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Monday, October 21, 2019

Problem & solution + 2 more


Problem & solution


Every Ananda Margii is aware that our AM ideology has the solution for all the problems in every realm of life. From individual life to collective, and from social to psychic, Baba has beautifully given the answer in His teachings of AM.

At the same time, to bring about real social welfare there must be understanding of the problem at hand, as well as the right application of our AM ideology. Putting a square peg in a round hole will not work. Rather, careful and deep understanding is needed in order to truly cure any social ill-- only that will bring about a permanent solution.

Starvation in US: Constructive programs will not work

Here we take a look at the societal problem of starvation in US cities and whether social service projects are the final answer.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It may not be possible to bring about social welfare through constructive programmes." (1)

Baba's above guideline is that when a problem is so rampant, deep-seated, and so misunderstood as starvation in the materially wealthy US, then making one more “soup kitchen” is not going to address the issue fully. That type of 'constructive work' will not get at the root cause. And that will not bring about a permanent solution. Because in that exploitative environment where the resources are all gobbled up by a select few, then forming yet another service project offering free food will not bring social welfare. Something more is needed.

Starvation in US: Premature protest of injustice will fail

Regarding, the societal problem of starvation in US cities, protests and mass uprising are also not the real solution.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It may not be possible to bring about social welfare through...the struggle against injustice alone." (2)

So launching fiery protests will also fall short of the mark, as a first-step solution. Because a loud afternoon of yelling and raising the slogan against the leaders will not yield any salt-- it will not bring about any relief or answers, if the hearts and minds of the public are not rallying around that protest.

If most people are lazily day-dreaming that one day they will hit the jackpot and become rich and own a Mercedes Benz and a swimming pool, then they will not want to wage a war against the present social rule. If in their heart of hearts they admire billionaire cheats etc, then they will never support a protest against the top capitalist dogs. Rather they will defend those capitalists and think those waging the protest are crazy.

Starvation in US: Solution: social consciousness

According to Baba, what is needed in such situations like starvation in the US is the rising of social consciousness.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Without arousing social consciousness, it is next to impossible to bring about social welfare." (3)

Once people are educated about the extreme exploitation of capitalism in the US, and once the public truly understands that the huge material wealth in the US is concentrated in the hands of a select few-- once they realise that 60% of all the wealth is controlled by a mere 1% of the population, then only a just and rational solution can be found. Then people will be ready to do the needful. So social awareness is the first and foremost step.

Social consciousness about the real terrors of capitalism is needed. And surely then people will realise that it is the exploitative system itself that is creating the problem-- that is the root cause. And that is what must be changed.

Right application needed

So the right application and right understanding is needed. Because in the aforementioned case of starvation in US cities, making one new free food Kitchen will merely give temporary relief to a systemic problem; and, it might even create more harm by causing the starvation problem to continue longer. So prematurely protesting against that exploitation without the support of the common public will not yield the right outcome. Just one may get a hoarse voice and perhaps a few nights in jail or worse, like the spilling of human blood. No real good will result. In that case, only social awakening-- social consciousness-- will bring about the proper and final solution.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Without arousing social consciousness, it is next to impossible to bring about social welfare." (4)

Our AMPS: Plan A & plan B will not work

Likewise, in our AMPS, when confronted with any problem then we have to think carefully. Some people think that in this era of extreme groupism the best thing is just simply is to sink oneself in the concrete work. But tragically this generally comes up short. Just see - some get frustrated with the way things are in AMPS these days and they sincerely engage in constructive programs within AMPS only to see the fruits of their labour and effort misutilised by one or another groupist leader. This is another common outcome. So taking a quick look around it becomes increasingly evident that our first-hand approach to the present crisis is not to just immerse oneself in any constructive program. This will not bring social welfare; it will not lead to a healthy AM mission.

Secondly, protesting injustices by the group leaders without full support of the mass of margiis and Wts will not bring that badly needed change. Standing by oneself and tossing stones on the purodha board meeting or yelling at a top group leader with a megaphone will not yield a positive result.

Heightened social consciousness is the first step

In this current crisis in AM society, what is needed is greater and greater social consciousness. And by Baba's grace, step by step that is coming. Altogether, we can say that the necessary social consciousness is two-fold: (a) awareness of extreme groupism and that those leaders are presently stuck in that defective mentality; (b) recognition that only Baba's teachings are the ideal solution. The awareness about the huge degree of groupism is coming along.

But some in AMPS devise their own plan to solve the present crisis by merging the various groups. Instead of unity, they will just invite more groupist dogmas and strife.

Only following Baba's teachings will bring the real answer. Baba directs us we are to understand His guidelines deeply, practice those things in our individual life, develop our sadhana more and more, and propagate His dharmic teachings. By this way we will see first-hand the manifestation of Ananda Marga ideology. As we all know, this is the type of social consciousness that is needed.


Our Sadguru Baba has graced us with all the solutions to all the problems and by His great compassion the day is soon to come this dusty earth will turn into one spiritual haven-- filled with bliss and good feeling for all.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "A correct spiritual ideology is the only solution to the problems confronting the world. From this perspective we can call Ananda Marga ideology the philosophers' stone. Just as the philosophers' stone is meant to transform everything into gold, Ananda Marga ideology can, most definitely, find a just and rational solution whenever it is applied to any problem." (5)


Constructive work is not the answer

Here again Baba give His warning that just directly plunging in 'the concrete work' without sufficient understanding and the cultivation of sadhana will not bring about social welfare-- rather it may cause terrible harm.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It is absolutely meaningless for a person to attempt at any constructive work, in whom there is a flagrant lack of the thought of the Great. If one has not learnt to recognize, with sincerity and unsectarianism, the omnipresent, omniscient God as their sole objective, there is no denying the fact that they will eventually be compelled to recede behind the scene, after having dealt the severest damage to their own self and the society." (6)

Baba's divine guarantee: a new era has come

By first raising greater and greater consciousness in our Marga, then in the due course all our plans and programs will be fruitful. This is Baba's guarantee.

Ananda Vanii says, "The Supreme Spirit within humanity, neglected for ages, has awakened today. This awakening will initiate a new chapter in human history. You will all be the pioneers of the new trend." (7)

1. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Aesthetic Science (Discourse 26), '97, p.233
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Aesthetic Science (Discourse 26), '97, p.233
3. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Aesthetic Science (Discourse 26), '97, p.233
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Aesthetic Science (Discourse 26), '97, p.233
5. Problems of the Day, Point #36
6. Human Society - 1 ,'87, p. 51
7. A'nanda Va'nii #1

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Yogic guidelines on health

~ From Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules ~

(1) Body and clothing must be kept neat and clean.
(2) After urinating use water or cleanse yourself by some other means.
(3) Pay attention to the regular clearing of the bowels.
(4) Do not sleep on a soft bed.
(5) When taking a bath, all parts of the body, in particular the armpits and groin, should be cleaned properly. Soap, oil, and comb should be used every day. The body hair should never be cut, especially in the armpit and pubic region.
(6) Before morning and evening sádhaná, either do vyápaka shaoca or take full bath.
(7) Before and after meals, and before sleep, do vyápaka shaoca with cold water. If it is very cold, use lukewarm water.
(8) Drink a sufficient quantity of water every day, but do not drink too much at any one time.
(9) Sleeping during the day and staying awake at night are to be avoided.
(10) All intoxicants are támasika and are to be discarded like poison.

~ From Caryacarya - 3, General Health Rules ~

== Section 3: Links ==