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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Direct connection + 4 more

Direct connection


When a person is involved in a high-stakes decision and deliberating between several different choices, they try hard to resolve this dilemma. Most often when they are engrossed in this type of quandary and trying to figure out what to do, they rely on an inner message to make a final decision. Those religious followers feel that this inner message is the voice of God, while materialists feel it is their own individual intuition. In both instances, they feel satisfied that their answer is correct. The irony is that this inner message which they think is coming from a higher source or from their own intuition is actually based on their own dogma. Let’s explore how this works.

How inner signal sprouts

Those in the Semitic religions view the world as their playground, wherein everything has been placed on this earth by their god for their own enjoyment. To that end, they have license to do anything and everything.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "At one time people were told that this world is for human enjoyment only, so the existence of all the plants, of all the birds and animals, in the world is intended merely to provide objects of enjoyment for human beings. Their hopes and aspirations, their intense desire to live, their pains and pleasures, their affectionate family or community lives are simply without value. However much a baby goat may wish to live, the main consideration is how much meat that [goat] carries on its frame. This defective philosophy has made people ruthlessly violent." (1)

A Muslim will kill a goat without hesitation because he thinks that is his inner directive from God. So that religious follower is eager to slaughter that goat. Without any remorse, those Muslims will readily slit the throat of a goat. Because they believe God has bestowed them this right. And not just Islam, indeed most of the dogmatic religions have their animal of choice to kill and eat. And they view this as the decree of God.

Some within those religions feel that only they have the right to live on this earth. They think that all other beings have been provided to them by their imposed deity. This is what their doctrine says and this is backed by what they believe is God’s inner message to them. In that case, we should bear in mind that a person's “internal message from God” is formed by the way in which they grew-up, i.e. their imposed samskaras and the indoctrination into a particular religion etc. In that case, their inner voice which they feel is the word of God has nothing to do with pure spirituality, the Supreme Entity, or any type of divine intuition etc. That voice from within is not God’s message, but rather their own narrow-minded approach.

So when they are in dilemma or quandary, they rely upon whatever dogmatic ideas they have in their deep core. And they treat that answer to their dilemma as a divine message. That is what they term as their “gut-feeling.”

Religious fanatics & source of their gut-feeling

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Some philosophies have taught their own [religious or caste] communities, “The members of this community are the favourite children of Parama Purus'a – others are cursed and unwanted.” Due to this defective teaching the people of one community have even considered the destruction of the members of another community as an act of virtue, and stained the stony altar of human society with the blood of innocent people." (2)

Due to their outlook or gut-feeling, human groups can enslave, attack, and kill one another. The whole concept of jihad is based on one's social outlook. That is their motivating factor. They are internally convinced of the need to lash out in the name of their religion, regardless of any laws or legalities that state otherwise. That gives rise to the rash of car bombings, vicious attacks, militant training camps, and suicide bombers etc that we see today. And we should always remember that the gut-feeling of any particular person is formed by their imposed samskaras - i.e. how they were affected and indoctrinated by the region in which they were raised. Gut-feeling has nothing to do with spiritual intuition, or coming directly from God etc. Gut-feeling is a worldly phenomenon and varies from person to person.

Origin of gut-feeling of capitalist exploiters

In materialistic and capitalistic areas, selfishness and the exploiter-exploited relation run rampant. For instance, the US thinks the world's entire resources are meant to sustain their way of life and that those who go immigrate to the US, as well as those living overseas, should become the labor force for the US economic machinery. This is their gut-feeling. This outlook is most common in the west.

We see around the globe, there are good and bad people in every community. No community is wholly demonic or wholly divine. Same is the case with India’s marwari business community also. A minute percentage of them are very good and philanthropic, and dharmic. But the majority or marwaris exploit and suck the blood of common, innocent people. From their very childhood they are taught that, “You are a horse and the rest of the population is grass. If the horse and the grass have a friendly relation then the horse will die. Do you follow? Do not have a friendly relation with the general mass, otherwise you will starve.” Indirectly their message is to exploit. Although, a minute percentage of marwaris are A-grade and service-minded, here I am talking about those who are greedy and ruthless. This is the way they raise their children and when those children grow up they exploit suffering humanity. By this way, millions and millions become living skeletons as the wealthy capitalists fatten themselves to no end.

So each and every land, belief system, and community has their own outlook. And that outlook or gut feeling, more than anything else, affects how they behave in the world. This has caused untold suffering, depravity, and violence on this earth. We should always remember that an individual's gut-feeling is based on their imposed samskaras - i.e. how they were raised in this world and what values they were taught. Gut-feeling has nothing to do with spirituality, intuition, or some higher power. Gut-feeling is a relative phenomenon that varies according to time, space, and person.

