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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Faulty theories + 3 more

Faulty theories


There are two types of theories. In the tantric scriptures, one is called saeddha'ntik tattva (imaginary hypothesis), and the other theory is known as prayog bhaomik tattva (practical way). 

Usually, dry theoreticians first create a theory in their mind and then try to give it practical shape. Most of the time this impractical approach is met with failure. Because such jinanis create a theory for theory's sake, i.e. tall talk. Their impractical ways fall within the lowly category of saeddha'ntik tattva (imaginary hypothesis).

A case in point

By this following example, it will be clear. Suppose a jinani starts conjuring up some fanciful idea like the river Ganges is filled with milk, and he plans that a dairy industry should be started using that milk so that a huge production of cheese, butter, and various milk products can be made. And furthermore by this way a large quantity of products can be exported, and foreign currency acquired. And thereby the economic problems of the country will be solved. Seeing this approach, any reasonable person can understand this whole plan and way of thinking is foolish, just intellectual extravaganza.

And there are numerous other examples. For example, in the past people thought that boxing was an excellent form of exercise so everybody started doing that. Then it was later discovered that this was highly detrimental as getting punched in the head causes brain damage. Here that point is that people think of something and inspire others to do it when in fact the whole concept is untested and quite risky and dangerous.

Tantra is prayog bhaomik tattva (practical theory)

The tantric cult is not like this. It comes within the category of prayog bhaomik tattva (practical theory). Great tantrikas first realise the eternal practice, and then create a theory based on that realisation. So first those truths take place in the field of practice, and then they come in the form of theory. In our Ananda Marga, each and every rule and regulation is based on this premise.

Ananda Marga is a cult given by Mahasambhuti or Taraka Brahma. So everything is apta vakya, eternally true and perfect. He saw all those truths in His mind and expressed that eternal veracity. In the past, Lord Shiva created tandava using this same method; likewise, in 1978 in this same dharmic fashion Baba created the kaoshikii dance. So it cannot be wrong because the theory is based on that practice. Baba saw how the whole human body was functioning and accordingly He invented kaoshikii. First there was the practice and then came the theory.

Prout is based on existing approach

One can ask the question, “What about Prout. How is it that the theory was given before it was implemented as the social system?” And the answer is very simple. Since long, our Prout philosophy has been in practice in the lives of good family people. Everyone gets their minimum requirements met, even if all are not working or earning money. Everyone gets proper respect as a family member. The values of power, post, and money earning are not the deciding factors of one’s self-worth. This is the way each and every grade-A family functions.

And when the family is goaded towards spirituality, then they do not quarrel on pity mundane affairs. Those who have eyes to see know that Prout is established in miniature form in each and every ideal family.  

So now it is the duty to bring this onto the map of the whole globe. This is how our tantric ideals have come into practice. First Baba saw how everything exists in this universe. And those eternal truths He revealed as AM philosophy. And our 16 Points is the cream of that approach. Our entire sadhana system was given in this manner.


~ Addendum ~

Importance of asanas


This same practical approach applies to our Ananda Marga system of asanas. Unfortunately, still some are not very strict about their asana practice. And that lack of strictness invites various types of physical and psychic afflictions.

One reason for such slackness may be due to pressure of work and effects of company-- negative or positive. Perhaps it is unpleasant to say, but the fact is that many of our WT Dadas are not very strict in practicing asana both the times, morning and evening. And some do not do asanas at all. And usually when they stay at margii houses during their tours, then general margiis in a casual way emulate what negative or positive examples they receive from them. Because they are not strict in asana that is why this negligence towards asana usually happens in India. That is what I have seen.

Also in my own life I experienced that some time back when I was not very strict in asanas, then I started suffering from stomach problems, including acidity. That time I consulted various physicians and different therapies (etc) But that did not cure the problem. Then one thought came in my mind that when Baba has given everything in His teachings then why should I not take help from that. So I read the chapter on acidity. And whatever rules and regulations, do's and don'ts and everything in cent per cent, I tried hard to practice. Initially I was thinking it was quite difficult but later on it became quite easy. And within a week I found that it is very beneficial as my health problems vanished.

Earlier I was also doing asanas, but in a haphazard way. This or that asana, not knowing which to do and which not. But this is not good and Baba even explains that doing asanas in this wrong manner can have a disastrous effect. By improperly doing asanas, practicing the wrong asanas, or not being strict creates an excess and or deficiency in hormone secretion.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "All a'sanas have either a pressurizing or depressurizing effect on the glands and sub-glands. For example, mayu'ra'sana [peacock posture] has a pressurizing effect on the man'ipura cakra. The secretions of the glands and sub-glands of the man'ipura cakra and the propensities associated with them will become more balanced if this a'sana is practised regularly." (1)

And if the converse is the case, then the result is negative and that Baba also discusses. Seeing all these things and by reading Yogic Treatment books, then on a trial basis I thought that I should be strict in the asanas of acidity only-- as that was my main problem. So I did that and it gave a tremendous benefit.


In final, I reached the conclusion that according to the guidelines which Baba has given in His book, by following that, the problem can be solved very easily. Because these teachings are just like one medicine which in excess is dangerous and taking less is not very useful. Similarly, if one does that with unselected asanas then that is not very useful. One cannot get the full benefit. And if one does them in an improper way like not following the timing of a particular asana then, it does not give a proper yield either.

If anyone has any type of disease such as acidity which Baba has addressed in His Yogic Treatments book, then they should practice those guidelines with full conviction and then very soon by the grace of Baba they may also get proper result.

Without His grace nothing can happen, our duty is to do with what energy He has given. Baba's each and every teaching is very meaningful and very practical and whatever types of problems human society has, Baba has given all those solutions. We should find out and apply all those solutions. That is our duty as sincere disciples.


