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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Quarrel on “what Baba wants” + 3 more


Quarrel on “what Baba wants”


On some key issues, a few get confused. Some think that certain points have been approved of by Baba, while others firmly maintain that such issues have not been approved. There are many instances where two parties hold diametrically opposing perspectives on what they feel Baba supports. This is the type of confusion that some are bringing to the table. For this reason it is worth taking a closer look into this topic by referencing Baba's direct guidelines. That is the best way to proceed.

How to know His perspective

First, here below Baba very clearly and conclusively guides us about the proven and tested ways to understand His divine viewpoint. By applying His below measuring rod, any sadhaka can easily understand Baba's stance on any issue. Here then is Baba's given method.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Generally there are three ways to ascertain the views of great personalities: first, by what they said; secondly, by what they did, even though they may not have said anything; and thirdly, even though they may not have said or done anything, by what they did not say - one way or the other - on a particular issue." (1)

According to Sadguru Baba's above guideline we can easily ascertain His perspective and views in certain key ways:
1. By studying His discourses;
2. By following His practical example, by His action;

Naturally, we should understand Guru's perspective, adhere to His teaching, and follow His example / direction. Then we will be in position to properly resolve any points of contention regarding what Baba supports and what He does not support. By this way one can save oneself from committing sin and falling prey to self-ruination.

Find solution: discourses & actions

Here again then is that first parameter for determining Baba's guideline on any particular issue: By studying His discourses. What Baba has said refers first and foremost to His discourses - i.e. His books. So His recorded and printed teachings of Ananda Marga ideology are the first way by which to understand His perspective. What He says in His books we should certainly do and follow. This is how to adhere to the path of dharma and save oneself from committing sin and falling prey to self-ruination.

The second method of knowing His viewpoint is by seeing His action: What Baba has done in His day to day life - by following His practical example, by His action. Baba's sterling example stands as one perfect way to live a dharmic life. He has graciously come to show one and all how to lead a glorious existence. His actions demonstrate this. Here below Baba guides us that by His various actions like performing sadhana regularly, He is guiding sadhakas how they are to lead their life.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “He [Mahsambuti] needs no sadhana, but just to set an example to others, He performs sadhana with the masses." (2)

Here then - as a basic rule - we should certainly follow Sadguru’s guidelines from His discourses and adhere to His example and do what He has done. By this way one may avert sinful dealings and refrain from degrading oneself.

Existence of groupism

Then there is the point of groupism. Is groupism something that Sadguru Baba supports. Certainly not, in His teachings of neo-humanism Baba vehemently opposes all sorts of groupism.

By the first parameter - "by what [Sadguru] said" - for determining Baba's stance on a particular issue, we can easily conclude that Baba does not support groupism of any kind. Rather Baba gives the clear-cut warning that it is very dangerous.

Baba has come to establish dharma on this dusty earth and all His actions perfectly lead in that direction.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "When there is degradation in dharma and adharma rises...He comes as Ta'raka Brahma to reinstate dharma to its original status." (3)

He has come to save the fallen humanity and all His actions and deeds are lovingly done for the cause of human welfare - to establish righteousness. May we all follow in His dharmic footsteps and do as He has done and always adhere to His perspective on what is right, i.e. dharmic. For that, one must understand and implement the three given injunctions for determining Guru's perspective.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Generally there are three ways to ascertain the views of great personalities: first, by what they said; secondly, by what they did, even though they may not have said anything; and thirdly, even though they may not have said or done anything, by what they did not say - one way or the other - on a particular issue." (4)

Unfortunately, some fail to adhere to Baba's aforementioned three parameters for understanding His perspective on a given topic. In result, such persons stray from Baba's ideal.


If ever we want to know to understand His position - the dharmic perspective - on any issue then we need not look any further than His divine example and guidelines: (a) His spoken word, (b) by what He has done, but has not spoken about in His teachings, and (c) by His decision not to speak against or take action.

