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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Animal in human shape + 3 more


Animal in human shape


If a cow is moving around an outdoor farmer’s market and sees a stack of cabbage, the cow will automatically start eating that cabbage. In turn, the shopkeeper will intercede and push the cow away. The cow is an animal so people understand that the cow does not have any control.

Example #1: In a similar scenario, if a human being sees food, that person will pause and think about the cost and calculate whether he has the money to buy it or not. So that person will not automatically grab that food. Whereas animals do not have this type of control.

Example #2: Suppose a drunkard smelled wine in the pub. In that case he may become overpowered by that desire and wholly forget that he suffers from liver cancer. And he will go into the pub and drink wine. This happens because the drunkard does not have control over his motor and sensory organs. He is an animal in human form. And verily, so many humans misuse their indriyas.

Person leaped into action without consent of mind

Example #3: Let’s take another example: those who sexually prey on children. When those predators see the child they cannot control their instincts. And whatever thought comes in the mind their motor organs jump into action and execute the task, automatically. Their condition is worse than a wild animal. The child predator faces serious consequences and invites hell in their life. All because they could not control their motor organs. That is why they are also animals in human form.

Example #4: Here is another case. The eyes are to be used for one’s own survival and to help and serve others. But these days many misuse their eyes for stalking the opposite sex, and watching gross images and degrading films. In this way they degenerate. In theory they know the negative consequences but don’t have control. By this formula, it is clear they are animals in human form as they lack control.

The science behind all these examples is that both animals and humans have organs for their own survival. Animals have a less developed mind, and in certain circumstances their motor organs automatically and spontaneously jump into action without the approval of their mind. Similarly, in the face of certain external stimuli, the organs of a degenerated person leap into action without the consent of mind because the mind is weak. Such humans are animals in human form.

Mindlessly jumps into action & commits crime

In general, there are two basic approaches.

(A) In the case of proper human, when confronted by negative, external stimuli, the person will exercise restraint, weigh the consequences, and not jump into action. Because that person knows the outcome is going to be harmful. So they will control their motor organs (hands, feet, legs etc) and not act.

(B) In the case of a degraded person, when confronted by negative external stimuli, because that person has no control they will not weigh the consequences. Instead, they will jump into action, regardless of whether the outcome is going to be harmful. He will not control his motor organs before acting.

Here the point is that given similar situations, a degraded person leaps into action and commits a crime. Their motor organs automatically do this without the approval of their mind. In the heat of the moment, a shooting happened. That is the example of one who does not have control of their organs. The motor organs sprang into action on their own, i.e. guided by emotion not the rational mind. They act on the primal instincts of those organs. This is the fundamental difference. Animals and those of an animal mentality do not have control over their motor organs, whereas ideal humans do.

Complete control over externalisation of thoughts

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Imagine a scoundrel is standing in front of you. The man is such a rogue that you feel like slapping him, but do not actually do it. It is only when you decide, ‘Let me slap that scoundrel’, that your hands actually strike him. When the inner urge to externalise the feeling becomes strong enough, your hands leap into action. A great person is one who has complete control over the externalisation of thoughts. A thought will not always be expressed physically. One may have a desire to hit someone or a desire to steal, but never actually does it due to one’s self control.” (1)

Note: Various people react differently to the same set of circumstances. For example, if one person in the market suddenly abused Mr. A and Mr. B, then Mr. A and Mr B will react differently. By listening to the unjust abuse, Mr A violently kicked the fellow in his stomach and that person died. So Mr. A got arrested and convicted in court on charges of capitalist punishment. In contrast, when the same person abused Mr. B then Mr. B remained calm and patient to see how situation developed.

According to the above teaching, Mr A has a weak mind because of his hasty, knee-jerk reaction. Whereas Mr B has a stronger mind as he exercised restraint over his motor organs. The final teaching is, “Do not react immediately - try to have control over your organs and do not allow your hands and feet (i.e. motor organs) to quickly jump into action.” For that mental force is needed. Otherwise those organs will react automatically. This is the rare and great teaching that is described in the above guideline.

Example of beast-minded Wts

Here is a one related case incident.

One occasion after the monthly kiirtan, puja svadhyaya programme etc, margiis were going to attend the feast in the hall. One Delhi margii was playing with his kids. Rudrananda  came with his yes-man Madhuvratananda. They started personally accusing and verbally attacking that margii. In this commotion Rudrananda became furious and raised his hand and struck the margii. Somehow the margii saved himself.

