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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Blossoming relationship with Parama Purusa + 3 more


Blossoming relationship with Parama Purusa


The sweetest aspects of spiritual life are coming in contact with the Supreme, getting close to Parama Purusa, and having an intimate relation with that Cosmic Entity. This is the cream of spiritual life. And this is what each and every sadhaka longs for. Baba has shown us the way how to proceed on this golden road and reach up to Parama Purusa. Here are a few points.

Cultivating a personal relationship

According to Sadguru Baba, one of the first aspects for enhancing our link with Parama Purusa is thinking about Him in a more personal way.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "People should think, 'Parama Purus'a is my Father'." (1)

So by thinking of Parama Purusa as a Father, Friend  automatically brings Parama Purusa closer, drawing Parama Purusa into the intimacy of our heart. And then the next step in this process is to think about Parama Purusa in this personal way throughout the day. Thinking about Parama Purusa as a Father once in 24 hrs will not suffice. Rather, in each and every work and in each and every endeavour, we should think: “Parama Purusa, You are my Father, and You are always watching over and caring for me. Parama Purusa, I am so blessed because You are my loving Father.”

So there are two fundamental points here:

(1) We are to link up with Parama Purusa in an intimate way by having a relation with Parama Purusa as Father etc; and,
(2) We are to communicate with Parama Purusa in this way throughout the course of the entire day.

This dual-approach will have a deep effect on blossoming one's relation with Parama Purusa.

Think about it this way

One might ask, “Why does this bring intimacy?” And, in various discourses, Baba has given analogies like the one below in order to make it clear.

If one mother named Linda Wilkens is also a state governor then in all her official dealings all day long various professionals and government workers are addressing her as 'Mrs Governor', or 'Governor Wilkens' etc. And in all those relations there is a gap due to the formality of her being governor. People cannot approach her in a close manner-- because that is not the nature of the relation.

But as soon as that mother walks in the door of her home, then her 3-year-old child will run up to her and call her, 'Mama' and say 'Mommy, where have you been I have been thinking about you all day long'. Hence although that mother may be a state governor, the small child never sees her in that way. That child only thinks of her as mother-- and that brings an immediate feeling of closeness such that the baby can jump straight into its mother’s arms. This helps show how and why having a personal relation eliminates any social barriers or formalities. And we can apply this to our spiritual life as well.

In our relation with Parama Purusa, we should think of Parama Purusa in a personal way-- that is, as our Father (Friend, Loved One, etc). That enables a sadhaka to more easily approach Parama Purusa.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is really important is to meditate on the personal God and move towards Him... the loving Father. He is the eternal companion of unit beings in their joys and sorrows - not a God in the distant sky but an understanding Lord in the house where they dwell." (2)

Whereas, if we think of Him as Saguna Brahma, Nirguna Brahma, or the Cosmic Nucleus then that creates a huge gap between Him and us etc. In that scenario, it is impossible for one to share their inner thoughts and feelings with Him. So our link with Him must be a personal one.

Repeatedly address him throughout the day

As Baba guides us, we are to communicate with Parama Purusa as my Father through all our daily works. And here is how this can be achieved. During much of one's day, one is mentally communicating with one person or another. When attending to one’s daily and natural duties, one may be mentally talking with someone. Or when on a train, one may be thinking about visiting a friend and what they will tell them. Or when getting dressed one may be thinking how they will talk to their friends that day. Or when going to a meeting one may be thinking about how to deal with one's daily needs etc.

Here the point is that all day long, one is usually communicating mentally with one person or another. Yet in the life of a sadhaka, all such types of thinking should be directed towards Parama purusa. Because He is our closest One and He is actually the only One who remains with us always. So if we merely adjust our mental focus towards Him-- instead of towards other jiivas-- then we will easily find that we can think about and communicate with Him all day long.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "You must mentally address Him with sincere devotion." (3)

And to establish this special inner link, dhyana is needed. By addressing Him in a personal way in dhyana then one will cultivate the longing and desire to be with Him always. In which case, He will always remain in our mental plate - in our thoughts and in our ideation.

Whereas without dhyana, remembering Him all day long is an impossibility. Without that spiritual thirst and practical realisation of Him in sadhana, then one cannot keep Him in mind throughout the day. Instead one will be inclined to fill the mind with an array of mundane things related with one's worldly existence.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Dhyana is withdrawing the mental propensities from all extroversive entities, and then collecting those withdrawn mental forces, mental propensities, and urging them towards the Supreme Entity." (4)

Ongoing cycle

Ultimately it becomes an unbroken link where during the day we think about Him in a personal and intimate way, and then in dhyana we heighten that personal relationship with Him. In turn this causes us to think more and more about Him during our daily works. So it is a complementary process and an on-going cycle.