How gut-feeling of true Ananda Margiis forms

In various discourses Baba outlines the six factors that most affect the development of our human society. Sometimes these are referred to as the six spokes of the social cycle. Social outlook is the fourth factor.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The fourth one is social outlook. All living creatures in this manifest universe are the children of the same Cosmic Entity. They are the progeny of the same Supreme Progenitor. Naturally they are bound in a thread of fraternal relations. This is the central spirit. A socio-economic theory is of no use but for this fraternal feeling. The implementation of this theory is an impossibility without sa'dhana'." (3)

In our Ananda Marga, our social outlook is based on the principles of neo-humanism. We see everyone on this earth as brother and sister and feel all are part of our universal cosmic family. That is our gut-feeling. And we should always remember that the gut feeling of any particular person is formed by their imposed samskaras - how they were affected and indoctrinated by the region in which they were raised. Gut-feeling has nothing to do with spiritual intuition, or coming directly from God etc. Gut feeling is a worldly phenomenon and varies from person to person.

Variance between pseudo-Ananda Margiis

We have developed this outlook by being Ananda Margiis: Studying Baba's teachings, singing kiirtan, doing sadhana, serving others, and keeping satsaunga etc.
At the same time it has to be noted that the above is our ideal - what we strive for but do not always achieve. Because the prevailing sentiments and philosophies of the local landscape severely influence one's perspective.

So the gut-feeling of any individual is shaped by the way in which they were raised in this world, i.e. by their imposed samskaras or how they were affected and indoctrinated by their native area. Gut-feeling has nothing to do with spiritual intuition, eternal truth, or coming from God etc. Gut-feeling is a worldly matter that touches on every individual differently.

For this reason, there is a variance from one pseudo Ananda Margii to the next. Our views on homosexuality differ from one another, and even our style of dancing kiirtan differs from one sector to another because of the influences and stains of local dogmas etc.  Even though neo-humanism is our ideal, still people are affected by local ways of doing - including pseudo-culture and social dogmas. Everyone has their own gut-feeling.


Around the globe, people develop their own outlook from their various interactions and institutions: materialism, capitalism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc. Their gut-feeling is unlike the gut-feeling of an Ananda Margii.

We should always remember that the gut-feeling of any particular person is formed by their imposed samskaras - how they were affected and indoctrinated by the region in which they were raised. Gut-feeling itself has nothing to do with spiritual intuition, or coming directly from God etc. Gut feeling is a worldly affair that varies from person to person.

As Ananda Margiis we must continually strive to set neo-humanism as our gut-feeling. This can only happen with maximum sadhana and study, along with Guru's divine grace.

in Him,
(L. Huntington)

~ In-depth study ~

Why everyone's gut feeling is not the same

As Ananda Margiis, we basically view the world according to the eyes of neo-humanism. So our gut-feeling is neo-humanistic; that is our baseline. But not everyone else operates from this perspective. Rather they have their own separate feeling.

We should never forget that the gut-feeling of any particular person is formed by their imposed samskaras - i.e. how they were affected and indoctrinated by the region in which they were raised. Gut-feeling has nothing to do with divine intuition, or coming directly from God etc. Gut-feeling is an individual affair based on how they were raised etc.

As we see, there are so many ways people view the world; all have their own outlook. Suppose there is a cow. Those from the Semitic religions will choose to eat it; Hindus will refer to it as mother cow and worship it; others will just think it is an ordinary animal and keep it for its milk. This range occurs because of one's outlook, or gut feeling. This gut-feeling is not based on divine realisation or any higher power etc. Rather everyone's outlook is shaped and influenced by local customs and philosophies, as well as their own personal experiences. In this way their own gut feeling is formed. Gut-feeling is their inner barometer by which they evaluate the world; so this gut-feeling is something personal, not something supreme.

Mostly gut-feeling comes from accumulated dogma inside

If an elderly man is walking down the street, those watching him will view him differently. Some may think he is a burden to society; others will think he is utterly useless; some may think he is decrepit; still others may think he is a wealthy retired banker; a few may think he is a grandfather; and a sadhaka will think he is the manifestation of Parama Purusa.

Just as there are so many ways of looking at the elderly man and the aforementioned cow, there are also various perspectives of viewing the world. Because everyone’s gut feeling is different. And we should always remember that the gut-feeling of an individual is formed by imposed samskaras, i.e. conditions and viewpoints from the area in which they were raised or indoctrinated. Gut-feeling has nothing to do with spiritual intuition, or coming directly from God etc. Gut-feeling is a worldly phenomenon that varies from person to person.

One's gut-feeling, a.k.a. one's own outlook, has the ability to bring devastation and destruction, as well as peace and harmony. We should understand how a person's social outlook impacts society, and examine the prevailing social perspective(s) of the day, and compare that with the outlook of Ananda Marga. This is perhaps our greatest tool for bringing our human society onto the right path. Because when we understand their perspective we are best able to teach them and guide them according to the ways of neo-humanism and universal welfare.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
3. A Few Problems Solved - 6, The Future of Civilization

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Boundless affection

"Maner końe royecho gopane, brhater ceye tumi brhat..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0617)


Baba, You are infinite - vaster than vast. Even then, with Your divine play, You are secretly hiding in the corner of my mind. You are full of love and the embodiment of prema. With Your exquisite and boundless affection, You have saturated this entire universe. Your liila is incomparable.

