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Friday, May 3, 2019

AMPS: Way to unite + 3 more


AMPS: Way to unite


Prior to 1970, Sadguru Baba introduced sadhana year and all were involved in spiritual practices. By this way sadhakas felt very connected with one and another. All were helping each other. Where sadhakas are engaged in sadhana - whether they are known to each other or not - naturally they will feel close meeting and seeing others.

So in any unit or any land where people do sadhana then they get the attraction of Parama Purusa. By that way they start feeling oneness with each other and help one another. And that is the real human family. Indeed that is our family and that is our Ananda Marga way of life. If we follow Sixteen Points and the meditation system which Baba has given, there will not be need for any type of external pressure to unite. Rather, already unity will be a natural resultant because bhakti is the main attractive phenomena.

Why the future is bright

In this way, positive microvita gets generated along with a soothing, psycho-spiritual vibration. And everything works out by His grace. Those involved in sadhana naturally aim to follow His each and every guideline - not out of fear of Guru, but with their reverence and bhakti to attain Him, and out of a genuine, heartfelt loving feeling to serve to others.

Ananda Vanii says, "All the beings of this universe are the kith and kin of one another...Every problem is to be considered as the collective problem of the universal humanity and it is to be resolved collectively..." (1)

We are fortunate and blessed ones as we are treading on the very path which He has given. So it is our duty to guide others and bring everyone on the path of blessedness. Ananda Marga ideology is the solution of all the problems. The first and foremost duty of every Ananda Margii is to strictly follow Sadguru Baba's guideline, and help others to also move on the path He has shown - with the only goal of pleasing Him. Thinking along these lines, I always feel deep hope about our future. Because, after all, Baba has given us His assurance and blessing.


Parama Purusa, created this entire universe and He is attracting one and all with His divine force. So His special grace is attracting everything - animate and inanimate. And on the human plane, all the jiivas are dancing around Him. The essence of this entire letter is neatly expressed in Sadguru Baba’s below teaching.

"Sab tha'in mor ghar a'che a'mi sei ghar mari khujiya', Deshe deshe mor desh a'che a'mi..."

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "My house is everywhere. How desperately I search for that house of mine. Every country is my country. I shall surely discover that country of mine. I may be a foreigner, but to whichever house I go, I find my own abode. I will find the right door to enter the house. In every house live my dearest relations. I am desperately searching for them." (2)

In Him

1. Ananda Vanii #58
2. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How poor parenting ruins kids

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Antisocial behaviour is not always caused by lack of money. Where the parents or guardians are evil by nature, they try to infect the other members of their family with their disease. A few days ago I read in the newspaper that an upper-middle-class lady used to encourage her son to steal clothes, etc., from her neighbours by offering him money for cinema tickets if he did – in other words, by applying indirect pressure. When the incident became public, it was discovered that her family was not in financial difficulty. By putting pressure on her son, the lady was infecting him with her own mental disease.”

“There are many parents who, due to miserliness or whatever reason, deprive their children of delicious food and drink. (If there is some reason for this deprivation, they do not explain it to their children.) They serve such food and drink to others in the presence of their children without explaining to them why they are being deprived. As a result, the children, under the pressure of circumstance, steal to try to satisfy their natural desires.” (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Justice

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Middle East crisis: why religion-based nations proves deadly

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Many people consider their temple to be the only sacred place of worship. But the funny thing is that the builders who construct temples are unholy people or untouchables, and are thus barred from entering their premises. Each religion has its own scriptures. Some scriptures are worshipped with such reverence that they are treated as deities. But the paper on which the scripture was written, and the printing and binding of the book were perhaps done by people of other religions. But once the book is complete it is transformed into a holy scripture and those who made it will not have the right to even touch it. In fact, not only the holy scriptures, but all books are considered as a symbol of the goddess of learning. To pay obeisance to the book by repeatedly touching the forehead with it is apart of religious observance. Many people spend huge sums of money to make an idol of clay only to immerse it in a river with pomp and ceremony to conclude the religious festival. But if the people of other religions happen to break even a finger of that idol terrible bloodshed will ensue. Thus, those who advocate the formation of countries on the basis of religious faith will cause irreparable damage by fragmenting human society.”
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings readily accept traditions without seeking the reasons behind them. Since ancient days the semitic people have been observing the practice of circumcision. Moses and Mohammed accepted this system which today has become tradition. The ancient Austrics used to worship the Sun. Their purpose was to please the Sun God and be blessed with heavy rainfall and bumper harvests. In the social system of the Austrics, women had a predominant role. Thus, in the system of worship and other religious ceremonies, the priest had no significant role. Even the Sun God was looked upon as a female deity and the Moon was a male God. The Sun God was addressed as “mother” and the worship done in her honour was called “Chat Puja”. Even today in Magadh Chat Puja is held twice a year during the harvest time. The sentiment of Chat Puja was so deeply rooted in Magadh that their system of worship is in vogue even today even after such tremendous Aryan, Buddhist and Moslem influence. Of course, in the external rituals of worship some changes have taken place, but the system of worship has not yet become extinct. Even the Moslems participate in the Chat Puja. In some areas they themselves organize the ritual and in other places they get the puja performed through the Hindus. This Chat Puja has now become a tradition. There was a time in Bengal when the Moslems used to worship Satyanáráyańa or the Oláicánd.”

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “From the above discussion it is apparent that religions engender hatred for others, blind faith, etc. in the minds of their followers. Through such religions it is next to impossible to establish unity in the society. Religious differences should be minimized as much as possible, but it should be remembered that blind faith in a religion cannot be forcibly eliminated. To strike at any type of sentiment will only cause that sentiment to grow stronger. Psychological methods will have to be employed to make people realize the irrational nature of blind religious faith. This requires a rational interpretation of philosophy through enlightened intellect. When the human mind is gripped by the fear psychology it gives indulgence to blind faith rather than logic and reason. If human fear is removed through logic and reason, the very basis for blind faith will be weakened. That is why human beings will have to be taught philosophical doctrines in a rational way. Furthermore, to remove the psycho-sentiment for a particular physical object, either the object itself should be removed or, by changing the very outlook through scientific and humanitarian reasoning, the person concerned should be separated from that sentimental object. For example, those who perform religious ceremonies in worship of the moon will find it difficult to continue their practice once, due to scientific advancement, they actually get the opportunity to walk on the moon. Blind faith must be removed through the application of science and humanistic appeals. People will have to be united under the common banner of one religion.” (1)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: AMPS: Way to unite
2. IT: How poor parenting ruins kids
3. Links