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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Colourful history + 3 more

Colourful history


A number of plans have been adopted throughout the world as alternatives to capitalism. Are those attempts successful?

Imbalance in the economic system

Capitalism has spread all over the world today. It is a common belief among people that money and wealth are everything. People having more money in society get more prestige by virtue of such an idea, and they think that every problem in the world can be solved by money. Because of such beliefs, by cheating, corruption and by illegal means, some people try to gain wealth. There are other types of people in society who feel that amassing material wealth is not a good idea, and they try to eradicate such beliefs and practices. They feel that capitalism is not good, and that wealth is concentrated with only a small portion of individuals, and others are poor living in slums and not getting basic necessities of life. Rich people lead an aristocratic life living in bungalows while the poor live in dilapidated cottages without electricity and water with hardship. So the people who try to remove such type of imbalance in the economic system between rich and poor try various approaches. Now let us see how across history people have attempted these various ways of eradicating such imbalance in the economic system.

Failed alternative - 1: communism

The basic philosophy Karl Marx proposed in communism is that all the property belongs to the government. The property - land, buildings, trees, all-natural resources in a country - belongs to the government, and the government will manage how they are utilized. The government will seize all the properties, and all the citizens will be laborers. Everybody will work hard as allotted by the government, and then only they will get basic necessities of survival, such as food, clothes, shelter, etc. Even everybody will get similar types of clothes. When food will be distributed then everybody will get the same food with no distinction between people. Forty to fifty years back in China, there was only one type of clothes because of communism. If people were against wearing the same clothes as others, or had more money, or were against communist philosophy, then the rulers captured those and put them in concentration camps. In the camps, they were given only a little amount of food every day so that they may not even survive after a few months. There were tens of millions of people who died in concentration camps such as the Gulag prisons. So this was the approach of communism.

Assassination of capitalists

Communism is a type of approach where the administrators want forceful rule, and everybody has to obey the rule as the rule is set, and anyone who objects to the rule is sentenced to death. This forceful style of ruling prohibits questioning whether the rule that is set is appropriate or not in the first place. Such type of ruling is like terrorism. Like what happened in Syria, terrorists captured people and killed them. Communism is like treating everyone as an animal. The communist philosophy says that all the properties belong to the government.

Is killing the capitalist the right solution?

Baba says that killing the capitalist is a bogus idea. Because the mentality of capitalism is in the mind of those people. So capitalists will find a way to apply their ideas whenever there is an opportunity, and such killings by the communists will not help in the long run. Before the 1990s, Baba told that communism is a failed concept and will not work. Killing people is a terrorism type of ruling and will not bring society to the right path.

Even though communism was a failure in the 1990s, the theory still remains. Misguided people still try to follow those theories. Over a period of time, leaders of communism became capitalists. Now in China, there are more than 200 billionaires. Even in the United States, a country based on capitalism has fewer billionaires than China.

Failed Alternative - 2: Robin Hood

In Europe, they initiated the Robin Hood concept that by brute force take the money from the rich and distribute among the poor. Will this principle work? Those poor who received a lot more money but by not doing any work became even worse and found ways to get money in this way without hard work and without appropriate means. Rich who were plundered would find ways to retaliate against Robin Hood. Robin Hood type of people will always be under stress, and would not live long because capitalists are very organized and by various plots they attempt to retaliate. The likes of Robin Hood, other terrorists, Naxalists, mafias, drug dealers, also have done similar type of work by forcefully taking money from capitalists. Neither the Robin Hood type of people are transformed into good people nor the poor who received the money. This is also a failed approach.

Failed Alternative - 3: mixed economy

In India, the mixed economy was in vogue. Rich people will do their business so will the government. This is called a mixed economy. Baba says that this is also a failed idea because there is capitalism in two dimensions: first from the capitalists, and, second, from the government. The economy from the government will not succeed most of the time. For example, there is a steel industry run by the government and also another steel industry run by a capitalist. The industry run by the capitalist will be successful because the capitalists will find numerous ways such as bribing, cheating, or other means to run their business as well as to make a profit. Profit is everything for private industry, like the one run by a capitalist. On the other hand, the industries run by the government are not successful as such they fall behind their private counterparts in terms of bribery, cheating, or by other means, etc. If we see history, in India many such government industries were closed and shut down; they utterly failed. The failure of government industry is nothing but a waste of taxpayers’ money. This example illustrates that a mixed economy does not work.

Later on in India bhuda’n (donating land by rich) concept was initiated but that also did not succeed.

Prout: All properties belong to Parama’tma’

Baba says that the government did not make the property. All properties belong to Parama’tma’. The whole creation is made by Parama’tma’. All living beings are his children. So all the properties belong to Parama’tma’. All are brothers and sisters.

