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Thursday, June 15, 2023

Making sadhakas + 3 more

Making sadhakas


A question comes to mind time and again. Why do those doing Ananda Marga (AM) pracara face a number of difficulties? What are the challenges involved in doing AM pracara?

Difficulties introducing AM to new people

When one goes out to do AM pracara, they talk about Ananda Marga ideology, various practices, and the overall goal of life. Hearing this, new people think that AM is very tough and difficult to follow. For instance, there are restrictions on food and numerous other conduct rules to follow. Most think that this is not possible. Typically, a reluctant listener thinks that the rules of AM are very strict and difficult to abide by. However, all the rules and codes in AM are logical, rational, and beneficial.

What to do

In contrast, some religions around the world have thousands of codes and rules that are so dogmatic and illogical that they cannot be followed in this present era. One religion says those who are promiscuous should be stoned to death, but one cannot uphold that rule in today’s world. The era has changed. And another religion states to kill non-believers or forcibly convert them. Then other religions say that one should not wear clothing, or if your inborn enemies are attacking you then do not defend yourself or fight back. All religions have countless archaic rules. In that case, how can one follow them?

The goal of religions is matter; they are matter-centered as well as self-centered, especially the Semitic religions. Their entire code is based on that limited outlook. There is no scope for mercy towards non-believers or animals.

Religious followers enjoy life by attaching themselves to crude physical objects such as food, money, etc. Many people know that it is good to be a vegetarian, but think that it is very difficult, and they will not be able to live with vegetarian food. By thinking so, they keep indulging themselves in non-vegetarian food. For example, a person did AM pracara, and 99 out of 100 people thought that being a vegetarian is very difficult, and it will not be possible for them to lead such a life even knowing that vegetarian food is good and one should be a vegetarian. Those 99 people are not going to be in our AM system even after listening to various aspects of AM. We see that this type of people is in majority in our societies. So what should be done to bring such people to AM?

Gayattrii Mantra: a first step

If we see Baba’s pravacan, Baba has given the Gayattrii Mantra. The Gayattrii Mantra is from the Rgveda. In the Gayattrii Mantra, the disciple requests and yearns to receive true knowledge. To come on the path of AM, one has to follow rules, regulations, a strict code of conduct. Those who cannot sincerely follow AM conduct rules can also come to AM and there are instructions for them also. Those people can also be on the path towards Paramatma. If they are not ready to follow AM guidelines, whatever their current habits (eating etc) are, they can continue to do so, but they must sit for some time to request Paramatma to show them the path with the Gayattrii Mantra.

Those people should be taught what is the meaning of Gayattrii Mantra, and those people should be ready to listen as they may or may not make any drastic changes to their lifestyle. They may or may not do asanas and sadhana as per AM rules, but they should sit quietly with their closed eyes and sincerely recite the Gayattrii Mantra understanding its meaning as per AM scripture. And even if one cannot recite the full mantra one should just keep the meaning in mind that, “O’ Supreme Entity, please show me the right path for enlightenment.” Since they know the meaning of Gayattrii Mantra, in their prayers they will be asking Paramatma for guidance. With constant practice, depending upon the intensity of one’s yearning, Paramatma will listen and respond to their prayers.

Baba says that “Muktyákáuṋkśayá sadgurupráptih”. (1)

Without longing for mukti, one will not find Sadguru. So to increase longing for mukti one has to practice the Gayattrii Mantra, i.e. recite the mantra with its meaning, or just simply cultivate the meaning of the mantra.

Gayattrii Mantra used in vaidic dikshya

This way rsis (monks) used to initiate disciples in the past using this very method of vaidic diiksa. Likewise, those doing AM pracara should also give vaidic dikshya using Gayattrii Mantra especially to those people who do not want to follow AM practices yet have a number of existing habits and dogmas which they do not want to give up. In such types of people, there are a lot of obstacles. For those people, the Gayattrii Mantra is suitable, and they should be taught how to pronounce or chant Gayattrii Mantra, which type of feeling they should have when reciting the Mantra, and they should do it sincerely every day.

Benefits of pracara

There are multiple types of benefits with this type of pracara. First, these are the people who would not know about AM because of various other types of struggles in their life, but with such pracara efforts they come to know about AM and potentially follow AM with sincere practice. Second, there are a number of people who are not willing to give up their bad habits or caste system, but they still like AM. These are the people who are well-wishers of AM, but they do not want to give up their bad habits. For such types of people, they can keep doing whatever they are doing, but at the very least they can participate in kiirtan. They should be given the kiirtan mantra, and they can do kiirtan and also sing while they are busy doing other things. Kiirtan is both for margiis and non-margiis. After doing kiirtan they can sit in meditation by feeling Brahma is everywhere.

