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Sunday, June 18, 2023

Child & upava’sa + 3 more

Child & upava’sa


Sixteen Points is an essential element in the life of every true sadhaka, and as parents we aim to properly guide our children as well. For instance, we introduce a sentient diet to our children from the time of their birth. 

Sadguru Baba says, "In the case of children under five, milk, fruits and roots should be their main food. The less starches, carbohydrates and fatty foods the better, because such foods weaken the undeveloped liver and digestive organs of children. Under no circumstances should children under five years be fed non-vegetarian food. From that age on, starches, carbohydrates and fatty foods may be given in gradually increasing amounts. But fruits and roots and all kinds of alkaline food are always the best diet for children." (Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Emaciation)

In His above teaching, Baba is very clear what foods to feed children at their various stages of development. And verily we are to introduce all of Baba dharmic teachings to our children at the appropriate time.

When to start sadhana

Here below Baba guides us as to when and how children should start their practice of meditation. 

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "When children are five years old and attain some awareness, the parents, brothers, sisters or any guardian may initiate them in Náma Mantra [the preliminary process of meditation]....After this, at the age of twelve, the child should take initiation from an ácárya/á in Sádhárańa Yoga, and at sixteen or afterwards, they should take initiation in Sahaja Yoga from the ácárya/á." (Caryacarya I, The Process of Initiation")

Here again, Baba has given explicit instructions on how we are to introduce our children to the practice of dharma sadhana, and at what juncture in their lives. And we should be adamant to bring our children along on all aspects of Sixteen Points, including the practice of fasting. 

And, Baba has given all the teachings of dharmic life both on the individual and collective spheres.

Overcoming the vrttis

As we know, one of the main challenges in human life is overcoming the degrading tendencies of various vrttis.  

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Those who do the sádhaná of desire, who knowingly direct their propensities (vrttis) towards external objects become crude. Because they fail to utilize the rein of their mind to keep the organs under control, their minds gradually become crudified.” (Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 5, Matter and Spirit)

And those vrttis surge with one's hormonal development. This is especially the case in adolescence. So in this period the vrttis are strongly pulling the mind in a debased direction.

Two of the chief techniques for bringing those vrttis under control are practicing asanas and observing fasting on ekadashii - with the option to fast on purnima and amavasya as well. It is at the time of adolescence also that Baba advises boys to start wearing a laungota. So this is an important stage of life transition because if one is not careful, things can go off the rails where those developing youths fall prey to all the trappings of those vrttis.


By this we can easily deduce that fasting, along with practicing asanas and wearing a laungota, should begin at the outset of one's entry into adolescence. 

In Him, 

~ In-depth study ~

For supportive teachings on this, kindly refer to the yellow highlighted sections below.

~ From Yogic Treatments, Nocturnal Emission ~


Morning – Utkśepa Mudrá, Mayurásana, Sarváuṋgásana, Matsyamudrá, Naokásana, Pashcimottánásana, Ámbhasii Mudrá and Ámbhasii Práńáyáma.

Evening – Matsyendrásana, Agnisára Mudrá, Ud́d́ayana Mudrá, Bandhatraya Yoga Mudrá, Gomukhásana, and Vajrásana.


All nutritious food that will keep the bowels clear can be taken.

Patients will have to stop eating non-vegetarian food at night and reduce the amount they eat during the day. A suitable quantity of fruits, roots and milk can be taken. All kinds of intoxicants should be avoided. Láu [Lagenaria siceraria Standl.], green pumpkin [Benincasa hispida Cogn.], kalmii shák and sháṋkálu [Pachyrrhizus erosus] are good in this disease.

Dos and don’ts

Taking vyápaka snána now and then is good for patients. If health permits, patients should bathe at least twice a day. Patients should also drink four to five seers of water a day. Doing ample physical labour and walking or running in the open air in the morning and evening is a must in this disease.

To keep the disease hidden from others out of shame is very harmful. Therefore, as soon as the symptoms become apparent, the advice of appropriate persons should be sought and acted on.

