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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sad about AMPS? + 3 more

Sad about AMPS?


Ananda Marga ideology states, “You all know that every movement in this world is systaltic. That is, speed followed by pause, pause followed by speed, just like the movement of an earthworm.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Pause is only a temporary state of inertness. Full expression of action occurs only after attaining momentum for movement from the state of inertness. No action is possible without momentum attained from the state of inertness, and thus every action (roughly, it is also called movement) must be systaltic, or pulsative, by nature.” (2)

Those who do not know about or do not study social movements think that AMPS is in a state of disarray; but, that is not the case. At present, our AMPS is standing on the threshold of a great period of expansion and speed. Baba talks at length about this in His discourse, “Dynamicity and Staticity.”

Knowing Guru's guideline, one can recognise that our AMPS is currently in a period of pause where we are assimilating His divine teachings. And it is this key period of pause that leads to the next period of speed, advancement.

How pause is phase of rejuvenation

So in this present period of pause, tremendous preparation is going on. Because now is the time when there is scope to practice, review, and study dharmic ideals. Now our progress is occurring internally where we struggle and learn Ananda Marga ideology - and aim to implement it in our own organisation. So we are in a period of pause, gearing up and preparing for the next great period of speed.

Pause is needed in life. Each night we take rest - it is a time for the body to repair and rejuvenate the cells - and get ready for the next day, i.e. a period of speed wherein we execute many works. Likewise, in AMPS, now we are in a period of pause where all kinds of inner preparation is going on, whereby we may then enter into a period of speed and the rapid progress of AMPS projects.

Since 1990, in this period of pause, preparation is underway where we are internally assimilating Guru's teachings through trial and error, study, and reflection. In recognising this, we can see how our AMPS is in prime position to move ahead with rapid speed in the near future.

>From 1971 - 1977, during the Emergency period (i.e. martial law) when margiis were harassed and victimized and faced so much opposition by a demon in human form, that extremely difficult and tumultuous period was also a period of pause. That led to much inner preparation by sadhakas. It looked like everything was falling apart and so many left AMPS, yet the substantive quality of those Ananda Margiis who remained increased exponentially. Each and every sadhaka was forced to look within and brave the arduous conditions without. That was a period of pause which ended in March 1977. And it readied us for the next period of speed: Tremendous progress happened during 1977-1990.

Assimilating Baba's divine guidelines

Since 1990 when things have been noticeably slower - we have had time and opportunity to internalize Baba's teachings. Today, philosophical review and pointed analysis is going on; people are reviewing Baba's discourses. Ananda Margiis all over the earth are discussing Ananda Marga ideology and doing sadhana to better understand it. Each and every day, we are forced to address issues of groupism, neo-humanism, the inculcation of dogma, etc. We have been pressured to think about what is what, and where Ananda Marga teachings lie.

In the past, around 1990, we mostly thought that we understood Ananda Marga ideology. We naively thought we were ready to deliver it to the world. With that attitude it was not possible to truly learn what Baba's teachings were about. Now, however, we have come to realise that we have to practise more: Many among us - margiis, wts, purodhas - were not above groupism and dogmas. Rather we see some are degraded fellows, i.e. demons in human form. And in that struggle to overcome this, by His grace, all have learned a lot. That is what this period of pause has been about - i.e. preparation for the next phase of rooting out demons from AMPS. Before we were thinking that those in the top posts were sadvipras, but the reality was something else. And now we understand that greatness is achieved by sadhana, service, and sacrifice, not by securing the top posts. These days the top posts are held by demons.

Pause is the period of preparation for the future

Now when all sadhakas are assimilating Guru's teachings during this period of pause, we should understand that we are getting ready for the next great period of speed, i.e. external expansion.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Pause means the gathering of momentum for speed in the subsequent phase. If one closely watches the effect of speed on a particular community or the entire humanity, one sees that generally people eulogize the period of speed. However we cannot afford to ignore the state of pause, because by judging what the previous state of pause was like, we can discern the speed of the next phase." (3)

So this pause period does not mean frustration, rather tremendous inner progress is going on as we are preparing to move forward in a dynamic new direction.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There are some people who are pessimistic. They say that the society around us is very bleak, that it has no expression of vitality and that is seems that everyone is in deep slumber. Pessimists say this because they have never made any detailed study of human history, nor do they care to. Had they done so, they would certainly be optimistic, because if they had looked carefully at the symptoms of pause, they would have realised that significant preparations were being made for the subsequent phase of speed. So under no circumstances should human beings be pessimistic. That is why I am always an incorrigible optimist, because I know that optimism is life." (4)

So it is an essential phase of pause to prepare for that upcoming era of speed,==and establish ideal human society, after defeating anti social elements. Our future is bright.


   Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the society, on the one hand we see the hoards of antisocial elements, and on the other hand we feel a sense of frustration among the moralists. These moralists have therefore developed a tendency to go out of the society. With more wealth and strength, the antisocial elements are in an advantageous position, and the moralists appear to be the culprits. This state of affairs is neither desirable nor behooving, and it should not be allowed to continue.”
   “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.”
   “So your duty is three-fold. Your first duty is to observe morality and to do intuitional practices. Without this you cannot have mental determination. Your next duty is to unite the moralists of the world, otherwise Dharma will not endure. The exploited mass who do not observe Yama and Niyama – the cardinal moral principles – cannot fight against their own sense of frustration. It is therefore necessary to unite the moralists.” (5)

Our future is bright.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

They have no manliness: begging for reputation

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “According to our philosophy, when consciousness arises in individual life then a person begins to move in accordance with certain instructions, certain guidance. In collective life as well, when this stage comes, those who are well advanced, who understand better, who are more courageous, more firmly established in morality, who are truly righteous, they have to take the lead, to assume the mantle of leadership. In such times those who worry about what others will say or think, or worry about being criticized, and due to this fear hide behind closed doors thinking that if they take action their good name will be tarnished, such people are not true human beings. They are beggars, begging for reputation. They have no manliness; they have lost the courage to move ahead. At that time those who come forward and say – “Let’s go. I’m with you. If trouble comes, let it come. I’ll take it on my shoulders” – such people I have given the name sadvipra.” (6)

There is no reason to be afraid

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “This is the way it has been and the way it will always be. However, in collective life at the critical juncture between one great age and another, in this transitional stage of great change, when it becomes impossible for the common man or even ordinary sadvipras to take up the leadership, then Parama Puruśa through His special grace arranges that leadership. At this time on the earth humanity is witnessing such a yuga sandhi. On one side there is the rubbish heap of the past and people are clinging to that rubbish heap because they have not yet been shown the way out. And on the other side, there is the call of the new. Under such conditions what will that Mahásambhúti do who gave guidance to the human race in the past? With courage he will call to human beings and declare: “Give up the rubbish of the past. It can only harm you and lead you to your death. Move ahead. Answer the call of the new. I am with you. There is no reason to be afraid.” (7)

History pre-1990

After 1977, a grand new pathway of speed occurred. Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha spread everywhere. That is the way things were rolling up to 1990. Actually up to 1990, we had been building our AMPS so rapidly by carrying out Baba's plans and programs, and during reportings He was purifying us internally. At the same time, because 1977 - 90 was a period of speed, there was less scope for assimilation. Things were busy: One project or program was being introduced after another in rapid succession. Baba was literally mapping and unveiling an incredible number of programs that would serve as a blueprint for the generations to come.

Things were happening so fast most could not understand the situation for what it was. There was less time for philosophical study and less opportunity for assimilation. Rather programs were introduced quickly and briefly as Baba had many things to show us in an extremely limited period of time. That was a period of speed - of huge progress and execution. And as we can now easily see, that speed from 1977 - 1990 did not arise out of a vacuum. Rather it came after a period of pause.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Everything moves and that movement is of systaltic nature. Wherever there is any movement there is pulsation. Without pulsation there cannot be any movement. And this pulsation, that is movement through speed and pause, is an essential factor for each and every animate or inanimate object. Wherever there is existential factor there must be this pulsation. An entity acquires strength and stamina, during the pause phase, and emanates vibration during the speed period. There cannot however, be any absolute speed or absolute pause in the created world.” (8)

>From 1977 to 1990 onwards, AMPS was in a grand phase of tremendous speed. So many plans and programs were introduced and countless projects were established. Verily in that pre-1990 era, there was great speed with the establishment of so many plans and programs all around the world. That period of speed brought huge progress. Indeed, 1977 - 1990 was a period of unprecedented gains as AMPS grew exponentially, that came after the period of pause, from 1971 - 1977.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, The Four Stages of Human Progress
2. Human Society - 2, The Kśatriya Age
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Dynamicity and Staticity
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Dynamicity and Staticity
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, “Your Mission”
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 9, The Significance of The Word “Yuga”
8. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, The Path of Salvation

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Sadguru’s reporting

PS Intro: In this song Sadguru is questioning His disciples like in dharma samiiksa.

