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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Ananda Marga on other planets + 3 more


Ananda Marga on other planets


Sadguru Baba has blessed us with the the timeless, eternal teachings of Ananda Marga ideology, and at the same time He has spread those ideological tenets across the entire planetary worlds. Here is an English summary of Baba’s below appended Hindi teaching.
You should depend on the spiritual force. That is the work of an intelligent person. From the very beginning we have done that. Since its [AMPS’s] nucleus was from a small town, the nucleus remained the same; but, the circumference has not been limited to Jamalpur.  It has spread not only throughout this entire globe, but across the planets. And it is spreading and it goes on spreading. Now remember that this Ananda Marga was made not by one or two but by thousands of righteous persons. Today,  from this DMC I am bestowing this Ananda Marga to the common people. (English summary of below Hindi)
By the above English summary, Baba states how He has bestowed Ananda Marga to the common mass and general population. Moreover, He says that Ananda Marga is dharma, and dharma is not just for a few intellectuals. Ananda Marga is based on righteousness. An although it started in the small town of Jamalpur, it has spread across the planets. And it is still spreading. This is a brief summary of the below Hindi teaching.

Original Hindi teaching

Here is the “as-is” transcription of Baba’s original Hindi discourse.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “तुम उस पर निर्भरशील बनो | वही तो बुद्धिमान का काम होगा | और, हम लोग शुरुआत से वही किए थे | इसलिए जहाँ एक छोटे-से शहर में छोटा-सा एक nucleus था, वह nucleus तो उतना ही रह गया | मगर दायरा अब छोटा-सा शहर नहीं; समूचा दुनिया और सिर्फ़ यह नहीं, अब तो यह ग्रह-ग्रहान्तर में भी फैल गया है | फैल रहा है | फैलता जाएगा |”

[मार्गियों की गूँज  "बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

“अब केवल याद रखोगे कि यह जो आनन्दमार्ग, यह साधु-बुद्धि सम्पन्न, एक-दो नहीं, हज़ार-हज़ार मनुष्यों ने बनाया है | हम इस महाचक्र में आनन्दमार्ग को जनता के पास समर्पित कर दिए |” (1) (Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything, V7-14 (E), MGD 3 January 1979 Patna)

Distortion by AM Publications

Here below is how the Tiljala Publishers printed it in the English edition. Unfortunately, see how they carefully removed the point that AM ideology has spread to various planets, and just said it spread around the world.

See what the publishers wrote: “The small nucleus of an organization which we first started at Jamalpur has extended its circumference far beyond the small frontiers of that small town, and has now spread all over the world. It has spread to each and every neighbourhood and is still spreading.” (2)

In Him,

Why cowardly approach

Those who are not committed to their sadhana become cowardly about doing good works as well as timid when propagating Sadguru Baba’s dharmic teachings. Instead, of standing tall and boldly proclaiming that our Ananda Marga ideology has spread across the cosmos from planet to planet, they timidly write that it has spread around the globe. Sadly, those in publications lack the moral force to maintain the integrity of Baba’s teachings. They are too concerned with public opinion. And the outcome is that AM teachings are compromised when published in book form. That is why a full review and accounting has to be done with every single discourse Baba has given by keenly studying the original audio. Only by this way can we ensure that our AM books are properly printed. Blindly relying on those in Publications is an open invitation to more and more distortions.

1. Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything, V7-14 (E), MGD 3 January 1979 Patna
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Special duty of human beings

Sadguru Baba says, "I said a little while ago, and I say again, that the psychic structures of human beings should be created by an all-encompassing philosophy which combines the magnanimity of the sky with the vibrational vastness of the ocean, ruffled by endless waves. A philosophy which fails to do so plunges people into the dark caverns of dogma and stifles their mundane, supra-mundane and spiritual progress under its crushing weight. People forget that the unlimited expansion of intellect is the predominant quality of human beings. When they lose this quality and become like beasts drawn to sensual pleasures, then regardless of what they might have achieved, they hardly deserve to be called human beings. Thus it is the duty of human beings to embrace with open heart and outstretched arms that all-inclusive philosophy which will never encourage them to harm humanity, either directly or indirectly." (1)

1. Namah Shiváya Shántáya, Disc: 14

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Not really human beings

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who have established themselves in their spiritual being through the practice of spiritual cult are the real human beings. Others, who do not move on the subtler and sublime path of spirituality, and behave like animals, are humans only in name. Human beings alone have the privilege to do sa'dhana'. Animals, because of their intellectual deficiencies, are unable to adhere to the spiritual cult...Human beings, on the other hand, have the capacity to develop even in the spiritual realm. Those who do not pay heed to this special gift are animals, nay, even worse than animals. Animals are unable to make efforts for their spiritual development, whereas humans do have this ability." (1)

Note: Generally people think everyone with a human body as being human, but according to Baba's above teaching all are not human. In the above guideline Baba differentiates how and why.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section 4: Links ==
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Those who face difficulty in understanding English should copy sections of the post, paste them into Google translate or any other on-line translator, choose whatever language you like, and the post will be translated then and there into your selected language. In this way you will get some approximate idea of the subject discussed. Here is the link for Google translate:

This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Ananda Marga on other planets
2. IT: Special duty of human beings
3. IT: Not really human beings
4. Links