And this is not just true of today, but for time immemorial this is the way by which one can ascertain Baba's view - the dharmic perspective. By this way, we human beings know how to proceed. So Baba's aforesaid three-pronged approach is of eternal value, whereby for generations and generations to come, devotees and people of all walks of life can adhere to the great code of dharma. 

It is a divine fact and irrefutable truth that when Taraka Brahma takes advent as Mahasambhuti and puts forth one great example for all to follow. This is well understood by each and every Ananda Margii - by every sadhaka. All feel in their heart and mind that Baba is that Divine One - the embodiment of dharma - whose each and every thought, word, and deed guides us perfectly along the path of Supreme Benevolence. By following Him in each and every way, all human beings will reach that blissful and divine stance.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Parama Purusa is a ship, nay a very big ship. Getting on it, devotees will sit and cross the cosmic cycle comfortably." (5)

at His lotus feet,
Narada Chaturvedi

~ In-depth study ~

His non-expression is also a guideline

In addition to referencing His teachings and following His example, the third aspect for understanding Guru's perspective on any given issue is His unspoken word or non-action.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Thirdly, even though [Sadguru] may not have said or done anything, by what [Sadguru] did not say - one way or the other - on a particular issue." (6)

Like the prior two steps, this one is also very clear. By these above-listed three ways we can know what Baba's divine teaching is as well as what His perspective is on any given issue. His each and every dharmic guideline and benevolent injunction is encased in the above three approaches.

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 18
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 33, Our Concept of Táraka Brahma
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Advent of the Lord
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc 18
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, “Máyámetáḿ Taranti Te” - 2 / The Nectar Beyond Máyá
6. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 18

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I was with You, and now today also I am with You
“Ke tumi ele go áji sonálii saroje sáji…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0666)


My Unknown Entity, who are You who has appeared adorned with a golden lotus - and eyes filled with hope and loving assurance. Who are You who came to me today from the divine origin---graciously arrived in the inner casket of my core and mind.

Your soft, gentle, sweet smile floats in the sky of my heart. Your attractive joyous look draws me near  and wants to take me towards some unknown spiritual realm.

Parama Purusa, You never remain distant and never leave me. You always stay near me - in my inner self. You are so compassionate. You are love-personified and can never hate anyone. You constantly shower me with Your exquisite kindness. Even after knowing all my bad deeds, You affectionately keep me on Your lap, within Your warm embrace.

My Eternal Guide, in the initial dawn of creation, I was with You, and now today also I am with You. Throughout this entire journey, spanning countless lives, You have always kept me under Your care. By Your grace, I shall remain forever under the cool shade of Your eternal love and affection…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Society: Three points to never violate

Prout philosophy states, “For the all-round welfare and development of human beings, society needs to follow some fundamental socio-political principles. Without the firm foundation of such principles, disunity, injustice and exploitation will flourish. To avoid this and to safeguard the interests of all people, the leaders of society must ensure that cardinal socio-political principles are strictly followed. Otherwise, individual and collective progress can never be achieved.”

“There are three cardinal socio-political principles which should never be violated. First, people should not be retrenched from their occupations unless alternative employment has been arranged for them. Secondly, people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. Thirdly, no mother tongue should be suppressed. Occupation, spiritual practice and mother tongue are very important to human beings. If the sentiments associated with them are hurt, human beings will be deeply affected. So, you should never violate these cardinal socio-political principles.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Importance of fine arts

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states:
  • "Agriculture, arts, commerce and other developmental work should, as far as possible, be carried out on a cooperative basis."
  • "Fine arts lead human beings to the trans-sensory realm; hence sádhakas should not discourage fine arts; rather they should support them, directly or indirectly."
  • "Artists are great benefactors of society, hence take active steps for their protection. For example, before enacting a drama or its translation, enough money for a day's maintenance must be given to the author."
  • "If a drama or other art performance is staged and a charge is made for tickets, after deducting the incidental expenditure, the remaining money should be distributed among the artists, half on the basis of labour and half on the basis of merit." (1)
1. Caryacarya, Society, Points #15-18

== Section 3: Links ==
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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #0666: I was with You, and now today also I am with You
2. Posting: Quarrel on “what Baba wants”
3. Links