More on the importance of asanas

Here are more teachings of Baba which highlight the all-around importance of doing the properly selected asanas on a consistent & regular basis.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "By performing a'sanas regularly, human beings can control the propensities attached to each cakra, and hence the thoughts which arise in their minds and their behaviour. This is because a'sanas have a profound effect on the glands and sub-glands." (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "By practising a'sanas regularly, one can control the propensities and either increase or decrease their activity. So spiritual aspirants should select the a'sanas they perform very carefully. This effect of a'sanas on glands and sub-glands has never been revealed before." (3)

1. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands
2. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands
3. Yoga Psychology, Glands and Sub-Glands

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Flow of nectar

"Tumi a'ndha'r nishiithe dhruvata'ra'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1079)


Baba, in the dark of the night, You are the polestar. You are that shining light that guides everyone along. By seeing and remembering You, nobody ever gets lost or loses their direction, Supreme goal. Baba, You are so gracious: If anybody keeps their ideation focused on You, they will never lose the path of divinity - the path of bliss. But those who do not fix their eyes on You lose sight of the goal and wander and stray far off.

You remain eternally side by side along with me. Throughout the beginningless time, we have been together. You are the ever-present effulgent Entity. Your voice is an all-encompassing flow of nectar that saturates everyone. 

O’ the bliss personified Entity, please remain with me up to eternity, flooding the world with nectar, with the sweetness of bhakti…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Fake saviours

Here BABA is indirectly talking about Mohammed and Jesus Christ: 

Ananda Marga philosophy states: "'I am the messenger of God, and what I say is the way. Those who follow me are the blessed people, and others are the cursed people.' Those who think thus are not guided by the spirit of universalism, and it should be understood that they can never attain the supreme Goal in life. They are neither apostles nor prophets, nor are they realized souls. They themselves are following a defective path - not a Neo-Humanistic path - and they also explain things wrongly to others. People thus far have obeyed them out of fear, but in fact they have merely confused others." (1)

1. Neo-humanism in a Nutshell - 1, Perfect Spirituality and Neohumanism, p.54

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Warning to this type of sadhaka

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "There are seven kinds of luminous bodies: yakśa, siddha, gandharva, kinnara, vidyádhara, Prakrtiliina and videhaliina. They are categorized according to their respective psychologies. Suppose there is a very elevated person who often ideates on the Supreme Consciousness, but who has some greed for wealth. He does not, however, express it openly to the Supreme, nor does he even think of it directly. He thinks indirectly, "Oh, since I am a devotee of the Supreme Consciousness, He will certainly give me enormous wealth and make me immensely rich." Those who harbour this sort of covert desire are reborn as yaks'as." (1)

Note: Yaksas are one type of degraded being - i.e. those unfortunate ones who cannot get human framework because they are under punishment. Only after extreme punishment, after exhausting so many negative samskaras, may they again get human life. Once they attain human form they will need to get tantric initiation, adhere to the code of yama and niyama, and do maximum sadhana. Then after much effort, only by His grace, may they get moksa. So theirs is a long and arduous journey as they must suffer for millions of years. That is why meditating on money is very bad.

Some sadhaka businessmen and money-minded sadhakas who are indulged day and night in money matters will suffer in this way. They will be degenerated into yaksas. After facing punishment for millions of years, then who knows on which planet they may get the opportunity to live human life and do proper work and service. But if they again indulge in money matters, they will become yaksas (degraded beings) and this cycle will be repeated. They will spin round and round in this torturous pattern.

That is why Baba warns us that when one has a human body then the goal must be Parama Purusa - not money.       

1. Yoga Psychology, Are Ghosts Hallucinations?

== Section: Important Teaching ==

So many cultures?


Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In Ananda Marga the first step that one takes is to forget one’s race or sect – to no longer identify oneself with one’s race, caste or sect – regardless of whether it was superior or inferior.” (1)

Unfortunately, at one retreat in Kansas City (USA), in their meetings they held a program about xyz culture and race. They decided that at future retreats all the cultures and all the races should be represented. By their grandiose lecture it is obvious and quite deplorable that their entire life passed remaining as a pseudo-margii and they could not understand anything - unfortunately.

If you believe in internationalism then how can you believe in neo-humanism. According to neo-humanism, internationalism is narrow-minded. If you say all the races should be represented then it means you are recognising the existence of different races. When true margiis assemble they do not think they are all of different races etc. Rather they naturally feel that, “We are all humans and disciples of one Guru.” Unfortunately, this feeling was missing from that retreat in Kansas City.

Some confused people think that there are so many cultures. However, according to Ananda Marga philosophy, culture is one. That is what Baba has given in this below teaching.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Although according to perfect logic the culture of all humanity is one and indivisible, the exponents of isms do not understand this. They prefer to assert that the different sets of script and language, behaviour and habit, and local variations in expression, are actually the constituents of human culture.” (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Members of a particular race who consider themselves superior to others also very frequently inflict injustices on other sections of society. The expulsion of the Jews from Germany by Hitler’s so-called superior Aryan race is a glaring example of racial injustice in society. In this country, also, injustices on Harijans by the so-called superior races have caused a tremendous amount of disruption in society. To obviate this type of social injustice, the first attempt should be to do away with racial distinctions in society. In Ananda Marga the first step that one takes is to forget one’s race or sect – to no longer identify oneself with one’s race, caste or sect – regardless of whether it was superior or inferior.” (3)

In Him,
(Kenneth Gurdon)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 4, Ism and Human Progress
3. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Social Psychology

== Section 4: Links ==

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