Whatever may be the reason, but there are many Wts who have captured a significant post in AMPS, yet they have a very weak mind. And this is due to neglect of sadhana. Here is further evidence of this: In reportings, RDS, and IRSS meetings etc, these Wts argue on meaningless points, and in knee-jerk reaction yell, threaten, verbally abuse, and even worse; they may try to physically attack their subordinates. And while doing so, their face becomes red, their hands tremble, and their blood pressure goes up, and from their mouth spews extremely dirty language. This type of scene is not hidden in their inner chamber only. Near Ananda Marga jagritis where non-Margiis are living, they know very well. Because they see and hear this type of filth often. This is unfortunate, but it is happening. And the reason is, lack of sadhana. You can also see practically; put some cameras around your nearby Ananda Marga jagrti.


Those who are weak cannot control their motor organs. Whatever emotion arises gets executed by the motor organs and later on that person repents when they reflect on and analyse the situation. But those who are ideal sadhakas, their organs are controlled by their mind. When the mind approves, their organs will act, otherwise not.

In Him

What are the five motor organs

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Vák, páńi, páda, páyu, upastha [vocal cord, hands/arms, feet/legs, anus, genitary organ] – these five organs are motor organs." (2)

~ In-depth study ~

Example #5: For instance, humans know the hand is made for one’s own survival and to help others. But some misuse their hands to kill others. When the idea of killing came then they could not control themselves and they misused that motor organ. And they will have to face the grave consequences. They are also animals in human form. Under the same circumstances, if a good person is provoked they will not kill others as they will think that, “I should not kill anybody.” And if they are less developed, they may think if they kill someone then they will get hung or be incarcerated for the rest of their life. So they too exercise control. This is the difference between humans and animals in human form.

Punches the police officer in the face

Example #6: Here is an example regarding the instinct of procreation. Just as the hand has its specific use, the procreative organ is made for procreation only, not any other purpose. But some misuse this organ and that gives rise to all sort of vices and crimes like prostitution and rape etc. By this way they invite all kinds of diseases and repercussions. Because whatever thought comes in the mind and they indiscriminately execute. So they are animals in human form. This is related with gays, lesbians, and homosexuals as well. They completely misuse their reproductive gland and invite their own destruction.

Example #7: Whatever a human being comes in contact with, they will carefully consider the pros and cons and analyse the situation. Then they will give the order to their motor organs to do something or not. For instance, if the police abused Mr A, then if without thinking Mr. A punches the police officer in the face, And he will suffer the consequences. we know that Mr A is an animal in human form as he has no control.. The police officer will either arrest or shoot Mr. A. Due to lack of control, Mr. A reacted and attacked the policeman. So in the end he had to suffer and face the reaction.

There are various grades of animals in human form. Ananda Marga is that path to make ideal human beings through sadhana. The idea is that there are all kinds of desires, emotions, longings, and feelings that arise in the human mind. Those who are animals in human form act upon those urges and face the ghastly consequences while ideal humans do not. Those who can control their organs are true sadhakas. And those who do not control them plunge themselves into every negative desire that arises in the mind. They are human shaped animals.

How to know if one is normal

Tom is abusive to his spouse but when you see him in his corporate office, Tom behaves in a very calm and gentle manner, regardless of how much his boss harshly criticizes him. Tom never reacts due to fear of losing his job. So those in the office feel that he is a very quiet and mild-mannered. But that is a false conclusion. It is only due to the fear vrtti that is dominating at the office. That is why his behaviour is calm in the office. But at home, he is not tame. That is why he commits domestic abuse / violence. So by seeing someone’s action in a particular situation, one should not draw a conclusion about their entire personality. If you want to know the behaviour of any Wt, do not judge it upon how they behave when they come asking you for a donation. Instead, inquire with the LFT’s of that wholetime worker who are around him all of the time, and ask them if he is “normal or abnormal.”

In certain situations, if someone is controlled by particular propensities, then their colour / behaviour is different. So watch out.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Cakśuńá Saḿvaro Sádhu” O spiritual aspirant! O Bhikśu! O monk! O devotee! You should have proper control over your eyes; whatever will have bad effect on your mind, you must not see it. “Sádhu Sotena saḿvaro”. Whatever will have bad effect on your mind, O good man, you must not hear it. “Ghánena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your nose, “Sádhu Jibháya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your taste. “Káyena Saḿvaro Sádhu.” You should have control over your body. “Sádhu Vácáya Saḿvaro.” You should have control over your language also; and “Savvatha Saḿvaro Bhikśu.” If you want emancipation, if you want liberation from worldly fetters, you must have all-round restraint.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Field of Dharma
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, The Fundamental Principles of Life

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

We are all one family

"Mánuśa jeno mánuśer tare,sab kichu kare jáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2192)


May human beings do everything for the upliftment of others. Let no one forget that land and aquatic animals, birds, plants, forests, flora and fauna, animate and inanimate objects also belong to our vast, universal family. Let all feel that they are members of our singular cosmic family under the guardianship of Parama Purusa. No one is alien. Each and every being cherishes their life; all want to survive. We are all one family; may everyone become true neo-humanists.