Using three approaches - 1) Gayattrii Mantra, 2) Brahma is omnipresent, and 3) singing kiirtan - many people can be brought into the spiritual path. Permanent change comes in humans only through spirituality. Other changes that come through self-determination or using other practices are only temporary. For example, one is taught only intellectually what is good and what is bad. One will understand for some time, but the change will not remain with one for long. Under certain circumstances, such intellectual people will compromise on principles and will not stick to the change which they have once made a resolution on. The base of spirituality is much stronger, and other bases are fluid and will not be able to support stronger determination in circumstantial pressure.

Only spirituality can bring permanent

Those people are firmly determined whose base is spirituality. Those believing in logical principles only become loose.

First example, when one is traveling on a train, thinks that if one is stronger in determination, then one will not get any sáttvika (sentient) food to eat, and one may die because of not taking food. Under such circumstances, one will start to take food that is available on the train even though it is not sáttvika. Then after coming home, one will resume taking sáttvika food. But under certain situations such as when one is out with friends, during traveling, one may take non-sáttvika food because one’s determination is not based on spirituality.

Second example, when one goes to the mother’s place may start to eat food that mother has prepared, even though it is not sáttvika.


The summary is that a spiritual base is needed to bring permanent change in humans. Those not ready to follow AM practices can be taught the Gayattrii Mantra, or presence of Brahma everywhere, and kiirtan, to bring them to AM. Even if they do not participate in our AM way of life they will develop a spiritual base and permanent positive change. When sattvika vrttis develop, a lot of bad qualities will go away as darkness vanishes with light. The darkness is avidya maya, and because of that some people do not follow AM. But with light, such as developing a spiritual base, more sentient qualities will be developed, and they will learn AM sadhana. Even if they do not adopt our AM yogic lifestyle, they will bring a lot of positive changes in their life.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

People should be taught meditation and advised that in meditation without any goal, meditation is not meaningful, and whatever one thinks during meditation, becomes that. If one is thinking about materialistic things in meditation, then one becomes that, and as a result, there will not be any progress in the spiritual sphere.

How to develop spirituality in self-proclaimed agnostics?

There are other types of people who would like to learn AM meditation, but they are self-proclaimed agnostics. Baba says that no one is a confirmed atheist so even one who does not actively believe in the Supreme Entity can be taught meditation using the notion of an impersonal Entity, and they can sit and ideate how they are surrounded by the infinite Supreme Entity in all directions.

How should pracara be done?

The teaching should be done on a one-on-one basis. These people should close their eyes, sit in meditation, and imagine that Brahma is everywhere. While doing meditation they should sit in padma’san, and when legs are stiff then in normal cross-legged posture they should continue meditation. There is no limit on the timing of meditation. They can do it for one minute to twenty minutes. But they should definitely do it at least for one minute. By slowly practicing meditation they will slowly find ways to make progress in life. Those who say that they do not have time, they must do it at least for one minute, at least twice a day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon. If someone can do it four times a day including once upon waking up and once before going to sleep that would be ideal. If one does more, say before taking food, that is even better. Slowly they can increase the duration of the meditation. The more one does meditation for a longer period of time, the quicker one advances in the path of spirituality.

Sadhana: visualize surrounded by Brahma

The following sadhana technique given by Baba can be taught to those not fully ready to commit to following AM codes of conduct etc.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “They should be taught to sit in padmásana [lotus posture]...and keep the spine erect. They will then be instructed to feel or imagine that everything around them, and whatever they visualize, is Brahma.” (2)

1. Ananda Sutram, 3 - 8
2. Caryacarya -1, The Process of Initiation

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Basic cause of cancer

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Causes: Cancer is a disease of the whole body as well as a tridośaja disease [involving disturbances of váyu, pitta and kapha]. This disease is a combined effect of many different factors. It is ordinarily observed that persons who suffer from constipation as a result of violating the health rules, and who likewise are lazy, lack self-restraint, sleep during the day and keep late nights, are most likely to be attacked by cancer."

"When due to constipation, the blood and the muscle-fibre become worn out by the contaminated digestive fluids of the body and the contaminated air produced by them, cancer sets in. Parts of the internal organs of people who are extremely self-indulgent become weak. As a result of the attrition of shukra, their body loses its vitality. When such people eat too large a quantity of non-vegetarian food, their blood turns acidic and the disease gradually breaks out in the weaker parts of their bodies."

"With those people who shun physical labour but take acidic food, chillies, or intoxicants and especially tobacco and similar things – there is every possibility that the disease will attack." (1)

Ananda Marga Yogic Treatments states, "Dos and Don'ts: Sleeping during the day, staying awake at night, chillies, non-vegetarian food, and sexual relations are to be strictly avoided. Walking in open places as the strength allows, and, for those who are lazy by nature, doing some physical labour, are also necessary. Eating a piece of myrobalan after a meal is always helpful to clear the bowels. Patients should go to bed every night by 8:30 or 9 p.m so that they may get up very early the next morning." (2)

1. Yogic Treatments, Cancer
2. Yogic Treatments, Cancer