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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Warn your child + 5 more


Warn your child


Youths should be fully informed how the right use of their growing bodies can lead them to greatness. With the development of the reproductive glands comes courage, tenacity, idealism, compassion, kindness, intellectual sharpness, and love for the Supreme. All of this Baba clearly discusses in His discourses. So the curriculum for adolescents should highlight how those glands help develop the entire human personality. With this clear-cut understanding & empowerment, youths will have the requisite logic and reasoning to steer clear of depraved behaviour.

Use logic to teach youths about maya

Once one enters adolescence, those youths are no longer small kids. They have a mind that wants to know the logic and reasoning behind a given topic. Then they will be convinced - otherwise not. That is why we should address issues of gender and reproduction with them on this level and educate them about Ananda Marga spiritual philosophy.

Those youths should understand that all jiivas are bound by maya and the cosmic operative principle is keen to keep people in bondage, i.e. enslaved, and wants to multiply the creation and carry on with srsti cakra. This is the agenda of maya. And verily most give in to her wishes and become her faithful servants, but this is not a glorified stance for sadhakas. Rather it is a weakness.

If youths are aware about the ways of maya and the cosmic operative principle ahead of time, then they will be ready to fight and divert the mind away from the baser propensities and grab hold of the platform of spirituality. By this way, they will gain success. If they understand this topic - through logic and reasoning - that will be a great boon for their overall human progress. Failing that, they may just fall into the clutches of maya, as is happening now with the youths in all materialistic countries.

Ideal time to talk to kids: just before puberty

The next aspect concerning our curriculum is centers around timing: When should it be introduced. It should not be presented at too early an age, nor too late. Slowly introducing this topic about 1 year before children reach puberty is ideal. At that point, they can learn about wearing a laungota and using the right undergarments etc.

Then, progressively, more points should be introduced as children begin to enter puberty etc. The main idea being that children should have the knowledge they need ahead of time. That way they can prepare. It is just like being told about a hurricane before it strikes. If one is forewarned then all kinds of preparations can be made, and when the hurricane hits one will be safe and secure.

Same is the case for those entering into adolescence. The more the children know ahead of time - so long as it is presented in a serious manner and by the right person (discussed below) - then our youths will be able to avert so many problems and find the right course in life. So timing is a key point. The child should not be forced to raise questions on their own or be left to learn from their peers. That should be avoided at all cost - then it means that the right time has passed.

We should be vigilant because although there is a general time period that is appropriate for most kids, there are bound to be some who need instruction and guidance earlier. We should be tuned in and ready.

Next it needs to be considered: Who should lead these talks / training classes, and what should be the tone & environment of the talk.The person leading this education series might be a teacher, a respected elder, or an acarya - or anyone else the parents of the community deem appropriate. Generally speaking, it should not fall directly upon the parents to impart this knowledge since many children prefer not to talk about this with their parents.

Whoever is selected to guide our youths, that designated person should be (a) a sadhaka of Ananda Marga, (b) familiar with Baba's teachings in Yoga Psychology and Yogic Treatments, (c) of proper moral character, and (d) well-regarded as a teacher.

These are the absolute minimum requirements of the guide.

Creating an ideal atmosphere during the talks

Now let's discuss the teaching environment:

1) Taught by gender: This topic should not be co-education. There should be strict separation along gender lines. A respected female will teach girls, and a well-regarded male will teach boys. Under no circumstances should there be boys and girls in the same class. Nor should a male teacher lead the girls or vice-versa. It should be a gender-separated environment.

2) No jokes or debased comments: The tone of the talk should be of a serious nature and those with questions should be encouraged, not ridiculed. Thus the teacher will have to establish a proper forum where all feel included and silly jokes and / or lewd comments are eliminated. In sum, a positive, safe, inclusive, and respectful forum needs to be established.

3) Emphasize science: The curriculum should be science based. Baba has given great teachings about the glands of the human body, the role of lymph, the functioning of mind, and the relationship between mind and body. Thus, this course should include all the teachings and draw from the fields of human anatomy and physiology, biology, metaphysics and intuitional science.

4) Recording:
The forums should be recorded via audio or video so that parents can review what is going on. Mothers should address issues with their daughters; and fathers should speak with their songs. Thus within the unit family also communication will be gender-separated. Thus these recordings will be helpful as parents also need to be in the know. Plus, there may be other uses for such media.

