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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Animals foresee + 3 more


Animals foresee


People often think that animals are lowly and neglected beings but that is not true. Indeed, as Baba points out, animals are far more aware about naturally occurring phenomena than human beings. On this point, animals are highly instinctual and keenly aware of their surroundings, always surveying the scene. They can forecast and predict a wide array of storms and natural calamities.

Certain animals have capacity to detect earthquakes

In His discourses, Baba indicates how humans also used to have such abilities, but now with the onset of modernity and a comfort-oriented lifestyle, humans have lost this skill. So now modern people are entirely dependent upon science to forecast the weather etc. But as developed as science is, scientists (meteorologists and seismologists) are often in the dark about earthquakes. They are unable to predict when and where an earthquake might occur.

In stark contrast, various animals like dogs and owls have this unique gift—as do elephants.

That's why when an earthquake strikes in their locale, many dogs reportedly start behaving abnormally. They become restless, walk around whimpering, and go in and out of their house constantly. The dogs know about the impending disaster that is about to strike. Not only that, if a zoo is in the region of an impending earthquake, many of the animals start behaving dramatically different—making all kinds of noises to alert others and prepare themselves, as they know what is about to happen.

In contrast, modern scientists do not have a clue that an earthquake is about to occur. But the dogs know. Those who understand why the dogs are upset are able to help themselves and others also.

Humans have lost that power through misuse & lack of necessity

Here following Baba explains why we humans beings have lost certain of our innate and instinctive abilities.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "A crow has a natural premonitive instinct regarding storms. An owl and to some extent a dog can sense beforehand the possible occurrence of an earthquake or some other unforeseen natural calamity of great magnitude. Such power of apprehending phenomenal vibrations exists not in ten or twenty but in innumerable species of birds. Such a power is indeed of paramount necessity in their rigorous struggle for survival. Such a power did exist, too, to some extent, among the prehistoric people. But today, in this age of so-called civilization, human beings, having become extremely ease-loving, have lost that power through misuse and lack of necessity; just as their tails, their ability to move their ears and their capacity to hold things with their feet have disappeared. Now the hairiness of their bodies and the strength of their teeth and nails are also becoming extinct. The greater the pre-occupation of creatures with the struggle for existence, the necessarily greater must be their power of premonition or prescience of impending danger, or else their existence will be effaced from the surface of the earth—this is the law of nature." (1)

Animals can detect hidden things with their sense of smell

In all kinds of security situations—in airports, police operations, and drug busts—animals, especially dogs, are used to detect illegal narcotics and other substances. With their ultra keen sense of smell, animals can identify all kinds of things. Tigers are known to be able to identify natural phenomena from far, far away.

There are numerous ways in which animals are trained and harnessed to help humans. Seeing-eye dogs guide the blind around city streets; other dogs are trained to detect an impending epilepsy attack and can keep those patients safe; and there are a plethora of ways that guide dogs are used to improve the quality of life of those humans who need special support.

Narrow-minded vision of certain human groups

Unfortunately, there are many who look upon animals in a very limited manner.

For instance, the three Semitic religions do not believe that animals have a soul nor that animals have a mind. They just think animals are essentially inert and cannot feel pain; they have just been put on this earth for human pleasure and satisfaction. Their basic motto is, "We are justified in how we treat animals", and in result huge numbers of animals are ruthlessly slaughtered and butchered.

Then there are various animal and eco groups that seem to be pro-animal rights organisations. They may be raising money to save the pandas or restore the natural habitat of tigers etc. Yet they themselves may eat animals or even hunt for sport. Or maybe they go on fishing trips with friends etc. So they too suffer from a very limited and selfish viewpoint.

As Ananda Margiis, we know that we are to watch for the welfare of animals in all respects so that they may lead happy, healthy lives. And our each and every action should support that end. That means our diet and dealing fully supports the wellbeing of all animals. In our neo-humanistic outlook, we respect the existential value of each and every animal. They all have their inherent right to live.

No other organisation has that type of ideal—neither animal rights groups nor eco groups etc. This is unique to Baba's teachings of neo-humanism and the path of Ananda Marga. We should bring all unto the way of universal welfare.

