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Friday, April 5, 2019

Phony bhakti + 5 more


Phony bhakti


In Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, many presume that they are great bhaktas, but that is not necessarily the case. Some are great bhaktas, while others are not. And there are various grades in between. It is important for us to be able to measure and recognise who is a true bhakta, according to Sadguru Baba's guideline.

Certainly all have bhakti, yet so often humans misdirect their spiritual feeling towards material pleasures. That is what plagues the present humanity. While in Ananda Marga we know that bhakti means love for the Supreme. And that is the mark of a true bhakta.

Fake bhaktas ask for mundane things

To the degree one has longing and attraction for Parama Purusa one is a true bhakta; whereas, the degree to which one is attracted to money, post, power, prestige etc, one is disposed towards asakti, i.e. worldly pleasures. Such persons are fake bhaktas. Here we explore further elements of bhakti as well as the silver-line that clearly distinguishes true bhaktas from fake ones.

If during each and every opportunity one engages in all kinds of worldly longing like gluttony, name and fame, material gain, and longing for having more wealth etc, then we can easily identify that person as a non-bhakta or fake bhakta. If one has longing for material wealth, they are not doing for objective adjustment - rather they are attached to and plunged in the race for worldly gains. They are not merely trying to meet their existential needs so they can attend to spiritual practice etc. Instead, their whole mental force is pointed towards mundane accumulation and prestige.


True bhaktas firmly adhere to the path the bhakti, i.e. always ideating on Parama Purusa and chanting His name. Fake bhaktas, in contrast, are constantly allured by worldly pleasures, askati. They cannot goad their desires. One can easily recognise them by their actions. That is how to determine who is a real bhakta and who is a fake one.

At His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

Devotion vs bhakti

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Devotion और भक्ति एक चीज़ नहीं है | Devotion माने "एक विशेष आदर्श, विशेष उद्देश्य के प्रति निष्ठा |" अर्थात्‌ devotion के संस्कृत होतइ, अङ्गिका होतइ—'निष्ठा' | तो, भक्ति के सम्बन्ध में शास्त्र में है—सा परानुरक्तिरीश्वरे | परमपुरुष के लिए जो परानुरक्ति है, उसी को कहते हैं—भक्ति | रक्ति, अनुरक्ति, परानुरक्ति | 'रञ्ज्‌' धातु 'क्तिन्‌' प्रत्यय से रक्ति शब्द आता है | रक्ति शब्द means 'रङ्ग लग गया' |”

“अनुरक्ति | परमपुरुष के सम्बन्ध में सोचने के बाद, सुनने के बाद, भावना लेने के बाद, जब मन में रङ्ग लग गया, उसको कहेंगे—अनुरक्ति | रक्ति माने 'रङ्ग लगना' | 'अनु' माने 'पश्चात' | तो, परमपुरुष के नाम गान, परमपुरुष के कीर्त्तन, परमपुरुष के सम्बन्धीय भाव-भावना, परमपुरुष की गुण-कथा सुनने के बाद जब मन में रङ्ग लग जाता है, उसको कहेंगे, ओकरा कहय छिय—अनुरक्ति | 'सा परानुरक्तिरीश्वरे'—यह अनुरक्ति अगर सीमित वस्तु के प्रति हो, किसी भी चीज़, किसी भी वस्तु के सम्बन्ध में हो तो 'अनुरक्ति' कहेंगे | किन्तु यह अनुरक्ति, अगर परमपुरुष के लिए हो तब कहेंगे—परानुरक्ति | और, और किसी चीज़ के लिए हो, तो कहेंगे—अपरानुरक्ति | तो, भक्ति क्या है ? न, परानुरक्ति |” [EGD 3 February 1987 Bhagalpur]

What is ka’ma, prema, a’sakti, bhakti?

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When this attraction is for any non-integral entity, or for any small entity this is called káma. When that attraction is for that integral entity, and the integral entity is only one and that one is Parama Puruśa – it is called Prema. When the attraction is for the non-integral entity, for money, for family, for land, it is called Káma; when it is for integral entity it is called Prema and the mental tendency during Káma i.e., the mental tendency during attraction for a non-integral entity is called Ásakti in Samskrta and the mental tendency during attraction for that Integral Entity is called Bhakti. Do you follow?" (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When the Esana is not for Paramatman but for something else, it is known as Asakti (Attachment) and not Bhakti. As for example, the Esana for wine. This Esana will be termed as Panasakti, the attachment for wine i.e. attachment is always in bad sense and devotion is always supreme. Therefore the correct Esana is devotion." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "When the unit self is associated with the cosmic it is called “bhakti” or “devotion”, but when it is associated with the mundane it is called “attachment”. You must withdraw your mental propensities from all external objects – no matter what they might be – and channelize them only towards Parama Puruśa. Only when you direct them towards Him, can it be called bhakti. If you allow your mind to become fascinated by any other object, it is called “ásakti” or “attachment”. When your only desire is for Iishvara, it is called “Iishvara-bhakti”, but when that attachment is for wine, for example, it is called ásakti for wine. An attachment for any object other than Parama Puruśa is called “ásakti”." (3)