Parama Purusa, You have removed all the staticity and drowsiness. Transcendental Entity, You have come as Ta’raka Brahma, appeared in my dhyana, and taken Your seat on my blossomed mental lotus. It is Your grace. Your glory is unfathomable. You are bliss-personified; You are mine. Baba, You have appeared in my inner abode in a very intimate manner, in an extremely personal way. You have blessed me...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Worst for women: Islam

Prout philosophy states, “The second inviolable principle is that people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. People will not leave a religion if it is able to guide them properly on the path of Dharma….”

“Hinduism will degenerate and people will convert to other religions as long as the caste system exists in the Hindu religion. If Hinduism continues to degenerate, the progress of Indian society will be retarded because Hindus are the majority community in India. Moreover, if there are continued conversions to Islam, women will become second grade citizens, because they are not given equal status with men in Islam. Consequently, there will be further degeneration. Thus, nobody should be forcibly converted from one religion to another.”

“All religions should be established on a strong foundation of logic and reason, then such things will not occur. If people are forced to violate the teachings of their religion, they should not be excommunicated. Even if people knowingly contravene a religious code without compulsion, they should have ample scope to rectify their behaviour. A religion should not be like a glass container which breaks with a light tap.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Importance of purchasing capacity

Prout philosophy states, “It may be questioned whether it is wise for any government to guarantee the minimum requirements. If the state is to supply cereals, pulses, salt, gram, ghee, butter, etc. to all people then naturally the state has to institute some process of control which people may not like. Hence PROUT’s view is that people should be guaranteed the provision of sufficient purchasing power to meet these requirements. In that case the state need not adopt control measures.”

“The other disadvantage of guaranteeing the supply of minimum requirements is that if consumable goods are supplied to everyone, people will become lethargic. They should therefore be supplied with  purchasing power in exchange for their work according to their physical, psychic or spiritual capacity.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे बाबा! मैं तुमको युगों से भूला रहा।

प्रभात सङ्गीत 4091 आमि तोमारे भुलिया छिनु कतो दिन...


हे परमपुरुष ! हे बाबा ! मैं तुमको बहुत लम्बे  समय तक भूला रहा। तुम्हारी हमेशा रहनेवाली उपस्थिति को न समझकर मेरा मन ऊबड़खाबड़ टेड़ेमेड़े रास्तों में चलता रहा। इस कारण मैं इस संसार रूपी महासागर की धारा में डूब गया। उस समय, सुनहले कमल की तरह तुम्हारा निवास स्थान मुझे मालूम ही नहीं था।

हे परम सत्ता ! मेरे दिन और रातें  काले कारनामों और निराशा से भरी हुई थीं। उन दिनों मुझ में  किसी भी प्रकार की आध्यात्मिक जागरूकता नहीं आ पाई  थी । तुम्हारी चाह में मेरी अनेक रातें, रोते  हुए निराशा में बीतीं। उत्तरी ठण्डी हवाओं ने मेरे आध्यात्मिक जीवन को बुरी तरह अपनी चपेट में ले लिया। साधना के प्रति मेरी उदासीनता तो थी ही, इसने मेरा मन को और अधिक सूखा बना दिया।  जीवन में कोई आनन्द  प्रवाह  बचा ही नहीं था । इस दशा ने मेरी सब आशाअों , उत्साह और तुम्हारे प्रति मेरी भक्ति, सबको छीन लिया। मैं अपनी वृत्तियों के जाल में फंसकर जड़ता और पतन के गर्त में डूब गया।

हे मेरे प्रभु ! अब तुम आ गए हो, बसन्त आ गया है। कितना आनन्द है। सभी दिशाएँ रङ्गीन फूलों और मधुर सुगन्ध से भर गईं हैं। आकाश  की काली रात, चमकती चाॅंदनी में बदल कर सब ओर फैल रही है। मोर अपने पङ्ख फैलाकर आनन्द में नाच कर अपनी खुशी प्रदर्शित  कर रहे हैं। तुम्हारी कृपा से मधुर वायु चलने  लगी है। वह अपने दिव्य लहरों से मेरे पूरे अस्तित्व को धीरे धीरे कम्पित  कर रही है। वह मधुर सुगन्धित हवा मुझे इशारा देकर कह रही है कि“ सुनो, दिव्य बाँसुरी बज रही है ; बाबा तुम्हें बुला रहे हैं। “

हे बाबा ! मैं तुमको कितने लम्बे  समय तक भूला रहा ! (1)

1. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section 4: Links ==