Diseases related with over-indulgence

It is imperative that all children be taught ahead of time about the adverse and dangerous aspects of carrying out physical relations. Just as a patient going in for surgery should be instructed about the possible negative outcomes beforehand, it is even more important for kids to be educated about the harmful aspects of exciting those lower glands. Because they are trusting and relying upon us to tell them all they need to know. Withholding any information is a form of deception. Thus it is absolutely integral to bring our children in the know about these following aspects.

In His book, Yogic Treatments, Baba warns us about the various diseases related with over-indulgence and ignorance, and how to cure them.

(A) Syphilis: "With syphilis, non-vegetarian food, onion, garlic, too much spice, all kinds of sweets, and milk products are to be strictly avoided...Fasting is also very beneficial in this disease. Syphilis patients must fast on ekádashii, púrńimá and amávasyá...The patient should never completely fill the stomach at the evening meal, and that too should be finished by 8 or 8:30 p.m. Sleeping during the day, staying awake at night, and mingling with crowds should be avoided... All types of intoxicants are to be avoided like poison." (1)

(B) Seminal Weakness: "Low thinking, bad company, intoxicants and non-vegetarian food should be completely given up. Seeing pornographic pictures or films, reading pornographic literature, etc. are also to be forsaken." (2)

(c) Hydrocele: "All types of nutritious food can be taken. However, a very close watch must be kept on the regular clearing of the bowels. Fast on ekádashii, púrńimá and amávasyá...Sexual thoughts and excitement are among the causes of hydrocele, so the more one can stay away from these things the better. Patients should use kaopiinas [laugotas]." (3)

And step by step Baba reviews so many related diseases in the book Yogic Treatment and gives the solution.


This is a small look into what our adolescent education curriculum might look like. We should keep in mind that if we do not take the lead on this topic, then our youths will learns from others such as the media or their peers etc. In either case, their training will be in the wrong direction.

As Ananda Margiis, we should have our stand and present our curriculum. Once established, those in the general society will take shelter in our programs as well. Because our way is for the welfare of the entire society.

We are to bring our youths into this world in the proper way and teach them all they need to know to get success. This is our way - then society will truly flourish.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Our world needs a great change in order to move forward and progress. A new order, a new wave, will have to take the place of the old to remedy all the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual ills of the world. As the vanguard of this new movement, the youth are indispensable. It is the youth, and the youth only, who have the vigour to bring about the necessary change. It is the youth who have the resilience to change and adapt and implement the vision of a new society. Without this vision, without the youth, the world will continue in the morass of suffering, injustice and exploitation that is our present social condition. It is the youth of the world only who can help bring about the new world order and the vision of a new humanity." (4)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Reproductive glands & benefits of mind

Here Baba guides us how the reproductive glands are linked with high qualities of mind and proper conduct. In this first quote Baba tells us how restraint leads to greater intelligence as the lymph is best utilised.

Ananda Marga Yoga Psychology states, "If the testes function properly and if there is no hindrance from the lymphatic glands, intelligence will develop. Without the testes, the solar plexus will not be developed and intelligence will decrease." (5)

In this below teaching Baba reveals how the reproductive glands promote clear thinking - so restraint is a must, otherwise that faculty of mind will not develop.

Ananda Marga Yoga Psychology states, "If the testes are properly-active and there is the proper secretion of hormones, a youth develops the spirit of rationality." (6)

In this next teaching Baba guides us how the right use of those glands brings a sense of responsibility.

Ananda Marga Yoga Psychology states, "If the secretion of the testes glands is normal, a sense of dutifulness will be created in the mind." (7)

Finally, those glands are highly related with spiritual thirst and creating a link with the Supreme.

Ananda Marga Yoga Psychology states, "If there is proper-secretion, a youth acquires the power to transform that longing into universalism. In those of you who have a longing for Parama Purus'a [Supreme Consciousness], a proper-secretion took place in your hormones between the ages of fifteen and seventeen. At that stage the idea to become great comes into the mind." (8)

Reproductive glands & benefits of mind (cont)

If anyone wishes to become an ideal human being, they must be aware that their glandular system has to be maintained and used properly. This must be reinforced again and again to our youths. We will have to teach the point that the lymph is "food for the brain" and "food for the glands", and should not get senselessly converted into spermatoza and wasted.