Real bhakta

Ananda Marga ideology states,  "When one’s psychic attraction is toward the crude, the mind has a downward tendency, which leads to one’s eventual downfall. But when the mind moves upward it is called anurakti [attraction for the Great]. The consummation of this attraction is devotion." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states,  "Anurakti is of two kinds. The anurakti for the Supreme Brahma or Infinite Cosmic Consciousness is para'nurakti. The anurakti for Brahma under the sway of prakrti or the anurakti for the crude manifestations is termed apara'nurakti. God is an object for para'nurakti. When the aspirant considers the Supreme Brahma to be his own, it is termed bhajana' or bhakti." (5)

You should remember why you have been born.

Ananda Marga ideology states,  "Devotion enables spiritual aspirants to attain the pinnacled goal of their lives. It is this devotion that human beings have been seeking since time immemorial. When they finally attain the Guru and get initiation, then they begin to walk on this path of devotion. And those who have started on this path realize that they are sure to reach their destination, that to reach their goal is the sole reason for their birth. You should remember why you have been born. Following the path of devotion, you will have to ultimately reach Parama Purus'a. This is the pinnacled point, the supreme point of human glory. You should always remember this, during your lifetime and even after your death." (6)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Stance of Salvation and How to Attain It
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 20, Astitva and Shivatva
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
4. Ananda Philosophy in a Nutshell - 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet
5. Ananda Marga Ideology in a Nutshell - 2, Bhaktitattva
6. Yoga Psychology, The Cult of Spirituality – the Cult of Pinnacled Order

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Auspicious holy occasion 

“Janma dine ei shubha kśańe,práń bhará apár ánande…” (Prabhat Samgiita #0135)


Baba, on this auspicious holy occasion of Your birthday, Ananda Purnima, by Your divine grace my heart is overflowing with infinite bliss. My mind is full of love. It sways in new colours and aromas; Your divine advent vibrates each and every pore and cell of this entire universe. With Your holy arrival, the entire atmosphere has become completely charged with spiritual bliss.. 

Baba, everyone is completely charmed by Your divine attraction; all are ensconced in spiritual ecstasy and lost in jubilation; the entire is population is floating in cosmic bliss. By Your grace my heart is saturated by Your exquisite presence; I am overjoyed in getting You. All are dancing in Your divine rhythm.

O' Parama Purusa, Your supreme presence has transformed every person. You have graciously come and with Your love You are keeping us all close to You. You have granted us shelter in You. Baba, You are the effulgence of light; You are in the bliss of all.

Baba, on this auspicious day, my only request is that You please remain eternally in my heart. I offer everything at Your altar…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Capitalism & priesthood: in bed together

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In ancient times powerful rájas and mahárájas used to perform yajiṋas or sacrifices to declare that they were heroes, but this was also a form of exploitation. They erected many temples to hide their ill-deeds, not out of devotional spirit. There was an unholy alliance between physical exploiters and intellectual exploiters. Intellectuals have praised these rájas and mahárájas in all ages. Another form of exploitation is the priesthood. Capitalism will never go against the priesthood nor will priests go against capitalism. In order to create inferiority complexes in the minds of the people, intellectuals have composed many stories and myths. These stories are illogical and concocted to exploit the sentiments of the common mass. One glaring instance is the following verse composed by satanic opportunists.”
Bráhmańásya mukhamásiit váhurájano’bhavat
Madhya tadasya yad vaeshyahpadbhyaḿ shudrojáyata.
“Brahmins came out of the mouth, Kśatriyas were born out of the arms,
Vaeshyas came out of the trunk of the body, and Shúdras were born out of the legs.”
“In the capitalist structure, industry or production is governed by the profit motive, but in the Proutistic structure production will be governed by the motive of consumption.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Gender inequality in Islam

Prout philosophy states, “The second inviolable principle is that people should not be forcibly converted from one religion to another. People will not leave a religion if it is able to guide them properly on the path of Dharma….”

“Hinduism will degenerate and people will convert to other religions as long as the caste system exists in the Hindu religion. If Hinduism continues to degenerate, the progress of Indian society will be retarded because Hindus are the majority community in India. Moreover, if there are continued conversions to Islam, women will become second grade citizens, because they are not given equal status with men in Islam. Consequently, there will be further degeneration. Thus, nobody should be forcibly converted from one religion to another.”

“All religions should be established on a strong foundation of logic and reason, then such things will not occur. If people are forced to violate the teachings of their religion, they should not be excommunicated. Even if people knowingly contravene a religious code without compulsion, they should have ample scope to rectify their behaviour. A religion should not be like a glass container which breaks with a light tap.”