In the family all stay together, there are some children who do not work, so the family supports them. Similarly, there are older people in the family who do not work, and the family supports them. Likewise, in society, there are families similar to those of children and old in the previous example. They need to be supported by others in society. In society, there will be people of different types such as stronger, weaker, children, elderly, thieves, and moralists. Everyone should live like a family. Everyone should get basic necessities of life. In addition, everyone should get work for earning their livelihood.

These are the concepts of PROUT. Implementation of PROUT needs to be done and mentally everyone should think about the welfare of the society. Parama’tma’ has not written any property in anyone’s name. Ownership of property is made by humans only. There is significant poverty in the world today only because of the misutilization of property by some. There are some people who are starving, and others who are wasting food. This is a man-made problem. The first step to eradicate this problem is to inculcate the idea that each and every person is a child of God. The property of this world is everyone’s paternal property, and if someone is deprived of this right by not getting basic necessities, then they are being exploited.

Conclusion: the poor have as much monetary right as rich

Parama’tma’ has sent a human being to the world, so the basic necessities are fulfilled by Parama’tma’ on earth. Like when a calf is born, milk automatically comes to the mother, and the child gets it. Likewise, everyone born in this world has a share. No one should think that one is born in a poor family and the other is born in a rich family. This is not the right approach. This poverty is only man-made. The poor person is a child of Parama’tma’, so is the rich person. Such type of mentality needs to be awakened in everybody. If the rich are exploiting then the poor have all the right to take appropriate steps to get their god given share. One of the obstacles in spreading PROUT is religion. The heads of religion mingle with the politicians, and they make fools of the common mass. That is why PROUT should be spread and then only will we see a well-balanced world where everyone’s basic necessities are fulfilled.

In Him,

Nuclear revolution

Ananda Marga PROUT in a Nutshell states “PROUT advocates another type of revolution called “nuclear revolution”. In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life – social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual – is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era – one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.” (1)

Capitalists are the unworthy sons and daughters

Prout philosophy states, “How was capitalism created? Capital is consumable commodities in their potentiality. Intelligent people collect more capital than others in the form of consumable goods, but since this capital cannot be stored for a long time, they began to keep it in the form of money. Such people are called capitalists. These capitalists are the unworthy sons and daughters of the Cosmic Father because they go against the principle of cosmic inheritance. They should be cured of their ailments. To fight capitalism is therefore within your goal. The seed of infinite expression lies within Dharma, but you must nourish it. Capitalists create hindrances on the path of human beings to prevent them from becoming one with the cosmos – to prevent them from becoming great. So capitalism is anti-Dharma and the actions of capitalists are also anti-Dharma.” (2)

Prout philosophy states, “Our approach should be to adopt a constructive ideal, and we should wage a ceaseless and pactless struggle against all anti-human and antisocial factors. We are to fight capitalism and not the capitalists. We are to wipe out this ism from human society because this ism is paralysing humanity. The capitalists are suffering from a sort of mental ailment, and it is our foremost duty to radically cure them by diverting their physical thirst towards psychic and spiritual pursuits.” (3)

1. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 4 Part 21, Nuclear Revolution
2. Prout in a Nutshell - Part 15, Talks on Prout
3. Prout in a Nutshell - Part 5, Discourses on Prout

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have created Yourself as a collection of contrast

“Ke go tumi ei abeláy, ele cale ámár ghare…” (Prabhat Samgiita #1844)


O’ Divine Entity, is that You who has come to my home in this untimely manner? Without any prior hint or warning, You came and then went away with the flow of love.

I know that You know maya', divine magic. I also accept that You play Your grand liila'. I am aware and accept that You make Your cosmic play and perform Your mystical magic. Does this resonate in Your sweet sound?

Baba, You know how to make me laugh and cry; You know how to pull me closer with Your love. You have created Yourself as a collection of contrast.

O’ Parama Purusa, are You the one who has come without announcing Yourself?...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Song of Prout

               - FEE FY FO FUM -

         Morality is the demand of the day
         'Prout' the cry of the suffering humanity.
         Wise you be, may not or may,
         If sincere, success a certainty.

            Fee Fy Fo Fum.
         Expel the demons from physical stratum.
            Fee Fy Fo Fum.
         Expel the exploiters from economic stratum.
            Fee Fy Fo Fum
         Expel the brutes from psychic stratum.
            Fee Fy Fo Fum

         Expel the parasites from spiritual stratum.
         Human body is to serve one and all,
         Human mind to attend Cosmic Call,
         Human spirit at the altar Supreme,
         Surrender and be Supreme. 

Baba has given this Prout song after coming out from the jail. Those days, in each and every program, all the Wts and margiis were singing this revolutionary song. Now is the time to bring it back. We should put forth this call to the people - all our brothers and sisters of this universe.

== Section 4: Links ==

Upcoming Festival - 12 Feb 
Recent postings
Other topics of interest