Patients should observe the rules of fasting on ekádashii, púrńimá and amávasyá, and should live as far as possible in natural surroundings.

Nature’s rules should be observed in all respects, whether in food, in behaviour or in one’s daily life. At the beginning of adolescence and youth, one has to acquire a correct knowledge about the arrangements that nature has made to meet the demands of human bodies and minds, because through such knowledge one can protect oneself from the onslaught of disease.

Due to the quick development of physical energy at this age, nature has provided necessary hair at the joints of the body to keep the body heat balanced and, because of the possibility of rubbing, to keep the skin healthy. So when people remove this hair owing to lack of proper knowledge, they harm themselves both physically and mentally.

Dinner should be finished by 8:30 or 9 P.M., and one should not retire to bed within one-and-a-half hours after dinner. After a meal the breath should flow freely through the right nostril for some time.

Excessive mixing of the sexes, reading or seeing pornographic books, pictures and films, are to be strictly avoided. Water should be used after urination, and the genital organ should be kept clean, keeping the foreskin pulled back. When bathing, the joints, especially the groin and the armpits, should be properly cleaned. It is very important to take vyápaka shaoca before and after every meal, before and after study, and before going to bed. Remember not to take the disease lightly, because nocturnal emission effects a pervasive waste of shukra, the most essential element of the body, and causes all the organs of the body to become weak. It is shukra that nourishes all the brain cells and nerves. Therefore, too much loss of shukra makes the brain weak; the memory becomes short; in adolescence one becomes mentally old; one suffers from palpitation in the chest for no reason; and courage and spiritedness are lost.

~ >From Yogic Treatments, Nocturnal Emission ~

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states:
“(1) Immediately upon reaching adolescence (in India, one reaches adolescence in between the ages of twelve and fourteen), males should start using Kaopiina (laungot́á) and should pull back the foreskin of the penis.
(2) The foreskin should be pulled back and the area washed and kept clean.
(3) Never indulge in bad practices, such as masturbation, etc.” (Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules, For Males, Points 1 - 3)


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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Thinking about You

“Tumi jiivanera dhruvatárá, tomári páne ceye áchi…” (Prabhat Samgiita #2902)


O’ Parama Purusa Baba, You are the Polestar and Desideratum of my life. I always look towards You only. By meditating on and thinking about You, the mind gets satiated and I remain forgetful of my sufferings and pains of the three afflictions.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, You call me from refulgence and pull me towards Your spiritual realm. When I am surrounded by darkness then also You do not leave me. Baba, since eternity You have been present. You were there in the past and exist today. You are dancing with joy in my being. I understand this truth, by Your grace.

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, I realise in my heart that You are not unkind. In spite of this, why don't You come close - I do not know. This unique liila of Yours keeps You away from me. My mind is full to the brim with hope for Your imminent arrival; with that feeling my heart goes on singing the song of prema and gets deeply ensconced in Your thought and bhakti by Your coming…

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Voters choose against their interest

Prout philosophy states, "According to the definition in vogue today, democracy is defined as the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Adult suffrage plays an important role in democracy. In the name of forming a democratic government, different political and communal parties throw their hats into the election ring. Every party issues its own election manifesto to influence the people in order to carry the laurels in the ensuing election battle. Besides, different parties entice the voters through election propaganda. Where educated people are in the majority and political consciousness is adequate, it is not very difficult for people to weigh the pros and cons of the manifesto of a particular party and to ascertain what is in the best interests of the people. But where there is a dearth of education and political consciousness, and where people fail to understand the reality of the manifesto and are misled by wrong propaganda, they cast their ballots in favour of parties whose ideals go contrary to the social interest. Consequently, parties are installed in power which go against the interests of the people." (1)

Note: That is exactly what happened in the 2016 US presidential election. One racist, con-man, reality TV star was elected as president and his policies are harming the common people.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Compartmentalized Democracy