1. Prout in a Nutshell-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles

== Section: Important Teaching ==

How to bring revolution in AMPS - indirect hint

The following is a revolutionary tale from Baba’s story book:
“O prince ! Now there is no way to recede or retreat. Now we will have to fight with him face to face. Don’t worry at all. We four will create a stir among the young people 14 and they will help you in large numbers. Though the demons are powerful, they are very few in number. If human beings have a proper understanding of their rights, and unitedly stand to establish these rights, all the strength of the demons will disappear just like a piece of straw before a current!”

The four friends of the prince then set out on their respective duties. They sent the message of a famous poet of the Kingdom of Light to all the young people of that country. “Awake, brothers and sisters! Today you will have to awake and stand up against the tyranny of the demons! You will have to stand unitedly to fight against them. The hollow message of peace is meaningless today. As long as the demons are alive, the message of peace is sweet to hear, but is of no use to the society.

“The forces of destruction are spreading venom in all directions. The sweet gospels of peace have been reduced to mockery. Before I depart I send my clarion call to those who have been preparing themselves, in every home, for the battle against the demons.

“The huge wastes of the villains will never add any glorious chapter to human history.”

Young people joined the struggle in large numbers. They said, “We have promised our everything to bring an end to the reign of the demons. We have borne tyranny for a long time – but no more! Wearing ragged clothes we have supplied the commodities of enjoyment for the demons – but no more. We want to lead a life worth living. All the wealth of this universe is the common property of all living beings. We won’t tolerate deception any longer! We want food, clothes, shelter, medicine and education. We want to lead an honourable life.”

The prince said, “These are the very words I wanted to hear from you. We want the end of the Demonic Rule. But before discharging the final blow, the opponent party should be given a chance to amend itself; that’s why we want to give the Strange Demon a chance.” (1)
1. The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea

== Section: Hindi Quote==

विश्वब्रह्माण्ड की मौत?

“कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि—"उत्ताप की कमी के कारण विश्वब्रह्माण्ड की मौत हो जाएगी", जिसे अंग्रेज़ी में "thermal death" कहते हैं | ऐसा सोचना भी अनुचित है | हाँ, विश्वब्रह्माण्ड के एक विशेष भग्नांश में, किसी ग्रह या उपग्रह में, तापगत मृत्यु हो सकती है; होगी भी | तो विश्वब्रह्माण्ड में कहीं भी अगर यह thermal death हुई, तो मनुष्य के लिए, जीवों के लिए घबड़ाने की कोई बात नहीं है | उस दशा में वे और-ग्रहों में, और-उपग्रहों में, लोग पहुँच जाएँगे, लोग चले जाएँगे | परमात्मा की कृपा से मनुष्य को काफ़ी बुद्धि मिली है | उसी बुद्धि से वे विशेष यान के द्वारा निरापद जगह तक पहुँच जाएँगे |”

[यह प्रवचन-अंश, बाबा के कैसेट से सीधे लिखा गया है । बाबा का यह असली प्रवचन, अमृतोपदेश है। आनन्दमार्ग हिन्दी पुस्तकों में छपे प्रवचन तो नक़ली प्रवचन हैं, असली नहीं हैं -- बंगालीकरण (बँगलाइजेसन) के तहत उनकी बर्बादी की गई] [अप्रकाशित, हिन्दी, MGD, September 4, 1978 Patna]

== Section: Bangla Quote ==

অত্যন্ত প্রিয়

“যে জিনিসটা খুৰ ৰেশী খেলে, পেটেতে অন্ত্রে ছোট-ছোট ছিদ্র হয়ে যায় | অর্থাৎ সে রকমের জিনিসকে ৰলৰ ৰিল্ব |  আৰার ওই ৰিল্বই যদি কাঁচা অবস্থায় পুড়িয়ে, তাকে শর্ৰত করে, মোরব্বা করে খাওয়া যায়, তা পেটের সে ঔষধ | তা ৰিল্ব শব্দের এই মানে | যখন ৰেলের প্রভাব ৰেড়ে গেল, তন্ত্রের প্রভাব ৰেড়ে গেল, তখন ৰলা হ’ল যে এই ৰেল শিবের অত্যন্ত প্রিয় | অয়ত্নে বনে ৰাগাড়ে  জন্মায়, তাই ৰেলের তখন ভাল করে নাম রাখা হ’ল, শ্রীফল |” (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 18-7

== Section: Ananda Vanii ==

Dawn of a glorious new era

“Human civilization now faces the final moment of a critical juncture. The dawn of a glorious new era is on its one side and the worn-out skeleton of the past on the other. People have to adopt either of these two. You are the spiritual soldiers, you are the worshippers of Life Divine, hence I call upon you to adorn this crimson dawn deluged with glorious light. Victory is surely yours.” (Ananda Vanii #26)

Note 1: True Ananda Vaniis have a number whereas Fake Ananda Vaniis do not - just as a fake car license plate has no number. By this way, you can easily recognise a Fake Ananda Vanii.

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0135: Auspicious holy occasion
2. Posting: Phony bhakti
3. IT: Capitalism & priesthood: in bed together
4. Links