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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

About clapping + 3 more

About clapping

Our Ananda Marga spiritual gatherings are wholly unique and have no parallel in the general society. They are unlike any typical social event or meeting. Hence, the  norms are also radically different. One key point of contrast is that clapping is unacceptable at our AM spiritual gatherings.

No clapping at DMC

Sadguru Baba says, “No clapping. Clapping is not allowed in any spiritual meeting.” And verily, Baba has reiterated this point at numerous DMCs when those in the audience began to applaud etc. 

Applying this rule:

(A) Prize distribution: At DMC, Baba would regularly distribute prizes to the various competition winners. They would wait on the side of the stage; listen for their name to be called; approach the dais; do sastaunga pranam to Baba; accept the prize; and, walk off the stage. And during this entire process, clapping was not allowed. 

(B) Kaoshikii & tandava: At DMC, Baba would regularly call upon sadhakas to dance kaoshikii and tandava. And Baba would often comment in one way or another. Here also, clapping was never allowed as a form of applause. 

Thus in all aspects of our spiritual gatherings, clapping was never allowed as a way of showing approval or favourability, or joy etc. Clapping in that context was strictly forbidden. And, as sadhakas, we should maintain this standard in all our spiritual gatherings, whether it be DMS or dharmacakra etc. Clapping is not allowed. 

The only time clapping is allowed is when it is used as an accompaniment to music. Specifically, Baba has stated that clapping complements those Prabhat Samgiita compositions that employ a certain middle-eastern tune. In addition, clapping is permitted to maintain the rhythm of the tandava dance.


#1: At our spiritual gatherings, clapping is never allowed to show any kind of approval or applause etc. 

#2: Clapping is only allowed as a musical accompaniment to particular Prabhat Samgiita compositions and as rhythmic support for tandava etc. 

In Him, 

Baba’s discourses about no clapping

Sadguru Baba opposes clapping at spiritual gatherings. 

(A) For example, during the evening general darshan on 27 May 1979 in Stockholm, the following scene took place where Baba is scolding everyone for clapping.

[Ta'n'd'ava is performed.]

[Announcer: ---”Final pose! Jump!”]

Baba says, “Well done. Bravo.”

[laughter, and some clapping.]

Baba says,“No clapping! In spiritual meetings, clapping is not allowed.” (1)

(B) In this next example, at the very end of the discourse, there is some clapping, and Baba immediately puts an end to it. 

Sadguru Baba says, “Hey! No clapping.” (2)

(C) Here the whole idea is that suppose Baba is delivering a line of His discourse such as, “You will be victorious”, and hearing this some begin to clap. That makes Baba’s discourse sound cheap or that this line was given to generate applause, like today’s superficial politicians do. Sadguru Baba is the Taraka Brahma and all He has given is eternal truth. Humans are in no position to applaud or clap; best is, one should listen attentively and ideate.


1. Ananda Vacanamrtam -12, Chance To Be One With Him, EGD 27 May 1979 Stockholm

2. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live (at the end of the discourse)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why we are against capitalism

Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “Today the world is following either capitalism or extreme materialism [i.e., communism]. Under these systems, those who are endowed with greater knowledge, intellect or physical power go on misappropriating more and more material wealth. People have forgotten that together with physical wealth we also receive subtle wealth from Prakrti [the Supreme Operative Principle]. A member of a family who does not feel a sense of unity with the other family members and does not recognize the logically-acceptable necessity and the lofty principle of joint rights, cannot be regarded as a social being. According to a universal spiritual ideology, the system of individual ownership cannot be regarded as absolute. This is why our [Ananda Marga’s] concept of society does not support capitalism.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 5, The Responsibility of Society

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What this type of mentality signifies

In His below teaching, Baba guides us that when we see someone supporting a particular group or an agenda based on caste, creed, colour, race, then we should be alert. By digging down, we will find that the person is not sincere in sadhana. Because Ananda Marga sadhana is the sadhana of the infinite Parama Purusa. By ideating on Him, the mind becomes larger and more vast. That is why standard sadhakas do not support any kind of groupism etc. So watch out: if someone is supporting any group then try to politely convey that they should increase their sadhana. By this way their mind will expand; and, thereafter from the core of their heart they will naturally keep their distance from any type of lowly outlook like groupism etc. This following quote from Sadguru guides us in this direction.

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc. Often I hear people say that nationalism is an appreciable sentiment and that there is no narrowness in it. But is this true? Nationalism is also relative, just like tribalism, communalism or provincialism. In some places it is more worthwhile than tribalism, communalism or provincialism, while in other places it is less worthwhile..."
   "Hence it is observed that communalism, casteism, provincialism and nationalism are all of the same defective type. Those who are able to capitalize on one of these sentiments advocate it volubly. In fact, every one of these sentiments suffers from the defect of ism, and is completely filled with narrowness, violence, envy, mean mindedness, etc. Those who enter the field of social welfare by creating divisions between “yours” and “mine”, substantially widen the fissures of fissiparous intellect in human society."
   "Those who want to promote the welfare of all human beings, remaining above all sorts of parochial sentiments, have no alternative but to embrace universalism with their heart and soul – there is no other way. As universalism is totally devoid of any characteristic of ism, it is not proper to depict universalism as an ism. If everyone is looked upon as one’s own, no one remains beyond the periphery of one’s kith and kin. Naturally, then, there is no scope for violence, envy, narrowness, etc….The more the human mind becomes magnanimous or expanded, the more it rises above the sentiments of tribalism, communalism, provincialism, etc." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #18

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Receiving answers from deep within

Ananda Marga philosophy states:

"Q. 58. Who receives the answer or remedy at the time of staging a dhárańá?"

"Ans.: – Once the conscious and sub-conscious minds are inactive the remedy is received from the all-knowing Casual Mind. The ectoplasmic mind will take the shape of anything which is ideated upon with a specific aim, with sincerity and with proper concentration. While staging a dharńá the kamamaya and manomaya kośas become partially suspended and a vision of knowledge occurs (like a particular type of dream state) originating from the Causal Mind. In that dream state the person receives the answer to any question he/she may have asked about medicine or other matters."

"Those staging a dharńá are convinced that a certain deity will give the cure for a disease or answer any question they may ask. Therefore, when the answer comes, they naturally conclude that it was given by that very same deity. In fact, this vision of the deity, like the vision of the ghost, is simply a play of the mind. After being told about the greatness of a particular god or goddess a person will go to make offerings and will often receive the expected cure or answer. There is no question of a god or deity being involved here; God had nothing to go with what happened. It is purely a psychic phenomenon. The effectiveness of the cure or answer depends upon the degree of concentration of the mind." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy - 3, Some Questions and Answers on Ananda Marga Philosophy – Excerpt B, Q & A #58