O’ human being, after losing the path in the Cimmerian darkness, why are we allowing those people to cry and lament loudly in hopelessness. Let us go and help them and provide everything to remove their suffering. They are also our family members. We should show them the right path of refulgence and support them with food, shelter, accommodation, and nourish them. Nobody will be forgotten or left behind. With our love and affection we should give them hope and aspirations, and bring them close to our bosom. They are our kith and kin.

O’ human being, people are suffering and lack the basic requirements: food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and education etc. They are facing the torture of burning spikes and thorns. They are undergoing the unbearable heat of a wildfire. People are in distress from various problems. It is our duty to provide them all their needs, arrange their basic requirements, and shower them with love and affection. All are our kith and kin, friends and relatives, our family members. No one is other; all are ours. We are under the umbrella of Parama Purusa. We belong to one family. By helping all we will create heaven on this dusty earth...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Now living this reality

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Human beings will definitely be able to increase human longevity by scientific techniques. In certain special cases they will even be able to restore life to dead bodies. The endeavour to expedite the advent of that auspicious day of science is certainly an important part of social service.”

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “One day human beings will also learn how to produce human babes in science laboratories. Perhaps then it will be possible for human beings to place an order for their children and to get children according to their choice. Why should these laboratory babes lag behind modern humans with respect to intellectual and spiritual wealth! Those opposed to science today challenge, “Let human beings demonstrate that they can produce living entities!” By producing laboratory babes, the human beings of the future will give a befitting reply to this challenge.”

“The development of intuition will make human beings more spiritually inclined. What Saguńa Brahma [the Qualified Supreme Entity] is directly doing today will be done increasingly by the human beings of tomorrow. In that age the reproductive capacity of the human body will gradually cease to exist.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #25, 1959

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to end dowry

Prout philosophy guides us, “The dowry system is yet another glaring example of social injustice. In my book Human Society [Part 1], I have already mentioned that the dowry system has two major causes: the first is economic, and the second is the numerical disparity between women and men. With the decreasing economic dependence of women on men, the inequity of the dowry system will cease to exist. But to expedite this process, it is essential to propagate high ideals among young men and women. Our sons and daughters are not commodities like rice, pulse, salt, oil or cattle that they can be haggled over in the marketplace.” (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #14

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who can become a millionaire

Here is something to keep in mind when viewing those capitalists who are now ruling this earth. The following is the gist of the original Hindi.
The person who cannot cheat others cannot become a millionaire overnight. You know as I told many times the goddess of wealth is established in sin. Only the person who is a terrible sinner and knows how to cheat others as quickly as possible, only they can become a millionaire. The goddess of wealth is the goddess of sin.
Based on the discourse: 'Introduction of Various local Gods and Goddesses', (AV-11 [H] pg 7).

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How religions are harmful

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Most religions demand blind faith rather than rationality from their followers. “Don't argue,” they proclaim. “Accept the teachings of the scriptures for they are the direct word of God.” The cunning intellectuals of the past imposed the importance of blind faith on the minds of their gullible followers. They told them to obey the teachings, rational or irrational, otherwise there would be no respite from the endless suffering of human life, no other path to take them to the eternal bliss of heaven.”

“In most cases religions took advantage of human weaknesses, crippled the people's rationality, and sapped their strength, thus facilitating their exploitation by the religious traders. When the vitality and strength of the masses remains unexpressed, the exploiters will be able to exploit them in the economic and other spheres of life for a long time with relative ease. In the annals of human history it can be seen in all ages that the various exploiters were the patrons and the preachers of religion.”

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Dharma is altogether different from religion for it teaches human beings to advance while mercilessly smashing all obstacles that thwart human progress. Its inherent qualities are subtle analysis, ideological strength and the brilliance of valour. That's why the vested interests cannot tolerate it and use all their strength and machinery to oppose it. They claim they are protecting religion. The greater the conflict between person and person, between community and community, between state and state, the greater is their advantage. But when many people form a collective mind through sincere sacrifice and ardent practice while advancing towards the realization of oneness with the Supreme, it will be difficult to continue exploiting people on any pretext."

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

== Section 4: Links ==