Ananda Marga Yoga Psychology states, "In males the testes are the glands which convert lymph into semen. As soon as lymph is converted into semen, the nerves are affected and there is a corresponding change in one’s thoughts. It is the pituitary gland which tells the testes to convert lymph into semen [that is, testosterone and spermatic fluid]. When the production of lymph goes beyond the capacity of the body to utilize it, it is converted into semen and comes out of the body." (9)

Unfortunately, in today's society, the lower vrttis are encouraged by negative propaganda in which case many youths and young adults cannot develop the right qualities in life.

Our aim then is to give youths the right theoretical knowledge to understand that it is in their best interests to safeguard lymph. Those youths should not allow themselves to be lulled in the wrong direction. That would be disastrous for them. If they have the right awareness about this and exercise restraint, they will develop all kinds of great qualities in life. Then they will be in the best position to become a true leader in society and an extraordinary aspirant. They will be respected.

Hot issue: castration for freedom

Across the globe - in various states and countries - government officials are offering voluntary (and involuntary) castration to those incarcerated as part of their sentencing and / or in exchange for their early release from prison. For the state officials this is a way to increase the punishment and relieve pressure from and cut costs on the overcrowded and extremely expensive jail system; and for offenders it can a way to regain their freedom sooner without having to worry about being tempted to commit a similar crime.

To some then, this looks like a win-win situation. The state gets what they want and the offender gets what he wants. Toward this end, there are two basic pathways being pursued by the state to control the procreative glands: 1) chemical castration and 2) surgical castration.

While there is more to know about this topic, the key point we need to be aware of is that these officials and law-makers do not realise that by castrating someone they are not just taking away his procreative ability, but they are disturbing the entire mental equilibrium of that person. Because every gland, the male reproductive glands included, affects the mind. So in Ananda Marga, this is not something we advocate.

Ananda Marga Yoga Psychology states, “Using birth control methods which deform the bodies of men and women or which destroy their reproductive capacity forever, cannot be supported, because in such cases a severe mental reaction may appear in them at any moment.” (10)

1. Yogic Treatments, Syphilis
2. Yogic Treatments, Seminal Weakness
3. Yogic Treatments, Hydrocele
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Talks on Education – Excerpt G
5. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
6. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
7. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
8. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
9. Yoga Psychology, Bio-Psychology
10. Problems of Day, Point #29

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Various bhaktas

"Keu, tomár lágiyá jáge divá ráti, keu ásháte búk bándhe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0348)


My Parama Purusa, some bhaktas stay awake day and night in longing for You. They pass their time in svadhya’ya, bhajans, kiirtana, and meditation in order to realize You. Their entire 24 hrs passes remaining awake remembering You. Other bhaktas console their heart in hopes of Your arrival. Some sing songs full of bhakti to forget their melancholic pain of not having You in as intimate a way as they would like. Still others shed torrential, copious tears in Your longing. While another range of bhaktas never forget that blissful memory of You: Those sweet days which were graced by You - when they were with You. At the time of their meditation, japa, shravan, manan, and personal contact, those sadhakas felt a very intimate and sweet connection with You in their life. Even if they want to forget that memory of You, they can’t forget. Still today, that loving, blissful time lingers on in their mind which expresses through their Prabhat Samgiita songs.

Parama Purusa, Baba, some people thread garlands of days bygone when they felt Your divine touch in their mind. They use their time singing about their blissful experiences of sadhana from their past. Some dye their world with colourful dreams. Other bhaktas always play a game of light and shadow with You: Sometimes they feel Your proximity, and other times they feel distant. Those who are great bhaktas always have a heart full of bhakti. No matter what situation they are in, their mind always remains saturated with supreme prema. They utilise their human life fully and realise You. Such bhaktas are truly fortunate and blessed. Their coming on this earth as a human being becomes successful…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

What are the six tastes

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “The six tastes are: tikta – neem (bitter); kat’u – chilli (hot and spicy); kas’ava – plantain (alkaline); lavan’a (salty); amala (acidic); and madhu (sweet).” (1)

Note: Not only are there six tastes in the human palate but those type of foods should be taken in a distinct order. Bitter taken in the beginning and sweet in the end.