When one thinks about Him in a personal way during the day then that gives momentum to our dhyana, and then that dhyana propels us deeper onto the path of bhakti, thereby giving us the longing to remember Him all day long. This is the recipe for success.

However, if one side is missing-- either not thinking about Him during the day or not doing dhyana-- then the mind becomes dry and both aspects are lost.

So ultimately we have to do both: Think about Him during our daily routine and do sincere dhyana. Then our relation with Parama Purusa will grow and flourish and we will be able to come closer and closer to Him and feel His loving touch. And it all begins by addressing Him in a more personal way, as a Father etc.


Baba lovingly shows us how to get closer and closer to Parama Purus'a-- thereby satiating the longing and yearning of one's heart and mind.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "By intensive sa'dhana', you will move closer and closer to Parama Purus'a. And in this process of forward movement, when you reach near Him you will feel that...He is in front of you, and you will feel that on the lap of Parama Purus´a there is a vacant seat waiting just for you." (5)

In Him,

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Supreme Desideratum of the Microcosms
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, A Devotee's Object of Ideation
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Who Is Gopa?
5. Serve the Supreme by Kiirtana, 17 May 1982, Calcutta

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I long for You

"Toma'ke ca'i a'mi jiivane, a'loke a'ndha're sabkha'ne..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3238)


Parama Purusa, in my life I want only You, both in happiness and sorrow. In the refulgence as well as in the darkness, on good days and bad ones, all the time, in all the places - everywhere. You are my everything and have blessed me with the feeling that, "You are mine and mine alone." I want to keep You with me always. Please be gracious and remain in my heart eternally. You are with me now and will stay forever.

My Supreme Entity, You and I - the two of us - will be in one corner of my deserted heart for time immemorial. We will be there together, permanently. That is my longing and desire. You are my shelter and the base of my life. Baba, I long for You in the depths of my being. Except You, I do not want anything. 

Those who went away in the past and come in the future, I also speak on their behalf. I represent the feeling of their mind. Nobody is lowly or insignificant; everyone is Yours. All are part of one divine family. No one is downtrodden; all are Your family.

Parama Purusa, whatever right or wrong I do, I always keep You in my mind, in my heart, by Your grace. I surrender unconditionally unto You. In my shravana and manana, I go on singing Your song - Your glory. It is Your blessing. Baba, Your qualities are endless and You have infinite forms. All the flora and fauna - all that is mobile and immobile - everything is part and parcel of Your cosmic expression. You are manifesting Yourself in countless ways, yet You remain mine and mine alone.

Baba, You are the Polestar of my life; You are my everything. Please keep me under Your shelter...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3238:

[1] Manana & shravana: Here Ananda Marga philosophy explains both the special meaning and intrinsic value of the spiritual practices of manan and shravan.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "To attain Him human beings have to take recourse to shravana (constantly hearing His name), manana (constantly ideating on Him) and nididya'sana (constantly meditating on Him). The Supreme Entity is Gurha, that is, He is lying hidden in the innermost recess of the human entity. To attain Him one must penetrate deep within oneself, and for that the development of an introversial outlook is essential." (1)

1. Tattva Kaomudi - 3, Integral and Non-Integral Outlook

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Bogus saint

   Ananda Marga Philosophy, “There is still another sentiment – human sentiment. Many persons were born in the past who shed copious tears for suffering humanity. But strangely enough, after their eloquent speeches were over, they sat down comfortably at a dinner table and treated themselves to a delicious meal of hilsa and kaimách fish – as if those fish had not suffered pain and death. This human sentiment has expressly violated the interests of non-human creatures, but its proponents have found nothing wrong with it.”
   “Once I read in a certain book that a great saint used to live only on locusts dipped in honey. That saint did not seriously consider that those little locusts also had vital life force throbbing in them.” (1)

Quiz: What is the name of the "great" saint who used to live only on locusts dipped in honey??


St John the Baptist

Now John wore a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.--Bible

1. The Liberation of Intellect: Neohumanism, Disc 1

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Negative effect of hatred

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Your psychological reaction to a person's behaviour or action that creates pásha [external fetters] or provokes ripu [internal enemies] is called hatred. Since hatred is also a type of pásha, and it must be opposed through reasoning and intellect. The word ku can be used for this hatred." (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)

== Section 3: Links ==