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Sunday, March 1, 2020

New Pure Book (AV 1 - 2): how to compare with old, faulty AV 1 - 2 book


New Pure Book (AV 1 - 2):
how to compare with old, faulty AV 1 - 2 book


Our AM books are supposed to be a true representation of what Baba actually spoke; and, that is what the new Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2 has achieved. So the newly published Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 is wholly unlike the prior printed editions by TP which suffered terribly from innumerable errors, omissions, and inaccuracies.

What you need to know about the Pure edition

Verily, this Pure edition has some unique and defining features that readers should know about. Here we examine a few of those defining characteristics. To facilitate this process, a page from Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) Parts 1 & 2 has been appended below. And, on that page, there are three color-coded boxes labeled (A), (B), and (C).

(A) Discourse #: (See box A) This represents the number given in the earlier editions published by TP. This is very important because by this way one can easily compare discourses printed in this Pure edition with the printed discourses in prior editions by TP. For instance, the below discourse is discourse #8 (see box A). So simply find discourse #8 in the TP edition, and then one can check them side by side. So the number TP assigned to the discourse has been maintained in the new Pure edition as well. Again, by this way, one can easily compare discourses between the new Pure edition with the prior TP edition(s).

(B) Pure Discourse #: (See Box B) This numbering system is unique to these Pure books. This is the consecutive number of the collection of Pure discourses. As you can see below, the PD # of the discourse appended below is #39 (see Box B).

(C) Original language: (See box C) This Pure edition delineates at the beginning of every discourse what language(s) Baba spoke in delivering the discourse. For instance, on the page displayed above, it is noted: “Original Hindi-English Discourse” (see box C). That means when Baba gave this discourse on 13 Aug 1978, He spoke in two languages: Hindi and English. And that is what makes the Ánanda Vacanámrtam (Pure) edition Parts 1 & 2 so very unique. These discourses have been transcribed in the exact manner in which Baba spoke them.

When Baba spoke in Hindi then the text on the pages of this discourse is written in Hindi script, i.e. devanagari. And when Baba spoke in English then those sections are written in the English language. By this novel method, the discourse can be perfectly rendered. What Baba spoke exactly matches what is on the printed page of the Pure edition. This is an entirely new approach that was never done before.

The outcome is that the new Pure Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 book is an accurate and authentic transcription of Sadguru Baba’s original discourse. In contrast, old editions of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 do not match what Baba spoke. Those publishers often rewrote Baba’s discourses in their own way, and in so doing they made grave errors and tossed large swaths of Baba’s discourse aside, i.e. in the trash bin.


The new Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 is completely novel. Each and every discourse has been printed in the way Baba spoke them. Whereas, TP’s printed version of those same discourses fail to depict what Baba spoke. Rather, the publishers most often took matters into their own hands and they changed countless words on nearly every page. That makes their books misleading and inaccurate. Instead of getting Baba’s divine words, readers are reading what those TP publishers chose to write.

So there is a heaven and hell difference between the new Pure edition of Ánanda Vacanámrtam Parts 1 & 2 and the faulty version printed by TP.

In Him,
Mugdha Dev

How to get your copy

This pure edition of the English / Hindi of Ananda Vacanamrtam parts 1 & 2 was sold at the New Year’s Ananda Nagar DMS and is available at most seminars, and through a growing number of margii distributors. Call for more info: +91 99670 14550

Price: RS 100 in India (free shipping); $5 USD overseas (including shipping)
Reserve yours today:

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