Developed animals should be taught sadhana

Furthermore, we look upon animals as sentient beings that ultimately are also seeking Parama Purusa. Thus in addition to their many natural, instinctive qualities, they can also be brought onto the spiritual path.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "People may reduce the radius by constantly moving around, but they will not be able to achieve oneness if His krpá is not available. When it is available, a person will merge in Amrta Puruśa. This is the ultimate aim of all animals, plants, or anything which has a life." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Animals also are marching ahead to know that Supreme Entity. So it is our duty to make the way, to pave the way, in order for everyone to come on this path." (3)

And in other discourses, Baba explicitly states that more developed animals like monkeys, cows, and dogs can be taught sadhana.

We should rely upon animals to guide us about when and where natural disasters will strike. While dogs know about earthquakes, crows know about cyclones. Similarly there are numerous animals that are acutely aware about impending storms and natural disasters.

In Him,

Chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, dogs

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Monkeys, or, say, dogs, when they get proper training, slowly become psychic and not physical. An ordinary dog is a physical being, but a trained dog is more psychic than physical. It comes nearer to man. It maintains a closer proximity to human existence. Developed monkeys, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, dogs – many animals of the canine group, but not of the bovine group – they are less developed – when those animals, a bit developed animals, get proper training, they do something extraordinary." (4)

And at the same time, we should be keenly aware that animals too can be goaded towards the Supreme.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Vibration, Form and Colour
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Ultimate Aim of All
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Dharma Sadhana
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, From the Physical Stratum to the Apex

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I have heard endless stories

"Anek shuniá anek bháviá,tomákei bhálobesechi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1041)


O’ Parama Purusa, Your tales are infinite. From the mouths of bhaktas I have heard endless, heart-touching stories how You have showered Your boundless love and compassion. As soon as I came to know-- all those recollections, I fell in love with only You and began to contemplate Your grandeur and glory, over and over again, and realised that You are inseparably linked with my entire existence. You are my most intimate One. In hopes of finding You, I have searched in each and every town and village, by the rivers and the oceans, in the hills and the valleys, in the mountains and the caves. I have sought You in the sky and earth, even in pa'ta'la - everywhere. By Your grace in the end You made me realise that You alone are priceless jewel sitting in my heart forever.

O’ Parama Purusa, I do not have any explanation for why I have fallen in love with You. All I can say is that it is solely Your krpa. Prema knows no logic or reasoning. All I can mention is that that You drew me near. O' Supreme One, I do not love You in order to get mukti. I am not an A-grade bhakta so I love You to get bliss. This is the essence that I have come to realise in this stage of divine love. Although this is a lower stage of bhakti, this is the desire of my life: To love You so I may live blissfully.

Baba, with whatever capacity I have I will execute the tasks which You have given me. I will go on doing Your work and following Your order, expending every ounce of energy to satisfy You. At the same time I will always remember that parabhakti is the highest level of spirituality; that is the greatest attainment in this universe. It is paramount; nothing is equal to parabhakti. If one is blessed with parabhakti they have received everything. In that pinpointed stage, the bhakta thinks, “I will love You to please You alone.” There is not an iota of selfishness to get bliss from sadhana. Rather one’s singular desire is to give You bliss. That is the ultimate treasure I realised, by Your grace...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #1041:

Those on the path of sadhana are all bhaktas of various gradations, from the lowest to the highest.
  • The lowest, i.e. D-grade sadhakas, do sadhana to harm their enemies. They request the Lord to kill others.
  • C-grade bhaktas do not want to hurt anyone, rather they have a strong penchant for mundane gains. They request God to grant them power, post, and worldly riches. That is why they do sadhana.
  • B-grade sadhakas do spiritual practices to remove their psychic tension and gain peace, tranquility, and bliss. They want to derive pleasure from the Lord. These are their selfish reasons and inner motives for doing sadhana.
  • A-grade or top grade sadhakas only want to make Parama Purusa happy and give Him bliss. Whatever small or big work they do in their life is done for the sole purpose of pleasing their Ista. They harbour no other desire. With this A-grade bhakti, in due course, the sadhaka becomes one with Parama Purusa.
By this mundane example it will be clear.  For instance, due to attachment to an infant the mother of a young baby takes on all sorts of troubles in order to make the infant happy. Those mothers have no other desire.

On the path of enlightenment all these aforesaid stages come, step by step. In the highest state one feels the sole yearning to please Parama Purusa. By knowing these grades of bhakti, one can understand how far along they are on the path.

