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Saturday, April 9, 2022

So-called bhakti + 2 more


So-called bhakti


This story is one of low-grade bhakti. The bhakta has asked Sadguru Baba to cure them of their terminal disease. One should not waste time engaged in this type of low-grade bhakti. When you have the opportunity to ask something from Parama Purusa then why ask for something ephemeral. Those who are true bhaktas ask for the highest grade of bhakti, not anything else.

   Ananda Marga ideology states, “You know, in the case of bhakti, there are so many types, so many varieties. There are so-called bhaktis and there are actual bhaktis. Within so-called bhakti there are three varieties: static bhakti, mutative bhakti and sentient bhakti (sentient devotion).”
   “What is static devotion? One says, “O Lord, O Náráyańa, Mr. X is my enemy, please kill him.” Is this bhakti? I say it will not be possible for a person to get Náráyańa through this type of bhakti. Why? One's longing was for the killing of Mr. X and not for Náráyańa. So Náráyańa may or may not grant one's request, may or may not kill Mr. X, but because one's desire was not to get Náráyańa, it is sure that one will not get Náráyańa.”
   “The second type of bhakti is mutative devotion. The devotee with mutative devotion does not say, “O God, O Náráyańa, kill him,” but says, “O Náráyańa, I am your devotee. I would like to come out successful in this MA examination,” or “My daughter has attained marriageable age, please arrange a groom for her.” This type of bhakti, this type of devotion, is called mutative devotion. But here also the longing was not for Náráyańa, not for God, but to get something physical. So something physical may or may not be granted by Náráyańa, but it is sure that as one did not want to get Náráyańa, one will not get Him.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “You know, in the case of bhakti, there are so many types, so many varieties. There are so-called bhaktis and there are actual bhaktis. Within so-called bhakti there are three varieties: static bhakti, mutative bhakti and sentient bhakti (sentient devotion).” (2)


There are various types of bhaktas from low grade to A-grade. Low-grade bhaktas ask for all kinds of worldly things from Parama Purusa, whereas true bhaktas do not ask anything. They solely depend on Parama Purusa and think, "Parama Purusa whatever is best for me You know better than I. I do not know what is going to happen to me after one second, whether I will live or die, but You know. So please do whatever is best for me. I fully surrender at Your lotus feet."
In Him,
Ram Prakash

Another story of so-called bhakti

Here is an account of a “lowly bhakta” from the JY book. Please do Guru mantra and start reading. When you reach the last line of this story you will understand how it parallels the above teaching about so-called bhakti.

In the summer of 1960, Ram Bahadur, who invariably spent his weekends and holidays in Jamalpur, began losing the sight in one eye. He took advantage of his proximity to Baba to request the Master’s help. “Ram Bahadur,” Sadguru Baba told him, “why are you asking Me? You should see an eye specialist and get it properly treated.”

Ram Bahadur caught hold of Baba’s feet and repeated his request. “Baba, only You can help me. I don’t have faith in any doctor.”

“Ram Bahadur, stop…go see an eye specialist.”

This scene repeated itself a number of times as the summer progressed. Finally, when his sight had completely failed in that eye, he went and saw an eye specialist who told him that his problem was due to an untreatable degenerative condition. He caught the next train to Jamalpur. As soon as he had a chance to go into Baba’s room, he caught Baba’s feet and implored Him to restore his eyesight.

“Baba, I saw the doctor just as You told me I should, but he said that he can’t do anything for me. Only You can save me.”

“Okay, Ram Bahadur. Do one thing. There is a plant growing in your courtyard. If you extract the juice from that plant and apply it to your eye, then you will recover your sight.”

Baba explained to him how to recognize the plant and prepare and apply the extract, but Ram Bahadur was not satisfied. “Baba, You should cure me. If You wish it, You can cure me instantly.”

…[Baba said] “I told you how to cure your eye.”

“Baba, I will take the medicine, but it is only You who can cure me, not any medicine.”