1. Ideal Farming, Some Important Crops

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Importance of fresh air & walking

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments says, "Pure, fresh air has the power to cure diseases. It is advisable to breathe in as fully as possible, because when we do so, the air gets an opportunity to penetrate the lungs completely. It is better to take a walk in the fresh air than to ride a vehicle. If the body does not work up a sufficient sweat, then you should know that you have not taken the air properly." (1)

Everyone is aware that Baba is teaching us to be vigilant about walking every morning and evening, invariably. 

1. Yogic Treatments, Appendix, Point E

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita  ==

हे प्रभु ! मेरा मन हजारों हजार प्रकार से तुम्हारी ही ओर दौड़ता जाता है

प्रभात सङ्गीत  3544 अजानाय छिले, जाना माझे एले, तबु कतोटुकु जानियाछि


हे परमपुरुष ! तुम निराकार थे इसलिए मैं तुम्हें नहीं जान पाया, नहीं पहचान पाया। आज तुम अपनी अपार सुन्दरता और आकर्षण के साथ तारक ब्रह्म के रूप में आए हो। हे प्रभु ! बीते वर्षों में , मैं तुमको जनता ही नहीं था। मैं तुमको बिलकुल नहीं पहचानता था। अब तुम मेरी जानकारी में आ गए हो, मेरे पास में ही आ गए हो। फिर भी मैं तुम्हें कितना कम जानता हूँ , कितना सा जान सका हूँ। कितना कम समझ पाया हॅूं। हे परमपुरुष ! जितना अधिक मैं तुम्हें जान पाता हॅूं मुझे उसी समय आभास हो जाता है कि मैं कुछ नहीं जानता। मेरी अज्ञानता बढ़ती जाती है। हे परमप्रिय ! तुम मेरी मानसिक संकल्पना के परे हो। मैं यह हमेशा अनुभव करता हूँ  कि तुमको जानना अभी बहुत बाकी है।

हे परमपुरुष ! मैं सबको चाहता हूँ। फूल की मोहने वाली सुगन्ध, बादलों का कालापन, पहाड़ों की विशालता और सुन्दरता, सभी कुछ को चाहता हूँ चाहे वे अच्छे हों या बुरे। मैं उन्हें क्यों चाहता हूँ मैं यह नहीं जानता। मैं बार बार आश्चर्य से सोचता रहता हूँ कि इन सब भिन्न भिन्न अनेक प्रकार की रचनाओं को मैं क्यों चाहता हूँ पर कोई भी उत्तर नहीं पाता हूँ। इन पेड़पौधों, जीवों और पूरी सृष्टि में यह किसकी सुन्दरता बिखरी पड़ी है ? इस संसार की सभी चीजें मुझे आकर्षक और अच्छी क्यों लगती है ?

हे बाबा !  मैंने तुम्हें देखा नहीं है। मैं हजारों बार साधना करने बैठा पर तुम्हें ध्यान में भी अपने हृदय की चाहत के अनुसार पूरा कभी नहीं डुबो पाया। मैं अपने हृदय की गहराई में जाकर तुमको बहुत निकटता से पकड़ ही नहीं सका। हे प्यारे ! मैं जो कुछ करना चाहता हूँ वह तुम्हारे लिए कर ही नहीं सका। अब तक मैं तुम्हें अपने बहुत पास में नहीं पा सका जिससे अपने गुरुचक्र पर अपने मानसिक कमल से तुम्हारी सेवा नहीं कर सका। फिर भी मेरा मन हजारों हजार प्रकार से तुम्हारी ही ओर दौड़ता जाता है और तुमको अपने हृदय में खींच लेने का प्रयत्न करता है।

हे बाबा ! कृपा कर मेरे बहुत अधिक पास आकर, मेरे परमप्रिय की तरह, सदा ही मेरे हृदय में बने रहिए । (1) (2)

1. Hindi purport translated by Dr. T.R. Sukul from original English purport by Ananda Marga Universal.
2. Sadguru Baba says (in GD, Delhi, 26 Feb 1984) that when writing a Prabhat Samgiita purport then very simple words should be used so that the common mass may understand. The above Hindu purport has been written according to that guideline.

== Section 4: Links ==