"Keno base ácho káj ki serecho, hisáb nikásh tár deve ki ámáy..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2182)


Here Sadguru asks His disciple:

O’ disciple, why are you just sitting idle and wasting your time and not engaging in sadhana, service, and sacrifice? Have you finished the work which I have allotted to you? Will you give Me a review of what you type of service you did and how you helped the suffering humans, animals, plants, flora, and fauna and done intense sadhana for atmamoksartham? Tell Me the report of how many good deeds you have done? And tell Me how many bad things you have done like not following Sixteen Points, indulging in fissiparous tendencies, wallowing  in groupism, and indulging in lowly thinking? Give Me the account and balance sheet of your life. Are you in loss or gain? Have you reached closer to Parama Purusa or has your radius increased due to committing bad deeds. How much bhakti have you earned, how many of your samskaras have you exhausted, and how much remains. In the balance of all this, is there something positive or negative. Proved Me with a clear account.

O’ disciple, from the dawn of your life, time passed now the sunset has come. Since long you have been on this earth and Parama Purusa has showered enormous grace on you for your physical, psychic, and spiritual welfare. Your innumerable inhalations and exhalations have since gone in vain. Have you used your cycle of respirations for your half-sadhana and mantra japa. In each and every breath, you were given the chance to practice bhagavad dharma. And now the pitch dark night is going to fall; death is at your doorstep. In this crucial hour, give Me the account of how you spent your time from the dawn of your life up till now. Is your balance in virtue?

O’ disciple, in the dawn of your life, you spoiled your time in child's play; and after that you wasted your time in acquiring dry knowledge; and then you were engaged in earning your livelihood. Your whole life passed in idle extravaganza. Thus far you have wasted your entire life. And in your old age you are misusing your time counting the stars. Now you tell Me, what is on your mind. What is it you want to do. Human life is valuable. Drifting through life like an animal by just eating, drinking, and sleeping is not worthwhile. O' My disciple, whatever little time is left, you must utilise in the practise of bhagavat dharma and singing Hari kiirtana.

Engage in intense sadhana...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #2182

Your lot will be only a profound sigh – of futility & frustration

Ananda Marga Ideology states, "The worship of Brahma should be done scrupulously, or else you will later regret and bemoan the futility of your life with the last drop of your tears at your last hour. You should make your life worthwhile through your Sádhaná. How much can your worldly friends and relations do for you? After your death your relatives may perhaps ask, “How much money has he left behind?” Your friends may go to the crematorium and indulge in flattering reminiscences about you. Your husband or wife may cry for you for about ten or twelve days and then regain their normal composure. Your lot will be only a profound sigh – a record of the futility and frustration of your life. So do not waste your time lest you later have to repent.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Really, patriotism is great?

Prout philosophy states, “It has become fashionable today to cry out for nationalism. In fact, nationalism is also a psychic ailment. The supreme broadness lies with the Supreme Self. The broadness of an individual depends on his or her angle of vision – as the angle of vision becomes smaller and smaller, he or she gets more and more mean-minded. Those who think that casteism is worse than nationalism are incorrect. The total population of Brahmins in India is approximately 20 million people and the Malayan population is near 4.5 million. The angle of vision of a Brahmin is bigger than a Malayan nationalist. Persia has a population of 15 million people and Australia has a total population of 7.5 million. The continentalism of Australia is worse than the nationalism of Persia. An Indian nationalist is more mean-minded than a Chinese nationalist. Thus it is universalism and universalism alone that deserves support. In fact universalism is no ism, for it is all-pervading and does not favour any group or party interest. The mental projection of a universalist does not know any narrowness. Universalism is the only panacea for all mundane and supramundane ailments. Therefore, a Proutist is necessarily a universalist.” (1)

Note: Everyone knows that nationalism and patriotism are the same thing.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Cannot “save” females by repressing them

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Those who want to keep their daughters away from the “infection of modernity”, and so are reluctant to send them to schools and colleges, perhaps do not realize that modernism had already entered into the privacy of their households quite a long time ago without their knowledge. So their efforts to save their daughters as well as themselves by hanging window curtains or by covering their daughters with veils are entirely farcical. The trend of the age is irrepressible, for in this too there is dynamism. It is the duty of the wise to channelize it to the path of benevolence by applying their own wisdom to the task. To thwart the spirit of the age is beyond the power of any individual or any collective force. That dynamic spirit of the age – that Zeitgeist – speeds ahead unabated with all force, throwing down anyone who tries to stand and thwart it, and that floored, sprawling creature with imbecilic and glum eyes keeps staring vacantly at progress.” (1)

1. Human Society - 1, Social Justice

== Section 4: Links ==
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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #2182: Sadguru's reporting
2. Posting: Sad about AMPS?
3. IT: Really, patriotism is great?
4. Links