that Guru spoke. This series of Pure AM books aims to present the actual words Baba spoke in the original language that He spoke them on that occasion - in an attempt to create that same vibration.

Purchasing the book

This pure edition of the English / Hindi of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 was sold at the New Year’s Ananda Nagar DMS and is available at most seminars, and through a growing number of margii distributors. Call for more info: +91 99670 14550

Reserve yours today:

Note: The discourses are 60% in Hindi & 40% in English.

== Section 2: Links ==

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