[1] Mukti: (Literally means 'liberation'). Just as the sadhaka in the above song is not doing sadhana to get mukti, similarly, in the below discourse  Ananda Marga ideological teachings guide us that one should not do sadhana to get mukti.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "While surrendering oneself at the altar of the Supreme, what is one to do? One must not ask for anything from Parama Purus'a. [For example,] for a bhakta, mukti has got no importance. A bhakta wants Parama Purus'a, and nothing from Him, not even mukti. Suppose Parama Purus'a says, 'O devotee, what do you want?' - his reply is, 'I want You'. One must not say, 'I want mukti', because suppose one says, 'I want mukti', one may get mukti, but one may not get Parama Purus´a. Which is more valuable - mukti or Parama Purus'a? Parama Purus'a!" (1)

So this is a good teaching: A sadhaka should not ask for anything, not even mukti. Even then some do sadhana for mukti; but in the above Prabhat Samgiita as well as in the above quotation, Ananda Marga ideology is instructing us that one should not do sadhana to get mukti. One should do sadhana so that one may please Him.

[2] A'nanda deva'r l'a'gi: (Literally means 'to give bliss'). The last stanza of this song describes the stance of ragatmika bhakti where one does sadhana to please Him-- to give Him bliss. That is the culmination of all bhakti.

Ananda Marga ideology  says, "The ra'ga'tmika' bhakta says: 'I love Parama Purus'a because I want to give Him a'nandam. I don't care whether or not I get a'nandam. My only desire is to give Him joy through my love. I shall perform, even at the cost of profuse sweat and difficulty, only those noble deeds which will give Him joy. I am ready to undergo any amount of pain and suffering to give Him joy." (2)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, 'Bhakti, Mukti and Parama Purusa'
2. Namami Krsnasundaram: Disc 25

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Prout: how to resolve disputed lands

Prout philosophy guides us, “While PROUT advocates that all people have the right to settle anywhere in the universe, it may be questioned whether the Chinese infiltration of Tibet can be supported on this ground. The reply is definitely “no” because this is an intentional infiltration – it is an expansionist move.”

“Similarly should one support Nepalese expansion in the eastern states of Sikkim and Bhutan? If we trace back through history we find that the Nepalese migrated from Nepal because of famine and for no other reason. Hence, this migration should not be criticized. However, recently a few persons have started a “Maha Nepal” movement. The propagandists of Maha Nepal are neither the friends of Nepal nor of India. The reaction to this movement will go against the interests of Nepalese settlers. By using the same logic as these protagonists India may also claim the Bhojpuri, Maithili and Bengali speaking areas of Nepal Terai. But such a situation would certainly be undesirable.”

“The case of the Jews who expanded into Palestine is similar. Palestine originally belonged to the Jews and the Arabs drove them out.”

“Likewise, the Pakistan infiltration into India cannot be treated as a justified move. The planned way in which this infiltration is going on indicates that it is motivated by expansionism.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

सब कोई मेरे अपने हैं, सब कोई मेरे घर के हैं।

प्रभात संगीत 2945 सबारे कोरि आह्वान, सबाई आमार प्राण....


सब को जोर से पुकार कर कह रहा हॅूं ... सुनिये!सुनिये !सुनिये! सब कोई मेरे अपने हैं, सब कोई मेरे घर के हैं।, हर आदमी मेरे प्राण  के सामान प्यारे हैं। हम एक ही स्वर में गीत गाकर अपने लक्ष्य परम पुरुष की ओेर बढ़ रहे हैं।

हमें देखना है कि कोई भी पीछेे न छूट जाए । हम सावधानी पूर्वक नज़र रखेंगे  कि कोई भी हमारे समाज में दबा कुचला या वहिष्कृत होकर दुःख से न रोए । हम सब एक साथ, जीवन में आगे बढ़ने का गीत, एक स्वर और एक ही लय में गा रहे हैं ।

मानव मानव में कोई भेदभाव नहीं है। सब की इच्छायें, चाह और आशायें एक समान हैं।  हम सब एक परमपुरुष के महान आदर्श से प्रेरित होकर, एक रमपुरुष के रास्ते पर चल रहे हैं जो हमें महानता की ओर ले जायेगा। (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Animals foresee
2. PS #1041: I have heard endless stories
3. IT: Prout: how to resolve disputed lands
4. Links