When Ram Bahadur returned home, he extracted the juice from the plant as instructed. After a few days, he started noticing some slight improvement. A couple of days later, Baba passed through Barhi on his way back from a DMC program. As soon as Ram Bahadur heard that Baba had reached, he hurried home from his office to do pranam to Baba. He had already arranged a two-day leave so he could accompany Baba back to Jamalpur.

“Ram Bahadur,” Baba asked, “how is your eye now?”

“Baba, it is improving. It is still swollen but I am starting to get some sight back.”

“Very good. Then I want you to drive Me to Jamalpur.”

“But Baba, how can I drive you with my eye is in this condition?”

“...You just sit in the driver’s seat and drive.” Baba reached out His hand and placed it over Ram Bahadur’s eye. Ram Bahadur experienced bright effulgence in the affected eye. When the momentary radiance cleared, he found that his vision was completely restored.

A year or two later, Baba again passed through Barhi on His way back from Ranchi. Ram Bahadur was on duty at the time. When he saw Baba’s car, he took advantage of his police authority to stop it and do pranama to Sadguru Baba.

“How are you doing, Ram Bahadur?” Baba asked. “How is your health?”

“I am fine, Baba,” he replied. But the very next day he fell seriously ill and was forced to go on medical leave. Over the next three weeks, he saw doctors in Berili, Kodarma, and Chaibasa, but his condition continued to worsen. Then his brother offered to bring him to Patna, where he would be assured to receive the best treatment possible. Ram Bahadur reluctantly accepted his brother’s offer. His wife was afraid to be left alone with the children—Ram Bahadur had made powerful enemies among the local coal mafia, having made it impossible for them to transport stolen coal along the local highways—but he assured her that Baba would take care of them.

Ram Bahadur saw the doctors in Patna, but his condition worsened even further. He began to pray out loud to Baba to be merciful and let him leave his physical body rather than force him to undergo such suffering. His brother was horrified to hear this kind of prayer. “You have a wife and small children,” he told him. “Who would look after them? How can you even think such a thing?” After he had calmed his brother down, Ram Bahadur decided to write a letter to Baba to explain his predicament and ask for His help.

A couple of days later, when Baba passed by the jagriti in the morning, He asked Pranay if he had received a letter from Ram Bahadur.
“Yes, Baba. A letter arrived just this morning.”

“Read it out to Me.”

After listening to the letter, Baba dictated a reply in which He told Ram Bahadur that he would be all right. He should not worry. The only remedy he needed was to repeat his ista mantra while lying on his bed, especially at night. There was no need for him to sit up to repeat his mantra.

Ram Bahadur was overjoyed when he received Baba’s reply. He started paying more attention to his mantra and from the following day his condition started to improve. When he was completely well again, he took a train back home, having been gone a total of forty days. (Courtesy of the JY book, p. 206-07)

Why story was updated

The JY book is the “The Jamalpur Years” (2010) by Devashish / Devashiish / Deva'shiis'a / Donald Acosta. The above cited story has been updated whereby all the pronouns (You, He, Me) and possessive pronouns (His, My) referring to Parama Purusa Baba have been capitalized. Sadly, Devashiish did not do this in his printed edition as he is a kind of non-margii. So those updates have been made here. In addition, certain phrases that Devashiish wrote which did not express due reverence to Sadguru Baba have been removed.
1. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 24, The Grandeur of the Supreme Entity
2. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 24, The Grandeur of the Supreme Entity

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

How animals gain spiritual treasures

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “All beings are made of the same consciousness. So although we may find ourselves at different stages of psychic elevation, a Bráhmańa and a Kśatriya, an Indian and an Englishman, a sweeper and a scavenger, a Zulu and a Maori, and even a tiny ant, are all linked by the bonds of fraternity. If we remember this fact, if we work for the well-being of all, then undeveloped human beings will be able to develop their spiritual potentiality when they come in contact with us. Even cows, dogs, tigers and bears who come in close contact with us will develop psychic wealth and gradually acquire spiritual treasures.” (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life in a Nutshell Part 8, Sadhana

== Section 3: Links ==